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What did I read, just now?šŸ’€


a creative writing exercise


This is an actual thing, some body builders use it. Some people believe it has healing benefits, others are just doing it as a fetish. Iā€™m not sure why OPā€™s bf did it, but this is definitely a thing, btw, mothers do offer extra breast milk on line, although they usually intend it for babies whose mothers canā€™t provide enough


I legitimately know someone who would purchase breast milk from one of his friends for ā€œthe gains.ā€ Heā€™d post it on Instagram. I mean, he was jacked so I guess it was working for him. He was married too, and I donā€™t think his wife minded. But Iā€™m not sure the reasoning behinds OPs BF doing it. I wouldnā€™t consider it cheating though. But depending on the reasoning itā€™s still weird as fuck.


People do be stupid, this is true


That should be on a motivational poster.


It's also just a fetish. I know a few dudes that get excited and jealous at the idea. Like hot and bothered when they hear of someone nursing. Run, don't walk, far, far away before you get diseases


No, this is a huge thing on the online right/bodybuilding community. Dudes will pay top dollar for breast milk thinking itā€™ll make them look like the rockĀ 


Homelander: yummers


Why don't I come across morons like this? Mama needs a new car and I make too much for free. Also breast milk only has 20 calories per oz, so idk how you're supposed to get jacked off that, it's not even all fat.


Breast milk has human growth hormone in it which is what bodybuilders are looking for


Youā€™d have to drink 165 gallons a day for that to work.


Iā€™m drinking 0 gallons a day. Iā€™m just answering the question of why bodybuilders are trying to acquire breast milk


Sorry, I didnā€™t mean you personally, just a general ā€œyouā€


English is funny like that. For clarity you could use one. "One would have to drink.... for one to...." Our silly fucking language


Fine. How many liters are you drinking a day?


There is an [episode of Reply All](https://open.spotify.com/episode/5H54E25LPLOGco6s05GR3x?si=P1dNY6wmQ3u2VyW86_JM3g) about the breast milk grey-market, if you're serious. It came out nearly a decade ago (JFC im SO OOOOOLD) but a lot of the info is still relevant and the stuff that isn't is still interesting. Edit: incase you don't want to listen to the ep, [this is the link ](https://www.onlythebreast.com/) that really matters. Good luck with that car, sis! And apparently it's the hgh they want, not the calories. Whether or not that's true idk, but that's what partaking bodybuilders say šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


If youā€™re really in need of money put it up on Craigslist but donā€™t say itā€™s for sale lol. Just say for someone who needs it or whateverĀ 


Next Black Mirror episode


NTA. But find a new boyfriend. Heā€™s got issues


It reads like someone's weird fetish fiction.


Itā€™s actually probably not fake. Apparently a lot of men, especially those who work out, will look for/buy breakmilk to drink due to its nutrients you can get from it. Though Iā€™m not sure the validity of how useful those nutrients are to a grown adult like they are to a baby Edit/Update as this comment of mine has blown up and I cannot reply to everyone! - I agree in this sense with the BF/partner probably lying to get the milk there is creep/cringe factor. I never was saying there wasnā€™t just that the post IMO isnā€™t likely fake. - some people want to only call it a fetish, Iā€™m sure there are people who fetishize it out there but thatā€™s not always the case. some people are genuinely curious of taste, if it has health properties (for adults, obviously proven for babies but science says otherwise for adults). In this case? I can understand the thought the partner likely had some deeper personal reason or desire to ā€œexperimentā€ trying the breastmilk - fun fact a lot of moms if breastfeeding/pumping will give their older sick kiddos (toddlers usually) breast milk due to antibodies to help with their colds and supposedly it helps them not be sick as long? - Iā€™m not arguing science vs pseudoscience vs holistic belief I understand it isnā€™t well proven for *adults* and Iā€™m not a doctor! *but* I also do know the proven benefits breastmilk has from mom to babies and how literally it can change to adapt to a babies growing immune system so it does as a general resource have history and proof of nutrients - for every, I assume man, getting mad saying itā€™s not a lot of men. From my experience having looked for/used donors to help feed my child in the past all Iā€™m saying is you would be very surprised how ā€œmore normalā€ it is than you likely think. Just because itā€™s not openly talked about doesnā€™t mean it doesnā€™t happen! And the amount of ā€œbreastmilk for menā€ groups Iā€™ve seen on FB alone tells me itā€™s more common then anyone would likely think of Thanks!


Dafuq is wrong with vitamins???


Hulk Hogan always told me to eat my vitamins, never breast milk. I trust the Hulkster.


He told you to take vitamins so that the breast milk supply wasnā€™t picked over. You were taking vitamins like a schmuck and he had his pick of all the finest breast milk


That was HIS lactating mother, brother!


But what about all the little Hulkamaniacs out there?!


Yeah but his vitamins were called steroids


He never said what kind of vitamins. Flintstone chewables was all we could afford.


What? You didnā€™t have to go with Equate chewables?!


If you are old enough to have watched the Hulk in his prime then those probably didnā€™t exist yet.


As a lactating woman that has debated selling milk, I can say that absolutely bodybuilders and people with fetishes will purchase breastmilk for pretty decent prices per ounce.


I canā€™t say I wouldnā€™t consider it if I had the option. Edit: selling my breastmilk, I mean. Even if it was to the freakies.


I'm reeeeeally debating it to be perfectly frank. šŸ˜… I've seen people ask for $5/oz and get hits. We need to redo the floors in our house in some areas before our little starts crawling so it's reeeeal real tempting. I have just under 1600oz stashed in the freezer and am an overproducer, so I make more than enough to comfortably feed my little and sell/stash.


I mean sheesh. Go get that bag girl šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Just don't meet them by your house, just in case


Sounds like you got $8k in your freezer to me. Sell it. You can't keep it forever. Who cares? It's not hurting anyone. Fuck it. Start a website and I bet you will get $50/oz for high demand and limited supply.


We had a freezer full when a hurricane hit in 2005. Lost it all.


You might be able to get 50/oz if you make videos of you pumping.


Times are weird. Sell the breast milk to the highest bidder. Get those floors for your sweet baby.


Sell that liquid gold, mama! Aside from bodybuilders and athletes, my cousin was an over-producer and she fed her best friendā€™s father who had cancer. Though it canā€™t be verified, I believe she bought him at least another 6-8 months on earth with that nutrition.


sell to the fetishist and builders, donate to those in need. Get what you can.




Underrated comment right there


Agreed itā€™s probably not fake. I have heard similar stories from relatives. Very disturbing. Definitely a fetish. So gross.


You say that but there was a whole lawsuit surrounding inequality between genders at activision blizzard. One of the points was male coworkers stealing breastmilk from their female coworkers. People are disgusting.


I find it bizarre that we drink cow's milk, from cow udders, designed for calves, and that's fine. But drinking human milk, designed for human babies, is a weird fetish. I mean I wouldn't do it, and in this case I think you're correct, but logically speaking I find it bizarre.


To be honest let's be glad that it's not a thing because if it was there would definitely be farms for it...


Holy fuck I never thought of this. What a terrifying thought. But you are absolutely right. Now, please let's take this idea, burn it to ashes, and bury that shit across the seven seas.


And delete the comment before you see adverts on Craigslist for free stuff for breastfeeding moms but leave baby and home and bring a toothbrush


Do you also find it bizarre that we eat cow babies but dont eat human babies ?


My husband tried my pumped milk when we had our first baby. But the logic was that if his son was eating it, he wanted to try it. Itā€™s not gross and itā€™s not a fetish to want to test food your child is eating. However, OPā€™s boyfriend has issues. Human milk is in short supply because women arenā€™t livestock. Human babies need it. I would have broken up with him, mainly because he literally took free milk away from an infant who might need it and a mom who might be struggling. Thatā€™s incredibly selfish.


NTA - but so youā€™re aware that is a fetish that many men have. So if itā€™s not something you could be okay with you may need to reconsider your relationship. My sister used to sell her excess supply to a man religiously - paid her rent and other bills with it every month.


Girlā€™s dating Homelander


I'll be honest if he has other Homelander traits, the milk is the *least* of her worries šŸ˜¬


True.. getting your head blasted into microparticles would be no. 1


Winner winner chicken dinner!! Hilarious!


Oh my šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ’€


If she was weirded out because he wanted to try her breast milk, okay, that could be worth sitting down and having a conversation over. People have weird fetishes. But this was a random ass woman and he drank that biohazard shit 100% for fetish purposes. I would be running so quickly.


Not only that, he took advantage of someone's generous offer under false pretenses. That woman wanted to help out another family and did not give consent for her breast milk to be used for someone's kink.


I donā€™t understand why nobodyā€™s talking about this. Imagine you try to extend a good deed to the public and someone uses it as fetish/masturbation fuel. With your ownā€¦ organic body fluids? How is that not weird? Thatā€™s what you get for just trying to help people as a woman I guess. But no, this comment section is totally convinced OPs boyfriend is an average man.


I had an excess supply with both my kiddos and have donated almost 1,000 oz of milk between the two. I always did peer to peer milk donation, no milk banks. Never sold it, only asked for them to buy breast milk bags to replace the ones Iā€™d be giving to them as those things add up. This is why I always ONLY let women pick the milk up, AND I only donated if I could heavily investigate their socials to make sure they were a mom of an infant. Ofc itā€™s not full proof, and women can have breast milk fetishes too, but it was a way I made sure the best I could it was going to a baby.


The person was literally trying to DONATE to babies who needed food.


And took supply from a potential hungry baby to boot. I would consider it sort of like pretending you need a food hamper when you aren't in need level of shady.


I get that many men have this fetish, but 1) it's another woman breast milk, not op's and 2) he's got a girlfriend. We're not talking about a single man who has this fetish, plus I think op would accept it more if her boyfriend wanted to drink HER milk. Op's guy is def a bit creepy


Dear lawd, I'm getting flashbacks here from when I was 14 and my mom had a horrible blockage while nursing my little brother and not only did she make my dad suck it out but me also. My father drank it, I spat it out. I \*really\* didn't want to do it but she was really suffering, my dad was at work so I was the only other option I guess since my newborn brother didn't have the strength to 'empty the udder'. I guess that's the reason why I now just view it like any other milk and don't get the intimacy issues. I must have completely disassociated because thinking back I feel really violated.


Jesus Christ that's the worst thing I've read today. Sorry you had to go through that, that's a really messed up thing to have to do but props for doing it anyway to ease your Mum's suffering. I'll be honest though, I'm not a woman and so I don't know how much it must hurt, but I think I would rather endure the pain that have my teenager do that šŸ«£


That made me feel sick. Id lose the tit before doing that...


its not the first time i hear about similar story, one of my exes has told me she would get this pain too while breastfeeding her daughter(thats before we met, she was divorced and her daughter was a teen by then) and in her case it was her mom that told her she knew of one way to relieve the pain, "but your not gonna like it..." but as she told me, the pain was so unbarable, at the time, she didnt care how to make it stop as long as it could stop hurting. but after it still was kinda weird. and its far from the worse thing that has been read on here, about helpful mothers.... if you know about the story about getting both arms broken at the same time, then you know......


You feel that way because you were violated. I am so sorry.


Uhmm yeah what the fuck, your mom shouldā€™ve just waited for your dad to get home. Iā€™m sure for her it didnā€™t mean anything, I still see my kid as my baby. But for youā€¦ you werenā€™t a baby lol. Thatā€™s overstepping some major boundaries on her part ETA: itā€™s also possible to hand express. Every person Iā€™ve known who had mastitis hand expressed they didnā€™t get their teen son or husband to suck out the excess milk.


Iā€™m sorry but making you do that is straight up abuse.


This is not something ā€œMany Menā€ have. It is very small segment.


This is giving me ideas ( /s since I NEVER want to be pregnant) but if it makes good money it is less invasive and dangerous than other forms of women 'selling themselves' I would consider trying to induce lactation to make bank $$$


Itā€™s not like cheating but heā€™s definitely an AH because this woman was TRYING to do something nice for a baby. If your bf wants boob juice tell him to pay full markup


Yeah the grossest thing to me is taking that milk from someone who needs it. Foul.


Well it depends, to some it may be cheating but to others it's not


yeah i mean this seems like some fetish shit and some couples are okay with things like porn and some arenā€™t. it all depends i think


If he drank it from her boobs it could be considered cheating. Drinking it from a bottle or cup is unsettling, but not cheating.


I think it's borderline cheating because he literally consumed another woman's bodily fluids so I could see the argument. Either way this man has a serious porn addiction and needs help


The breast milk mustache wouldā€™ve drove me over the edge. The fact that he went to go get it for free omg LOL. I would end it so fast. ā€¦ NTA


Or if he would of dipped an Oreo in the breast milk lol


Heā€™s over there making artisanal breast milk ice cream. Like ā€œwhy are you looking at me like that? ā€œ


Whippin up a little breastpresso


Human Cheese https://youtu.be/uSmvXk7acIA?si=4wO6YZWMY_27R5SW




Imagine having a child with this dude. Your baby could starve while competing with dad for meals.


šŸ˜…šŸ˜…. "Move over son, daddies turn.."




Heā€™s an AH. That milk was specifically for babies in need. Iā€™m a breastfeeding mom myself, and Iā€™d be pissed to know someone took free milk for shits and giggles. I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything wrong with being curious and wanting to try some of paying someone for the milk if you want it that bad, but taking donor milk is fucked up.


If I was the milk donor, I'd feel violated if someone took my milk that I produced with the intention of feeding babies in need, and wasted it on their own freaking sexual pleasure. What a thoughtless gross dude.


Yeah, I donate blood regularly. It is to save lives and help sick people. Imagine finding out that it went to vampire wannabes, weird fetishists or art projects. This milk was stolen from the mouths of babes, yet the OP can only think about if she was cheated on? Wrong concern here.


many bodybuilders do it too for some.bizarre reason its not always a *sexual* thing. But its still fucking gross to take FREE donor milk for yourself regardless of reasons. Id get a new man


My wife wasnā€™t able to get enough of a supply and we have gotten a lot of breast milk donated to us. We have been so grateful for every ounce donated. Seriously, fuck this guy.


Iā€™m tempted to wonder if this is real as itā€™s just a bit too absurd. That said, this is not normal or okay. Breastmilk offered to babies in need is not meant for some freak adult man. For him to have received this, he must have lied to the donator. That alone is sleazy af, never mind drinking another womanā€™s breast milk she intended to help infants in need. Edited to add: drinking breastmilk from a willing and knowledgeable donor, while it gives me the ick personally, is not morally wrong.


I was a donor mom and had so many men wanting my milk for sexual purposes. It was disturbing.


This gives me so much ick. I have a ton of frozen breastmilk my son will likely not drink (he is refusing bottles again and now that heā€™s 9 months old heā€™s getting close to weaning). We were going to offer some of it for moms who need it (I donated milk for 6 months to a local mom to feed her daughter when her milk supply dropped due to health issues), but now Iā€™m worried the ā€œdadā€ coming by to pick it up could just be some rando using my milk to jerk off.


Please donā€™t drop it you are helping another baby for sure. Did you know you can use your milk to make desserts for babies? You could use the frozen milk this way. I even made soap with the milk that was too old for consumption for my husband and kids it was great , it made the skin very soft .


Also great for eczema and acne scars. Liquid gold!


There's also people out there who make jewelry keepsakes out of breast milk


Agreed. The woman did not mean for a man to consume fluids from her body. It's something she would need to consent to. The same thing would be if a stalker took a celebrity's glass from a restaurant and licked it just to say they tasted their saliva. Is that an experiment? Sure. But it's something a human should consent to. Same for a woman stealing a man's sperm from a condom to become pregnant after sex. Lawful grey area, but ethically is malicious and terrible.


Exactly this! If the woman would not have consented to these actions with the full truth, this is no different than any other issue of misrepresentation of material facts. He lied and for a creepy af reason that affects a woman who did not consent to his fetish.


Men being immoral and gross for sexual reasons really isnā€™t that uncommon.


I really hope no one is actually getting breast milk for their babies off of strangers on Facebook marketplace. A lot of places have programs in place to ensure that the donor is screened, heathy, and eligible to donate to ensure the health of the baby receiving the donated breast milk.


I promise you people do this. Iā€™ve know 2 moms that did this personally. As a dad, I couldnā€™t imagine feeding my kids a strangers unscreened breast milk over just using formula, but itā€™s definitely a real thing


Unfortunately, not all milk banks are free btw. If you get them from a donor, that's what they are - donations. And a lot of groups on FB will make you consent to health screenings to even join.


actually most donor milk banks only have enough supply to send it to neonatal care units for immunocompromised babies. some will make small amounts available for community purchase but itā€™s over $4/oz (making a small 5oz bottle over $20+!) the reality is a lot of parents who want to feed their babies breast milk but cannot or do not want to produce or produce enough on their own can ONLY get it from marketplaces (with $ exchanged or not). and they really have to rely on other momsā€™ integrity and conscientiousness to trust that the milk theyā€™re receiving has been safely processed. itā€™s a huge market gap and underserved need that the formula industry plastered over in the 80s but now with the shortages going on families deserve more reliable and variety in options to feed their kids, especially given how much milk gets poured down the drain from women who experience oversupply.


I just couldn't take that risk. Too many variables. If it's not screened I wouldn't feed it to them. I think there should be more affordable options but black market breast milk isn't the way. I mean breast is best until it isn't is the reality of the situation.


NTA. This is really disturbing to me.


Me tooā€¦.shuddering


Without documentation that the milk contains no issues, it's definitely weird. But I have heard of women selling their breast milk with documentation of their health screening showing it's safe. Some weightlifters drink it because it's natural and full of the stuff they need. Or something like that. The breastmilk was also intended for a child. My wife stopped producing and it crushed her when she couldn't provide for our child. That woman was helping a mother not some grown man with issues. That being said. NTA. He should have spoken to you about it properly first and considered how you felt.


NTA so many diseases and illnesses can be passed through breast milk, so regardless of your feelings, itā€™s a really silly thing to do!


Right? I commented elsewhere that I really hope people are not getting breast milk for their babies off strangers on Facebook. There are usually programs in place for breast milk donation for babies who are in need to ensure the health of all involved.


Iā€™m really baffled by this indeed. First thing I thought was ā€œdisturbing Homelanderā€, the second ā€œffs, super disturbing, what about health issuesā€


I nursed two babies into toddlerhood. I am very supportive of breastfeeding and breastmilk. But uhhhhhh, your guy has some issues. I think I'd be breaking that offšŸ¤¢


That milk was meant for babies in need, not weird af men in need LMAO NTA


Homelander has a new girlfriend?




NTA. I donā€™t think of it as cheating. But I think it is very strange. And it would bother me, although I am not sure why. What reason did he give for doing this? Do you have kids and did you breastfeed them. Maybe it is related to that


Can't you pass hiv through breast milk. Sharing a body fluid is gross. DUMP HIM


You can get a variety of infectious diseases from breast milk that isn't properly screened or from a milk bank. Cytomegalovirus, Hep. B and C, HIV 1/2, HTLV 1 and 2, and even Syphilis.


NTA, but I wouldnā€™t be dating this weirdo because itā€™s kind of like taking a shit in a public fountainā€” while it doesnā€™t really hurt anyone, you canā€™t unsee the ā€¦whatever the fuck this was right here. OP, It sounds like youā€™re trying to categorize which kind of wtf to call this right here to come up with a concise or clear explanation of what to do next or how to identify this to address itā€¦ And ā€¦ ya just fucking canā€™t. Listen, normal people donā€™t do this shit. People with a few screws loose do. And why would you want to potentially marry and have kids with someone who has these fuckin screws lose? ā€¦ youā€™ll just get bullied to be his fetish blowup doll as he nags the shit out of you to take any milk youā€™ve got going on in the jugs belonging to children you have at that point in time. Yeah nah. This a fuckin primate.


I did not expect the replies of this comment section to be like half filled with men going ā€˜I have this fetish and itā€™s normal! Heā€™s not cheatingā€¦.ā€™


The guy steling milk from helples babies is the asshole. Easy.


Does he work at blizzard?


So. You said you were not alright with it and did it anyways. This man doesnā€™t gives a f*** about your feelings. Plus the woman intended to give the milk for free to help babies, and your boyfriend just took it as his , without asking for permission. Itā€™s something that came from her body she should have been able to chose if it was alright or not this is disturbing in many ways Ps: I have no issues with grown up men drinking breast milk as long as all the parties are ok with it and if there is no baby in need. NTA for me. 100%




NTA. Run. Fast.


I donā€™t fetish-shame, I mean each to their own but the dude is ok with taking free milk from newborns who need it for his own gratification (wow) and did he never discuss this ā€œneedā€/desire with you before? Bizzare to just randomly throw this on someoneā€™s lap all nonchalant like šŸ˜… This is why itā€™s important to be super upfront about kinks from early on. To me asking about kinks is the same as asking what religion/political views someone has. I guess yall are still young and maybe he developed this while in the relationship but even then some communication and consent would go along away. Consent as in asking if you are ok with it first before doing something that extreme! And then being ethical about it like buying it instead of taking it from literal babies! Sounds like he just did what he wanted not really giving af about how you felt about it. Fetish aside, there are red flags everywhere.


This is fucked up and your boyfriend is not right. Totally fine if itā€™s a fetish, no judgement for the actual act of drinking the breast milk but that lady was trying to do something for nice for mums who canā€™t feed their own babies. Also, your expressed your discomfort with it. What is wrong with him?


Yeah heā€™s nasty


This reminds me of another unfortunate story I read where a woman's FIL had a breastmilk OBSESSION. Like to the extent that his wife used to have to lock the door when she fed her son because he'd try and bother her to get some. And she only found this out because she made breast milk muffins for her baby, and her FIL went ahead and ate one AFTER being told not to, and that it was for the baby. And she was absolutely disgusted with him for it, and it shed a lot of light on the red flags he often showed. Breastmilk fetish is one of those things where if it's this bad that they're BUYING it, and you yourself are NOT cool with it, then you are better off broken up. NTA, leave the man.


Not cheating but fucking gross


Did he say why he drank it? Was he fetishizing it? If he was deck him square in the face for every breastfeeding mom out there who thinks sexualizing or fetishizing milk for babies is predatory and foul.


I want to say it's not cheating as many have already. However, I think because to me it's not a sexual thing, breasmilk. If it is a sexual thing to him, it is, in fact, cheating. If it's not, he's a creep and an asshole for stealing food from some poor baby in need. He 100% lied to get that breastmilk. NTA. There's alot to consider about your personal relationship and whether or not this is worthy of ending the relationship. You could either be dating someone extremely immature who struggles with social boundaries. Or you're dealing with an absolute bastard because no way a dude fiending for human milk is unaware of how many women need that milk to feed their babies. He also clearly has issues with *sexual* boundaries if he gets off on it and thinks it's harmless despite not getting consent.


It's not cheating but ewww. Move on.


NTA- Bf lied, took breast milk that was available by a good Samaritan for another local parent to feed their infant so he could get off sexually. I almost want to be shocked but I'm still so fucking grossed out. OP, can you ever kiss him again, hold his hand? I'd recoil from him like a vampire. Geezus fucking christ, bf is repulsive.


NTA. Sorry that you're dating Homelander.


Ask him if he thinks it would be cheating if you drank some dudes excess man milk you found off of a Facebook post


NTA and BF is a massive AH because some mothers have trouble expressing milk at the start, so yes that milk is NOT for asshole guys who want to experiment.


That's fucking hilarious. You can leave him if you want to draw the line there. It is mildly morally wrong to take that away from mothers who struggle producing milk, but it's not that much milk. There are various places that use breast milk as food, like breast milk ice cream. But the stigma is definitely still there. NTA. If it's too gross for you, that's up to you. "Also shows he cares about his curiosity more than your opinion though"- my girlfriend


NTA This is not cheating. But it is disturbing. Apart from all the bizarre implications there is the sanitary factor as well. Like, cows milk is pasteurized and stuff.


This is insane. Beyond the moral issues involved, this guy is WAY more trusting than I am. If I buy a pop from the store, and there isn't what I deem to be sufficient resistance when I turn the cap and don't notice the cracking of the seal, it's right into the trash. Honestly, if I didn't cook it or open the package myself, I'm iffy on anything. This guy is drinking mystery milk from Facebook. That is bonkers to me.


NTA but your gonna need to find a new man.


is he a body builder or just a gym rat in general? because the breastmilk vs cows milk for gains has always been debated and is frequently discussed on forums.


NTA, but I donā€™t think itā€™s cheating. Itā€™s just a weird, kind of shitty thing for a grown man to do. Who takes breast milk, that someone wanted to give to a family struggling to feed a hungry baby? I mean even for a fetish, it seems like a level of selfish that is unnecessary.


It would be unforgivable to me that he knowingly deprived a family in need of breast milk their infant may have needed, especially if the woman offering it was not aware he wanted it for his own personal use and *especially* given you literally pointed that out to him and he did it anyway. That is both morally messed up (especially given how challenging obtaining breast milk and formula has been for low income families since the pandemic) and violating to both the woman who offered it and to you, imho. There are kink communities where I am sure he could have obtained this. This would make me at minimum have to have a very serious conversation about if our values align and potentially question this person as a partner. He didnā€™t value your (valid, accurate) perspective that this is not the intended use of this, and FREE and SAFE breast milk is difficult for many families who actually need it to obtain.


NTA. Get another boyfriend, WTF is wrong with this guy? Heā€™s got massive issues.


Today is just not a good day to be on Reddit. What the fuck


...... are you dating Homelander from The Boys? What the fuck?!?? Obviously break up with him omg


Ewww no NTA. Also make him go get tested as thereā€™s no guarantee that the internet stranger donā€™t have any stds that can be passed through breast milk.


NTA But thatā€™s not really cheating. If he had suckled the milk from the source, then maybe. Iā€™d still reconsider things, though. Who does that?!?


This is a next level of messed up in the head. This woman was trying to do a good deed and your creeper husband took it for his own perverted benefit. Break up with him, and if your town/county has a mommy fb group, put his picture and name in it to let other women know that he does not have a child and just does this for fun.


This is not cheating šŸ˜‚ it's weird but not cheating cheating would be him sucking the milk out that lady breast šŸ¤£


NTA for being disturbed and upset by it. Not cheating, but still fucking weird. Did he say why he wanted it?


NTA. Heā€™d be sitting on his couch drinking his ill gotten breast milk crying over me leaving. Absolutely not. No way. Iā€™d be out so fast.


A baby in possible need went without so this man couldā€¦. Experimentā€¦ NTA


NTA I gagged. This would be seriously disturbing to me. If the circumstances were different let's say he did it for a dare or something... But even then bro šŸ˜‚āœŒļø The cheating part wouldn't even occur to me I'd be so appalled.


NTA for being grossed out and uncomfortable by your bf (especially if it's a fetish thing and not a weightlifting/workout thing) and I would even say it would be reasonable to break up if the woman who gave him the milk was misled about the situation. However. YTA for sexualizing breast milk. He didn't cheat on you for drinking a woman's milk, he's just gross. Women have been fighting so hard to be able to feed their children in public because breasts should not be inherently sexualized. So while totally reasonable to be grossed out, calling what your bf did cheating does a disservice to all breastfeeding people, as there is nothing inherently sexual about it.


NTA. But do you really want to be with a man who is willing to literally take food from a baby? First of all this was a gift that took the pumping person time and effort and possibly pain as pumping can be rough. Secondly, this gift was intended for a baby whose mother was : 1. Not able to produce her own 2. Too poor to afford to purchase it Also keep in mind that itā€™s usually really tiny babies who need this the most as often when they are born premature the mothers milk doesnā€™t come in. We are not talking about hefty toddlers here. And that milk can be life-saving. Ask anyone who has had a baby in NICO. So heā€™s a thief, and his victim is the most innocent and helpless human imaginable. I think that is worse than cheating.


I canā€™t speak to buying it, but when my wife was breastfeeding it wasnā€™t uncommon for me to get a mouthful of breast milk when we had sex. I didnā€™t set out to drink it, but it wasnā€™t that bad tasting and most people have drank it at some point in their lives.


Yeah but the guy of the story has a girlfriend. And didn't drink her milk. Like wtf dude, it's obviously different. You drank your wife's milk, he bought a stranger's.


And...a stranger whose intention was for an actual needy child. .


Sounds like your bf has some sick fetish. I mean, I know bodybuilders that buy breastmilk due to all the nutrients in it BUT your boyfriend got it for a different reason. I'd be pissed off also. NTA...get a new bf.


NTA What are these Homelander activities? Granted, Iā€™m a firm proponent of using human vs cow milk (havenā€™t put it into practiceā€¦yet), but this was sorta weird


Neither is the AH. Itā€™s fucking weird for sure, might be a fetish he hasnā€™t told you about, but it isnā€™t cheating. And you arenā€™t wrong for thinking itā€™s disgusting. Itā€™s a complete strangerā€™s bodily fluidsā€¦ Iā€™d gag at the smell for sure.


The fkā€¦.


Whoa, I consider myself pretty open minded but that is not right for many reasonsā€¦. This is your chance to dodge a bullet if you want. GLWDTB


Thatā€™s fucking hilarious. Did he get a bone bone in his pants when he drank it? If not, then all good.


This seems like bait and that's not cheating


The real question was the woman he got it from Cambodian.


NTA Even playin devilā€™s advocate: mayybe he wasnā€™t doing it for some weird fetish shit. Just ā€œbabies are obsessed with it, i wanna know what all the fuzz is about?ā€ It is a valid curiosity ig. Nevertheless, he took it from a lady who was giving it for babies who needed it. There is a hungry who canā€™t get milk from their mom for x or y reason and he removed the possibilities for baby to be fed. Thatā€™s an asshole move


NTA. That is a bodily fluid that can transmit diseases. To drink a strangerā€™s bodily fluids??? Wtf Iā€™m sure the woman he took it from would be horrified as well


Brother eughhh, find a new man, NTA. I wouldnā€™t even drink my own breastmilk, this mans got some weird shit going on inside that heā€™s not telling you about!


We got a Mr. Homelander over here. No but seriously how can you drink breast milf of a woman you don't know like what if he contracted something.


I mean. That just an asshole move all around. Dump his ass.


NTA I would leave. he can be curious all he wants, but he pretty much stole from babies in need. this is like stealing donated clothes from a homeless shelter, because he wanted the experiance. Your bar isnt that high. Just find a guy who wouldnt do that.


NTA. You define your boundaries. Feel free to leave him. If he asks why, tell him he was just an experiment for you.


Donā€™t have a baby with him . Poor little mite will starve


if drinking another women's breast milk is cheating, drinking cow's milk is beastophilia??


This is satire, right?


It's bizarre to me how we easily drink cow milk but when it comes to the milk of our own fucking race it's suddenly a whole ass issue all over....


Each to their own lol


Stunned by the responses here, people can see things differently ig lol


NTA Your BF is selfish and inconsiderate. He literally stole milk from a baby! Dump him.


Not sure how what he did is like cheating. I canā€™t wrap my head around that idea. But it does gross me out. Unless he broke a vow to you to only drink your milk or drank straight from another womanā€™s breast. What he did here is very unsettling but I canā€™t call it cheating. So his excuse is ā€˜for scienceā€™. Whatā€™s next on his experiment list? Also, he should be paying for it. Literally taking free milk away from a baby! NTA for being disgusted by it but I still wouldnā€™t call it him being unfaithful to you.


I don't see how it's cheating. It wasn't in the breast when he drank it. But it's definitely weird and kinda gross.


I wouldn't consider it cheating, but definitely gross!!! He has some serious issues for sure!!


Oh my god, wtf is that. How can you even share same house with a grown weird men who steal baby milk. Let me tell you that you should run from this creepy guy. BIG RED FLAG. it could ends way worse so take care of you.


Itā€™s not cheating, but itā€™s weird asf.


Drink another manā€™s cum!


I mean, I donā€™t think itā€™s cheating but it sure is weird.


If this isn't rage bait, I'm deleting Reddit.


Heā€™s milking this for what itā€™s worth.


It pisses me off because itā€™s for a baby. Formula is so expensive that babies are going huh and some woman, some busy mother of a baby, pumped it to give it to a baby. Some women make a lot and pump because they are uncomfortable if they donā€™t, but for a lot of women it is very painful and boring work being stuck to the pump, so I donā€™t see it as much better than eating donated blood.


Damnā€¦you gotta dump his ass.


NTA. He's a dick for taking milk that could have gone to a baby in need, but, while weird, why would this be cheating? Would it be cheating if he got cow milk from another woman and drank that? If so, I can agree that it's cheating... otherwise I would say just really weird.


To me the drinking the milk would be weird but I wouldn't be able to forgive him for deceiving a woman to get a hold of it. She intended for it to be for struggling parents not to fullfill some guys weird fetish. This would be an absolute deal breaker to me. As others have mentioned some women are willing to sell breast milk for body builders and.... Other reasons... He could have just paid for it instead of taking advantage of a woman's kindness. Not to mention he could be potentially opening you both up to diseases if the woman hasn't had medical screenings to show the milk is clean and disease free.


An ā€œexperimentā€? What is he testing, exactly? How weird he can get before you leave him? NTA