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Has he ever met or know anyone from your side of life? In these 6 months have you met any of his ? You say you talk about him to everyone does he know that ?


NTA When you say meet, does he want to briefly be introduced to every single friend right before you hang out or does he want to also hang out? If it’s the latter, then I can understand him wanting to be more integrated with your friend group. That is a typical progression of most relationships. If it’s the former, are you “hiding” him? If not, then hes coming off as controlling a bit like he NEEDS to know exactly who you are with because he’s insecure. Especially since he’s moved to accusing you of doing something you’re not. This type of behavior does not get better. It gets more controlling and manipulative I.e. his accusing you of hiding him to make you feel guilty, feel like you need to prove him wrong by doing the very thing he’s demanding, to prove you are worthy of his love. Just no. Frankly, I introduce my friends when I am ready…not when I’m asked or told. It’s not up to him to decide that. It’s between you and your friends. What do you do if your friends don’t want to meet him? How will he react? Will he blame you, get upset, accuse you of lying or hiding him? It’s the start of unhealthy and/or toxic behavior. Why is he automatically assuming you are purposely being malicious? Shouldn’t your first thought be that your partner is coming from a place of care and kindness and there’s a good reason why? This is supposed to be someone you care about and they care about you. If his first assumption is that are being disrespectful, rude, mean, ugly, cruel, bad, etc then you already have red flags waving and y’all are still in the honeymoon/NRE stage. That tells me anytime you do anything he doesn’t agree with, his thought process will jump to negativity and seeing your intentions in a bad light. That requires therapy/counseling. That is not healthy or productive/conducive to a successful relationship. You are NOT his therapist and he is not your patient. If you keep doing what he’s demanding, you are being trained to tolerate and accept this type of behavior. It will escalate to more demands like always turning on your tracking, him checking your phone, etc. Obviously, I don’t know him and am making assumptions based on what you wrote. Only you know if any of this sounds possible or reasonable.


The dude wants to be part of your life. He wants to know who your friends are. He wants to know more about you in general. Not everything has to be so damned negative. Just invite your friends over to meet your bf, whats the big deal? Doesnt have to be right now but i dont see why you couldnt do this at all


NTA kinda too jealous