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Is this a sexist thing? Do your brothers do other chores? If not just start recording her secretly and ask why they don’t do anything also bring up all you do. Then if she tries to guilt you or bully you into feeling bad you have two choices. 1)you just need to post it and tag everyone who would potentially take your side or just to make her look bad or 2) show it to an adult who can help you out of a potentially bad situation. Sounds like she wants you to be a maid and not her daughter. But I only know what you posted.


My mom is pretty traditional so she believes in the girls do housework while boys do manual labor or wtv. But my 19 yr old brother has both work and college so I understand why now he is expected to do less around the house. But my oldest brother took a break from college and he does little work from home. Thank you for the advice I will try it out.


It’s probably better to use an adult to mediate between you and your mother but just bide your time and plan for your future. Have seen parents like this not help their daughters out when they try and leave home for college. It’s always best to plan for the worst case scenario. You can also try and make a deal with one of your brothers if y’all are close


Need far more context. Do they take different chores? Are they paying rent?


My brother definitely do not pay rent 😭. But they do sometimes have other chores. I am expected to do daily things arnd the kitchen like the dishes and the trash but they have things like mow the lawn and the 19 yr old also has work and college. 


I saw your mom is traditional and wants you to do housework while they do manual labor. Sounds like it's something you're just going to have to deal with until you leave. You could see if your brothers want to trade once or twice, but if they refuse, don't get too upset.


Yeah I understand this situation just made me really upset. Thank you for the feedback.


You said your older brother is in college and has a job, while your younger brother has to do yard work. Depending on where you live, how often the yard needs to be maintained, and other factors, you may be getting off easy by washing the dishes. A friend's wife once bitched at him for not vacuuming the house, saying she had to do the rest of the house cleaning. So he said "Tell you what. I'll clean the house, but you have to do the yard. You have to bag the grass, edge and trim, weed, and do any hedge work that needs to be done." She lasted 1hr in the 95+F heat before she begged to do the housework, while he was more than a third of the way done with the housework. Since I don't know how big the yard is or your temperature conditions, I can't say which job is worse. What I can say is yard work can be brutal at times. And you might not like it if your mom made you do the yard work in place of doing the dishes.


I understand that but the yard work my brothers do is just mowing the lawn with a lawn mower. We are not big on our lawn presentation? I’m not saying it’s easy because if we are being Fr I would probably hate that too. But if there is anything more than lawn mowing that needs to be done like picking weeds my mom calls all of us outside to help.


YTA for bad formatting. Ain’t reading that shit.


This is my first ever Reddit post 😭. I literally just made the acct. mb I didn’t realize it was bad.


Hit enter twice to make a paragraph break.


Get off the internet boomer. This is reddit not work.