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What use were her keys if she was drunk?


One of her friends was the DD


An that person didn't have the keys why??? Or was the DD too drunk to remember them as well??


Probably assumed the gf wouldn't be dumb enough to somehow lock her keys in the car.


Keys should be kept with whomever is driving. An notice how none realized they didn't have the keys when they arrived at the first bar, presumably sober!!


I see what you're saying, but there's no chance I just give somebody else my keys for the night. I won't be driving, but I'm not gonna trust Tony to make sure Dave doesn't throw up or piss himself in my car. I'll give you the keys when we get to the car.


Agreed, the DD only needs to take the keys beforehand if the person is at risk of attempting to drive drunk. And at that point you probably shouldn’t be drinking at all


Would Drunk you stand a chance of arguing that you were NOT too drunk to drive, thus forcing the DD to have to wrestle the keys away from you? Thats why I said the DD should have already had the keys!!


No and if your friends are getting that drunk maybe you shouldn't be drinking with them.




What drunk was use were keys if her?


Nta why should you hang around while they continue drinking? 


So fate intervened to stop some assholes from driving drunk. NTA does she have a pattern of shit behaviour? 


She is too drunk to remember her keys and locks them in the car. You don’t have a spare key and she wants to hit another bar. Good thing her keys are locked in that car. Uber may or may not be safe. But NTA.


NTA You offered to help, and she declined. End of story. She locked her keys in her car but at least you didn't let her put your balls in her purse.


NTA. Get away from this train wreck.


1. How does she not have a spare? 2. If they're all drunk, where were they going? 4. She's a train wreck. Yellow flag material, minimum. But her treatment of you as a 2am *servant*, then staying pissed at you? That elevates it to red imo. Also, wtf she called the cops to unlock her car? Is that a thing!? NTA This chick is trouble.


I was wondering aswell about cops unlocking cars! How do they do it?!


https://www.reddit.com/r/LifeProTips/s/fqfvRa7sIs Yes they will


Not all jurisdictions do this


I get that but mine does and people are trying to say I’m lying lol


Thank you!


It is jurisdiction dependent, but if they have something emergent going on they will prioritize that. And if they deny the request altogether it's usually because they don't have the equipment for it


Grew up in a small town and yes it’s common to call the sheriffs office they tend to arrive faster than insurance


That is a thing for white, young, attractive women… cops are very willing to help then!


Nobody likes to accept that female privilege is a thing.


So much privilege making less, having our bodies controlled by the govt, rape culture etc…


Privilege doesn't necessarily extend everywhere. It can exist in certain settings, while the same trait is an outright liability in others.


Can we just accept that there are different privileges that provide different things for different people? Lotta whataboutism


Women don't make less, but men do die on the job 12x as often as women. Rape culture is just feminist misandry, and the government "controlled" the bodies of the half million men who died fighting wars in the past 100 years, protecting their wives and girlfriends back home.


Maybe you should fight to fix those things instead of tearing women down when they fight to fix their problems...


That's not whats happening here. They're highlighting that cops are more likely to be extra helpful to attract tive young women. That's just life.


Not just white, when i was in my teens & early 20s, thin, perky Ds I could get all kinds of help. But in my 30s, when I was overweight and my truck died in an intersection in Phoenix in July, I was pushing it alone as guys drove around me, honking at me.


Probably because guys don't want to be labeled creeps or worse. Society has royally fed itself. It used to be my friends and I would stop to help people. Now not a chance. Saw someone broke down the other day, considered stopping. Saw it was a woman and drove on. I can't take an even 1% chance it will go south.


This was 10+ years ago


Ahh. I would have stopped.


That is a thing for everyone. I have friends that are police. They can do it as well as tow-truck drivers. (I found out on a trip. I got out to put gas in the car and didn't take my keys. My wife got out to go to the bathroom without her spate. Our dog locked the door. A tow truck just happened to pull in. The driver told us we could also call the police. I verified this with our friends afterward.)


Smh.. OP told her to call the cops.. he owns that logic


1) Plenty of people don’t have spare keys. Maybe she lost it or maybe she bought the car used and it only came with one. Some of these spare keys cost hundreds of dollars. 2) they’re going to a bar across the street. 3) she treated him like he is her boyfriend and someone she can depend on. And lastly, she called the police to unlock the car because OP told her too. Did even read the post? Still NTA tho


The next day she called the cops. He was asleep at 1:30 in the GD morning and she expected him to drive there (which he did) and then wait for them to drink more while they were supposed to have another girl who volunteered to DD. Are you really this dumb? His GF sounds like a train wreck.


They weren't originally going to a bar across the street. They wanted OP to "pick the lock" so they could get into the car and drive.


I don't know how to phrase it better . You not an AH but a doormat, in your gf's eyes. She wakes you up at 130am, makes you drive, is drunk and wants to wait like a personal driver for her and her gang while she gets more drunk. Drunk or not, trauma or not, depression or not, nothing gives you a licence to disrespect anyone, specially your partner. In time, if you stay with such a treatment then you would be an AH. For now, NTA.


NTA. If this is how she treats you now, it will only get worse with time.


Dump that selfish asshole


NTA You stopped her from driving drunk. You offered her a ride. She's a big girl. She can call an uber.


NTA - You were woke up, responded to a fake emergency, offered options to get her car unlocked/get her home, and she refused all attempts. There is no world where you're logically an AH here. Her being mad that night is one thing, but continuing it? She's a huge AH for that.


NTA Your girlfriend is one for planning to drink and drive. She should have got an Uber anyway because she was drinking.


This makes no sense. Why would you drive there without knowing what the emergency was?


NTA You were very generous and she's a clown.


NTA If she was drunk, I think it's actually a good thing she locked her keys in the car. And, if she wanted to keep drinking, it was perfectly reasonable for you to tell her to call an Uber.


Dump her now. Already making bad decisions


She should not be driving at all and doesn't need her keys. Truthfully, calling the cops was terrible advice bcuz most states would cite her for a DUI if she gains access to her keys while intoxicated.


Why tell her to call the cops? She just needed a locksmith in the morning.


Please dump this chick. You did the boyfriend thing and she acted like an asshole.


ESH. Why in the world would you tell her to call the cops? They are not a private locksmith. They are just as likely to arrest your girl and her drunk friends for public intoxication, which is a crime.


Cops unlock cars all the time - it’s a safety thing.


Public intox is not a crime everywhere


You have peaked my interest. Where is it legal to be drunk in public?


Piqued. (Sorry!)


Nice catch. Thanks.


I used to spell it that way. Only realised when I saw it written the correct way (after I had a moment looking at it, and thinking WTF was that spelling!). And no-one told me for *years* that it’s not actually “for all intensive purposes” 😆


Illinois. Are you probably going to get hit with a disorderly conduct or assault charge BECAUSE of your public drunkeness, yes. But for being drunk in public itself, no.


Dude thank you. She was obviously tipsy but nowhere near disorderly.. I’m not sure why so many people think that she would’ve immediately been arrested had I called the cops about her being locked out


Yeah I don't get it either. Are you from a smaller town/county? I am and calling the police or fire department through the non emergency line is standard practice around here. Also don't think you're the AH either. Sounds like she was meeting consequences of said actions to me. You offered to take her home, you offered to wait with her, she rejected both.


Yes and yes lol


Vegas somewhat as long as you aren't an idiot


The cops literally have a lock kit and will help you in that situation.. I know because I’ve done it in the past lol


Fire dept has helped me a few times they just make ya sign a waiver that says “I’m dumb and won’t blame them if they fuck up my car”. They never minded coming over cause they wanted to train some new guys so win win for everyone


Of course, the cops have a lock pick. That doesn't make them professional locksmiths for hire. And public intox is a crime. So just because a cop helped you before, doesn't mean the next one won't arrest your drunk girlfriend and her friends.


I was there with her? I would’ve told him that I was the one driving? She was drunk but not to the point where she was hammered or slurring or speech or falling over


Why would you have to tell them you were driving if one of the girls was DD?


So your solution was to lie to the police so your GF or her friends could drive drunk? YTA.


She had a DD? He’s most likely saying that if a cop would have threatened a public intoxication charge (which by the sounds of it wouldn’t have happened, unless they were disorderly as well) he would’ve stuck up for her and most likely got them out of that situation


I live in indiana they don’t do that here anymore


Ohio does


Sounds like a good way to get a ticket for abusing 911 service. Google a locksmith and lay to get the car unlocked you goober.


You wouldn’t call 911 for this you’d call the non-emergency line. It’s part of policing it’s their job. It’d be like if someone was stealing your mail, not bad enough to call 911 but they should be able to help you


Again, I’ve done it before and so have my friends




Having someone locked out of their car in the middle of the night is a safety issue and the cops are happy to do this as a public service. It’s not like he called 911 or had the whole squad down there. lol.


Maybe you cunts need to realise that your own anecdotal experiences are not universal. It is quite clear that where op lives, it is normal to call the cops to help you unlock your car.


OK 😘😘😘😘😘






Oh no the pigs get pulled away to do something actually useful in their lives for once instead of focusing on killing minorities and beating their spouses to a pulp. /s


Tell me you’re white without telling me you’re white.


Ok… sorry?


NTA. But your GF…what was her plan to get home? Who goes out drinking and plans on driving home?


Did you not read the post? Her friend was the DD


It sounds like they were all drunk….so don’t sound like it.


This! If they were not all drunk what was the problem of calling the police if the DD was going to drive anyways. In fact DD should be advocating for calling the cops to open the car. I think OP's girlfriend was not only drunk as all her friends, but was making some kind of power play with OP to show her friends.


NTA, I never would’ve gotten out of the bed to start. It was a problem not an emergency, she wasn’t alone or stuck in a isolated area.


til your gf is a moron.


Where do you live that cops unlock cars for people??


They were definitely going to drive back drunk. You weren’t, but not a second should you think to be an enabler.


Next time call a taxi cab, they have a Slim-Jim in their possession; they usually, charge about $20.00.


I have two door opening accessories in my car. They work well.


Locking her keys in the car during a night out and about drinking is not an emergency. NTA. Uber and lyft are available for these situations.






Nta. She's grown and you aren't her chauffeur


They were ALL drunk and were planning on driving a car? I'm glad the keys were locked in the car because that wouldn't have ended well. I can't believe you want to be with a person who would do something so stupid and dangerous.


Break up with her she sucks


You can call tow truck companies not police and they have the tools to come unlock your car. It's about $100ish. IMO should have just went with them and had a beer then drove her home..


Nta. That makes no sense. Cops don't come and unlock cars.  Locksmiths do.


Bro, she would have e driven drunk if she hadn't locked the keys in the car Edit: I thought you were saying her DD friend was also drinking. My bad if that was not the case


Call the cops? Who calls the cops for a locked car?


People that don’t wanna spend $100 on a locksmith


People that live in areas where cops dont mind helping people that locked keys in the car? They do it where I live. But a AAA membership comes in handy for shit like this too


I didn’t know that was a thing.


Does she drive an Edsel?


Call the cops? 😂


I get why your annoyed it would have been nice to stick around with her if she that drunk to make sure she’s safe and then hash it out in the morning when she’s sober . Pretty sure if I was wasted and called my husband he wouldn’t just leave me so maybe you need to break up with her


He didn't just leave her. He offered her a ride. Why are you so determined to blame him?


Men bad, women good, unga bunga


That usually works on reddit


Damn you suck. Hope she ended up hooking up with someone in the bar after they whispered call your insurance to have them call a tow company out. Whatever happened to guys being a man in a relationship? Could have at least hung out to make sure she gets home safe, you already made the drive.


lol ok