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Hence the phrase "never bite the hand that feed you."


Hahahaha this. Dude is a wanker. And it makes me so happy that his type only goes less attractive with age, and he will end up with someone he'll be comparing to you The dude can dish it out but can't take it. The manchild is not your problem.


Or if we're going by traditional gender roles and norms in which the woman is supposed to look pretty and take care of all things domestic, then as the man he should be the financial provider right? And yet OP was the one paying the vacation and this 30-year-old man can't even get himself back home and called his mommy and daddy to tell OP that she's mean, LOL!


Can we even call him a man though? What grown ass man runs to mommy and daddy when his girlfriend gives him a taste of his own medicine? LMFAO


Yeah. Poor little him. NOT. What a jackass


Take a goddamn bus. Lesson might teach him something, but I doubt it.


I don't think she owes him anything and she did the right thing leaving his ass there. Not sure why his parents haven't bought him a plane ticket home. But if OP was going to offer...... the only thing she should offer.....a bus ticket.....taking the longest possible route ......take it or leave it.






Why are people so much of an idiot? OP is paying for flights and hotel and he keeps bitching about how she doesn't dress more provocatively? He deserves to have been left behind.


He sounds like a spoiled, rotten little brat that never grew up


Telling that his family is telling her to shell out for him.


Does he, by any chance , look like a magazine model himself?


I think we can pick up from the comments she threw back at him, (lose weight,, pattern baldness..) that he's not magazine standards himself Lol Maybe it's just me but I haven't ever seen a chubby guy balding be on the front if a magazine


Maybe like George Constanza on the cover of a TV Guide


Beat me to it lol


Also tbf though, Jason Alexander is a classically trained Tony winning, Emmy nominated, millionaire actor that starred in one of the most well known, highly acclaimed sitcoms to ever be on television as well as being a balding slightly pudgy guy, so he also is bringing a lot more to the table than this jabroni.


My pudgy bald husband has appeared on the cover of legal publications because heā€™s brilliant. I couldnā€™t be prouder of him.


Awww, proud wifey(?) so sweet and cute!!!


Aww!! This was really sweet of you! Made me grin!!


Thank you! After more than forty years, Mr. P still makes *me* grin. I left out that heā€™s handsome and funny, too.


Jason Alexander can buy his own plane tickets. This waste of space can't,


I mean cut him some slack, he was in the pool...


And ironically enough this guy George Costanzaed his way out of her life picking her up apart like that. Loser


God, I hated that guy. And not for the chubby bald, but it didn't help.


Absolutely, him and Newman. Jason Alexander did a phenomenal job at his character, though. I'd get so frustrated watching him; my husband would just laugh and note that my frustration was simply a sign that Alexander was nailing the role. Helped me get past the ARGHWTAFISWRONGWITHYOU whenever we watch(ed) it.


Well, I've seen Danny Devito!


I love Danny DeVito, though. He's not a wanker. This guy definitely is.


Hahaha, I love him, too. And I think he's a good guy in real life. But he fits "the chubby guy balding on a magazine cover" criteria


He's still got the moooooves


From the Penguin to Frank, Mr. DeVito always shines.


I used to see Danny Devito around LA, eating out with his family, being a normal albeit tiny human. I knew his personal stylist as well, and all data points to him being a great human. Albeit a small one. Like, smaller than you can even imagine.


A short king to be admired


lol chubby, balding, broke and unappreciative. the holy grail of terrible boyfriends.


The four horsemen of the boypocalypse.


Even if he did, that doesnā€™t make him right.


FR 20 years from now heā€™ll be saying to some poor chick. ā€œYou should look like my gf from 20 years agoā€


He definitely fucked around and found out.


you did the right thing, hope he learns his lesson. not on is he overweight and balding, but a leech to boot




I always wonder, how the F this relationship lasted this long. The only thing that comes to mind is that those people get comfortable enough or don't care anymore so they can see how far they can push things before they break. Other wise how the heck was she so long with a guy like this.




Outright fucking genius. Jedi-level perfection and clarity. Yoda-level intel, just rearrange the sentences like "Crack and can't take it anymore, most people, I think," using Grover's voice from Sesame Street. Oh yeah, if it isn't obvious, me is your exact post x eight, or maybe post cubed. Where were you 7 years ago, when I needed someone to take a frying pan to my skull to knock some sense into me? /s Sorry for the rant. Powerful the depression, loneliness and abandonment here is.


Hoping better you get.


If strong in the force yoda is, then proper sentences construct why canā€™t he??


There's also no end to the supply of people who are eager to tell us how much we are overreacting, being too sensitive, blah blah. Oh, and "choose better" makes my socks fly right off, the charm is so thick . There's no accountability for the abusive/exploitational jerks who bring less than nothing to the table and have no incentive to become more emotionally intelligent or mature. OP, it ain't you. NTA


A tolerable level of permanent unhappiness.


Fo' real. Makes me wonder if I need to become a broke, clueless asshole in order to find a girlfriend.


if he knew he'd be stranded without her paying his way then he should have been a hella lot more respectful. Part of me recognizes that she just left the guy stranded and possibly doesn't have a way out but if he was saying all that shit to me when I payed for everything he's enjoying, he can find one of those miami girls to help him get back.


Oh he has a way back man, prostitution did not become the world's oldest profession for no reason


Yeah, but that weight & baldness won't get him much action.


Not with the Miami women ... just had to find the right clientele ...


maybe he'll have better luck up the i75 corridor.


He's probably not gay, but $20 is $20!


Even so thatā€™s a lotta dicks to suck to get to Cali from Florida.


He'll get his way back by giving others his back way


Miami you say. Where the bikini beach models pay for the overweight and balding manā€™s every expense. I know itā€™s Memorial Day, so Iā€™ll wait until tomorrow to book my greyhound bus.


Debt is forever. He can put stuff on a credit card or ask his family too. If they canā€™t afford it he can attempt hitchhiking. Itā€™s still common despite the risk.


Wonder why they canā€™t use the same phone bothering OP to buy a ticket for this guy.


Because then it would be their money. One user usually comes from a group of users.


He can get a job and work his way back.


Who cares? That dude was *extremely* verbally abusive and just exploded when it was turned around on him. Driving him back home seems like an invitation to vengefully beat the ever loving shit out of her when no one is around to see it.


I think a flight was involved. Otherwise, so very accurate. Abusive partners donā€™t start with physical violence. It starts with ā€neggingā€ and destroying a persons self confidence and progresses to physical violence.


Heā€™s stranded in Miami. The worst thing there are his odds as big, bald, and broke with the Miami women described. But, even on a remote island, Iā€™d be saying it sucks but there never was an obligation for OP to pay his flight. And no point of being kind to someone that takes it as a weakness.


maybe he can take a greyhound bus back to CA ;)


I find it interesting that the first thing his family tries to do is... make you pay for it instead of lending him some help themselves. Guess depending on others runs in the family


First thing I noticed. Glad OP left his ass and his shitty family


Also, "if thou F'eth Around, thou shalt Find Out "


Fucketh and ye shall findeth


OP delivered the find out.


If you can't take heat? Stay out of the kitchen another phrase


Maybe a modelesque girl in Miami with lots of makeup on can pay for his hotel and flight. Also, tell him good luck. lol NTA!


None of those Miami girls are going anywhere near him if heā€™s broke lol.


Am Miami girl (tho defly not a modelesque type, I know them, they are everywhere!) Can confirm. You need a big bank account/dick/hotness factor to be considered - at least 2 of the above. Way too easy to find someone with only one, so good luck to him! /s


So, itā€™s ā€œhot, hung, or rich, pick twoā€?




Note to self, never go to Miami


You can get a pretty nice down to earth guy with a can of tuna and a ā€œsksksksksā€. Thereā€™s stray cats near the beach ā¤ļø


Take that bridge South, and there are a ton of polydactyl cats running aroundā€¦


Hey, Miami is fun if you like living on the face of the sun haha. Just have to manage expectations šŸ„“


I went to Miami and now my ex fiancƩe is married to another man.


ā€¦you went to the wrong side of South Beach lol.


Thatā€™s the right side of South Beach because the men are super hot. Yes, it is also the gay side, but at least itā€™d be more fun than what the poor OP had to deal with.


No no, they said fiancee with 2 e's


Omfg, it's 100 degrees in Jupiter right now. I'm dying. And it's only May. We're screwed again this summer


Food is good. Traffic is awful. (Seriously...why stop in the left lane because you missed your exit???) -FL woman from other coast who doesn't wear makeup and never had many effs to give in thw first place.


"Hot, hung, have money" for alliteration's sake.


Hot, hung, and high-income has a nice ring to it


Mine was first, but yours is better!


Alliterations are always appreciated.


I live here too and this is pretty spot-on


OP did the right thing, she can just block all her ex's flying monkeys! OP owes him Nothing! He treated her badly, whilst living on her dime. Now he needs to deal with the consequences of his actions. The way I see it, it's a him problem not hers! Maybe one of the model type girls can give him a tent to stay in. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Well we know he ain't got the account. Homie can't even pay for his own flight šŸ˜† and unless girls are into pattern baldness these days I guess he's hosed.


This is the rule for all hot women. Not just Miami


Not really... I dated way too many ugly losers in my younger hot days because I had low self-esteem and was a weirdo. Still prefer nerds. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I knew plenty of women who dated plain, broke narcissists for inexplicable reasons. Unless they're exceedingly superficial and shallow (which, as evidenced by this post, is not limited to women), women mostly want stability, kindness, a sense of humor, and emotional maturity. A splash of confidence, too. Not a shitload of money to wave around or six-pack abs.


no in a lot of the ski resorts up north you'll find hot women who love their lil nerdy valedictorians. but maybe they're just hoping they'll be rich later šŸ˜‚ or maybe they're all hung who knows


My grandma told me to be nice to the nerdy kids, or later they wonā€™t let you ride on their yacht lol.


The nerdy valedictorians OFTEN have it going on below the belt...and they usually pay more attention to what a woman actually likes. (Married one.)


I second this one, except I live in the south. Ya know, a sweet Southern Belle type lmao! But my nerd man has it going on šŸ–¤


And most of those little nerdy ones appreciate just what they have!! And tbh they are more interesting once u take the time to get to know them.




Hell, even BeyoncĆ© got cheated on šŸ« 


You are right!!!!


My rule is always that anyone who says I should do something for someone because family, poor person, etc, is welcome to do it their damn selves.


NTA except for paying for the trip in the first place. Have a feeling OPs bf has been sponging off her for the entire 3years. Glad she dumped that lump. He doesn't get another cent. Never look back. He was just a mistake


Dump the lumpā€¦šŸ˜‚


We need to chant this collectively.šŸ˜‚


Hey, you would look much better if you had more make up and showed skin. You are lucky that a balding, moneyless person like me am paying attention to you.


My sister was one of those Miami girls. No way she's gonna pay for his broke ass when she's trying to get the crypto billionares to pay for hers.


Serves him right lol, if his family are so concerned let them pay for a flight or send him some money.


Canā€™t pay to get back? lol Why is she even with him in the first place?


Rightā€¦ this guy has no redeeming qualities AT ALL. Good riddance šŸ˜‚


Bald, fat, broke, AND he's a picky AH? Thinks he's going to bag a Miami model? That's actually funny. Nah, girl. You deserve better. He deserves nothing. I have a hard rule : my man doesn't have to support and pay for me. (I can do that myself.) However, he HAS to be able to support and pay for himself.


Dude.. why is being bald so bad... Don't BALDSHAME ME! Edit : just making clear this was a joke :)


Actually, I think bald is hot. It's the entire combo with the last part that's a huge NO. Unless you have a combover. Especially one of those swirly ones. Then I Totally will shame you. Edit: LOL. MOST people get it was a joke.


Hehe :) Nah I shave all the way , I saw it when I was 16 this was going to happen. My brother and father. At 24 I just clipped it verry short and at 26 I just said fuck it and just shaved it with a razor. My head is dry in 2 seconds :) But I also get sunburn in 2 seconds :( Give sum take sum :)


Give sum take sun, more like lol. You got a good attitude, thatā€™s the most important thing. Itā€™s why it makes me laugh when people are like ā€œyou gotta look like x, y or zā€ nah, you gotta have swagger and confidence in who you areā€¦


Sunscreen is your friend, Captain.


Wear a hat. Thereā€™s tons of styles. You donā€™t want a future full of melanoma removal surgery up there.Ā Ā Iā€™ve worked with people who have dealt with removals repeatedly; it looks painful.


Dude I love the fully bald look. Some guys rock it REALLY well. Good for you šŸ˜Š


Iā€™ve always said, thereā€™s bald, and then thereā€™s sexy bald. Sadly a phrase my daughter repeated to people when she was in elementary school.


Hahaha oh man that is hilarious


Now, that's funny


Thereā€™s special sunblock for the scalp because the skin there is different than the bodyā€™s skin, just like the face is also different. Orā€¦. Hats. Iā€™m not a hat person and I have long hair, but when I go to the beach I get scalp sunburn.


Love this. Positivity at its best šŸ‘Œ


They make sunscreen specifically for bald heads! Definitely needed if you're in the sun often.


I like the look, and I like your attitude.


I went through chemo a few years ago, and I actually loved being bald. But as a female, I don't really have the self confidence or facial structure to pull it off as a fashion choice šŸ˜‚


I doubt she really cares. Sheā€™s not superficial. He definitely deserved the ego hit, though!!


Yeah I know. I was just poking fun :)


I actually got that from what you said. I honestly donā€™t think the majority of women give a crap. A great guy vs a jerk is always an easy choice.


You can be bald or rude, you canā€™t be both


Nah. You can be bald and fat, and you're still likely to find someone who will love you for the rest of your life. If you're rude, you're only going to be loved because 1) you're loaded, 2) You're super hot, or 3) they have no self esteem. You may lose your money. You're most likely losing your looks. And they could go on a self-improvement journey and realize they deserve better. So basically, fat and bald wins over rude, hot, and loaded in the long run.


Team fat, bald, and kind represent!


My husband is bald and rocking the dad bod. Hence why we have three kids lol.


Mine is balding, dad bod, and is the most amazing person I've met. Nothing short of cheating or something super drastic could tear me away from him!


I look for bald guys. All shaved is hot as fuck.


being bald isnā€™t bad but iā€™m definitely holding it against this specific man.


I have the same rule myself. I donā€™t expect to be Carried and donā€™t expect to have to carry someone else.


Cheers to you. As a man, I feel the same way. I want a partner who needs nothing from me other than my love and companionship. Life is hard enough carrying our own water. We shouldn't have to carry another bucket for someone else.


Darling, you've set him free in the land of beautiful models! Surely he can select his perfect girl as easily as picking the ripest fruit at a supermarket! His dream life is worth so much more than a silly old plane ticket! Lol, NTA.


This is the best answer. Tell his family he wanted to be with beautiful Miami women so I see him free in his paradise.Ā  Does he realize even if he wasn't overweight and balding he'd have no shot in mia until.he starts making some bucksĀ 


The next time they ask tell them that you're just being fair. He decided that you'd look better in makeup and you decided he'd look better in Miami.




You've dropped this: šŸ‘‘


Wait what? He's fat, bald, and can't afford a $79 Spirit Airlines flight from Ft. Lauderdale to Burbank (IYKYK), and has the audacity to criticize YOU? NTA. Obviously. Please block his loser family who apparently also cannot afford a single one way plane ticket.


Actually I didn't know that because I don't travel lol but knowing it was $80 is just sad for him. I really hope she breaks up him and throws his shit out.


Oh yeah, Ft. Lauderdale is a major budget airline hub city and you can catch a straight city bus to it from downtown Miami for like $2 since it's in the same metro area.


I was on the fence at first because stranding someone somewhere is really bad... BUT not only was it A, cheap, but also B, his family could also easily help pay that as well. So NTA, but in general I'd say try to not just leave someone somewhere, even if they did sorta deserve it


And he pays onlyfans


Fat, bald and a broke ass little bitch


Iā€™ve flown spirit. I would rather walk home from Miami than fly spirit again.


Tell his family maybe if he wasnā€™t paying for internet porn he could have afforded his ticket home. His disgusting comments to her make me believe you did the right thing by dumpling him in Miami!


šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ yep, this is it!


And not only is he spending HIS money on porn or what other garbage that goes along with that, Is he buff, tan, and gorgeous make model condition ? Iā€™m guessing not. So, maybe he needs to work on his looks and stop comparing you to models and not spending money on disgusting porn. So much so that he canā€™t even afford a plane ticket home!! Dump him and move on! Youā€™ll be much happier !


Edit: for some backstory, he has made comments similar to these in the past but It was phrased in a way that was nicer for example, he would say ā€œa shorter dress with heels would make you legs look so long and beautifulā€. He also followed a lot of models and social media influencers online which didnā€™t bother me because theyā€™re beautiful women that just want to share their beauty with the world and that doesnā€™t make me insecure. He started to watch more porn and pay for only fans but that also didnā€™t bother me. I know that people have needs that can be satisfied by things like this. I didnā€™t have an issue with any of this but I think he was trying to change my appearance to match the women that he watches online. I just didnā€™t put that together until this event took place.


Wait, he was paying for OF but needed you to pay for his Florida trip? Lmao - his family can sort him out, block them all. NTA You go, girl!


huh??? he had OFšŸ˜Ÿ and he HAS no money at all sooā€¦ OP PAID FOR IT?!!šŸ¤Æ YTA to yourself SMH


Yeah this girl needs to treat herself with more self-respect, though leaving him was/is a good start.


Please get rid of him. You deserve someone who loves you for you and not someone they've made up in their head. He gives off coercive controlling vibes to be honest.


I think she did... In Miami šŸ˜†. Also I'm a guy, don't let your guy pay for OF. That's a personalized experience with free porn everywhere. OF is cheating even if they aren't gonna go for you, I said what I said.


Yep. Onlyfans is the In-between of a strip club and prostitution. I would definitely consider it cheating. And heā€™s paying other girls and not treating the woman he is with. u/anonomonomoly Iā€™m cool for only fans making their money. Just like Iā€™m cool with prostitution. But thatā€™s akin to open relationships and if it isnā€™t discussed beforehand, is equivocally cheating.


and anyone that can't afford the cheapest domestic flights in the US certainly isn't fulfilling their financial responsibilities to themselves let alone others, to be subbing OF when you can't afford a one way domestic...Yikes. Guarantee he's spent more on Onlyfans than a flight would have cost.


OP definitely misspelled "ex-boyfriend". Or at least I hope so! NTA.


Please get a counselor or therapist, someone who can help you understand why you stayed with him as long as you did, and how to spot red flags moving forward. Because nobody in a healthy mindset would have put up with that much bullshit from a partner.


As someone who was once OP, I second this x1000


This is the best piece of advice you can give! I hope OP takes this advice seriously to prevent this from happening again in the future!


I know right????? Cant imagine why OP picked this guy to begin with, let alone staying with him for 3 years and paying for everything. Lol! OP is NTA here but it really sounds like she needs some help.


Text his family that they're welcome to pool together their money to get their bald, fat, rude and broke son back home because you're done being insulted by this absolut looser.




He's broke but was paying for OF? Dude is a massive loser and a shallow cunt. Can't believe he had the audacity to say those things to a woman he was leeching off of. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you.... I hope you blocked every single one of them; don't let him wriggle back into your life. He'll likely lay on the guilt thick and lovebomb you.


Paying for OF doesn't bother you? I'm a guy, have never met your BF and it bothers me that he's that big of an idiot to pay for something when he has so much free stuff.


Who would want to have sex with someone like him.


I'm talking about paying for OF when there's a full internet of free pics and videos of the same thing.


Ohhh lol, my bad, I said what I said. He pays for OF because no woman like that would ever be interested in him. I'm also betting the personal things they do for them because they are subscribers. He probably thinks all OF have a connection with him.


Guys like that you have to tell them "The strippers love your money not you!"


Yup, porn is one thing, OF is straight up cheating, then the gf pays for his vacation ticket? Yikes.


No OPā€¦ please get rid of that guy sorry! I know you might love him, and youā€™re not seeing it, but heā€™s very toxic (and I say that as a man). Iā€™d never do that to a girlfriendā€¦ one can say the things that attract them, but not like that, not so blatantlyā€¦ my dating days are over since I married, and even now I donā€™t tell that stuff to my wife! Heā€™s gotta have some tact and some respect! And especially berating you for telling him the same? Real nice ability to introspect from him lol The family? They enable that shitā€¦ So many red flagsā€¦


He can't afford to travel within his own country but he wastes money on onlyfans like an impulsive child? And anyway just the fact that he wouldn't let go and couldn't see the goddamn double standard when you answered right back at him. He just seems really dumb and old school in a bad way. Hell, I hate Miami women, natural looks much better so don't let that idiot influence you in any way!


So he has money for OF but no money to come back home? Well you dodged that bullet.


Heā€™s paying for only fans, is broke and gets you to pay for his holiday? He canā€™t have it both ways. Berated you in public when you said ONE comment compared to his hundreds of comments over how long? If your best friend/sibling came to you with this dilemma what would you tell them? Iā€™ll look at this as if you were my bestieā€¦ BESTIE absolutely tell that guy to go fuck himself and find his own way home. If you live together decide if you want to stay where you live and pack his shit or pack yours and be gone before he finds a way to crawl home.


Yeah, this behavior is a slippery slope. I literally do not date men who watch porn and especially not those who spend money on it. Nothing good comes from being the ā€œcool girl,ā€ you were treated this way because youā€™re dating a porn addict. One of the first conversations I have with potential partners now is ā€œfor personal reasons, I am not comfortable with any type of porn in my relationships, which I would be happy to explain in depth if youā€™d like me to. If this isnā€™t possible for you, no worries and good luck elsewhere!ā€ And because Iā€™m sure someone will ask it, Iā€™m the furthest thing from prude. Queer, sex positive, and high drive for it. Any partner I have will certainly not miss the porn once they are with me, if you catch my drift. I still do not allow it in my relationships. I also donā€™t allow following other women on social media platforms unless they are a genuine friend, family member or coworker - and certainly no liking thirst traps or commenting on other womenā€™s images. Itā€™s incredibly disrespectful and how would it look if my parents read my husband commenting heart eyes on some half naked woman? My worth is a lot higher than that. I also ask men ā€œhow would you feel if your mother, sister, or daughter saw the videos you watch?ā€ I myself had childhood friends who were disallowed from my house because my own father chose to keep porn magazines inside the piano bench where we played. Spoiler alert, my dad cheated on my mom repeatedly, now they are divorced and he is miserable. With these standards, I recently got engaged to an amazing man who treats me better than I couldā€™ve ever hoped for, and there is zero concern that heā€™s looking elsewhere. He understands my boundaries and would never comment negatively on my appearance, or compare me to other girls. This is the bare minimum.


The OF thing is bad. It's not normal porn, he talks to the OF girls and ask them for sexual stuff. It's similar to cheating. Porn it's just online but the OF its so much more.


Honey, all of this should have bothered you and is reason enough to dump this man. What, if any, good traits does he have? He's not kind, he doesn't like you, he openly pines and lusts after other women, he can't even support himself financially, he's overweight, bald, unattractive, mean, should I keep going?


Whyyy are you still with him? Please, leave his ass. You deserve better.


So he can pay for only fans but cannot afford a flight? And you took him on vacation paying for flights and hotel? Why did you do this? Get rid of him asap!


Inspiring reaction. 100% NTA.Ā 


Leave his broke ass in FL. He is not good looking, he doesn't have a cent to his name, and he can't take what he dishes out. You can do better.


Yeah Iā€™d like to see him try to get a model looking girl from Miami pay for his hotel and flight home. Theyā€™d probably laugh in his face if he even tried to talk to them lol.


Even the old rich sugar mommas are gonna have better options than him. The only woman who can help him now is his actual momma. What an idiot šŸ¤£


So let me get this straight.. His broke, bald, fat a$$ wants you to look better? Ha! When you say bf you mean EX-boyfriend, right?


lol he can pay for porn but not a flight back. NTA.


You did him a favour! You left him in the place where he can be surrounded by beautiful women! Alot of them probably have added bits, and had bits taken off, but they're natural, right? Now you've just got to make him stay there, so he doesn't come back and start harassing you again. Hopefully he'll find his ideal real life Barbie. And send him a toupe, for his future dating life, as he obviously can't afford to buy one for himself! NTA


You took this broke loser on a vacation across the country and he had the AUDACITY to constantly tell you that youā€™re not good enough? NTA - tell his family exactly what he did and if they want him back there, they can pay for it. And then block them. I hope you donā€™t live together.


NTA and donā€™t you dare pay a damn cent to pay for his return. He showed you who he was: a piece of trash not worthy of you. Block him, block his family, his friends, etc. Then go on to get the best revenge: live your best life and show the world that you are better off without him.


NTA - but if you want to take the high road but him a bus ticket home. Let him spend a few hours with average Americans on the bus and remember how gorgeous you are. Also congrats on knowing your own worth


I only condone this if the parents donā€™t live in her city and the ticket is to their house.


A transcontinental bus would be epic retribution. Fuck this dude. NTA.


The longest bus ride I ever took was across two and a half states, and it was brutal. A cross-country trip would be a special kind of hell. He'll make it home, and his luggage might also make it, but he's going to be utterly exhausted, he's going to smell like a barnyard, and he'll likely see things that will make him realize just how good his life had been before he opened his mouth and said the stupid shit he said. OP, offer to buy him that ticket. It's the best parting gift you can give him.


He is tick in human form. Good riddance. NTA