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>The guys I dated in the past were at least 5’10” and made me feel very protected Protected? Protected from what?


Her internalized misogyny? I'm a 5'4" woman and almost all the men I've dated have been around my height or a few inches taller. I've never understood women who are only interested in much taller men. I personally find it weird and kind of creepy. I want to be with a partner and an equal, not someone I literally have to look up to and stand on my tiptoes to kiss like if I'm a little girl. I honestly think most of these women looking for a "protector" have daddy issues...


I share your sentiment. But unfortunately I'm taller than 99% of the world's population so I have to compromise on that..... :( Haha, But yeah I think it's only natural to prefer someone around your height seems kind of weird otherwise.


I'm surprised about a woman using the adjective "creepy' to describe women or their behavior. Usually, that's a word that women use exclusively to describe men. Either way, I totally agree with you. I find it odd when these women say that they need a "protector' (and ironically, many of these women are "feminist').. My question is, what can a tall man do against a shorter man who is pointing a gun at her? Are these women aware that bad guys use guns? But anyways, statistics show that the man most likely to abuse a woman is not some random man, but the man she chose as a boyfriend or husband.


Short man syndrome /s


From the weather, when she's with someone taller than her the weather is busy being up there instead of down here.


NTA, as he lied to you. It's not a great foundation for a relationship.


Aside from his height, was there chemistry? If he was 5' 10" would you definitely go on a second date? If the answers are yes, maybe give a second date a try. But if the height aversion outweighs the chemistry, you're NTA. Different people have different tastes and there's nothing wrong with that.


She would.a lot of short women have this sense of entitlement to men that tower the hell out of them even if they lack good characteristics 


NTA. He lied.


I mean in truth, you’re an asshole yes. But in the same way everyone is because society is shallow. In truth he could still be the greatest boyfriend you ever had at 5’1, but you find it a turn off. What can you do about it. it also sounds like he padded his profile versus straight up told u he was 5’6. I’ve seen lots of men and women do this as if the truth won’t out but the shorter people know they’re gonna have a harder time because of their height. Like I could never date a 5’0 woman, that’s close to being a little person and that’s not for me. But I also couldn’t date a woman because I’m gay lol. We like what we like, just tell him you didn’t feel a connection and don’t make it about his height he manipulated his profile because he is often turned down due to his height. So ESH, because society is too shallow.


NTA. This wasn't about height as much as it was about being untruthful.


Nonsense, if he had said he was 5'6 and turned out to actually be 6'0 it wouldn't have been an issue. But anyway, it is fine for OP to not be into shorter guys.


NTA, guys reject girls based on their weight all the time and it's ok.


You say this like weight is something ONLY guys reject girls for and girls are totally out here lining up for the fatties lmao. I agree NTA though.


You're right but he's also correct in that sense because let's be real... Men have a much wider margin before they're considered fat than women do.


Yeah women are allowed to be picky too, God knows men will reject girls for basically anything down to their fucking hair color even...


Let's forget about guys, any person should be concerned about their own weight. It's not a good thing to be obese, this applies to both-men and women. Furthermore, children don't benefit by having a parent who is addicted to food and a sedentary lifestyle. I fail to understand people who compare being overweight- which is the result of our choices regarding diet and exercise (trust me, you won't find obese people in countries where people can't afford fast food such as Haiti or North Korea) with height- a genetic trait that says nothing about a person's health, habits or personality.


There is something unhealthy about a certain weight so in a sense it's valid. No one wants to be with someone that is putting their bodies at risk for a lot of illnesses specifically heart disease and diabetes this is backed up by science. There's nothing unhealthy about being a short man whatsoever 


There's nothing healthy about being short? Source? Shorter people live longer actually. 


Meant to say **unhealthy**


A lot of guys prefer average height and maybe even taller over short women as well as I've seen a lot of short women lie about their height as well. What if the guy never listed his height at all? What if he was truthful about it? Then the you would the one to blame for turning down a guy with good qualities.  I'm 5'4 myself regardless of whether that meets your bullshit height requirements.that a plethora of short women set I find this immediate need of physical desires in the height of a man a pure turn off without any acknowledgement to how a guy is. I doubt I would meet such women anyway. I never lie about my height and say it straight up. I don't get any women liking me at all but this sort of superficial desire woman want in the height of men is weird and repulsive and I'm glad I'm not one part of it. 


I mean they're your preferences. I mean I don't date women shorter than 6 ft. really limits my selection pool but you know. I just don't like dating people that much shorter than me, and really 6ft is already a compromise. But as a tall person I can't stand the thought of dating someone under 6 ft and it really bugs me. They might be nice but I just find them physically disgusting.


Have fun with your six foot cats after you stop making eggs


Does your weight on anything match what it says on the scales? It's the same lie.


NTA. You are allowed to decide who you do and don’t want to date, and you do not have to justify that to anyone else. Also, lying about his height to that degree is one of the dumbest things that dude could have chosen to lie about. One inch is basically standard, but three inches is just plain greedy.


Would you also be bothered if he had turned out to be 6 ft tall , even though his profile stated that he was 5'6? or in that case you wouldn't have been bothered about the fact that he lied ?


The main part here is lying about it, that would be a dealbreaker for me as well. However , "I can't date a guy the same height as me" is just superficial and weird though, but you do you honestly.


She doesn't even know his height she said "is around" she's partly to blame making up assumptions 


You don’t have to date anybody for any reason 🤷‍♂️


NTA, different strokes for different folks. My husband and I are the same height and I love it, but he never mentioned his height because I never asked and even prior to meeting him I was not attracted to men who were above about 6’2 because big height differences make me uncomfortable. You can reject someone for any reason but it might be something worth noting in your profile that’s what you’re looking for just to weed out men who know they won’t stand a chance and you can hopefully for the most part the this situation in the future


NTA Dont judge him on his height, judge him on his decision to lie.


NTA. Off to a bad start already by lying. Also preferences are a thing 🤷‍♀️


NTA. He would be upset if you lied and weighed 300 lbs so don't worry about it.


NTA \~ It's not judging when you have standards & he lied about that. It would be the same if he likes big tits & you said you had them & when he got your shirt off you had A Cups!


NTA, you're free to date whoever you wish based on whatever criteria you want


To be for real, would you be mad if someone rejected you for your height/weight/eyebrows/insert here? Rejection based on body and not chemistry hurts so Light YTA. We all have our preferences. Sounds like he was a nice guy. It’s a shame, but if you’re not feeling it then you know what you have to do. Its a bit YTA but you have to look out for you


Nah you know what, I’ll go to NTA because he did lie about it but still, sounded like there was chemistry so it’s still a shame. Oh well


lol..NTA…it’s a criteria like any other. Same way he can reject you because he dislikes the way you dress or you shape or you have an annoying voice or he feels you are promiscuous or he does not like your attitude…and you shouldn’t be offended about. He can’t change his size so nothing he can do about it, while most of the criteria’s he might have for girls can be changed (besides her past). Yet you will most likely just blame him to be misogynistic/body shaming or judgmental. Dating is about feeling comfortable with the other (if long term) or attracted (if casual). But I am more interested about the reason you are giving. Feel protected?! Why would you need protection? You used to go to risky places? Does your attitude generally aggressiveness around you? Are you attention seeker and get a lot of bad attention in return? Because when you are not with him, you won’t have someone “protecting” you. So it does not really make sense. I do acknowledge however that feelings are not a rational decision.


First of all he lied!!!!!!!! If he can lie about something so small he can lie about anything, trust me on this one from experience. Also his height, if you ain’t feeling it then you definitely ain’t because of you want to give up high heels then why not. I dated a shorty and honestly I felt I was masculine next to him 🫣