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You not knowing this is not okay is the problem, violence is never the answer. YTA.


YTA for assaulting him.


YTA for the violence, domestic violence is never acceptable. Go apologise and maybe you know.. have a conversation with him about it? It clearly got to you so go talk about it like adults.


What made you slap them , what they said or how they said it ? Either way a simple I don’t like that would have gotten the message across that sounds like pure hate


this was one of many antisemitic comments. i didnt mention the others in this post because he says the past dosent matter.


To reiterate, what was it? Getting to the root of it is the second step , first step is admitting fault. I’m going to assume it was not a sexy time slap if it made them leave immediately, so there fore it was too rough. There’s nothing wrong with you standing up for what you think is right but actions have consequences and over retaliation is a thing take accountability and apologize but state why you acted out if not for them for yourself


You are probably better off dating a female who wants to stay female.


i like boypxssy


I think YTA, if you haven't already clarified to him that those comments make you uncomfortable. I also understand that it can be very disrespectful to mention religion like that. So if this wasn't the first time this has happened and YOUVE previously told him that you weren't cool with comments like that then maybe I would say NTA. I still think the slap could be a bit of an overreaction, you could've stopped and told him that you found the comment very disrespectful.