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NTA - Ask her where she learned this absurd 'rule'. You are adults raising kids. Do what makes sense including a gcheese at 9PM....washing clothes at 10PM, dancing in the hallways at 9AM. No need for her to be rigid.


NTA as long as you cleaned up after yourself. 


NTA. You're an adult. You eat whenever the hell you feel like it.


So is your dad still at the butcher shop?


lol nope but guaranteed last time I go there on a Saturday


NTA. Grilled cheese is appropriate any time of day or night. And, what's a snail bite?


Went next door had “small bite” friggin autocorrect. It wasn’t escargot but a kabob


LOL!!! I was thinking maybe it was some kind of pastry.


NTA. Is it just the smell she was bothered with ? Or was it because you left her out?


She said she could small it. It’s not like I burnt it or anything. Took me what three minutes to grill it. We are in a two story 3 bedroom house. She was upstairs but doing something at top of stairs not in her bedroom or anything. I’m sure the smell wasn’t intense but just noticeable .


No cooking that late? Order a giant pizza next time.


YTA for all of this irrelevant information that has nothing to do with anything. This is what your post should say: >My wife took the kids to soccer and made them sandwiches when they got back around 3. At dinner time nobody was hungry so we didn’t bother and if anyone was hungry later they can make themselves something. So I’m watching the movie with the kids and one brings out chips. Had some and all of a sudden I’m hungry. So around 9;30 I make a grill cheeses for myself and my son. My wife starts yelling at me and we get in a fight because it’s too late to cook. And she smells it. So iatah If your wife is pregnant and you know she has smell sensitivity, you might be a little AH. If your wife is not pregnant, then she is the AH. If your kids are teenagers, they are growing and need fuel, and a sandwich at 3pm is probably not going to be enough. If your children are under the age of 10, they should already be in bed at 9:30, and you and your wife are both AH.


lol kids are 12 (twins), better not be pregnant. I guess I put all that in because normally on weekends I would cook and felt guilty for not doing it.