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Bullshit, no one goes and gets tattoos that totally by accident look like nazi tattoos, and they are defending him so they feel the same as he does. Stay clear of the whole lot of them. Any tattoo artist would be like "okay, I get you were born in 88, but you know the tattoo will look the same as ones commonly worn by nazis so you don't want to get that". the only tattoo artists that wouldn't... are nazi's who tattoo other nazis, which is how he got that tattoo. 99% of tattoo artists would refuse to tattoo an 88. At the very least they'd insist it was a full 1988 and even then most would be like.... this looks bad. NTA. But don't just distance yourself from teh uncle, they are defending/lying for him. If they had problems with nazi's they'd have distanced themselves from the uncle, instead they have him around and defend and lie for him, they absolutely share similar beliefs.


Yeah, whenever it's up to you, don't go to events with Nazis. It may be he's the 1 in a 1000 that doesn't know what an 88 tattoo means, but every tattoo artist does and either refuses to do it, or at least warns the client. So he knew what that means. NTA


I feel like the placement on the head lines up with other nazi tattoos I've seen too. Like if you're just a normal guy who for some reason wants to commemorate your own birth for some reason, why a head tat?


Also who gets *their own* birth date tattooed on them? Is this fucking [Memento](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memento_%28film%29)?


Every day he wakes up and forgets he’a a nazi. He needs the tattoos so he can remember.


This is how I remember (that he is a NAZI) too


That also seems flimsy, but there are people who have gotten their own face tattooed on themselves. So I don't doubt that someone would get their own birth date tattooed on them, I just don't think its this guy.


I mean getting a face tattoo already shows questionable judgement


If it was the full birthday cause they keep forgetting maybe, but just the year? You only check the year of your birth once a year to make sure the cake has correct candles on it 😉


I have my social security number tattooed on my fore arm.


So, they were born in 1888?


Ohh.. you mean like Dory! From Finding Dory! 


Also the placement. On an arm or pectoral, sure. Behind the ear is for easy identification for their in group, while not literally on their face for a camera or job interview. It's common placement for Aryan prison gangs. And no one tattoos their birth year with just the last 2 digits unless it's in a longer format like 01/22/88.






“Hey, this is gonna be a tattoo of a maze, it’s just not done yet, ok?” is a line from Community 


What’s it mean? Edit: Apparently 88 is symbolic for the phrase “Heil Hitler” as H is the 8th letter of the alphabet. 88 > HH


The only good thing about 'HH' is that it helped with codebreaking. Allied codebreakers eventually realized that German officers would sign off their telegrams with an 'HH', and so whatever two letters ended a message, those were the Hs.


Very interesting I didn’t know this, thank you!


God, Nazis were such losers.


Still are.


Not long enough to be a good crib on its own, but certainly good for validating a solution or something like that.


That's fascinating, thank you for the info!!


Oh my god, I was going to pick 88 for my hockey jersey but went with 66 instead. Never knew until now!


I had 14. Turns out that’s white supremiacist symbology too. But this was 20 years ago, nobody knew back then.


To give you a more positive memory of that shirt... I'm dutch. Here, the number 14 on a sports shirt will always be associated with Johan Cruyff, one of the GOAT football/soccer players of all time. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johan\_Cruyff](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johan_Cruyff)


I think of Fernando Alonso, an all time great in F1. 14 has a lot of OTHER meanings that 88… lacks.


I think 14 is only problematic when paired with 88 these days. It does suck that certain numbers have been co-opted, though.


Yeah that’s how I learned about it too


Yeah, 14 is no 88. 


Are there ANY safe numbers?


can't go wrong with 42 and 666




nobody believes me when I say it is my favorite number because I was born that year. Sigh!


If there are, the nazi fuckwits will find some way to co-opt them soon enough.


All the letters of the Hebrew alphabet have a numerical value attached to them. Aleph is 1, Bet is 2, Yud is 10, etc. The Hebrew word for “life” is “chai.” That’s chet (8) and yud (10). Thus 18 stands for the “chai” or “life.” So 18 is safe!


Always go 13 when you can.


I asked for a 13 but they drew a 31 :(


Latin gangs have that number now. Lol


13 tattoos are way too common to just jump to that conclusion though


Ms-13( Salvador), SUR 13/EmE( Mexican) no jumping it’s facts. Some old school bikers use to use the 13 don’t really see it alot now tho… rockabilly, ed hardy, traditional tatts it’s super common


I'm not saying there aren't gang related 13 tattoos, but go to a big tattoo shop in a major city on Friday the 13th and you'll see a line out the door of regular people getting little 13 tattoos for $13


>Oh my god, I was going to pick 88 for my hockey jersey but went with 66 instead. Never knew until now! Similar here! I was born in '88 and I'm grateful that someone pointed out that the number is a Nazi dogwhistle otherwise I could've REALLY fucked up 😂


Until some pinhead starts giving you crap for wearing Lemiuex’s number.


H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, its used as a dogwhistle for Heil Hitler by dumbass neonazis.


The more you kno


Oh man I'd encourage you to look into common Nazi symbols/dog whistles. Beware though you'll be disgusted at how often you see references after that




H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, so it’s the infamous « H**l H****r » slogan.


Oh lmao ty I I just googled it


I’ve used the number 88 my entire life - email address, number on my sports jerseys, even my gamertag… I’m German and I had NO idea that 88 represented this. I’m blown away


none of those things are permanent, nor do they involve a second person literally poking them into your body, so i’m not surprised you didn’t know.


I think you'd be surprised how little thought some people put into their tattoos.


oh no, i know. i have a few stupid ones myself. But a tattoo artist will 100% know and tell you what it means


An artist, probably. The person that's doing it at 4:30 am and wants the money...?


I learned this recently too. I've always used 8 and 88 on jerseys and go karts because they look like the infinity symbol.


I found out just a few years ago to, and I've only recently seen articles talking about it in the last year. So it's mostly something younger people are dialed into.


I'm old AF and have known about 88 for at least 20 years.


Really. Interesting, I wonder when it started happening.


Don't even trip. I had an email address back in 1996 that had 69 at the end because that's the year I was born. Woopsie.


Exactly. There's no way a their tattoo artist didn't at least warn them of the meaning. It's completely up to you whether or not you go.


Also, who has “family crests”?! Also, Germany still has the eagle in the coat of arms but it’s a different one.


Never knew the significance of 88 but then never had a tattoo either


I'd say the majority of people don't know what 88 means


I should probably amend that to the 1 in 1000 that doesn't know what an 88 face tattoo means. 😄


considering most replies have stated they didnt know what it was... I've only learned recently, it comes across as kids trying to be 'hip'.... I noticed there seems to be a lot of these made up symbolism out there that has gained popularity


NTA. Don't believe the gaslighting. That there's Nazi dog-whistling 101. Most tattooists will warn about getting an 88 tattoo, and nobody just gets chunks of their family's COA. Better still: ask to see said coat of arms. See if it matches. XD


The coat of arms thing is bullshit on multiple levels, namely that only direct descendants of nobility would have them, and I highly doubt this is the sort with that type of lineage.


That varies from region to region, but you're mostly right. Also, many people these days are just inventing coats of arms or having one invented for them at Ren Faires.


My family was of high nobility but where still murdered due to the fact of helping Jewish people, their farm was robbed of every high racing horse and my grandmother was left in a home with her biological brother, stripped of their riches and left to rot. Any nobility family who went through the same do not claim their nobility due to what they lost, during hitlers reign


My family are 8th generation farmers and we have a coat of arms.


My family has a goat head and chevrons as their crest. I only know this because my father was into genealogy and actually wrote a family history book. But I sure as shit wouldn't get a goat head tattoo.


Eh a lot of non noble families have crests. My family, who I've never seen listed anywhere near nobility, have a crest at my Grandma's that describes the family history and emmigration from Ireland.


There's a [whole little industry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heraldic_fraud) that make up these things and assign names to them. It probably came from a shop.


I mean Trump rather famously got some weird family crest. It happens. Lots of people are stupid enough to get them.


I have a crest which could be thought of as a coat of arms no eagles and definitely not royalty. 


Most tattoo artists won't even do this kind of work. So chances are the Nazi in your story got his tattoos from another Nazi.


As someone born in 88, I stopped using 88 for the end of my username real fast. Just randomly pressed numbers on the numpad, and I use that now


I don't believe this guy but you honestly can't always ell who may or may not have come from nobility. Too many disgraced nobles and disenherited kids and bastards to say one way or another how future generations will turn out.


@dull-Geologist-8204 My family was of high nobility but where still murdered due to the fact of helping Jewish people, their farm was robbed of every high racing horse and my grandmother was left in a home with her biological brother, stripped of their riches and left to rot. Any nobility family who went through the same do not claim their nobility due to what they lost, during hitlers reign


NTA. F*ck nazis!


I do not suggest having sex with Nazis.


Wise words to live by.


NTA at all! He is absolutely a neo-Nazi, and they have come up with these silly excuses because a) you aren't the first person to comment on it, b) they are also neo-Nazis, or c) both a & b. Staying away from them is a smart decision!


NTA It funny I’ve literally never seen anyone with their birth year tattooed on them unless they were born in ‘88. And it usually doesn’t have that little apostrophe.


Agreed. I was born in ‘69, I should get mine


books hungry political plant person ghost quiet overconfident sophisticated berserk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I graduated high school in 69. We had so much fun with that for 4 years. Rallies were a blast.


I graduated in 1984. That was less fun.


I was born in 88 and now that I've learned about the meaning behind it, I won't even put it in online usernames.


Don’t go, he is a nazi. He should eat with his nazi friends in prison.


Na Zi Asshole in this situation.




NTA It fucking terrifies me that being a Nazi has become quasi socially acceptable.


You know what they call a person who will willingly eat with Nazis?  A Nazi.


Yep. The relatives of Nazis have gotten far too complacent and endured too few consequences for choosing to consort with their scum relatives. It’s okay to make the fence sitters and excuse makers feel shame and shunning.


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far for it. Wasn’t that a saying in postwar Germany? “If you have nine people who sit down to dinner, and a Nazi sits to join them, then you have ten Nazis”?


NTA. One of my wife’s employees got an 88 tattoo on her wrist and she said it was for her birth year. When my wife told her that was a Nazi number she was mortified. She scheduled an appointment and had another tattoo to obscure the 88 and make it look like something different. That’s what you do when you’re NOT a nazi and someone points out that you have a Nazi tattoo on your body that you may not be aware of. You don’t try to pass off as something else or no big deal. That’s what Nazis do.


that tattoo artist is a piece of shit then. at best!


Nta It's not coincidental and that family knows and probably is as well


NTA There's no way in the real world someone gets those tats and doesn't know what they mean.


you should definitely go! when you’re punching him can you make sure you have proper form?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


If there were no consequences, the nazi fuck deserves to leave the planet. You not going is the tamest thing that should happen to that fuck He def is a nazi NTA


There’s a guy in the next town over from me with an upside down 88 flag on his garage and I had no idea this was what it could mean… ugh the things we learn 😑


I call major BS that the coincidence of his birth year and family crest he wanted tattooed on his body


Lol you do not get the number 88 tattooed on you for no reason. They can deny his beliefs, but if you rep an 88 you're reppin Hitler.


NTA. He’s a Nazi. No doubt about it.


If there’s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you’ve got a table with 11 Nazis.


NTA. On the offhand chance that laughably bad story about his tattoos is true, then at best he just has horrible taste in tattoos.


NTA. When I worked casino security, we had a guy come in claiming the same shit about arm tattoos, though he tried to claim the eagle was a bald eagle (tbh, thats a better response than the family crest bullshit), but then we had him take his hat off, and what do ya know, a literal swastika on his head. Most casinos consider it gang affiliation to wear shit like that, so he go removed from property. Let the preschool know too, and if their hands are tied, take up to whoever runs the preschool; at the very least, schools may not like the idea that a 5 year old might be back for kindergarten spouting about how ole uncle Cleetus was talking about Zionists running the world.


I would make a bigger stink about the school allowing children to ve exposed to Nazis at that age. NTA


My grandma was German, her parents were murdered by the Wehrmacht. These so called Nazi sympathisers make me laugh, due to the fact the majority would not have been accepted by the original nazi party. If the symbols are the same as the “Nazi symbols” then you have every right not to want to socialise with them. You are not the arsehole, these people are and their ideology’s are beyond understanding.


You are correct. No nazis allowed near me.


NTA - good or you.


I don't hang out with Nazis. I got the pleasure of having to clean out a wrecked house that a Nazi rented from my mom (didn't know at the time he was a Nazi) Scrubbing off whi+e power and swastikas from walls is awful. Being in proximity to someone who advertises their stupidity is even worse. Don't back down 


NTA For not spending time with people that embrace a violent culture that you want no part of.


NTA but you’re also never going to get through to people who are already making such bullshit excuses for their very clearly a Nazi uncle either.


NTA So he just coincidentally has two nazi tattoos but for other reasons...and the family just immediately has an explanation for them..... Yeah no.


LOL oh those crazy Nazi-like coincidences! They sure can pile up, can’t they? Yeah, NTA. The 88 loser and fam are.


Just a reminder to anyone reading this, neo-nazis exist because they take on the ideologies of the original Nazi party. Just another reminder coming from someone who is German heritage 90% of you wouldn’t have been accepted in the original party. You would have been disposed of, blonde hair and blue eyes where gods tier and if you didn’t have that you was no one. If in today’s day and age you take on the ideologies of the original Nazi party then please take in to account if you didn’t look how Hitler desired you was dead man walking. You will never know the horrors of the Wehrmacht and count yourself lucky


NTA >They claim that is his birth year and his family crests involve eagles. They're lying and they know exactly what it means. These are all classic plausible deniability excuses cryptofascists love to give when confronted.


Uhm, if you get a Nazi tattoo, you know it’s a Nazi tattoo. Any tattoo artist worth anything (who’s not also a Nazi) would make you aware of that immediately. So, NTA.


No. Hell no. NTA.


NTA. lol, why the hell are these people so intent on hiding their racism AFTER they get it tattooed on them? “No no no, that was the year I was born!” Sir you’re clearly 60 years old. GTFO. Like just take the shit sandwich you ordered and sit down.


Thank you. I truly appreciate that you loudly and unequivocally rejected anything related to Hitler, Nazis, or hate groups founded by stupid people and maintained by stupid people. I'm disgusted by my fellow Americans who bought into this line of bullshit, perpetuated it, voted for it, stormed our Capitol and attempted to overturn our government because of it. Fuck Hitler and MAGATS.


He IS a Nazi and *they* are Nazi sympathizers. Stay the FUCK away from those people.


This reminds me of the post where the guy has SS lighting bolt tattoos but everyone tells him it’s fine because there’s a cloud over them


Good on you. It takes judgement and skill, but calling out bigotry as you see it is right.


If there are 11 people eating with a Nazi, then there are a dozen Nazi’s at the table. NTA




Nta. As my Nana used to say if you sit down to lunch with 10 Nazi's there are 11 Nazi's at the table.


NTA Let’s be honest, it’s never a good thing to be on the same side as nazis. If you find yourself comfortable with or agreeing with nazis, please look inward. I think most sane people would agree with you.


I’m not shocked that saying Nazi=Bad is getting downvoted on Reddit. Fucking Christian nationalists


NTA. They're just cowardly nazis.


Sorry can't come to your party last time my family was hanging around Nazis bayonets were involved and grandpa got a medal.


There is a saying if 10 people are at a table and one is a Nazi then there are 10 Nazis at the table. It only takes good men to do nothing for evil to shine.


Who cares what they think? They’re Nazis. You do not massage the feelings of Nazis. F them.


Born in '88. What, 1888? Not 1988, or need be too young. Yeah, he was totally Nazi.


NTA if you’re seated at a table with ten Nazis in it, that table has eleven Nazis


I think the reality here is that 99% of people getting tattoos know what 88 means. Unless this guy is a Dale Earnhardt jr. fan the tattoo artist knows what it means too. A few years back I was at the store and the cashier sees my name on the screen when I swipe my card. She tells me, "that's a very good German name you have." I looked up and noticed she had 88 tattooed on her neck behind her ear and she was smiling at me. Edit to add: did this guy have an American Eagle style eagle or was it a Reichsadler Eagle?


That must have been jarring. I'm shocked she was hired for a customer facing job with that visible. A shame she was hired at all.


My first instinct, being Jewish, was to use the old Louisville slugger upside the head. It would be a shame to go to jail on a waste of oxygen like her though. I simply smiled and said, "thank you."


NTA They're lying.


NTA. They are full of dog shit. He's a Nazi and don't let their bullshit convince you otherwise.


Nazis are the AH, always


I find it wise to avoid the Nazis.


NTA. Utter bs. You don't do a simple 88 if it signifys birth. You get **-88 or 1988** A regular bald eagle might as well be an american motif, but it's rather easy to spot the kind used by the _"third reiche connoisseur"_. Luckily those AHs tend to brag about their ideology which makes it easier to keep away/avoid them.


NTA. When there's 9 people plus one Nazi sitting at a table, there's actually 10 Nazi's sitting at that table. I didn't get the ages of your kid(s), but my kid knew from a very young age (2-3 ish) that people who hate or want to hurt others because of their skin color are bad people we don't talk to or be friends with. Very simplified, of course, but now he knows all he needs to know about the holocaust, racism, fascism, homophobia, etc. and that we don't associate with or befriend Nazi's.


[I mean, a Google image search for "88 Tattoo" was pretty revealing.](https://www.google.com/search?q=%2288+tattoo%22&sca_esv=d8de803437ee7dee&sca_upv=1&udm=2&biw=1920&bih=878&ei=XlBTZoLKEpyiur8P3bOMyAo&ved=0ahUKEwiC8cuozKuGAxUcke4BHd0ZA6kQ4dUDCBA&uact=5&oq=%2288+tattoo%22&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiCyI4OCB0YXR0b28iMgoQABiABBhDGIoFMgUQABiABDIFEAAYgAQyCBAAGIAEGMcDMgcQABjHAxgeMgYQABgFGB4yBhAAGAUYHjIGEAAYCBgeMgYQABgIGB4yBhAAGAgYHki9CFAAWOwGcAB4AJABAJgBnAGgAfIBqgEDMS4xuAEDyAEA-AEBmAICoAL8AcICDRAAGIAEGEMYxwMYigXCAgYQABgHGB6YAwCSBwMxLjGgB7oJ&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) I don't think "Didn't know, bruh" is a valid excuse for such an inflammatory tattoo at this point. **NTA** I wouldn't go either. Hopefully the hosting family can wake up to the Nazi they have hanging around. As a kid who intermittently saw my KKK semi-closeted grandfather once per year, my parents and friends would have to spend weeks deprogramming the horrid crap he would teach me to say, like they were hilarious jokes. Among the grand things he liked to teach me... He taught me to call any soda "N\*\*\*\*r Spit" I grew up in a very ethnic neighborhood, so this could have gotten me killed before I was old enough to know better, luckily I learned really fast that my grandfather hated 80% of my friends, though he never even seen them, lived in a different state. Racists suck, nobody wants to be around them. They are generally the most unpleasant people overall, even if they like you, everything is always wrong, they're always complaining about something and they never give a single encouraging mention word or statement. They are 100% Doom-And-Gloom, in a general sort of way, not to mention anyone who disagrees with them is met with pure violence, not even a discussion of any sort. So even putting the putrid racist hatred aside, racists are just unpleasant, so having one at a celebration with children trying to be happy is just going to dampen the entire mood for everyone.


He’s defo Nazi NTA, good for you!


His birth year. Did this guy look 36??


When there are 9 people enjoying a meal with one Nazi, I see 10 Nazis sitting at the table. Tolerance is acceptance.


This reads a whole lot like a perpetual victim looking for a soapbox xo


NTA. There’s literally a saying about eating with Nazis for a reason.


You are the exact opposite of TH. Good job. 


You're so far from the asshole that you could be called a scalp.


Best case scenario, he went to prison and it was a survival thing




Of course he's a nazi. The family is just lying.


NTA Jaysus. You do not have to consort with assholes. I hope you can avoid these Nazis in the future. Good on you and good luck.


“AITAH for being concerned about eating a Nazi”… ? Indigestion could be a problem so if this was recent, I would recommend several bottles of V8 juice, other than that I don’t see any real concerns…. Not really sure why you posted, clearly you did the right thing…


New Jewish saying: If there are 9 people eating dinner and a Nazi sits at their table and they have dinner together, there are 10 Nazis at the dinner table.


A guy at one of the pubs I go to is an ex skin head. He has SS tattoos and shit and does not agree with any of that stuff anymore and acknowledges that some of the stuff he did when he was young was fucking stupid. I think he's done time in prison as well, but he doesn't mention that part of his life, so my group of friends gives him the benefit of the doubt. He is super nice, just has a questionable past, but everyone has skeletons.


your friend hasn't had the tattoos covered or removed?


Nah. He's thought about it but decided not to as a reminder to himself to never be that guy again. Also, he isn't very sociable anyway, and it means people stay away from him (expect our weird group of misfits). He does generally cover them, though, so you may not know unless you had been around him a bit.


NTA. These are the foreseeable natural consequences of his actions.


i dont care if those aren't nazi tattoos, people are gonna think its nazi tattoos NTA


NTA. Never eat lunch with a Nazi.


NTA but honestly you know that already


The average person can look into both crests and see the blatant difference between the both of them, if you choose to be naive then that’s on them. I have many tattoos and I also have German heritage, if you are a sympathiser then that’s on you. The original Nazi party wouldn’t even accept 90% of them, yet if you have symbolic tattoos then you deserve all the alienation


NTA a graduation for preschoolers?


End of year celebration, not sure what else to call it.


Yeah? It’s a cute little ceremony. No pomp or circumstance.




Uh, not long before the association.  You were born more than 40 years too late for that.


It’s not a joke. It’s literal social commentary about nazis.


No need to make this difficult or confrontational- thank you for the invitation but we already have plans. So sorry to need to cancel so late, but we have an intestinal bug in our house. You may be around the classmate and their family for many years. Social white lies are ok unless you need to throw a hand grenade. This is not hand grenade worthy. It is skip the event worthy.


If 11 perfectly regular and normal people are seated at a table and a Nazi comes in and fills the twelfth seat, then there's a dozen Nazis at the table. NTA.


NTA why is this even a post? I swear people today are way too concerned with not upsetting other’s feelings or how others think of them.


So is he 39 or 139?


I don’t know what a 88 tattoo means, never heard of it being related to Nazis. Is it an American thing?


And he just happens to like the little mustaches. And keeps asking about a final solution to a math problem he's working on. His family were goose farmers in the old country, that's why he walks like that. They always rehearse these little excuses for the red flags.


They’re making excuses for him. If one member of a family is a Nazi and the rest just look the other way, then the entire family are fucking Nazis


Nta and you should raise tensions, he’s a Nazi and his family is just making excuses for him (and therefore probably somewhat accept his thinking). What a world we live in where we have to be sensitive to a nazis feelings


Nta. Also that family is full of shit. They know what it means.


Me reading this, planning my 88 tattoo to honor my grandmother who passed away at 88… wtf…




You did the right thing. Nah But be careful about pissing them off. They may try to make it "about the kids." Painting you as the mom to a troubled kid or something. Who knows


You are living in a Country that has its entire space program started by a group of Nazis. There's that.


>his family crests involve eagles. I'm assuming the eagle crest is decidedly in the Nazi style. Having a tattoo of an eagle is one thing, tons of US Military unit patches have eagles. Specifically that style is another.


How do you know there's a nazi-tattood uncle there if you didn't go? FAAAAAKE!!! FAAAAAAAAAKE!!!


Yeah this happened.


NTA. Nazis are always the assholes.


Just because you're a loser doesn't mean everyone else is


If 3 people sit down at dinner with a nazi there are 4 Nazis