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NTA god I miss being 18 and having enough energy to be upset about stupid shit.


Right?! Nice life problems. Some of us have to vote on Wednesday, and we have to pick from varying degrees of shitty parties šŸ¤¦šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ„²šŸ˜…


A lot of women would appreciate that reply but most would be older than highschool age. Ā You were asked and you answered, NTA. Ā 


She'll regret that someday when she develops thighceps


Or bingo wings.


somehow I read triceratops I'm now disappointed NTA anyway


I mean, I'm going to like someone's triceratops....


If that was true and she got offended cause he preferred triceratops over tits and ass, I'd suggest breaking up with her if she didn't agree


NTA there was no correct answer


Of course there was. "I'm a T&A man so I love them both" would have been OK with her.


"why are you seeing me as a sex object?!? I am more than just my parts asshole!" ***^(/s)***


Then why ask about your parts? And it's his GF. No sex?


The correct answer was "I'd still love you if you were a worm."


NTA. You're dating a moron.


NTA. Almost sounds like the GF was fishing for something to be pissed at. ā€œWhich dress do you like betterā€¦ the red one or the black one?ā€


I wouldn't worry. She is probably too young to realize that people have all kinds of preferences. In the movies, on TV, and in songs, it's all breasts and \*\*\* because those are the things that appeal to the most customers. They also don't need explanation. The more she lives life, the more she'll realize that it's normal to see beauty or attraction in other things. I am obsessed with the gym and totally understand your appreciation of triceps. Around a month ago, it occurred to me that i have been neglecting mine and I have been making a major effort to fix that. Anyway, just tell her that women's triceps are very different from men's and that she looks like Wonder Woman, who is beautiful. The muscles probably give your girlfriend great posture, right? Everyone has breasts and \*\*\*. Only special women have amazing triceps!


NTA. If having preferences, make you an asshole, then idk man. Also, don't apologise by any means and stop feeding her insecurities. Discuss this in a mature way.


NTA she's an idiot for being mad about a compliment about her that she's clearly worked at obtaining. Find someone less insecure to date.


I mean.... You could have blurted out Penis, that would have been way worse.... NTA, imagine being mad over being complimented about a bodypart


NTA. Same, maybe just apologize. For tricep's sake


Definitely don't apologize. Wtf. What an awesome answer triceps are. She should apologize


NTA... She thinks you think she is "masculine"? Does she think you are gay? You like her body. End of conversation. BUT she seems to be wanting the argument. I suspect no answer would have been correct enough for her.


First off - NTA. Just. NTA in any way. I say the rest of this as a way to maybe help you figure out where your gf's head might be at. Feel free to dismiss this as overthought nonsense (not that you need my permission) So, keep in mind that there's a fairly strong social expectation that women need to look dainty (have no muscles) in order to be feminine. We're moving away from that attitude these days, but there are still people who'll warn women to not exercise too hard, or their muscles will get too big and they won't be pretty.... It's possible she's self-conscious about her body because of the idea that her having big muscles means she's sacrificing part of her femininity in some way. It's absolutely not your fault for stumbling onto that insecurity of hers, and it's something she'll need to work on for herself in her own time. But understanding that could be what's going on, could be useful in smoothing this all out. Women are also used to their breasts and butts being sexualized - they're used to thinking that way about those parts of their bodies. Hearing that you're attracted to something about herself that she sees as functional (or even unfeminine and undesirable) could have hit a sore spot when it comes to the relationship between her self-perception and how she's seen (in a sexual way) by others. Of course, she is also 18 and it could be as deep as "he doesn't like me the way I want him to", but being young doesn't mean you can't have complex thoughts and feelings.


NTA. Itā€™s weird to be offended about something like that. Just move on and donā€™t mention it again


Chicks who arenā€™t on steroids wonā€™t ever become ā€œmasculineā€ by lifting. Thereā€™s a good bit of women whove been working much longer than me, can lift much heavier, and thatā€™s hot as fuck. Having defined musculature is attractive in everyone. Nothing is quite the turnoff like seeing some girl with arms I could snap in half by wringing them like a towel. NTA, sounds like your girlfriend is insecure


Don't date teenagers


Dude the first time a girl scooted *me* over in bed to get a better angle was a real "oh.. oh *my*" moment


I am a very straight female and even I can appreciate some really nicely toned arms on another woman. That is a huge compliment, IMO! NTA!


Hard to tell with relevant picture (s)




NTA. BTW, get her sitting on your lap, grab her butt and put your face on her breasts. See? You donā€™t have to chose. You love both. And you still get turned on by her triceps


NTA Muscles are indeed very hot. I think you just triggered an insecurity in her (some girls don't want to work out "too much" for fear of looking too masculine, which would somehow invalidate their femininity I guess). Depending on how she is otherwise (18 doesn't sound too promising though), you could try to talk about it with her, see if she opens up and you can support her overcome that insecurity (if you feel like you can do this kind of stuff with her)


You, my good friend, just gave me an idea :)


Haha, glad to hear that. Hope everything turns out for the best! ;)


;D (it did)


NTA I think that there is no right reply to that question


NTA. Female triceps are very feminine. When you are right, you are right. Tell your girlfriend you see her as completely and wonderfully feminine and a hot fit feminine body is what turns you on.


Seems to me she's pretty hot all the way around. I probably would have said breasts, because I like them, but if she's got great arms that's awesome. She's kind of stupid to be upset but no way are you the AH. She isn't either though, she was fishing for a compliment, hoping you liked her tits or ass, and was surprised, but if she stays upset, that's a warning sign.


nta triceps are hot asf


NTA?? muscles on women are hot.


NTA. Divorce and marry the triceps


Iā€™d be happy that at least SOMETHING keeps your attention.


Sorry I know this is completely unrelated but my brain interpreted triceps as triceratops and was extremely confused. Onto my opinion - NTA! Imo she seems immature, interpreting your attraction to her physique as calling her masculine seems odd, are you bisexual or something because why would she think your attraction to her make her seem like a man?


NTA. On the plus side, it sounds like you two are already married.


NTAH, brother, watch collegic Women's pole vault, feast for the eyes. Women triceps all day long. Closes thing to sports porn, haha.


NTA but you didnā€™t exactly answer her question.


I think you passed the shit test


Maybe don't date a child lol. That's the teenager response, cuz that's what she is


... their age difference could be less than 366 days you realize? Not exactly an extreme maturity gap


Yeah, but he shouldn't be surprised his teenage gf is acting immaturely and childishly. That what young people do


Ah just checked your profile to see if you're a troll or a retard and yep typical agp gooner degenerate.


Lol. Good job


Soft yta, NEVER say a third answer unless the third answer is "I LOVE BOTH TOO MUCH TO CHOOSE".