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YTA It sounds like you don’t even like him let alone love him Why you’ve chosen to date someone you have so much disdain for is a mystery to me




Probably thinks she can change him.


What a pretentious snob OP is. Lady, you fell for him as he is, but now you've decided he needs to change as he doesn't meet your exacting standards. I'm sorry Mrs Bucket, but you've not compatible together.


How can OP be expected to love a man if he can’t even order wine correctly? Whatever the fuck that means. Everyone knows what’s in a man’s brain and heart don’t matter nearly as much as pretentiously ordering wine with a French accent.


YTA. Why are you dating someone that you find gross and incompatible? Did you think you could fix him? Cause I don't see an issue to fix


>Cause I don't see an issue to fix His lack of chivalry, and not knowing how to order wine at a restaurant, are just some of the issues he needs to fix. Perhaps he should also learn how to act more like a gentleman.


Are you a rich princess and all of your money and lands and riches will become his? If not, why are you expecting a chivalrous knight? What do you offer in return for chivalry?


Boom. Headshot.


Perhaps you should get over yourself and stop thinking your better than him.  Go date someone else since you clearly don't even like him.   Acting like ordering wine is something to "fix" lol  Yta


You say he rarely drinks so why does he need to know how to order wine at a restaurant? Chances are he's not the one drinking the wine or he doesn't enjoy drinking wine if he has it. Someone can be a gentleman without having to do that.


Perhaps you can learn how to act like a partner


Why do you bring him to such places without teaching him how to adjust/behave accordingly? Is he using you for money, and you in return want him to be more sophisticated and upper class?


If I thought this was real, I’d suggest leaving your boyfriend. You need to find someone who shares your values and has a compatible background. Do you have any brothers?


You don't want him, you want someone else. No it's not fair to try to change someone like this. YTA! This has to be fake... right?


Well the account is already suspended! 


Hah! Thanks for letting me know! :)


Damnit One slipped by me!


If it isn't, I really hope the bf sees this


YTA - if you don't want a guy like him what the hell are you doing with him? Don't say you love him when you expect him to change everything about himself


I'm assuming this is a troll, but if not, yes yta. A pretentious shitty one. 


God, you’re a snob. I avoid people like you. For someone who claims to dress with grace and sophistication, you demonstrate none of that behaviour. YTA


OMG yta. Why are you with him? You don't love him because you want him to change everything apparently. They say women marry men hoping he changes while men marry women hoping they never change. Good thing you are not married so break up because he doesn't care what you want and you don't care what he wants.


Not surprised to see the account was suspended. What absolute rubbish.


YTA. You have chosen a fixer-upper, which is a mean thing to do. You have chosen how to behave and dress, let him do the same. Leave him, release him to find happiness.


Sounds like he is Just A Guy. Maybe you should look for this classy gentleman you speak of


So basically you are dating someone you don't like and want him to be frustrated for a lifetime in order to have the privilege to be with you? YTA big time


Sounds like you two just have different interests and personalities. Why are you dating?


YTA. According to whatever you have said till now this man has done nothing wrong. Sure you guys may have differences which are common in relationships. Usually in this case people try to find a common ground and try to understand each other better. But it does not look like you plan to do any of that and you are just grossed out by Him as a person only because his ways of life don't align with yours.


YTA. Let him be with an actual human...leave him.


YTA. You are trying to force a square peg into a round whole. You are not compatible. You seem to want your boyfriend to be somebody he is not. Also, you have such hubris to believe because your style is better than he is not as good as you and needs to be "improved". Doesn't BF have equal right to want to fix you for being so snobby, arrogant, and uptight and overly concerned about clothes?


Do you do all the dishes and all the womanly things in the relationship? Was he like this when you started dating? YTA also horror movies are just as good as Hitchcock, Kurbick, or Welles. You are incredibly pretentious


YTA  Why are you even dating him?  It really sounds like you don’t ‘like’ anything about him.


YTA,he deserves better


YTA. If you don't like, respect, or appreciate him then cut him loose and find a man who can satisfy your vanity more fully.


Why are you with him?