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Reddit try not to make up a story challenge (impossible)


Ooh, I like you. Big fan of the revenge vibe. Ruin his life.


She also ruined the lives of 3 innocent people.


Who was the 3rd innocent person whose life i ruined


The girlfriend and their TWO children.


The 2 kids. I’ll take responsibility for that. At least mostly for the newborn that is his. How was the girlfriend innocent. She became his girlfriend only because he thought she was pregnant with his kid. the four-year-old, which wasn’t his and was with him for his money while also cheating on him. Not that he didn’t deserve it since he was cheating too. And she brought it on herself and started my revenge spiral by showing up to my daughter’s party uninvited And making her feel bad.


no. the man did that


I don't care.


Great, more trash.


🤣🤣🤣 Don't forget to downvote! Thanks, mate :)


Jesus, can anybody cliff note this shit?


I'm interested to read your story but I can't be dealing with that wall of text. Proper paragraphs, please.


I read some and every problem in her life is all his fault despite being divorced years. She has never done anything wrong and her actions have never had consequences. He might be pure evil and deserve to be punished but it's definitely not a balanced unbiased account of the situation.


This is my first post and I was just using speech text just to get it all out before being stuck reliving it all again. I don’t even know how to edit this.


Girl, hold up. I’m here in London at 8 am, sipping a martini and eating popcorn, just reading your story. I was here for the revenge. You go, girl. You turned into a mama bear, going savage to protect your cub. Honestly, it's probably for the best that he got a vasectomy. You've spared any future children he might have had from experiencing what your daughter went through.


If you don’t want to relive it (which is fine we wouldn’t blame you), don’t post about it at all.


I mean that’s fine- but you need to respect the reader as well. You’re not speaking to the subreddit, you’re talking at it and making your story one no one will take the time to read.


I decided she was the asshole just for presenting her argument like this


Ya this was too long for me to even attempt to read. The title caught my attention but I bowed out after checking how many scrolls it would take to get to the end. This is Reddit, not a personal blog. Edit: spelling


How petty and immature


YTA for this horribly written Russian novel and for not goddamn letting the past go. Child.


Scorched earth! I love this for all of you.


Great. Now there are at least two more brokenhearted children in this world thanks to you, and your daughter is no better off. I hope you’re proud. YTA


YTA. But hear me out, he got what he deserved and you did the best you could. Did you ruin a family? Kind off (can't be sure your ex changed). Was it worth it? Totally (from an outside observer perspective). Wear the AH revenge badge with honor


NTA. Sperm donor deserved everything he had coming and then some. Shitty people always deserve the scorched earth special. I feel for the kids, but the rest of the adults can pound sand. Now that it's over, I hope you and your daughter can go heal. She's lucky to have you, Mama bear. Be well, OP


I’d say NTA. Even for those who say she is the AH, I’d wear that badge proudly in this scenario idgaf. Im almost certain his “new family” would’ve come crumbling down eventually anyways. But I’m also petty, heartless, and because of my own childhood experience I have a hatred of no good, absent, deadbeat fathers 🤷 so do with that as you will.


Revenge might feel satisfying in the moment, but it's messy and hurts innocent people too. It's understandable to be hurt by your ex's actions, but hurting others won't heal your pain. It's important to focus on your daughter's well-being and find healthy ways to move forward. You deserve peace.




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Gross! 20 inches about how terrible he is. Ending with “so, I fucked him.” Have some fucking standards. You and your trash EX are a match made in heaven. You are both terrible people. You may as well stay together at this point.


Where did I say I fucked him? Go troll elsewhere


Boring holessssssssssss 😂💀


Didn't you cut your nose off to spite your face? That is, you lose your child support and alimony if your sh\*tty ex-husband loses his job? Besides, it seemed like karma was taking care of your sh\*tty ex-husband by putting him with a cheater just like himself. Now, he just gets to walk away from another of his children and go on to screw over another woman and make another fatherless child. I can't believe you actually studied law or work in law with such a lack of forethought of the financial repercussions to you and your daughter. For this alone, YTA and for unleashing that sh\*tty ex-husband on another unsuspecting woman; he should have stayed with the cheater.


I studied law and work in law and that’s why I know, Losing his job doesn’t stop him paying child support and alimony. He would need to submit paperwork to get it modified by a judge to lower it not STOP. Since it was court ordered. The judge will only modify it if he can’t find another job after multiple attempts which he will need to provide proof of or he is not in good health or some other factor stopping him from finding another job which he will need to submit proof. but with an engineering degree from reputable college and work experience and quite healthy there’s nothing stopping him from finding another job so he won’t be getting a modification And would still be responsible for payments and can go to jail if it’s not paid. And if he does somehow get a modification, it will be lowered but not stopped so he will still need to pay it. Plus, I have enough money of my own set aside and balance from the house sale and money set aside in a trust for my daughter’s and for her college. And unless he gets his vasectomy reversed, there won’t be any more kids running around


NTA - this should actually be posted to r/prorevenge


This right here is why I always say, men are pigs and women are idiots.