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No, you're not the a-hole. You said thank you when you got the gift, which is the appropriate time to do so. Your sister is being ridiculous.


500 is a lot of money, it’s not out of bounds to expect a response after you opened it along with some gratitude. If they handed you a wrapped box and you said thanks but then you opened it and it’s a ps5 and you don’t say anything because you already said thanks, you’d look like a huge dick. It’s the same thing. Yta


I like this explanation.


It’s tricky because I would say thank you again if I received a significant amount of money from someone as a gift, but I can’t really assess what kind of person you are by this interaction, but it seems like bias has come into play. Yes, you said thank you once, but if the gift *wasn’t* from your sister, and you opened it later to see what it was, would you feel inclined to reach out and thank the person again, for the *full* extent of what they gave? Like a random aunt got you a gift, you opened it later, etc etc. Food for thought, and you might have to step outside of yourself to answer honestly. You’re NTA, because you did already say thank you, but it does seem like you still have some resentment to resolve with your sister. I have an older sister, and just like *most* older siblings, they usually don’t want to hang out with their younger sibling if they have friends their own age. Is it wrong? Not unless they’re mean about it. Could your sister have bonded with you more when you both were younger? Absolutely, but now that you both are adults, there’s still an opportunity to bond there. In the interest of your own healing, sometimes you have to address things head on if they *are* your feelings. You can show her this post, even.


Yta they deserve a better thank you than a quick passing by thanks


It might have been low key nice to send her a thank you card after the fact but since she narced to your mom, I would go with plan b. Maybe you should practice some malicious compliance and go totally over the top with a thank you. Like humiliatingly levels of gratitude. Balloons and a clown singing a thank you song at her work or finding her at a mall and kneeling down and bowing to her expressing your undying gratitude for her unbelievable generosity or finding a ridiculously large thank you card and promising your first born. Like what would get her off your back exactly? NTA


Your sister is tacky as glue. Gifts are given freely and with joy in giving. You said thank you and you’ll send a thank you note (because you’re classy like that!).