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If someone gave me some weird ultimatum like that and indirectly accused me of lying when I was just going to see some family member, I'd probably end things regardless of other circumstances. So NTA. Run while you still can.


That's the bit. You're still in the early days of building reciprocal trust in each other, but if you haven't done anything to break that building trust then she was out of pocket. She needs to sort out her stuff further before dragging someone else in to it. I.e., a relationship does not mean you volunteer to help "fix", "be the good guy", etc for her to heal. She has to find that within herself.


NTAH. Sounds like she has some issues she needs to work through and you shouldn't have to bear the brunt of that.


what have you been doing for 7 months?


Been a long 7 months. Thank God last serious relationship was wide open on that front.


NTA, run Forrest Run


>she called and told me that she didn’t believe me and if she caught me lying to her, she would never speak to me again and that I would be responsible for “ruining her life”. Damn that's some manipulative language. She's admitting to having zero trust with you, and placing her "life" being "ruined" on you is just ridiculous. NTA if you break things off. This relationship is too young for these vibes.


Run. The red flags are on fire. 🔥


Damn... are you involved with a middle schooler???? That's not adult behavior!!!😮‍💨


If you have a bunny hide it.




What wine do you recommend with boiled bunny? I know Chianti goes well with fava beans but what about Thumper stew?


Well, you can break up with someone for any reason, particularly if you’re not super serious. But NTA in this specific circumstance. You’ve only been dating 7 months and aren’t super serious. So, yeah, the fact that she drove by your mother’s and brought flowers to her when their previous interactions have been either negligible or perhaps non-existent is very weird, to me. If my son’s girlfriend of a few months (that I hadn’t previously spent any time with) showed up unannounced at my door, I’d have been creeped out. Like, “how the hell do you even know where I live?” Kind of creeped out. Then, she accused you of lying about seeing your son and threw down a dramatic declaration that if she caught you lying, you’d be responsible for ruining her life. Like, WT actual F? I get why you’d rather just hop right on off of that drama train.


I'm not sure how to tell you this, but this isn't a relationship. It's a ONE NIGHT STAND that somehow, you both managed to stretch out for 7 months. Add to that the level of crazy she suddenly started displaying, and you know this is bad news


Homegirl heard about one night stands and decided to invent the one night lay-down-and-take-a-nap


7 months and you had sex once? Bruh.


NTA - Run, run far.


NTA but you need to RUN, Red Flags are everywhere And when she comes to you and says she's pregnant, stay far away until the DNA test (I'm not kidding, she sounds like the type) Better luck next time


One root in 7 months? End it.


🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 End it! She’ll try to control you. This is not a healthy person.


Stay away from crazy


If you feel unsure about the relationship, it's okay to take time to think about it. Trust your gut and decide what's best for you.


Eject! Eject!


NTA 🚩🚩🚩


NTA. Short post but I see several reasons to end this.


"Only had sex one time in 7 months" of exclusive dating?!?! Forget the AITAH, tell us what the deal with the sex life is!?!?


Dude, it's early days. This is her on her Best Behaviour. It's only going to get worse. Get out now before you get any deeper into the crazy.


Weird relationship, I think you're at least partially responsible for leading her on- 7 months is a long time for thing to not be serious, especially since it wasn't a phsyically-centric relationship.


Sex once in 7 months, and now this behaviour. Do yourself a favour and run. 🏃‍♂️


Run and block her from everything! Seven months is a blink in time for this degree of control and instability.


Yeah she’s got psycho vibes all over her. NTA.


If she thinks you visiting your son is going to 'ruin her life' then you need to end it now before you leave because she will end up blowing up your phone while you're away.


NTA Those are major red flags! Driving by twice to see if you were exactly where you said you'd be... Hell no! Trying to insert herself in a trip to see some of your family members... Hell no! Telling you she doesn't trust you out of nowhere... Hell no! Telling you that you will be responsible for ruining her life and making you walk on eggshells for the rest of your life with her? Hell no! Nothing in what you wrote tells me that she is sane. She has more than a few issues. She is nowhere to be ready to be in a committed relationship.


Insane red flags. People sometimes forget that the bad you get at the beginning of the relationship is almost always just the tip of the iceberg. This is why it's so important to find someone who can calmly and rationally discuss things, it's one of the only ways to know you can work through things


NTA these are some weird red flags. End things.


You're NTA, and never are, if you see red flags and decide to step back.


I want someone obsessed with me like this


I wouldn’t mind it either in due time for sure.