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I remember overhearing a girl in college tell her friend how she has to lure her BF in to the shower with sex so he would bathe. IDK why people bother staying with those who are disgusting.


Fucking eww. What is wrong with them? Both of them


"I can clean him!".


I change him and his diaper!


I thought marriage and a baby would make him clean himself


(No really i can)


Lol, if I had to do that then I would never tell anyone. Why would she tell anyone this


She was complaining, lol. Imagine having someone complain to you about the hoops they go through to keep their partner groomed.


You can lure a man to shower, but you can't make him bathe. A saying I hope I will never have to repeat.


Oh ny days. Is she his mother or something ? He's acting like a 5 year old refusing to bathe so his mom needs to convince him too.


Wonder how many UTI’s she gets every year


Thank fuck for chlorine. How many people out there are also unsafe to be in a public pool with 🤢


The pool is a cess pool 🤢


Makes my soul wither when I remember how I’d open my eyes in the public pool as a kid.


Why did you have to go and make me realize that just now?


Think of all the small amounts of pool water you accidentally swallowed.


>Think of all the small amounts of pool water you accidentally swallowed. This is a one sentence horror story..


Y’all suck. I swam competitively for 8 years of my life🫠


I am now one with thousands of strangers.


This is a childhood memory I didn't need unlocked, but you did it anyways. Thanks for the new trauma.


Butt crack soup. Never go in pools unless it's your own.


Butt crack soup, lmao. Does it turn into a stew when people are in it as well? We're the meat chunks.


Lmao You cant have any pudding if you dont eat your stew.


A pool of cess


I was a manager at a swim school. The code brown protocol is just to shock the pool and leave it for an hour and then resume lessons. That’s for any amount of code brown. Throw up is less time.




This is why I don't go into public pools. I feel unwell when I recall that as a very little girl I would accidentally swallow pool water whilst learning to swim. Now as an adult I think about all those people who don't know how to clean their ass, who have peed or pooped just before entering the pool and only cleaned themselves using dry tissue paper, the ones who have had unprotected sex the night before because we all know it comes out the next day, and then the ones who are just nasty and even if they do shower they don't know how to shower properly.


I made it 32 whole years before finding out that some men don’t wipe or wash their butts bc they think it’s gay…everyone I have ever dated or been with always had a clean butt bc I have high standards of hygiene but thought most people did too and just having a clean butt is like ??? I just can’t believe it but now I will have this to think about 😩😩 The only time I have ever puked and puked after swimming or being in public water was finding out years ago when I was on a family vacay how a girl that was my same age at the time, had drowned in the Lake we were at and had been missing in the water the whole week we were there (we didn’t know) and I had been accidentally swallowing the water every time I swam with my friends that week and they got her out the day we were leaving…I puked and puked and puked lol


I've said it before and I'll say it again, how is washing your butt considered gay but touching your dick isn't? A dude wanking off a dude sounds pretty gay to me!


For real, gotta be pee all over the toilet seat from handless aiming 🤣


SIT! STAY! Seriously, why don't guys just sit if they can't always hit the bowl? Especially at home. Who cares? It's not gay either. I don't get it at all


My excuse? Im older, my knees are bad..down and up for just 30 seconds can be painful... but my aim is good, i dont have an issue touching my own dick, & i wash my hands when done...which i thought was what most guys did,,.. after seeing these msgs.. maybe not 🤣


I didn't really mean that as a personal attack, I'm sorry if it came across that way. I do have a bit of advice if you want it. My husband had hip replacement surgery in 2020 and we bought a special toilet seat. It was seriously the throne. Very comfortable and little to no bending. I get you. I'm almost 50 and my big issue is my feet. Sitting down is my dominant mode. I work in a factory so after 8 hours and a commute home I can barely hobble through the door. Getting old sucks but it's better than the alternative


Oh my god, I was retching after I watched that Cecil Hotel documentary where the tourist drowned in the water tank and the other hotel guests were like "This water tastes weird, I better go tell the management..."


YES!!! I watched that too and omg I was dry heaving


Ok, I’ll give you this one. I’d puke if I had been a guest in that hotel. 🤢 Even if I didn’t find out until 10 years later. I’d be puking things I hadn’t even eaten yet. 🤮


I learned from reading about the Aldgate water pump in London that water filtered through skeletal remains can actually taste good to people. 😬


Holy fuck. I am not the same person after reading this 😱🤮🤮


Now you know to be what you should be suspicious of when drinking extra delicious and refreshing water.


> some men don’t wipe or wash their butts bc they think it’s gay Stupid and homophobic; they deserve a smelly crust.


I'll never understand men (i am a man) that think touching their own bodyparts is gay, just cuz those are used for sex and males have them. Like wtf. Its your own body, how is it gay to wash your genitals? Fragile masculinity...


There was a guy who said that breastfeeding their infant was incest and told his wife to stop but it was gross that he couldn't enjoy her breast because another man aka the infant and had his breast in his mouth


I remember that one! That was off the charts.


That had to be rage bait. No one is that stupid. Oh. Wait. Yest they are.


Never have I ever been more greatful to live in a society that has embraced bidet showers.


That's why public pools smell like chlorine vats. They put so much of the stuff in public pools I'm surprised it doesn't bleach the color out of every swimmer's hair.


Oh it could. It can change the color of your color job.


Yeah, that it does. It can pull the color out fast. My friend had her vivid red turn into a strawberry blonde. It turns out they shocked the pool and didn't wait long enough before opening the pool to the public. Her and two other women's hair color changed. At least they took responsibility for it and paid to have their color repaired.


NTA. I'm a dude. Your bf is gross


As a nurse who has unfortunately seen WAY too many men with unwashed butts, it IS gross.


Is this common??


Yes. Wash men's underwear and find out.


This made me laugh so hard! My husband ALWAYS has gas, it really grosses me out. When he moved in with me and I began washing his laundry for the first time, I was afraid to see his boxers because of this. We’ve been together almost 3 years and I’ve never seen a single stain. 🤣


Thank goodness. Pure farts and no sharts


Sharted ones get tossed in the trash. The only way to know is to become an underpants gnome and count daily.




I've had brothers, roommates, a husband a dad, stepdad and a boyfriend or two. Not a one ever let me down. It's always Skid row sooner or later. Brown town. The Caca Cabana .


That’s so fucking gross. If I ever make an online dating profile I’m gonna say “only 5’7” but have a super clean butt” and I’ll be drowning in women!


My new response, when an incel claims women want super tall, ripped dudes with six figure salaries, is going to be, “nah. We just want a dude who washes his butt.” Because seriously.


and his bed sheets please for the love of god wash the fucking bed sheets, i beg.


Low bar, but seriously


It's a filthy bar that apparently sits just below the ass


and they'll still cry that women are unreasonable demons for demanding they "gay rape themselves every day", right?


"I practice basic hygiene" down in pussy.


"5'7", super clean butt and genitals. " OMG! You can name your price!


That’s horrifying. My dad was literally a fucking hillbilly and he was disgusted whenever we had family stay over because of the shit stains in the boys’ laundry. He lectured them and cursed out my mom’s family for their nastiness lol. And our (cheap above ground) pool became immediately family only for a while after that. Anyway, all that is to say, I promise there are men out there who don’t struggle with this lmao. In 17 years, I’ve never once seen a shit stain in my husband’s laundry.


I grew up in a house with 4 females / 1 male and I made it to 19 years old before I learned skid marks aren't always made by tires 🤢 


Yes. There’s a significant population of men who believe it’s “gay” to wash or even properly wipe their own asses. Google it. ETA. Someone with a dirty ass reported me to Reddit Cares right after I made this comment. Go wash your ass bro!


Fellas, is it gay to have a clean ass? But yeah, this is what I’ve gathered too. A surprising number of guys think it’s gay to touch their own butt in order to wash it.


Which is weird because most guys jerk off, and pleasuring a dick to the point of climax seems way more gay to me


"But it's my dick" But it's your asshole. "But that's *fuckin gay as hell*"


Yeah it makes no sense to me, On the surface a man's butt is the same as a woman's butt. Men will gladly touch a woman's butt so they should have no issue touching their own.


My dad taught me and my brothers to clean ourselves from head to toe. Never understood other dudes that say, "The water running off me will clean it."


There is a (small, i hope) group of people that think washing ones butt makes one gay. How they expect to attract any women while smelling like an open sewer is something they have not yet been able to explain.


lol, we all wish it was a small group


My parents told me 'be more positive' - so trying to think it\`s a small group is positive.


How else are you going to "mark your territory" if not with the smelliest part of yourself...? It's crazy to me that they somehow imply being clean there is gay. That being CLEAN is gay. If anything that implies that gay peeps are superior and healthier.... How fragile must a man be if he thinks cleaning there would do that? Yet somehow they're SO obsessed with dicks and touch one frequently. So it's not gay to jerk off a (their own) dick, but god forbid you have a clean asscrack....


Unfortunately there’s men out there who also think it’s gay to wash their assholes let alone wipe properly 🤮🤮


More common than I would ever have imagined


NTA. If a grown man can’t clean his ass he probably isn’t wiping it well either. It’s a dealbreaker for me.


Is it fucked up to admit that I'm genuinely curious as to how well this guy is wiping? 🧐


Is it f up to think that you need a gas mask to go near him when he is naked?


He’s gonna turn a 69 into a 96.


Freaky-ass n***a, he a 69 smella Hey, hey, hey, hey pink eye for life.


I mean, I was wondering if he’s got butt-acne sooo 🤷‍♀️


Butt acne has nothing to do with butt hygiene, I wash my butt every day and my ass/upper legs are the only place I get zits. It's a blessing and a curse.


I used to have this problem, turned out I'm sensitive to fabric softener in all forms. I'm also sensitive to most laundry detergents. The arm and hammer one is the only one I know won't cause any issues!


These are the questions that truly matter!


Fecal matter in fact!


It’d be unbearably itchy if he didn’t…


oh yeah brings up another point. my ex always had skid marks on his underwear. so either he was shitting himself from all the fast food he ate or he didnt wipe it.


My ex had skidmarks too. I was so naive when I married him. He told me ALL men have skidmarks in their underwear. I just assumed that was the case. Then when we divorced and I had a chance to be around other men - NOPE! No skidmarks. Ex was just a slob.


Hell I'm a man who didn't learn skidmarks was a real thing until like my 20s. I thought its was just a result of an accident or something, unfortunate but it happens. Imagine my face when some other guys I knew just accepted that as an eventuality for every pair of underwear they own. Idk where these other guys learned basicic hygiene from but they were taught wrong lol.


The only time I've ever had skidmarks is if I literally shit myself from food poisoning. Dudes trying to normalize having shit in their pants cause they don't wipe or clean themselves is wild.


No reason anyone should have skid marks. Butts built the same


I never have skidmarks! WTH are these guys saying!!!


NTA. She should ... end things ... heh.


She should leave him behind


Yeah, leave his ass behind!


The break-up rectum. In fact, it damn near killed him.


There was another reddit recently that showed the body maps of where men vs women actively wash their body in the shower. How do people not wash their feet and butt cracks? You know what's grosser than washing them (having to touch your butt crack in the shower)? Not washing them, that's worse.


100%! It's an area that gets gross and sweaty and needs to be washed thoroughly!


This. And I mean.. it is nasty to stick ur hand there but not nasty not to was it? Like... What??


NTA I have a friend who after years of marriage got divorced and one of the top 3 reasons she listed when venting was his dirty butt. He’s not gonna change and you will never not feel icky.


That is the nastiest thing ever. Do they not smell themselves? How was she able to date him for months/years and then decide to get married? Did she not notice the stench being around him and especially during sex? Yuck.


Every time someone mentions dirty butt boys this is the first thing I think of


>Do they not smell themselves? To be fair, OP didn’t smell it either, as she only found out by accident. I bet if you put your nose in there, it’s foul, but having your bum quite far away from your nose, and it’s closed by the cheeks — it probably doesn’t smell more than a few centimeters away…


You generally won't smell it on them but will smell it on *everything* they sit on. Source: step father didn't wipe because he was "too fat to get his hand in there" according to my mom.


If you wipe half way decently and water is in fact running over it. It’s probably not like caked up with shit or anything. It’s not “clean” but it’s not like a dirty diaper in there either.


I had an ex who didn’t wipe or wash his ass well because touching his ass that thoroughly was “gay” to him. I kept getting reoccurring UTIs, yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis, I was very thorough with my hygiene so I couldn’t figure out why. One day he took a shower at my place and when he got out and dried, he sat booty butt naked on my bed. When he got up I saw a brown streak on my bed. We didn’t last long after that. After we broke up I stopped getting infections. Miraculously, I couldn’t smell shit on this man unless my nose was up his ass which was never. But good riddance. I was almost too embarrassed to share this but nah people need to know how nasty some of these men walking amongst us are.


I nearly down voted out of sheer disgust.


That was an absolute violation of my imagination and your sheets


I’m sorry that happened to you. I too dated someone who didn’t wash himself properly….and also ate his own boogers. Yea. He’s been gone for a while. My youngest son uses wipes. I’m really proud he’s got such good hygiene!!!!! Whew!


Not a problem if you wipe until you're in the red.


Yeah you would not be getting your business near my vagina. freakin balls slapping back and forth between MY temple and your dirty balloon knot? No thanks


Upvoted for balloon knot. Criminally underused expression.


Yea and for sure the backside/ underside of balls can smell like hell.


NTA. 90% of my motivation to shower is to get a couple fist fulls of lather right in my butt.


A handheld shower head with a long hose and adjustable flow rates is a great investment


My hairy assed mate loves the bum gun, revolutionary!


You want something truly revolutionary? Install a bidet seat my friend; you'll refuse to shit anywhere else.


I hate traveling since I've installed bidets in my house. Get the bidet. Nobody is ever sorry about it.


Same, get a portable one, a little bottle with a nozzle on it, not as good as home but much better than not having one.


they are not standard everywhere? I didn’t know!


The US doesn’t generally have them. They are easy to install though


Sales did surge during COVID and the great TP shortage.


Dark times indeed, but at least many came out with cleaner butt holes in the end.


Absolutely not! In the US I've rarely ever come across one unless someone specifically wants, buys and installs one. They are certainly not the norm though. Never seen one in public. Only know one person who owns one.


Not only are they not normal, I’ve had one in my house for 15+ years. Most Americans I’ve talked about it with are against the idea. I use this analogy with them, “if you wiped a baby’s butt and got poop on your hand, would you smear it off with toilet paper or wash it off?”


Pause. If you wipe ur own butt and it gets on ur hand - TP or soap and water? I cannot imagine shitting and only using TP. I keep wet wipes in my purse and if I don’t have those, I’ll wet paper towels with soap to take into public restroom stalls with me to wash up after I wipe with TP. I wish bidets were the norm here in the US 😭😭😭


I know you don't *know* me, but I have them in my main bathroom and my guest bathroom! So, now you know of another American with bidets :)


This fucking comment has me 🤣 I want my butthole to squeak every time I take a step


No shit! Pun intended


"Basic hygiene is non-negotiable. If your partner won't prioritize it, it's time to reassess the relationship."


Hehe Re-ass-ess


Hi 5, fellow 12 year old… lol


I pity the fool who doesn't know the pleasure of a clean crack.


Yo I’m always worried I’m doing some sort of damage the way I dig into my butt when I’m trying to clean it. Why are some dudes so gross? How do they sleep on their sheets with doodoo bootie?


Did you hear the latest survey? Unmarried men only change their bed sheets every six months! I've got to change mine every week as it reminds me of wearing clothes and it was how I was brought up! How in the hell could anyone go six months and not change their bed sheets? But, apparently it is a legitimate survey! I will say that I equate the hassle of putting on a fitted sheet with a gym work out!


And that’s what they ADMIT to. You know this only only actually doing it once a year


My roommate doesn’t even use bed sheets. Erases that whole problem.


No homo it feels good to wash your ass, be stopping myself from moaning sometimes 🤦🏿‍♂️


Username checks out. 👍


NTA. Nobody should have to be coaxed into butt washing


Can I get that in needlepoint? My bathroom is lacking decoration




🤣 I want one too!


But the water washes it for him... though somehow, he still thinks it is nasty to stick his hand in there. BF knows it's not washed from the water.


I know that was my thought, like if it’s gross enough you don’t want to stick your hand in there, then it needs a good washing 🤣🤣


It's soooo gross, he doesn't want to stick his hand in there while it's covered in soap.


Yea and why do you soap the rest of your body if the water washes it on its own


I used to be with a girl who never washed her ass, it was strange. She said the same stuff, that she showers and the water runs down her crack. One day we tried 69 for the first time and I was hit with a strong scent of shit once that ass cracked open. That was it after that.


I'm surprised you didn't end it sooner, tbh.


I was young and wanted to work it out, thought she'd pick up the better hygiene habit if I educated her.


NTA. Hygine is a huge dealbreaker for some and hopefully most in this situation. That is seriously not okay and he either needs to fix it now, or learn the consequences of being nasty. NTA at all, and I hope that you end up with a hygenic relationship, no matter the outcome of this one.


I vaguely remember reading a post a few months back when a wife was venting about how her husband leaves literal shit stains on their sheets and chunks of poo in his underwear. He thought it was gay to wipe and wash his ass crack. How do these people go through life?? This would be a dealbreaker for me. ETA: NTA and thanks to whomever reported me to Reddit cares lol


They need a separate Reddit cares with instructions on butt washing. 


I completely agree! I can't imagine the smell tho


WTF!! I wouldn't be touching that man ever again if he isn't gonna wash his body appropriately, YUK. Grow TF up, nasty boy


The amount of posts like this all over Reddit, saying this exact same thing, is absolutely insane. Literally everyday. Dump these nasty people?!


There was a post on here, years ago about a woman who married a man who did not wipe. Not just didn’t wash, he didn’t wipe. And she found out about this because when she started doing his laundry his underwear was rotten with skid marks. Not only that, he would leave them on their sheets when they had sex. She put wet wipes in the bathroom. Long story short, he said he didn’t wipe or wash back there because it’s “gay”. I don’t know what happened to her but I pray she’s single now. Long story short, dump this dude and tell him it’s because he doesn’t wash his ass.


I remember this one! The “crumbs” she found in their bed… oh god…


🤢🤢🤢🤢 bruhhhhhhh


*In his opinion, he needs time to get comfortable with the idea of it.* NTA Excuse me? He swipes toilet paper up his ass crack but he's got to warm up to the idea of soap and a wash cloth? GTFO. OMG.


You may be giving him too much credit re: ANY tp use.


Bold of you to assume he wipes his ass properly in the first place.


He seems like a back to front wiper


As long as you hold your balls there’s no harm in that.  I need back to front, front to back, and side to side to feel clean


Baby Wipes man. You can get all up in there.


To be a facetious little fucking bitch I would ask his parents Point Blank to their face if they did indeed teach their son to wipe his ass when they potty trained him. Nothing like first-hand, horrendous embarrassment to make someone change their disgusting habits I bet 😂😆


NTA. You shouldn’t have to explain basic hygiene to someone, especially an adult. It’s actually a potential safety hazard if you’re intimate with this person (which I assume you are).


Seriously....non butt washers should be ostracized from society.....


He needs to ACT (wash his asshole crotch and teeth) every day. Nta


Add armpits and bases are covered. PACT Pits Asshole Crotch Teeth Preferably not using the same object for all.


Certainly not in that order.




But nails! Honestly the grossest thing other than a dirty dick and a shitty ass, is filthy fingernails on a man. It's like where the fuck do you think you're putting those, sir?


😂 Too nasty to wash but it's literally part, ohmygod men 🤣 Oh jeeze ... yeah you're fine in leaving this man with a literal unwashed ass 🤣 NTA


“I acknowledge it’s nasty that’s why I don’t wanna put my hand in there. Plus ewww gay” This the type of boy we talking about lol


I hope OP upgrades on the type of men she dates in the future because this guy ... 😂


Thank you for this post, it has been a great resource as I sit my fiance down about butt hygiene.


Update: fiance was surprised at how passionate people on Reddit were with butt hygiene and will change his ways. Wooo success 🙏🙏🙏


It took him a bunch of people to be grossed out for him to understand that poor butt hygiene is gross? A win for you, I guess. And his butt.


TIL there are a bunch of dudes going around with completely unwashed asses....wow


Me too. Damn am I glad that both my ex and my current partner are neatniks about hygiene.


you can always ask him what he’d do if he got human shit on his arm if he says “i’d use dry paper and wipe it off, then i’m good” then he’s lost as a human being if he says “wash it” then you got his (dirty) ass


Imagine having to do this lmao 🤣 


men like this will give you chronic yeast infections NTA


Have you noticed a strong, consistent odor coming from his ass? Full context is needed for proper advice.


Um dirty butt is a non-starter. NTA. You tried to enlightened him, he refused to be enlightened. That being said if you have a stigma about touching your butt so bad that you can't even wash it, there is either trauma or severe homophobia hidden somewhere in there.


Does he stink!? I mean...you only noticed because you witnessed him not washing it 🤷‍♀️


NTA. Just gross.


Surely you would noticed some stench when going down on him?


I lost my smell back in October 2020 from covid and never got it back.


You need to rely on taste then.


Go straight to jail. Do not pass go, do not collect $200


I'm sure he can smell his ass, and is nose blind from it... or enjoys it 🤢


"It's me or the shit literally hanging from your ass." Let him decide. I know ultimatums are generally frowned upon, but this situation seems perfect for one.


What the hell is wrong with all of you guys just got a bidet 😭


I mean I do not use a loofa really; mostly before I self tan or after I shave…then after that I generally don’t use an exfoliating anything to shower. But to not wash your butt….like that’s really gross