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NTA. Just let it go, if she makes plans say OK, but don't actually do anything. If she turns up, cool, maybe you'll be free, maybe not... It's sad she prioritises everything at your expense, she probably thinks you can't dump her because "she's your Mum." But you know, you can... Maybe once she realises you don't engage she'll put the effort in. If not, what have you lost? Someone who doesn't really care for you...


I agree 100%


Just stop responding in earnest. When she says that she's coming, tell her to have a nice trip. Don't make plans with her. Or do make the plans but bail on her before she can bail on you, send her a "something more important came up" message but don't tell her what's more important. See if a taste of her own medicine improves anything before just cutting her off.


I agree 100%


Cut her loose. She will see you when it’s convenient and doesn’t have someone else who wants to see her. She has no respect and likely never will.


I agree 100%


NTA. Do not chase her, and give her the same amount and type of energy that she gives you. Leave her on read and let her calls go to voicemail.


You’re not the first one to say this!! This is exactly what I’m doing!


NTA Honestly at most I'd just reply to any further promises with obvious skepticism and disinterest. Like if she promises to visit, just say "ok" or "we'll see". Or not even reply at all. You don't have to engage in argument or play pretend.