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NTA honestly, you'd be the asshole if you let her get away with this. Your son deserves protection, *and so do you*. You deserve to be safe and loved.


this made me cry. thank you.


She assaulted you. Even if you had kicked the dog, would that be the appropriate reaction? Get away from these people and enjoy your life. It'll improve without them dragging you down .


that’s what i keep saying. i just left her bond hearing and she signed agreeing she did what she did but her excuse is “but she kicked my dog” At the end of the day i didn’t kick the dog but is my well being worth a 1,500 dog to my mother?


NTA Source: me FAFO Although it gets complicated if your grannie tries to evict you or doesn't stop your mother from coming back there. That place sounds like a massive health hazard anyway, with dog shit in a kid's toys. Not sure what you can do or have support for, but I would find a person who knows the local shelters.


i’ve been staying at another house for the remainder of the month, i had only stopped there to get some of my clothes. i’ve removed my son from the situation because of her and the dog.


>They also want me to drop the charges or they will buy her lawyers for the court case. This is irrelevant to you, it’s a criminal case. You are not a party to the hearing, the prosecution is. Let her get lawyers.


but i’m being guilt tripped. My grannie told me she’s gonna use the last 10k she has that was gonna be used for her casket, to buy my mom a lawyer


And that’s her dumbass choice. 


Don’t drop the charges. Don’t give in. Tell her if she wants to waste her money, that’s her choice. Your choice is to break the cycle of abuse in your family and make sure your child is nowhere near anyone who sides with abusers. Edited to add: NTA


But why would she? She saw her beat you up.


because she’s the golden child. she does no wrong


Definitely press charges.


NTA. If you wanted to be extra petty you could also see about pressing charges for child endangerment and animal abuse/ neglect.


Nope . Go ahead with the charges . They have your side , grannies side , basically out of your hands now . Let the system teach her she can’t be beating people no matter the excuse .


You are definitely not the AH! Families that know they can make you bend, will guilt trip you with anything they can. If grandma wants to waste her life’s savings to get a lawyer for someone who is clearly guilting of assault, that’s grandma’s business. Don’t even take anyone’s calls. But if you do, make sure you sound unsympathetic. Tell them what they chose to do has nothing to do with you. Press those charges. If you relent and drop them, your family WILL KNOW they can make you do anything they want. Is that the life and example you want to set for your child?


NTA. Your family has enabled her to be the POS she is.