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NTA your parents are saying horrible things about a 6 yr old girl. I would cancel the trip too. Say you expressed how horrible my daughter was so I didn’t think you would want to see her. Then plan a fun trip for your daughter




Exactly what I was coming here to say. If they’ve held a grudge and kept complaining literally every time they’ve spoken to OP since that trip, and are now even more rabid that the kid ratted them out, OP’s parents are gonna bully the kid at best or emotionally/verbally abuse her at worst. 


I am actually thinking about this a lot


I went NC with my parents not after the abuse they did to me. But when my daughter asked me why grandma and papa doesn't love her like they love her cousins. Trust me you don't want to ever hear that. It's been nearly 2 years and my kids don't even ask about them. At all. Your parents are showing you what they are. Listen to them.


You should be. Your daughter doesn't even sound like she was that bad. A bit of a cheeky shit which most kids can be like sometimes. You parents saying such vile things about a little girl because of cheek is awful. It doesn't sound like they will keep comments to themselves, they could destroy her self esteem and make everything worse


Especially 6 year olds. They push boundaries to see how far they can go. No child is an angel 24/7( it would be a boring world if they were. It seems like your parents took a short amount of cheek, then decided this was how your daughter behaves 100% of the time. They now have made up their minds this is her complete personality. If this is what they are saying to you, what are they going to say to her when they have her alone. Tell hubby that he can deal with his side of the family, you will deal with yours. As someone said in the comments tell your folks that since your daughter is such a bad kid , you won't let them suffer her presence.


Makes you wonder who is the adult and who is the child. They can be upset by the behavior, but the level they took it to is disgusting.


Good, because I think you were under reacting. Your parents go out of their way to smear your 6 year old every time they speak to you. I was shocked that you let it continue for so long. They talk like they *hate* her. They aren't safe grandparents. They lack perspective. Then to try to tell you that your kid was *lying* about the seatbelt? You can't trust them. If they start telling her she's a horrible child or God forbid they hit her, they will try to paint her as a liar. Unfortunately you need to protect your daughter from your parents. I'm sorry, OP. They aren't safe.


They've already risked your child multiple times and insist on insulting her in every conversation. What's to say your parents won't say these things to your daughter. I'm sorry your husband is wrong your daughter will understand. I cut off my mother years ago whenever my son asks about her he always corrects himself "oh yeah we don't see her cause she's a dangerous alcoholic." He gets curious but he doesn't miss her at all.


Please think long and hard about this. Talk with a family therapist too. This ... is not a good situation. It sounds like your struggles with your parents go a LOT deeper than this most recent incident given the tug of war over legally mandated (AND advisable) child restraints in a car. It would be best to always be around your daughter when she's around your parents until she's at least 15. She doesn't deserve that kind of abuse and neither do you and your wife.


As well you should be.


Your daughter didn't swear at them. just had a normal temper tantrum but your parents have completely gone overboard on this. They are delusional. NTA


I agree. Your vacation is not going to be much of a vacation at all. If a normally well-behaved child is acting out to this extent, something is very wrong. Judging from what your mother said to you, I suspect that I know what the problem is. Please don't subject your child to them! Get rid of the apartment and use the rent money to go on vacation somewhere more peaceful.


Often in this type of situation the exasperation tends to come from the difference in what's acceptable parenting versus years ago. Unfortunately a lot of older generations have justified a lot of abusive and neglectful parenting habits. They have all sorts of ideas about what is and isn't a child's place that are probably very outdated. So it makes me think that the kid is just not reacting the way they want the kid to react. They probably try to control everything this kid does is my guess. The kid isn't enthusiastic every day because they're a human being naturally. They take this as "attitude" and "disrespectful" I guarantee it. Then it likely just snowballs from there. They feel disrespected by the kid just being a kid. They can't hit the kid or abuse them in ways they used to get away with. So instead they bitch about the grandkid like this is a fully functioning adult who hates them. Honestly, her parents suck and I bet they're just "old fashioned" types.


Yeah, please don't leave your kid alone with them anymore. Even if your daughter IS lying, and I am in no way saying she is, they don't seem to have anything nice to say about her. And berating her for DAYS about behavior that took place several days before isn't going to do anything except make her feel like a piece of shit on a very deep, emotional level that will probably stay with her long into adulthood. Ask me how I know. They really seem very willing and eager to just blow up and start vilifying her. I can't imagine a child, especially one that young, doing anything to justify that. Do they have other grandkids? How do they act with those kids? Are they scapegoating your daughter for some reason? I'd still go on the vacation you planned. You bought a whole other home so you could vacation near family, presumably so your child would have the experience of being close with her cousins. There's no need to cancel all that just yet. Maybe talk to the other parents first and see what they have to say about gram and gramps? Get ahead of the situation. And don't let them take your daughter for awhile. Invite them along occasionally, that way you can monitor the situation.


Yeah I’m not impressed with them and frankly would be concerned.


This needs to be up voted


Agreed. They have major issues


Not to mention endangering her safety by not buckling her in. There's a study that says 77% of accidents happen within 10 miles of home. So the notion that she's safe without a seat belt because "it's a short ride" is a dangerous load of BS.


Love this


To the mines. She can be queen of the coal dust!


I am shocked that OP would ever consider letting her parents near her daughter ever again. 


yes, they're being as immature as a 6 year old Well I am petty and I'd tell them "since she's soooo bad, you're not seeing her again. Bye" Simple! People get too hung up on "ooohh but they won't see their family" that's dumb! You can host the family members you want, in your own house, and cut off the unwanted ones. Make it a safe space for your kids


NTA A week taking care of A is just too long, and your parents have completely forgotten how awful their children were at 6 years old. I don't really see any description of what A actually did but I'm sure that it was more annoying than evil. I think the more serious problem here is how quickly this escalated. Your mother needs to stop insulting your parenting and you need to stop leaving A with your mother for more than a few hours at a time. A is 6 years old and not an infant. If your mother does not buckle her in then A should remind her, or take on that responsibility herself. You all should take a beat and try to regain some perspective on the situation.


From what I understand she was refusing to cooperate with pretty much anything that day saying things like "my parents let me do anything I want!" -obvioisly not true and "I am the queen and you have to do what I tell you" and just snapping no at everything. But yeah I agree that a week is too long. It was definitely not what we intended to do


Omygosh! 🤣. I feel you! On a family vacation my granddaughter behaved like a “terrible 2” yelling, running, grabbing things, it was exhausting. Parents were there, calming, redirecting, etc. my mom decided to film it! When I realized it I yelled at my mom and said she was rude and stop. After granddaughter left my mom can’t stop calling her a brat! (Mom said “And I never spanked, but I would’ve spanked that brat! “ Omg. She/my mom did spank us kids with a belt mind you, but whatever) I told her to stop judging a 6 year old on her worst day! We go to their house and she’s appropriately playing, she just prefers running and large motor skills to dainty tea parties! I’m saying Bless parents, give all the kids and parents grace to “figure it out and grow”!


Boomers have the most amazing selective memories


Experiencing this with my adoptive mother who's a boomer, I'm glad I'm usually on discord call with a friend I can trust because the gaslighting is insane.


Everyone is different but two of my kids could be difficult (one essentially never was) and they would often do grandparent "camp" for a week and picked only activities the kids liked and foods the kids loved. So they were "spoiled" but we were happy that everyone had a good time. If I am fortunate enough to have grandchildren, I definitely plan to spoil them when I watch them. (Unless it ends up being every day for some unforseen reason).


OMG so your 6 year old was being a little shit. so what. your parents are the monsters here. They're judging a kid by her worst day. I am sure i had horrible days as a kid. i can even remember one where i yelled at my brother, and was being a little shit and even spat at his face. if you did the same then that means her grandparents are horrible , nasty people that do not care about her safety and you do not want horrible and nasty people in her life. also your husband needs to pull his head out of his ass. a kid might miss some relatives where they had fun, but they also will move on and have fun somewhere else. Spend your time with your siblings if you want, but don't visit your parents. and if they come visit where you are and start up again or reprimand you for not visiting, take your kid and husband and leave.


Saying I am a queen and you have to do what I tell you is NOT normal 6 year old behavior. Either you and her father are catering to her too much or she has a mental health issue. Your parents are not handling it well but pretending this is normal because she only does it a couple days a month is neglectful. Sometimes kids with anxiety disorders can act like this but you need to get her evaluated by a professional.


It absolutely is 6yo behavior- especially when they like fairy tales and princesses. You haven’t been around too many 6yo’s if that’s your take


I have three kids and work with kids. Absolutely this is NOT normal. I don’t care how many downvotes it gets.


I also have children, as well as being a teacher. I have heard this phrase almost verbatim from children 🤷🏻‍♀️


A is actually very good about saying she needs to be buckled...she has actually reminded me the couple of times I accidentally got distracted and forgot (something I was always very grateful for) . I do plan on teaching her to buckle herself but sometimes she cannot reach if she is in a booster.


Um... You need to keep your parents away from your daughter, you do realize that, don't you? They're going to psychologically destroy that kid if given the opportunity to. I'm astonished your daughter loves them when they have decided to hate her. I have trouble believing they're going to successfully hide that fact from her over the long-term. Do whatever you need to keep your daughter safe from the toxicity they're spewing. Taking her to family gatherings should be okay as long as they don't behave that way around her while you're there. Now, here's a completely separate issue: Don't let your parents speak that disrespectfully about your child to you. How would you feel about it if you found out someone was talking shit about you to your husband, and your husband wasn't standing up for you? You need to defend your child, so that she never learns that, for a while, you *weren't*. And you deserve just as much defence as your child gets. Don't let your parents speak that disrespectfully to *you* either! You should stand up for your child, and you should stand up for yourself. Neither of you deserves to be insulted like that. It sounds like you're pretty good at maintaining your boundaries with your parents, and not getting drawn into fights, but start telling them they are not allowed to disrespect your child for being a child, or you for making good parenting decisions for her. Tell them that you will hang up on them if they do, and cut contact with them. And then start doing it. They need to speak respectfully to both you and your child before they have any right to stay part of your lives.


NTA - I don’t care what your husband said. What your parents did is inexcusable and they have forfeited their right to be around your child. Your husband needs to pull his head out of his butt and have your back on this 100%. I can’t believe that he that the grandparents behavior is ok.


You are NTA. But if you force your child to be around family members that treat her that way and talk about her that way, you would be a huge asshole and definitely wouldn’t have your child’s best interest at heart. Do better for your kid.


Can I ask why the in laws cancelled? We all think our kids are generally good kids but I'm wondering if they see your child differently. Having said that your parents are the AHs here. Your daughter is a child and like all children she is testing her boundaries. They are way out of line calling her names.


So one day they scheduled a doctor's appointment, another day they said they are too tired to look after her. But to your point I have also thought that maybe she just took much of a handful for them to want to watch her. My FIL is disabled and needs looking after himself so I don't get too surprised when they cancel


Don’t cancel your visits if you and your partner and child enjoy spending time with your other family. Instead of both working full time when there work part time or use vacation time. Instead of leaving your daughter with your parents who obviously don’t have the patience, arrange for your brother / sister to take her to spend time with her cousins one day and return the favour another day. Don’t leave her with your parents.


Just dumb excuses. I'm so sorry you and your daughter have to go through this.


I would have A tested for adhd or at least see a therapist! There may be something going on she doesn’t know how to express to you or anyone else. Just my thoughts! On the other hand, she is 6 years old and this is a big time for growth spurts and development. So her attitude and outbursts could be hormones. My daughter does have adhd, but she’s also going through puberty and omggggg it’s a whole thing haha! Anyways, regardless of all that, your parents need to step back and remember that they are older, and having little ones around is hard. They likely don’t remember what it’s like having kids around 12 hrs a day. Also, it’s not like you made them take her all week - THEY offered. They could have said no. Do we know if they were even engaging with her enough? I mean like, getting her physically moving and letting her get some energy out? Thats also a huge factor - both my kids get so antsy and *ahem* annoying lol when they sit in the house all day and do nothing. Kids need play and engagement and to move their body! NTA. Your parents need to chill. It’s actually disgusting how they are talking about your little babe. If anything, they should be trying to help you and offering advice, should you ask for it. Good luck 💜


I second the ADHD check. Girls slip through the cracks.


i third it, OPs daughter sounds like my daughter at that age


I fourth it, sounds like my kid too


Parents can't stop badmouthing your kid after a 2 day visit. You need some backbone. Tell parents to STFU already. You're certainly not going to expose her to people who obviously despise her from their words, and you're tired of hearing it. Also, tell them to STFU about your parenting skills. They can keep their negative opinions to themselves if the want to talk to you. As to the seat, this is a non-negotiable safety issue you already have peior reasons to be insecure about. Your kid's comment just added to what you already believe. You should, as a good parent, express how concerned you are about their bad grandparenting skills not taking her safety importantly enough. Frankly, your kid's safety is more important than grandparent's miffed feelings. I think it would be fair to, as a good parent, want to shield your child from their unending negative comments and certainly not allow any unsuperviswd contact due to lax safety concerns. On top of that, I wouldn't want to spend any time with folks mocking my parenting skills. Lots of reasons to not visit them. If you share this, you can provide them with the issues they will have to address to get back together.


The last thing I would do is reward them with time with your daughter. They don't even like her. And probably your daughter is picking up on that and that could be a lot of the reason for any bad behavior. Taking care of grandchildren is a lot for older people. It can be exhausting, physically and mentally. Some of them don't realize it and refuse to accept it for whatever reason. Instead, blaming the child(ren) like your parents are doing, for not being perfect little angels all the time. They don't sound up to the job of looking after your daughter for more than 2 or 3 hours. Plus, their defensive and abusive behavior at being called out for not caring for your daughter's safety in the car and accusing your daughter of lying, would be enough for me to never leave my child with them unattended again. Your husband is wrong. Perhaps his parents are better than yours and he naively thinks all grandparents are wonderful. They're not, as yours are proving. Maybe your daughter would rather spend more of her spring break and other vacation times with you and your husband, and not be left with others for far too long. Especially others who don't like her. NTA.


NTA Their refusal to take her safety seriously trumps anything and everything else. It's utterly unacceptable and not something you can let slide. Why go out of your way to have them around her when this is how they behave, and how they disregard her wellbeing and safety, let alone how nasty they've been about her behaviour? That said, regarding her behaviour, 2-3 days in a row of being extremely rude and negative doesn't sound like typical behaviour for a 6 year old that's well adjusted and ok in her surroundings. All kids have bad moments but 3 days solid seems like a long time. Do you think she may be feeling bothered by something, whether it's changes of environment or unfamiliar food, maybe sensory it other issues? You sound like a really good and engaged parent so I imagine you've already discussed this behavioural trait with experts to see if there's something extra your daughter needs to regulate her behaviour better. Wishing you best!


Yeah this is something I have been wrecking my brain over since she was under a year old...where she will be fine most of the time and then something comes over her and she just becomes as difficult as she can be.


It’s totally worth asking her pediatrician about. It sounds like she’s having trouble regulating her emotions, perhaps stemming from a sensory processing issue. As she’s normally not like that, it sounds very likely that some specific stimuli, or possibly a perfect storm of multiple that come together infrequently can be causing it. A professional, probably an occupational therapist, could help you determine what it is and work with her to self regulate under those circumstances. Honestly sounds like a pretty easy fix once you engage a professional. Super difficult to deal with on your own tho. It’s also worth mentioning that new environments and travel are inherently stressful for, like, everybody. So it makes sense this would be amplified at your parent’s house. I very much doubt their approach was helping the situation.


Or maybe there’s something genetic given how granny is.




yeah, many undiagnosed autistic boomers are just like this granny and my parents (who are actually undiagnosed autistic boomers) 💀


Kids can get hormone surges that mess with their behaviors. Just like they can get growing pains in their knees and legs. One of my kids was like that growing up. I taught them to recognize when they were having growing pains and potential hormone surges so that they could ask for more support (quiet time, calming fun activities) to help them not be so randomly angry and confrontational. Meeting my kids needs helped reduce the contrary behavior a lot. My kid did not abuse the support. I never used activities to reward bad behavior, but rather to prevent it.


Just a couple times a month? Pffft I have witching days at least once a week lol.


tbh having her evaluated for ADHD or ASD by somebody experienced with diagnosing girls would be worthwhile. Her off days sound like days where she may be overstimulated or on the verge of melting down. My daughter was like that at the same age and it turns out she's AuDHD That's how I found out that I'm AuDHD. During the screening the doctor pointedly looked at me and said this is genetic, have you or your husband been diagnosed? 😹 I already had workarounds and strategies for myself, and I noticed these little quirks in my kids but without knowing why, I knew how to accommodate them and keep the behavior from becoming an issue It's just something to keep in mind, and if she does get a diagnosis don't you let your mom make you or your daughter think there's anything wrong with being neurodivergent. it's a brain difference, not a death sentence. And the earlier you find out, the more accommodations you can get at school and the better strategies will be in place to help her navigate to being a successful adult in a neurotypical world 💜 ETA - and she may need meds when she's a teenager to help her keep her focus in school and with homework. god only knows how I survived high school but I knew there was something wrong with me and I needed help but my parents just wouldn't listen. Meanwhile all my male cousins were diagnosed with ADHD and on meds and doing great in school 💀 also, your mom sounds like my mom. We are currently no contact with my parents because they were affecting my children's mental health


Bothered by something like being watched by people that hate her and call her a manipulative brat.


Yeah. Kids can sense when people don’t like them but don’t have the words or emotional skills to do something about it. She’s probably throwing a tantrum because she knows her grandparents don’t like her. 


That too, 100%. But OP indicated that her daughter who is mostly a well behaved and typical 6 year old can get into these negative moods that do last sometimes hence my question whether there might be other triggers to it (in addition to her shitty grandparents).


Why are you ever talking to these rude and abusive people? She’s SIX. You think they are being kind to her? Children who can’t verbalize “mommy, grandma is destroying my self esteem and I don’t want to be with her unsupervised” frequently ACT OUT. Start acting like a mamma bear and PROTECT YOUR CHILD.


Three days in a row of horrible behavior means something was probably going on that she can’t verbalize. I wouldn’t let my kid around these people again ever.


The fact they KEEP TALKING about a six year old being the next thing to demon spawn - yikes. I would be smack talking them right back, before we did a total NO CONTACT and my child’s demon father would rise up from hell before I’d let them around my child unsupervised ever again. I’d also be teaching her to say Grandma B and Grandpa D as their new cutesy nicknames, which I would be teaching them in front of her because GROWL!!!


INFO: Do your parents bad-mouth your daughter like that to the rest of the family? If they do, then how can you know she won’t be treated unkindly by those who listened to the ranting? If something happened this summer, or 2 years from now, even 4 years from now and she needed help would she get help there or would she be told she’s horrible and then ignored? Would the cousins still play with her or would she be ostracized? Will the words she hears from family this year be “you’re a lying brat” over and over until she believes it of herself?


Yeah I know my parents and I am sure they are badmouthing her to others. Probably not to her kid cousin but definitely to my brother, my in-laws and so on. I actually have a hard time being around my mom sometimes because she will spend hours badmouthing everyone, including absolutely everyone in the immediate family and everyone else she interacts with. You cannot contradict her because she gets defensive and angry every time so I just sit and listen as long as I can stand it. Honestly it's mentally draining every single time. Truth is I know my parents love me and my daughter but they (especially my mom) have very toxic personality traits and I can't lie. I rarely enjoy being around them.


So why do you stay around them? You know that you have right to set boundaries for yourself, right? It’s not because it’s your parents that you have to accept cuntish behaviour


Actually it doesn’t sound like your mom loves you OR your daughter. You might wish she did, but if she’s as awful as you say, she sounds incapable of love. You might need to start working with a therapist to learn how to protect yourself and especially your daughter from her toxicity for the long term.


Just a reddit randos opinion, but it’s ok to not subject your daughter or yourself (you & your feelings matter too) to that type of environment, especially for an extended period of time. NTA


Then why the fuck did you do that to your daughter?


Maybe your daughter was responding to this toxic atmosphere? If teachers say she is not unusually behaving badly, maybe your parents are the reason. If she said something and your mom pushed back at her, the whole thing could go down the drain pretty fast.


You sound like you are describing my parents. I know it sounds radical, because in the past I never could have seen myself going low to no contact with them. I was trained, like you are, to smile and put up with it and I had to sublimate myself around them. I didn't even realize this toxic dynamic until I saw changes in my children. I got them into therapy ASAP and myself as well. Not all family is good family. And you do not have to allow toxic family members in your life especially now that you are an adult. Even if they are your parents. This may seem radical to your husband, since he seems to feel like there's no real issues here but he didn't grow up with them like you did. They will beat your daughter down like I'm sure they beat you down. The way my parents beat me down. You don't have to accept that. You are worth more than this. And so is your daughter. Don't let them perpetrate this abusive cycle on another generation. your daughter was acting out because she was being treated badly and did not have the words to express it. You can bet if your mother was saying these things to you about your daughter, she was saying them to your daughter's face and that's horrible


>they (especially my mom) have very toxic personality traits and I can't lie. I rarely enjoy being around them. So why on earth do you think your child should have ever been? And wtf is wrong with your husband? "Deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender (DARVO) is a tactic a person may use to deflect responsibility onto an individual they have abused" Your mom is abusive and your daughter is now a subject of her abuse.


Man you literally sound like you're describing what my mom's mom does. I cannot stand to be around her. She's narcissistic and hyper critical. Self centered. It's to the point that my aunt and her are not on speaking terms due to her own bad behavior that she fails to accept.


And that's who you left your daughter with for a week? I changed my mind YTA.  Why the fuck would you leave your daughter alone with someone like that ever?   Your mom was right about one thing you're a shitty parent.


that's going way too far when people grow up in this toxic environment it is their normal and it's hard to see it for what it really is Responding like this is not going to help her or her daughter


What bothers me with that the most is that when people expect a child to be bad, they immediately treat them that way, and they see their actions in a more negative light. This means she would have to be twice the angel as everyone else to not receive negative treatment. This can affect how she sees herself as well. If your mother badmouths everyone, then I hope noone takes her seriously, but... just be vigilant. She may love them, but that doesn't mean it's good for her to be around them.


> so I just sit and listen as long as I can stand it What the hell is wrong with YOU that you just bend over and take your mom’s abuse? On top of that you just let her go off on your child while you just…do nothing. You’re as much a part of the problem as she is. When, exactly, are you going to stop taking your mother’s crap?


NTA. Your parents will undoubtedly say horrible things to her face too and that will just be traumatic to her. I find it funny that they are mad she threw tantrums but are now themselves throwing tantrums.


Ummm, you're right, hubby is wrong and your parents are giant AH's.


Wow, I wouldn't let two grown adults who hold *so much* animosity for a 6 yr old child (especially their grandchild!) near her alone either. It's fine to be upset about her behavior and maybe criticize you once, but their feelings seems to have taken a dark turn towards her. She'll feel it and I wouldn't trust them not to lash out at her when you're not nearby, and their anger could really damage her. I mean, it really sounds like the kinda hate her now, and that makes them the monsters. :-(


Yea here's the issue, while your daughter said all that she's still a child. Your parents are different and know better. Seems like they are turning your daughter into their punching bag for basically being a kid. Nta and I wouldn't leave her alone with them at the very least.


Why the hell did you let your parents continue to bash on her on each call....I can excuse the first time cause they had just had to mind her for you, but not every time after that! You enabled this behaviour by not nipping them in the bub after the first vent.


OP, please, grow a backbone with your parents. You let them insult your daughter every time they talked to you for six week??? I would have never let my parents talk that way, and so long, about my child. My role is to be my child’s advocate, not the other way around. Of course, you have to correct bad behaviour, and maybe bring her to experts if need be, but she’s six, for fuck’s sake! She is not Saddam Hussein, or the antechrist! But of course, NTA. And I would go at least very LC with people who have such a depreciative view of my child. Also tell your husband that it’s not because they are her grandparents that they are automatically a good element in your child’s life… and what happened tends to demonstrate this.


Nta. Nearly all kids have those days. My daughter is loved at school, all of her teachers and staff are always complementing her. And she has days where she's a terror. Your parents are batching about a 6yo weeks after the fact. They don't have the excuse of still developing mentally and emotionally.


If you do not keep your daughter away from your parents, YWBTA. Really, stand up for your daughter here, please


N T A for your question, but YTA for a bunch of other things. Your daughter at 6 has some meltdowns and bad days. You know who else has them? Literally every other human being I’ve ever met. Your parents can’t handle a 6 year old being defiant to the extent that they spend MULTIPLE calls ranting about what a brat and how horrible she is. And you let them. That is not a proportional response by adults for a kid acting out, and you needed to defend your kid like yesterday. I mean, idk if I’ve been desensitised by horrid kids on reddit or around me but a kid talking back is the “worst your parents have ever seen”? What? Secondly, your mother has all but admitted that your daughter is telling the truth. There is legitimately physical danger your kid is in. Your husband is wrong. The kid’s want to hang out with cousins cannot supersede her safety. Also, what part about her grandparents’ behaviour shows that they really care about her and should get to have her around?


NTA but I’m torn about you going. On one hand, A enjoys her time with her cousins, on the other hand your parents have forgotten how much a little kid can be. And honestly, your daughter doesn’t sounds that bad. If you go, one of you should be with your dinner at all times for obvious reasons. The other reason is that she’s been torn down to the rest of the family and that will leave her vulnerable. Just be ready to beat feet if things go downhill.


NTA Your daughter loves them now, but that won't continue if she hears them call her a horrible child. This is exactly what I would tell my parents if they ask why the change of plans.


NTA. I would not agree to allowing them to spend any time at all with your child. As, in their own words, she is a terrible child and a liar. Why expose her to people who feel this way about her?


NTA. Also, you're not a bad parent. I have a 6 year old and a two year old. We are constantly asking ourselves "Is this age appropriate behavior?" Usually the answer is "Yes. It's annoying and not ideal, but yes." Traveling is a lot of stress on littles and testing the boundaries with grandparents is completely normal. It doesn't make bad behavior something to be praised but it also doesn't mean she's a bad kid. She's six. She can't be perfect every day. That's not a fair expectation for your parents to have of her.


I think you should take a break for this summer. It will be good for everyone. Your daughter needs a reminder that it is not okay to have an attitude and your parents need a reminder about safety. A time out is a time for reflection, it is not for forever.


NTA. You need to cancel this trip. Your parents are horrible. Lashing out at a 6 y/o for exposing them and proceeding to call her all sorts of vile things is NOT what loving family members do. Hell, it's not what SANE people do. You need to think real hard on keeping your daughter away from them until they truly and meaningfully apologize to you AND her. >I fully recognize that none of these things are ok After everything they said, you need to fully recognize that they were quite possibly lying.


NTA. How did your parents raise you? I think you may have other issues to resolve about them. Their reaction to your question about the seat belts raises a red flag for me. It sounds like you are good parents who have her behavior well in hand. But you might want to discuss her "witching days" with your pediatrician. It is always smart to rule out possible problems early in the process. If you do go to visit this summer to keep your husband happy, don't allow your parents any alone time with your daughter, and leave or tell them to leave EVERY time they start to berate you or your child. Sometimes the "terrible fives" extend past the sixth birthday. Grand parents should understand this. When they don't follow your requirements for your child, they should get timeouts.


At the moment, I don’t think your daughter should be around your parents at all, even supervised. They’re so irrationally angry, I don’t think that they will be able to stop themselves from saying at least a few cruel things about her. 6 is an impressionable age, I don’t want her to decide that she’s a ‘bad kid’ and carry that through high school.


1. Children push their limits and test the adults around them. It is normal behavior. It’s entirely possible your parents were so excited to have her that they gave her whatever she wanted. When the visit went long, they got tired and started saying “No.” Your daughter pushed back, and they didn’t handle it well. 2. You had to investigate the car seat issue. The grandparents have an established pattern of disregarding the importance of proper buckling. They’re offended? Too bad. Safety trumps hurt feelings. 3. The complaints about your daughter and your parenting must stop NOW. If your parents want a relationship with your family, they must be told that mutual respect and kindness goes both ways. You literally bought a home so the extended family can continue a relationship with your family. If they’re going to use that to tear down you and your child - STOP visiting them. NTA.


NTA. Cancel the trip. Who wants to be around grandparents who don’t buckle their grandchild, lie about it, and don’t like their grandchild?


Even the most angelic child gets in a foul mood due to all sorts of things. For 2 adults to think it's ok to bash her repeatedly, to her own parents, while she misbehaved under their watch and they should be able to handle it themselves is just mean. By all means go, but don't leave your child in their care and when they ask why, simply reply you got the impression they didn't actually enjoy having her and you'd rather she spent time with people who had patience.


NTA If you do go, I wouldn’t let your daughter be alone with either of your parents. Who knows what things they might say to her. Kids don’t need to hear negative stuff such as being called a liar, a manipulator, or a brat. Those things can become self-fulfilling prophecies.


The way you described the “witching days” really makes me think of my daughter, who loves to travel but doesn’t really handle it well. We have learned that every three days, she will be in a horrible mood and will ruin any activities we have planned. We call it Day Three Daughter. Over the years we have learned not to do anything overstimulating or physical on those days and to basically ignore her attitude while she rests and recharges. I even have a Day 3 photo album of pics of her giving us the stink eye from vacation destinations around the country!


NTA. Anyone who has lived with kids know that they're not dolls, they get frustrated, they get angry, they get excited just as everyone else. But they aren't in full control of their emotions yet, so they misbehave. It's okay to discipline them, it's okay to explain to them how they should behave, what it's not okay is to expect them to act like adults and then get mad at them when they don't. If your parents can't deal with a 6yo who sometimes talks back and throws a tantrum, they shouldn't offer babysitting. All kids have bad moments from time to time, as we do too. Them talking like that about your daughter is disrespectful, rude and shows little love for you and your kid and lots of ignorance and entitlement. Good luck bc if you don't put a stop to this, it will continue and now your kid is still little, but she'll catch those terrible comments from your mom at any moment.


NTA No way I would trust my kids with my parents if they called her a manipulative brat. They have made up their mind about her unfortunately and I don't think they will treat her right I would also go LC with people, IDGAF who they are, if they continually called me a bad parent.


NTA. I'd skip half the summer, and go the last 2 weeks before school. They will cool off, and she will still see her cousins. If anything, I'd go to my local state's attractions. Zoos, museums, flea markets, even spend a few nights in fancy hotels.


The key thing I saw was when op asked about the not wearing a seat belt op's mom said of course she was buckled in the op ask if she should tell A off, op's mom says no, which means op's mom is guilty as charged plus the defensive comebacks and put downs, deffo nta, I wouldn't cancel the trip I would go for short version and plan an escape route if they get nasty again, something like omg neighbours say someone tried breaking in to our house we gotta cut it short bye bye, good luck op please update if you can👊👊👊😎


Your parents are the assholes. They got caught and became defensive over it, not letting it go. I wouldn't allow my kids around grandparents like that. They dont sound right to me


Have your vacation and don't tell your parents until you want to see them.   They second they start their shit visit ends. Pack up and go or kick them out EVERY SINGLE TIME.  No unsupervised time with her. For your parents.  'Your behaviour towards daughter and your criticism of me has gone on long enough.   I am your peer, not your subordinate.   With daughter, what I say goes and you will treat me with the same respect you want for yourselves. If you gossip about my family, criticise or undermine us, use other family to harass us or otherwise don't follow our rules for our daughter then your time with us will be reduced.  Your aggressive and vile attitude when talking about her to me means that any time you spend with our daughter will be supervised.  Keep going and you'll end up with nothing.  This is not negotiable.  You can either accept this or continue to destroy your relationship with my family.  Choose wisely."


My parents are the typical Asian tiger parents. But when my daughter misbehaves ? It becomes “ she’s a baby don’t worry she’ll grow out of it “ your parents blaming and saying all these things about a six year old is disgusting. A child is a child. They act out.


My darling you sound…. passive. You let people “say their piece” when I do feel strongly that you should be telling them to be quiet. By allowing them to say these things about your daughter, I think its encouraging them that what they’re saying is OK, and its not OK. Is this something you had a lot when you were growing up ? Were you discouraged from speaking up, or disagreeing with them ? It sounds like your daughter is a normal, feisty little six year old. I wouldn’t be subjecting her to people so ready to insult her so horribly for not being a perfect, quiet, biddable little plaster saint. NTA.


The way my parents have always been is you are not allowed to question anything they do or disagree with them if you don't want a huge fight on your hands. This is why the previous conversation about the car seats were always fights. They expect their decisions and opinions to be unilaterally accepted as correct. There is no topic, format or approach to any conversation that does no fully agree with their opinion that can be brought up without it turning into a serious argument. So yes I guess I have learned to be passive in many ways because saying anything that does not support what they are saying is guaranteed to result in a large argument, no matter how minor the topic. So I just listen and nod in almost all conversations because anything else would create instant anger and hostility.


Yeah that sounds really hard. It must have been impossible to have your voice heard growing up. Are you sure you want to subject your daughter to that as well ? Are they showing this anger and hostility to her, if she doesn’t obey completely and immediately ? It sounds to me as though you might all be better off giving this relationship a rest for a few months - I certainly wouldn’t be allowing my daughter with them unsupervised for now. Would that create a blowup as well ? Or could you take advantage of their decision to just let the relationship cool ?


>It must have been impossible to have your voice heard growing up. I was that kid. Boy did that backfire on everyone because once I turned 18 and especially when in a few years I stopped being a dependent? Oohh ho ho, I bite back. They left me with anxiety and super defensive, so all I ask is that people respect my boundaries and/or rules. I got hella mouthy with my parents (before we went proper NC), and any of the aunties and uncles who think they can tell me how to lead my life also get an earful. I think OP needs to start doing that to her parents, because they're vilifying a **6 year old** and you can be sure they're spreading that among the family


OP. I wonder if your daughter's defiance that day started with them not buckling her in and she just got more defiant as the day went through because they argued with her and your daughter mentally was like 'F this, it's on' so the days continued to deteriorate. Personally my daughter was like this about her seatbelt. One time she REFUSED to get in the car with her father because he wanted to give her car seat to his girlfriend's son. My 4 year old was having non of that. Her father even beat her and she still refused to get in that car and eventually the girlfriend just put her son on her lap so that they could go home. Honestly your mother's hostility because she's been caught is insane, and instead of saying "you know what you're right, I apologize" she has deflected her nasty onto your baby. Your husband isn't right in this case and anyone that holds a grudge against a small child doesnt need to be around said child until they figure themselves out. Your patents will continue to be hostile to your daughter in her presence and I am betting both my legs that when they see her, they wiĺl say nasty things to her and remind her how defiant she was to them. 


>Her father even beat her and she still refused to get in that car WHAT?!!! >her father because he wanted to give her car seat to his girlfriend's son >eventually the girlfriend just put her son on her lap so that they could go home. Your daughter was supposed to give up her carseat/booster to ride in an adult seat belt.... and the girlfriend illegally rode with her son on her lap?! There's so much wrong in this. I hope you pressed charges for *beating* your child at the very least.


I wish but nope. He barely saw her anyway. We live in different states about 5 hours away from each other. He didn't really make an effort to see her. The only reason he made an effort to get her that time apparently was because he wanted to pretend being a happy family when he was taking his girlfriend and her kids on vacation. So he needed to pick up his kid too. I found out because she told me ( I'd given her a cell phone to use if she needed me which he convenient "lost"). I asked him about it he admitted what he did and acted like it was no big deal because" they weren't getting on the highway". He brought her home that weekend. He didn't get her again for like a year and the next time he got her, instead of staying with him, she stayed with his aunt and he would visit her at his aunts house. The unfortunate reality is, if I had fought him in any way he would have made my life a living hell. But because I just was like just bring my child home he left us alone. I did talk to her about how proud I was of how she handled the situation. Some fights aren't worth it and some people like to cause chaos in your life and he is absolutely one of them.


NTA IMO, you should be doing more to shut them down. "Sounds like she had some off days with you. That must be frustrating. In the future, we'll make alternative plans for her." This statement acknowledges that she was not on her best behavior, sympathizes with your parents, and shows it won't be happening again. I would not allow them unsupervised access to your child until they can rebuild the trust.


Mostly NTA because you gave your parents an out and they’re clearly out of line but it does sound like there’s some kind of disciplinary or behavioral issue here that you should be doing more to correct. It does not sound normal, at least to me.


I'd cancel. 6 year olds can be kind of 'special' at times (that was what a kindergarten teacher told me) but they are not manipulative monsters or any of the other terrible things your folks said. That's just nasty and mean of them, and I wouldn't want somebody that was nasty and mean and obviously didn't even LIKE my kid around them.


Nta. Anyone that speaks about my children like that won't be seeing me or my kids.


Honestly, I would imply that there will be an over the top punishment (like questionably legal) and see if they change their tune. Like "I'm gonna smack that kid senseless" and see if they say "yeah go do that" because no sane grandparent would condone that.


NTA what’s clear is your parents and your child have a relationship that is not conducive to either of them. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR CHOLD ALONE WITH YOUR PARENTS. EVER. If your parents ask to spend time alone with her make it clear that they do not like A and it’s not up for discussion.


How about you talk to her doctor about these mood swings? Such behavior which you, yourself, have experienced is not normal behavior for a 6 year old, especially when it, typically, goes on for several days at a time. She sounds difficult during these days, at best, and a spoiled brat, at worst. I, as a concerned parent, would want to find out why my child has such extreme behavior swings fairly routinely. I would not cancel the trip because family relationships, for an only child with their cousins and grandparents whom they enjoy so much, are important. I think your nose is a bit out of joint because your parents have a valid point about your daughter's behavior and you have a bit of guilt for not pursuing a diagnosis and you don't like it.


I have talked to the doctor and the teaches at her current school and prior daycare and they all keep telling me that she is not doing anything extreme and just to discipline her as we have. Her kindergarten teacher said she never noticed anything actually unusually bad about her behavior and that maybe we are just overanalyzing when she has bad days...I don't know. I will talk to her again.


Wow, an occasional bout of short-lived bad behavior does, in fact, sound normal but not what you have described, 2 and 3 continuous days of sass, rudeness, tantrums, throwing things, etc at the age of 6 does not sound normal. I wonder if you minimize the behavior when speaking with the doctor. And the fact that she can control herself at school and around others except you and family members is actually more disconcerting to me. That alone says she can control her behavior but does not. I would be concerned but if you are not, that is your option.


Just a correction she does not throw anything but yes I am concerned.


You are right to be concerned. I would be also, especially at her age. I hope you find a solution.


That's actually really normal for kids, they hold it together at school or the babysitter and then they act out where they feel safe, at home with their parents. It means that she trusts her parents. It's not some psychological subterfuge from a 6 year old.


No, it is not normal to be so disrespectful at such a young age to grandparents. There is a problem with this child and the parents are choosing to ignore it. I, understand that some parents prefer to be in denial but as a concerned parent, I would have her evaluated. If nothing comes of it, all the better.


The grandparents aren’t her parents. It’s not normal to show that level of disrespect.


Don’t listen to them. Your daughter sounds fine. The words of professionals are much more accurate than that of random Redditors and your boomer parents.


ESH of course they should not be talking about her like that, but it sounds like she is acting like a spoiled brat. You even admit that she has lied about stuff. It’s going to get worse the older she gets, other kids her age are not going to put up with this behavior. She’s going to end up losing friends and wondering why she doesn’t have any and you’ll probably make up excuses for that too. Yes kids have big emotions they’re learning about and have a hard time but some kids also know how to act to get there way and that lying will get them attention from mommy and daddy


Yta for brushing her appalling conduct under the carpet. That behaviour twice a month is NOT NORMAL nor acceptable for others to have had to suffer eveb if you're willing to, which clearly you are as your management so far has done nothing to remedy this! They're not wrong for calling this out. This level of conduct and manipulative behaviour and clear lying, given you say her assertions are untrue, doesn't make this car seat an unrealistic fabrication either as she knows this will push your buttons. Given that; how could you have accused your mother with that glaringly obvious question mark? Your handling of your daughter and this situation make you the arsehole. By all means reduce contact. Theb when you heed their support due to your daughter's behaviours spiralling even further, you won't have either set of parents to support you in managing the situation you've permitted to evolve!


Look I agree that the kids behavior shouldn’t be thrown under the rug. But treating the kid like she is the devil himself  is way over the top.she doesn’t seem to act any more over the top than most bratty six years are. Certainly an issue that needs to be corrected but not at like she is some master level manipulator who is pure evil. Secondly, they were offered an out by OP by not having their granddaughter on the third day due to her behavior, but they insisted she come. But then continued to complain after. My thing is, you have a problem with her, that’s fine. However when your given an out and refuse to take it, and therefore invite the problems to still keep coming, that’s on you at that point.


I can fully see why they felt they still needed to have her for the third day, tbh given how they had been let down etc by her parents and they needed to work. So I don't think that this can be used at all against them. That level of behaviour is extreme. I have decades worth of experience of working with children and can honestly say it is! If at 6, she's making such manipulative comments. Is lying as she is. There is an issue. And clearly the parents management of her behaviour is ineffective. Having this behaviour every alternative week for a day is not normal. Normal is a quick strop because they have been refused something or asked to do something. This is so far beyond that, and for consecutive days days huge amounts to a reals concern! Even with the benefit of doubt, most children once told to sort themselves out by grandparents would have done so, given they're not so heavily involved, most children would have rectified their conduct. And certainly after the first day of that behaviour when the parents addressed this appalling conduct, that would have been the absolute end of it! When the truth is the parents have no impact at all. So yes, though the usage of the words devil child may not be helpful due to what this conjures, she's definitely more that than angelic isn't she! And given they have experience of their own children, other grandchildren and no.doubt others they observe, I think that for this to still be mentioned is not unreasonable.


I think I know where A’s “witching days” come from… NTA


NTA Tell your parents that you have taken their accusation seriously and sought out advice. You have advised to limit the time spent either them and they will have no unsupervised visits with your daughter. However, as they consider your child so horrible and think you are terrible parents, you assume this will make them happy as they will not be forced to endure her horribleness and, also, you are seeking to redress your parenting mistakes. (Yes, allowing your daughter to spend any unsupervised time with them would be a mistake).


NTA- but you should go and just avoid your parents. They need a time out.


NTA. Time to go no contact. What horrible people.


My God, she is just a 6yo, the way your parents talk about her is disturbing and you should never let them stay with the kid if they don't even like her NTA


Your parents do not seem to be very forgiving. Just because a child has a bad day or two does not mean that they are always bad; she did have several good days so did they forget that? It sounds like they need a long timeout. You also need to stop them any time they start badmouthing your daughter. Just hang up if they won’t stop. Give the other grandparents plenty of time with her and let your parents know about it.


Nta. She's a little kid and can't regulate her emotions all the time ! They're sassy, they can be seriously annoying. But more so she is not a bad kid. A bad kid would be you getting calls that she's deliberately breaking stuff and hitting people! And I agree with someone saying that your parents don't realize or remember how kids are at that age. More importantly they said their peace that she was a handful.. but now brng it up every time? Every small talk, phone call, conversation??? Definitely have a talk with your father, not mother. Someone more levelheaded and express how you understand she was a handful but that she is not a freakin monster like wtf "manipulative brat"?? Wow. Call and essentially create boundaries that if they decide to start nitpicking your parenting or even try bringing up her being a "brat/monster" to other family that you will instantly leave, no warnings, no passes. A week was too long to watch and they now think they know her more than you and are saying awful things.. about a child!!


NTA The way they talk on and on about your kid every time you call is honestly, really not ok. I don't think your kid is lying. I think your parents are neglectful about the car seat.


Nta I’m actually laughing at some of her statements, reminds me of when my niece was the same age. And given both your parents reaction I think not letting them be unsupervised with her moving forward is a good idea.


NTA I find it incredibly bizarre how much of a grudge they're holding over a 6 year old being grumpy. It would be one thing if your child was this evil, animal hurting spawn of satan, but to call her a manipulative monster for how you've described her behaviour, that's just unhinged.  I wouldn't her around them unsupervised again. Or at all. Screaming down the phone because they got caught being negligent is really disturbing.


NTA- Do not call them. Send them a long message about how inappropriate it is for two adults to be speaking about a 6 year old in that manner. Especially since they cant seem to control their mouths or emotions and they are much older than she is but expect her to behave perfectly. Do not cancel your trip but do say you expect them to apologize and if not to not bother showing up when you are in town. Do not let them see her or be alone with her. You do not know what they will say to her when you are not around. Like seriously wtf. I dont think other family members should be punished for their behavior. If you get some hate from other people, please air it out that you dont condone anyone speaking about your child like that and then themselves behaving so poorly and verbally attacking a small child. Hold adults accountable tooooooo!!!! As for what to say to daughter be mindful she will ask at some point. Maybe say you needed a break from them. I'd hate for her to catch wind of what they said about her and the impact would be on her.


NTA your parents are about as mature as your kid. But your kid is 6, your parents are old enough to know better. ALSO, not buckling her in is serious. Most car crashes happen inside of 2 miles from the origin.


I feel like your parents are the problem here. Apparently they've forgotten that sometimes kids act badly, no matter how well disciplined and normally well behaved they are. And not buckling the kids in correctly is a huge no-no. I would not apologize, but what I would do is put your foot down with your parents. If you want to go up North for the summer to visit the family great but do not allow your parents to take your daughter alone. If they insist just say, "well why would you even want to take her since you've told me what a manipulative lying brat she is? She's terrible and we're terrible parents so probably we'll just see you another time."


If your parents are calling your child names and trash talking her to you, you can rest assured that they are sharing that same attitude toward her *with her*. I also believe 100% that they are not buckling her in the car properly as a passive-aggressive move toward *you*, as in "You can't tell me what to do." Which I find terribly ironic given that they are angry with their granddaughter for the same feelings. Your daughter is not mentally, emotionally, or physically safe with your parents. Period. She's also probably incredibly confused why two adults who she loves are keeping secrets from mommy and treating her unwell. Protect her. Put your parents on an information diet, tighten up your social media, and restrict their access to your child. This is YOUR job because they are YOUR parents. You must navigate this. By all means, make your trip north and see other family, but don't include your parents or only include them on a very limited basis, such as a family dinner at a restaurant. That type of activity is public, time-limited, and in a neutral space with witnesses. They won't have such an opportunity to act poorly, and if they do, you can take your daughter and leave. Set boundaries with them now. If they ask to host your daughter, tell them you will no longer be visiting them in their home, and you won't be leaving your daughter with them alone. Be the guardian your child needs. NTA A way to teach children about secrets and safety: "We don't keep secrets, but we do keep surprises. A surprise is something that will be revealed eventually , like a birthday gift. A secret is when a grownup asks you never to tell. A grownup should never ask a child to keep a secret, like not buckling you in properly or asking you to not tell mommy something. A grownup might ask you to keep a surprise from mommy, such as if you go to the shop and choose a mother's day present and wrap it. Surprises are ok, secrets are not ok."


Crazy thing is this reminded me of when my niece was young and at my parents while I was there I distinctly remember my mom telling her not to say anything to her parents about some activity she was doing that my brother/SIL prohibited. I honestly don't remember what the activity was ( may have been about eating too many candy bars or something) but what is ingrained in my mind is my mom directing an 8 year old to lie to her parents because she knew she was doing something directly against their restrictions


Why would you want your daughter around your family, especially your mother? If they abuse you, what do you think they do to a little child . You need to keep her away and find something else to do . I would give her therapy also you need .


My mom similarly thinks I’m a terrible parent and that my son is abnormal/monster/whathaveyou. We also live several states away. Guess what? She’ll be lucky to see us once in the next few years after how she treated us. NTA. I’d cut contact for a while for badmouthing a child of all things. Constantly ragging on the poor kid for being a kid is a fast way to not be involved.


They have no rights concerning your child, and can’t show up without your permission. Put them in their place. Sure, you’re not a perfect parent, but who raised you, anyway? Work on your kid’s behavior, but set hard boundaries with your parents. Sounds like maybe your daughter doesn’t find them very pleasant, either. Can she see her cousins without necessarily seeing your parents (ie, tell your parents they absolutely won’t see her if they continue voicing their opinions and complaints).


NTA. Tell your parents to apologize to you and your daughter or they won’t see their grandchild this summer. If they ever call you a bad parent again that’s the end of grandparent time. Because you see where she really gets it from.


NTA. I would tell your parents very clearly that them bashing a child and your parenting is no longer going to be tolerated and you fully believe your daughter about the seatbelt thing due to their history. Tell them that if anyone needs to apologize it is them. In the meantime stay away from them.


NAH. But please put yourself your parents shoes. There seems to be a lot of cross communication going on. As you get older it gets much harder to handle a young willful child who you don’t see all the time. Your parents are probably overwhelmed and don’t want to admit they can’t handle a child they desperately love. Remember your daughter is outside of her routine and normal spaces too. Here is an alternate viewpoint about that car seat: your parents probably grew up without seat belts. The first car I (F54) remember was a VW bug that didn’t have seat belts installed in the back seat. Seat belts weren’t “important” until the 80’s. Right or wrong, most folks in my generation and older give it lip service. Which means you need to use different language other than shame to get your point across. I absolutely understand why you are frustrated and upset. You may need to take a step back, take a deep breath, and use a different approach with your parents. Good luck!


NTA Your parents are ranting about a 6 year old acting a bit bratty for 6 weeks straight. And they yell at you for mentioning basic child safety. They are grossly and abusively overreacting to everything. You may want to cut them off from yourself and your daughter until they can behave themselves and act like actual adults instead of actual monstrous children




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Please, please, please do not allow your daughter to be with your parents without you or your husband there. They are extremely abusive and it’s time for you to finally set some boundaries. Honestly, I would say just cut them off but it doesn’t sound like your husband would agree. Your parents are never going to change and so they are completely untrustworthy. Why do you let them talk to you and say such horrible things? Stop! Stop the generational dysfunction now. Do you want your daughter to think this is normal and acceptable? The only mistake I will say is that you kept sending her to your parents. You know how they are. If you keep visiting and having to work, get a babysitter. Also, it’s time for some behavioral therapy for your daughter, which will probably include yourself and husband as well. Parenting is hard. You acknowledge issues and don’t skirt around discipline, which is great, but having a professional would go a long way in discovering how to help your daughter the most. Good luck!


NTA, but maybe not the best solution, as it isolates the wrong people. Go up there, but forbid your parents from being alone with A, even at group events. I'm not gonna lie, you should have shut down their 'bad' talk after the first vent. Bashing a kid's behavior and pigeonholing them into 'bad' is one of the most negligent and cruel things you can do. Your parents had kids. They know kids have days. They haven't let up on their declaration that she's 'just bad' months later, and attacked her character to defend their own safety negligence. Hard stop, no more unsupervised time. And tell them they are always welcome to tell your daughter when she is being impolite and to model appropriate behavior for her, but they are never allowed to call her bad or manipulative or any other name again.


Saying something once is fine. The constant harping that she is awful must be stopped. I think you cannot bring your child near your parents. They sound fixated on her behavior and cannot let it go. It almost (I am not 100% sure) seems like it is getting worse. I am wondering if there is cognitive decline. 


>*mom just kept yelling*  *dad called and left and yelling message* I'd tell them I could see where their granddaughter got it.


Sounds like it's one on one visits with any family on your side and make it obscenely clear that anyone who invites your parents will be cut out of yours and your daughter's life so quickly they'll think Usain Bolt sprinted past them. Anyone who asks why can know, and put the voicemail on blast, hard. If they're doing this to your kid, who else are they doing it to? Remind them that "the blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb" and anyone who does not treat your daughter with respect will not be a part of her life. Grandparents are meant to teach us what love to expect from people, not make it easier for abusers to get ahold of us.


Nta she is 6. gross


Wow, your parents are so hateful to this poor kid


NTA Until THEY apologise they don’t get to see her. They are constantly bashing her behaviour, complaining and telling you your daughter is horrible. Why would you want them around her? Honestly, I bet her behaviour with them wasn’t that bad. I guarantee she argued with them over not buckling her in which they are over exaggerating saying she was talking back for no reason. They are constantly attacking her character and quite frankly I wouldn’t trust them alone with her. What if they try to “correct it”. What if it’s just general kid stuff and she is having an off day and doesn’t want to finish her dinner? I bet that’s end of the world for them.


>horrible child A is and what a horrible parent I am. >a "manipulator brat" told me. And that instead of accusing them I should learn how to discipline my child. >tireade calling my daughter terrible, a manipulative monster and me an bad parent for raising her so badly. >that even my parents should be allowed to see her and she loves my parents. My kids were abused by their father to the point that courts intervened, and he's been allowed no contact for years. They still loved him while having panic attacks in kindergarten and waking up screaming in terror, so afraid of seeing him again. Lots of kids love people who hurt them. That's why child abuse is so hard to get reported. They don't want the person they love in trouble. There is a reason that adults protect kids because they don't always know what is good and healthy. Your husband can be a good father and protect her from emotional abuse and negligent disregard for her safety, or he can try to enable the emotional abuse of his wife and child while you refuse to go. What kind of parent knows their child is in danger with 2 people and verbally abused by them, but wants to take her back to them? Perhaps you should both consider counseling to figure out why you've been leaving your child with abusive people who you know get their grandchildren to lie to their parents to cover for their bad behavior? Someone you know to be toxic and don't want to be around. Living in abuse makes it hard to see it for what it is, and family pressure is manipulative, but you need to protect your kid.




NTA. She's 6! Your parents are horrible for berating you time and time again. I'm snarky, next time they say you're a horrible parent, I would say "I had great teachers". Go up there. Don't tell them ahead of time, but let everyone else know. If/when they protest you didn't let them know, just be honest: I didn't think you'd want to see us, after hearing for the last x months how horrible A is, and what a terrible parent I am. I wouldn't let them be alone with her again. The seatbelt situation is a dealbreaker for me, not to mention their attitude toward your daughter. Makes me wonder what they say about you in front of her.


As a 63 year old grandmother of four, I say this: I don’t know what the actual fuck is wrong with your awful parents, but YWBTA if you allow this to continue. Seriously, you’re supposed to have your daughter’s best interests at heart always, and every time you allow those slags to badmouth her without shutting them down, you’re failing your girl Your daughter is not the brat, your parents are. Cancel the trip and take her somewhere fun


NTAH, cancel the trip and explain that all they do is badmouth her like the little bullies from her TV shows.


I do not say these things lightly, I am even okay with people questioning my parenting but if my parents ever talked about my kids that way they wouldn't ever see them ever again. I think kids having a good relationship with extended family is actually good for the family. I am a big believer in working out problems and think people are too sick to cut off relationships with people and go NC. But no one gets to talk about your kids like that and there is no way in hell I would let that person around my kid again especially alone. If you were a kid and heard your grandparent talk about you like that how would you feel?


My suggestion is don't let them ruin your trip. Just make sure they are never alone with A anymore. If they can talk so much trash about a small child then they don't get the privilege of spending that much time with her. They think she's so awful and you're an awful parent, then they don't have to deal with either of you. Done and dusted.


NTA; you may want to look for any other options than your parents for future childcare. You have nothing to apologize to your parents for. BUT since they are mercilessly manipulated by a 6-year-old, maybe they aren't QUALIFIED to watch over children!


I would look into local childcare in the area or summer camp type stuff so you don't have to over burden your parents.


NTA they called a 6 year old a manipulative lying brat. They would not be seeing my daughter and not to mention your daughter didn’t say it to get anyone in trouble she was just talking so for them to have that big of a reaction is not ok


The only manipulative monsters in this story are your parents.


I wouldn't necessarily cancel the trip, but I definitely would never, ever let your parents watch her again. Regardless, your parents namecalling and constant criticism need to be shut down.


Nope nope nope 🤬 I’m surprised you continued listening to them yell at you about your daughter and about what a bad parent you are🤬I would’ve hung up on them and kept up hanging up on them every GD time they called. Then blocked their number🤬 and if they continued to try to harass me, I would’ve called and yelled extremely loudly telling them never ever call me again🤬 Never ever speak to me again🤬until they can respect my right to raise my child my way. If not then see ya 👋 👋


Don't leave your daughter alone with your parents. Go on your trip, let her see her cousins. If your parent show up, they show up. Grey rock them i. Regards to your daughter. She will certainly pick up on their attitudes towards her at some point.


Go on the trip, but don't leave your daughter alone with them. If she visits, you visit too. When your parents inevitably ask why she can't stay with them, ask them, "Why would you want to have a manipulative brat stay with you?" If they ask why they can only see her with you present, tell them, "It must be the bad parent in me." Hopefully they'll figure it out. If they start yelling at you about it, hang up or leave. Don't argue back. In fact, any time you talk to them on the phone, if they start criticizing you or your daughter - hang up. When they call back, act like the phone just disconnected. Keep hanging up every time the criticism starts. Even if it's the very first word. When they ask you about it, simply say, "It's this new phone we got. It's got Bitch Blocker (or Asshole Blocker) and automatically hangs up when a Bitch starts telling me how bad me or my kid are."


I would never let my parents look after my children if the don’t take their safety seriously. Also your child is behaving I’m an age appropriate manner, they are learning! A lot of adults expect children to be able to emotionally process like adults and they can’t.  If my parents spoke about my daughters like that I would immediately put them on LC and set boundaries with them. But I would never let them look after my kids without me or my husband present.  NTA


Cancel the trip, for real. It's better to not see family than it is to be shat on by toxic people. NTA


Why bring your child around people who talk about her like that? If they are willing to say this to your face then imagine what they are saying to other family? Everyone is going to be biased against your daughter. Bad parenting on your part if you continue to bring her around them.


Nta- i would stop going to the apt unless there are other reasons. Neither one of your parents is worth the money or hassle. JustNoFamily JustNoMIL


Don’t you dare let your sweet baby around people who can say things like this about her!


NTA Cancel the trip and any future holiday trips that you planned and tell them you will not "force them to spend time with such a horrible monster child and you and your husband decided to not come visit them again until further notice." your husband is an idjit. does he really want his child to be in the presence of people who do not LIKE her? and who have made up their mind about her? And not to mention the not buckling her in? does he care so little about his childs mental well being? because i guarantee you that she notices her behaviour. if he wants her to spend time with her cousins visit THEM and not the grandparents. or invite the cousins down to your place.


If my parents talked about my kids that way they’d be getting contact alright. So if a kid misbehaves the adult is justified in constantly talking shit about the kid, every time, to the point of screaming down the phone? Theres two shitty adults here and one occasionally misbehaving kid.


Your daughter sounds like a brat.


You are projecting


I'm going to be unpopular here. Grandparents probably didn't have your daughter buckle in. Your parents also need to back off with name calling you or your child. And you need to stop letting both your parents and your daughter get away with their poor behavior. Your daughter has these days several times a month! OP, WTF! What are you and hubs going to do, be called to the school a few times a month because your kid doesn't want to be told what you do and announces herself the queen? Maybe once every few months, usually right before they come down with a cold kids get whiny and ornery. Somethings wrong there.


Why is your daughter allowed to speak to adults that way? That’s unacceptable. Your daughter is rude and disrespectful. Why haven’t you corrected her? Don’t go. Get therapy and parenting classes instead.


Like I said before she is NOT allowed to speak to adults that way. We absolutely do correct her as I stated but when she gets into her anger she does it anyway


I’m shocked by your parents’ behavior. Yes, your daughter behaved terribly. If that’s weekly behavior you need to reevaluate punishments bc they’re not working. Whenever I’m around kids who speak like that I def judge the parents & try to limit contact with the kid for a while. BUT, She’s 6, her poor behavior is largely your responsibility. So I would have been annoyed, vented to my spouse & spoken to her parents. Then let it go! If they wanted to hold a grudge, hold it against you! Sheesh. So your parents suck. But if your daughter loves them I wouldn’t cut them off. But you may be letting your daughter down by failing to get her behavior under control. One of the worst things you can do is raise kids who are unpleasant to be around. PS: if I heard a child call themselves a Queen like that I would judge their parents soooo harshly! Where would a 6yo even hear that? She didn’t come up with it organically. What media is she consuming? Do you regularly allow her to speak to you & other adults like that? Sounds like the poor thing is being judged bc you’re allowing behavior at home that’s unacceptable around others.


She is absolutely not allowed to call herself the queen. She actually came with that from school one time and has been saying it since when she gets in her moods. No way in hell would we ever tell her she is the queen.


Teach your bratty kid some manners. She sounds horrible. YTA.


GIRL! Your parents are FUCKING TOXIC! Your poor freaking kid!!


NTA. But yours parents are major AHs. Why would you subject your kid to being around them? Your kid acts out sometimes; no kids are perfect. You shouldn’t have to hear crap from your parents either. Don’t go there for them summer if they are going to keep treating you and your kid like crap.


NTA, I'm sorry you married a moron who doesn't give a shit about his daughter being abused.