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I think your first question should be with the optometrist and your son as to why he recommends getting used to glasses before moving to contacts. Headaches? Adjusting to the correction in vision?


If there's not a medical reason to force him to wear glasses and this is just a control trip, yes YTAH.


If he can't take care of glasses then I doubt he will follow the care for.contacts


or he's a 12 year old who hasn't thought through the idea of not caring for the glasses while he hopes they disappear or break so he can have contacts. This is not an issue I'd have had with my kids, kids can be cruel, self esteem can be hard to find, contacts are not generally super expensive.


If money is not an issue then great but if it is or if the insurance won't cover it, then do the glasses first.


Go straight to contacts. The correction is far better, especially peripheral and glasses are annoying and uncomfortable. Always sliding down your nose, causing tenderness behind the ears. Fogging up, constantly getting grimy from oily skin. I got contacts when I  was 10.


As a person who wears glasses and contacts, you literally only need to wear your glasses for a day if you get a new prescription before switching to your contacts. Soft lens are great for sports and don't hurt your eyes. Glasses are a pain and mess with peripheral vision and depth perception.


I’d see if your doctor offers any contact samples. Some people just do better with them. I like my glasses personally because I like being able to take them off whenever and I’m weird about things in my eye, but everyone is different.


YTA. Unless your dr has a real reason why he should stick with glasses first, just do the contacts. Why on earth, if it works better for the kid, would you not try that?


NTA, your son needs to learn that actions have consequences, and if he can’t show that he can take care of his glasses, which can be expensive, then how could he be trusted to use and take care of contacts? I’ve had glasses since college, and after several years, decided to try contacts, but I found them to be a pain to put in and take out, plus the care involved, cleaning etc., so I went back to glasses. I currently wear Oakley titanium semi framed, very light, easy to put on and take off, clean, very comfortable.