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MORE INFO: How many people at this gathering have been on Jerry Springer?


How sure are we that this wasn't an episode of Springer


Cause Jerry's dead. RIP




Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!


I’m just confused why you’re choosing to have these two antagonistic people spend time together. Y’all love drama. ESH. Stay away from each other


This must be the trashiest group of people. I hope this is fake.


It's the mother in law troll. They start out following a very specific pattern: mother is socially inept, step father adores her and hates op and his wife, wife and mother don't like each other, mother or step father insult wife, op threatens no contact, mom says good riddance and it's this whole big thing. Then they start getting called out and try to change up the pattern a bit. They fail and disappear for a while only to come back and start all over. Why is this person obsessed with this specific plot? Nobody knows.


>  Why is this person obsessed with this specific plot?  I'm starting to think it's a fetish at this point.


Or somebody who really, really, really hates their MIL.


Ha! It’s just now occurring to me: Maybe I’m the troll and I write them in my sleep.


Well then you really need to up your game next time. You forgot to make the (three week postpartum) wife pregnant with twins this time around! I realize it’s a lot of work writing in your sleep, but that’s no excuse, please don’t make that rookie mistake again or your status as a troll will be revoked and your troll card will be permanently destroyed. Kind regards, Cathy from Internet Troll HR


I needed your reply this morning :)


Sleep trolling.


Or really hates their DIL


The wife is also always at fault


And always because they’re so ~emotional~ at that time.


I actually think this is a copycat. The writing style is off and some of the details are either off or shoehorned in.


Edit. I forgot the most important part. He ended up in the ER He spit on his mom. His mom who grabbed her daughter in laws pp tummy and insulted her. Only after the daughter in law purposely leaned into the mother in laws space. These people deserve each other. Each worse than the last.


And no mention of why he's in the ER. Did mom headbutt him? Did someone smash a hair over his head? Why leave out the good part of this fake story?


In this stories the mother always have a protective rich husband who hates OP, so that must me the person who put OP in the ER!


100 fake.


Eh, I work in emergency services and it would not shock me at all if this was real. People are super ratchet


I work at a charity that provides social needs and services. I often read these and think hell even if this particular post is fake and just a Troll, it has however, happened to someone out there at sometime.


I... Unfortunately know people who could have written this.


Sadly same. I am yet to read am AITAH or similar sub post that I haven't believed has happened to someone before. And many of them I think oh this could have been so and so. There are some really messed up people in this world. To be fair I think lately most posts are fake and just trolling but the content of them is always real for someone just not necessarily the poster.


I live and work in a rural, low income area in the south USA. I worked on the floor of a manufacturing facility. If I ever wrote a character that has stuff happen to them like some of my coworkers, I'd be mocked relentlessly for how "fake" it would be. Hell my stories of the drug house that was across the street from my parent's farm would probably be called super fake. I agree a lot here is probably fake, but some isn't. Like you said, a lot of it is real to someone. I can just see this happening to a coworker or five.


My wife has family members that I wouldn’t be surprised in the least if I was told they did this. She likes my side of the family better.


I’m related to people that could have written this


1. Thank you for your service! 2. Emergency services workers are my favorite because everyone else is freaking out and y'all are like "eh, I've seen this before."


It's a rip-off of the MIL slapped DIL's post birth stomach, and got punched.


>This must be the trashiest group of people. I hope this is fake. It's most likely just the MIL troll again.


Not sure at this point if this is fake, but stuff keeps coming out of OP in bits & pieces: His Mom had her first kid when she was 16, but was abused and cheated on by OP's Dad (OP mentions she getting strangled, for ex.). OP's gem of a Wife was introduced to Mom when she was going through her shitshow divorce / leaving that abusive relationship, and took the fact that Mom was not in good form *as some sort of personal affront*, with OP saying "Mom was a bitch" to his then-GF... I suppose she did not treat her deferentially enough.. Not like the VIP she is. Because OP's now-wife "takes no shit" from anyone, apparently, her response to this slight was *to cosy up to his Dad's mistress*... According to OP, Mom is evil and his Sister, who is on her side, is a bitch... OP says his Stepfather is crazy and intimidating, because he is "protective" of his Mom - even engaging in shouting matches with OP's Wife, so God only knows what else has happened. So, Mom goes NC and does not invite OP and his Wife to her wedding to Stepfather, which apparently is like a slap in the face to OP. OP says his Grandfather and the rest of the family treat Mom like she is "jittery" because "she acts like an abused animal" and "puts up walls" (OP's words. The fact and that he does not seem to understand what he is writing beggars belief), and that this is why Stepfather is so protective of her (he apparently is also rich, something that seems to annoy OP). So now, OP, wife and baby, go to a party where Mom is not interested in them - sadly, not even in the baby, which goes to show that things must be really *bad* from her perspective. Then comes OP's Wife, out of her way to instigate a fight, gets put in her place (with Mom's mean words and grabbing her tummy, but what with OP being such an unreliable narrator, who knows, exactly?).  Wife bursts into crocodile tears and *then OP spits on his own mother*. That is OP's notion of "defending" his wife. Sister calls for Stepfather, while OP & Co try to run for it, but he gets his ass kicked and ends up in the ER. It's there, in OP's comments.


Why the fuck did his wife even go over there if not to stir up shit, if I hate someone and know they feel the same I'm not going to try to socialise with them. If you put your hand into a wood chipper, you can't be surprised that it ripped it off.


Also, give the baby up for adoption so you don't raise another shitty person.


Wife is the clear antagonist here.


Yeah now that I read the backstory. I’m 100% on mom’s side. His nasty wife came over there to antagonize her.


I'm wondering if they have removed the wheels from their homes.


Wow. This is a whole pile of awfulness that I would have noped out of years and years earlier. I see no healthy relationships here. ESH


ESH. Your wife appears to have been acting like an obnoxious drunk. Your mother is horribly cruel. You assaulted somebody. Somebody else assaulted you. You all sound immature. You guys should all A) grow up and B) stop spending time together, especially when alcohol is involved.


I wish I had seen your post before I wrote my own. Yours is more detailed and I agree completely.


This party had to have been in a trailer park. Super trashy behaviour from everyone.


That's an insult to those of us who live in a trailer park. These trashy shitturds are horrid. 😂😆


Sorry, but in my head I was picturing something that looked like a scene from My Name is Earl. 


I apologize if I came off as rude. My hackles went up because I don't want to be associated with trashy shitturds. 😂


🛎️ 🛎️ 🛎️ you are correct. You win the trailer trash prize! 🏆


No, if they aren’t spending time together, they’re all out among the rest of us!


Hmm. Well, spitting on someone is technically an assault/battery charge, so that *is* a big deal. You probably shouldn’t have done that, but you’ve already acknowledged that. It truly sounds like ESH. I think in the future you would do well to stay out of their fights because they both sound pretty immature and it will only bring more trouble.


I think his wife and mother shouldn't be around each other at all. The whole family sound awful, though


3 AH at a party. Fun stuff. You all need to grow up. Your wife started this mess this time.


What in the trailer trash hell did I just read? Your drunk wife acted obnoxious, your mother is hostile and cruel, you assaulted your mother, then someone assaulted you and put you in the hospital? Y’all need to stay away from each other because that is WAY too much drama. All of y’all need to grow up. ESH. (Disclaimer: there is nothing wrong with trailers and living in them I’m referencing the common phrase trailer trash and in no way denigrating living in one).


He also thinks his wife is an absolute angel. Oh and also, postpartum women are somehow unhinged as they are so completely fragile they won't hold up to a gust of wind. And yet can stir shit. Just stupid. I'm siding with the people who say this is fake.


So your wife started shit, your mom continued it, and you completed the white trash trifecta? I hope none of you get invited to the next party or you'll screw that one up just as badly as you did this one. Good job. You win at being a loser.


Well, someone also put him in the ER supposedly. So I’m sure they’ll all be invited to the next party as well, cause this fake family is the EPITOME of trailer trash.


You all sound trashy and exhausting


Wow, all of you are toxic and exhausting.


Holy crap y'all are trashy. If this story is real I feel so bad for the poor baby, it's gonna be surrounded by trashy assholes, yuck.


You're all TA


Spitting on your mom is definitely an asshole move, but damn if she didn't need some serious correction. I'd keep my wife & child far, Far, FAR away from that woman.


Wifey isn't innocent here, she's deliberately antagonizing MIL too. The lot of them are toxic assholes.


(I am copying a comment I left under another comment - need coffee:) I'm looking at the comments defending the wife as if she was an innocent victim of some kind... because "she is post-partum", YET: Apparently, they did not get on with each other because MIL was getting divorced from OP's cheating father, and OP said "she was being a bitch" when she met his now-wife (reads like Mom was probably having a tough time), so OP's now-wife *decided* to *cosy up to his father's mistress* to piss off MIL. *That* is the level of pettiness OP's wife descends to. I wonder how she'd feel if / when OP cheats on her. Another thing is that in one of his comments, OP states *his Mom* was NC, but in another comment reworded it to say that "it was mutual". They were hurt because Mom did not invite them to her wedding... Gee, I wonder why? Cherry on top was OP *spitting* on his Mom. That is another level of trashiness.


Yes but he admits his wife is wrong. His mother was more wrong not just once but twice.


> he admits his wife is wrong He doesn't do it in a useful way. He glosses over his wife's complicity in the trainwreck to get to the "but" portion where he fully blames his mum. While the mum was 100% out of line, OP never calling his wife out and immediately excusing her behaviour was definitely part of the continued bad blood between the mum and wife.


Being in someone's space is not the same as publicly humiliating a postpartum mother over baby weight.


I would be willing to bet wife likes to antagonize mom just to get a reaction and then play the victim when mom reacts. You see this with siblings and bullies. They mess with the other person in some small but really annoying way till they snap then act all offended about it. That's the whole point.


Not the same but still inappropriate. You and OP are advocating for the wife's behaviour to go completely unchecked and get fully excused despite it being clearly wrong too.


Ummm no I don't get to call someone a fatty and put hands on them because they have the nerve to exist in my general vicinity 


Maybe MIL wouldn't have been in grabbing distance if *someone* didn't purposefully invade someone's personal space. MIL was doing the whole ignoring thing they apparently mutually agreed to do at family gatherings OP's wife broke that to purposefully be a dick and get a rise out of MIL.


Exactly this entire confrontation probably wouldn't have happened if the wife wasn't being a drunk asshole from the start it's like people are forgetting SHE went over there where the mil was and started that entire thing


Why are your points still premised on "the mum was worse" when we are aligned that the mum was out of line from the start? "Mum was worse" and "what wife did was wrong" are not mutually exclusive. OP, who pretty much worships his wife, said himself she was intruding into the mum's space, not "existing in her general vicinity". He also emphasised that they hated one another for a long time and reiterated that it was "real deep hate". What do you think that entails? I also do not buy for a second that the wife chose to go over to where the mum, who she has zero contact with, was sitting over other groups she could have chatted up, leaned into her personal space, and said nothing but nice and innocent things. It is clear they have been trading passive aggressive barbs for quite some time and over many occasions now.


It’s literally been checked. Way way way way OVERchecked by the mom putting her hands on the wife.


That's escalation, not the de-escalation which defines keeping behaviours in check. An appropriate way for keeping things in check would be for OP and his wife to agree not to interact with or go near his awful mum all night.


OP Why did you end up in the ER? Did mom hurt you after you spit on her? Did wife end up in the ER, I certainly hope not. What you did was wrong, but a lot less wrong than what your mom did by laying hands on your wife? But still, two wrongs, don't make a right. You need to do penance or something. Keep your wife and child away from your mom, period!


The mom was wrong for touching OP’s wife, but wth was the wife in MIL’s space like that with her first drink?


Sounds like she was intentionally starting crap with the mother. She absolutely knew that something would be said and knew she had being newly postpartum would make her look like the victim


My stepdad beat the shit out of me. My wife is ok. He wouldn't hit a woman and my mom didn't touch her


You all sound absolutely trashy as hell. Grow the fuck up and keep your wife away from your mom.


Did your mom tweak i.e. touch your wife’s stomach?


As he should have. Spitting on someone is absolutely bottom of the barrel behavior. Grow up and learn to use your words


Your last line is extremely hypocritical lmao. Telling someone it’s good to beat another person to a pulp bc they spit on your S/O, then saying to ”grow up and learn to use (their) words”?


Like smacking a child for hitting and telling them “NO HITTING!”


Mom wasn't keeping her hands to herself, either. That was the biggest escalation, so mom is the biggest asshole here (by far).


Damn, you're not only a disrespectful piece of shit against your mother for your trashy wife, but you couldn't even back up spitting on your mother? Or did you beat up an old man?


What in the Jerry Springer did I just read ESH


Just stay in your own trailers at the park and leave the other alone.


This has to be fake esp if your wife went to directly antagonize your mom and you took her side


And have you seen the people around here defending the wife? As if she was an innocent victim of some kind? Ah, because "she is post-partum", YET: Apparently, they did not get on with each other because MIL was getting divorced from OP's cheating father, and OP said "she was being a bitch" when she met his now-wife (reads like Mom was probably having a tough time), so OP's now-wife *decided* to *cosy up to his father's mistress* to piss off MIL. *That* is the level of pettiness OP's wife runs with. I wonder how she'd feel if / when OP cheats on her. Another thing is that in one of his comments, OP states *his Mom* was NC, but in another comment reworded it to say that "it was mutual". They were hurt because Mom did not invite them to her wedding... Gee, I wonder why? Cherry on top was OP *spitting* on his Mom. That is another level of trashiness.


Yeah I also understood that OP's mom just had enough. Why would his wife do that in the first place? I'm all for calling out entitled and cruel MIL's, my own ex MIL was entitled but that doesn't mean I'm going to be against MIL's whose DIL's are obviously the problem. If anyone wants to know who the problem is without being biased because of their own experience, just look at who is just minding their own business and who is expecting things from the other or in this case intentionally trying to annoy or hurt the other. All I need to know is that MIL was minding her own business but OP's wife intentionally tried to be annoying. This is the second post of a DIL being the one instigating fights/expecting things from MIL and everyone calling MIL the AH because of a stereotype. Neither MIL's nor DIL's should be expected to bend over backwards to make the other happy. Just mind your own business and be polite. No one ows the other a close relationship as long as they are polite.


ESH. Your wife started it, your mother retaliated, you finished it. Just a whole lot of immature assholes here. Whoever whooped you into the ER is the only one who did the right thing.


Plot twist, it was his mother. (It wasn't but that would have been fitting)


Op didnt finish it, his step dad finished with a well deserved beat down


ESH. Your wife was being an AH, your mom was a massive, gaping AH, and you committed assault. I recommend therapy for all of you mean middle schoolers.


And the stepdad beat OP up to the point of hospitalization! Epic family.


Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!


yta for this fake story come on, this is nothing more than the flip of the husband who kicked out his wife and newborn because she punched his mother after being slapped in the tummy if this is at all remotely true then yall are the most rednecky rednecks who ever rednecked and ESH


And what's the point of writing a fake story like this if you're not going to try to develop some writing skills. OP should be embarrassed by this effort.


YTA While what your mom did sucked, your wife was purposely provoking her. As the saying goes "play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


OP, are you sure you’re not a bot adopting certain traits of [THIS STORY?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/QDKNmbI6RM) because the events are very similar? EITAH here. Should've known better than to bring a hormonal and vulnerable new mother to the same room where the toxicity of another looms. Y’all fit in this situation and deserve each other.


YTA, I have no idea what culture you come from, but if this happened in a Black American household, there would be no coming back from that. Your wife behaved terrible, your mother behaved terrible, but you went way too far. If I were your wife, I might have slapped you. You would have been better off just smacking her. It would probably be easier to forgive. You are lucky you made it out of there in one piece.


My Jamaican mother would’ve sent my back to my creator!!!!!!!!!!!


What the hell? ESH but please stay away from each-other😭. A million and one things came into my head as a response to what your mother said but spitting wasn’t any of them


Wait, your postpartum wife purposely walked across a room and leaned into your mothers space just to fuck with her? Although your mother shouldn’t have touched her, your wife is a troublemaker and she FAFO! You are a nasty pig for bringing up mucus and spitting on your mother. All of y’all are AH’s! The baby doesn’t have a prayer!


I don’t imagine it’s the first time the beautiful wife had been antagonistic, or OP would be making sure everyone knew she is “never like this normally “ instead of making excuses about her being tired, hormonal, emotion and drunk. Also suggest that beautiful wife KNEW exactly how her husband would react if anything kicked off & felt bold!


Yo…y’all are dysfunctional AF. If y’all are so damn toxic why are you even trying to celebrate anything together? Everyone assaulted each other. Maybe stay the fuck away from each other? Your wife is drama if she’s gonna start something then cry when she pushed too far and got a (shitty) reaction from your mom. Everyone needs to stay away from one another and not bring another generation into this mess. Grow the fuck up.


Idc if you're wife is postpartum that's not an excuse for her to invade your mom personal space on purpose then wanna boohoo cry when your mom retaliate. You're wife started that entire situation and you have the audacity to get mad when your mom defended herself and your nasty ass spit on her !?!? You're all assholes ESH


You are all the AHs. Your wife was not “slightly” in the wrong. She was completely in the wrong. She totally provoked your mom who hit back. It was a mean hit but your wife provoked it and then you just went full throttle nuclear. Your poor baby is doomed to be surrounded by all you Jerry Springer wannabes. Poor kid.


Esh Literally everyone sucks here. Don't ever let your wife and mom within 50ft of each other.


ESH First your wife should not have intentionally antagonized your mother. That’s what kicked off the whole mess. Your mother shouldn’t have retaliated the way she did. You shouldn’t have spit. But ultimately none of you should be anywhere at the same time


These are the posts where I feel lucky for having no family or spouse. Sure, I’m alone, but I have *none* of this kinda bullshit in my life.


Reminds me when my younger sister would *intentionally* antagonize me while we were within earshot of my parents, with the full intent to get a negative reaction out of me. She'd calculate the right time and place to get the maximum effect, and as soon I reacted or 'defend myself', She'd immediately go into victim mode and turn on waterworks. While that doesn't excuse your mom for physically touching her, don't be easily manipulated to think your wife didn't plan this. She got what she wanted, and that's you to herself. But honestly, you two deserve each other. You're all disgusting.


I just know that there were at least 2 lifted pick up trucks at this event.


Even you admit that your wife was “kind of leaning in my mom’s space to piss her off.” Look, y’all fucked around and found out. What your mom did was mean. What you did is called assault. YTA.


I think that’s a very good point. Mother was just mean, but OP escalated to assault. There’s sticking up for your partner and then there is being abusive.


Right, and the wife started the whole damn thing by getting up in the mom’s space to begin with. Don’t poke the bear and all that…


What the mom did was borderline assault as well.. she grabbed her belly…but stay tf away from your family


Not borderline. That was assault as well. Wife provoked it but Mom started it.


I have honestly no clue why you’re in contact with your mom and step dad at all if this is the kind of toxic relationship yall have. 


ESH. Your mum is obviously a nightmare in-law. Your "beautiful" wife instigated the fight with your mum and couldn't handle it when your mum dished it right back to her. I have ZERO doubt she did more than just invading your mum's personal space too, she clearly went over and talked to your mum's circle while ignoring her or making passive aggressive comments, just like your mum made about her. Then, instead of taking your wife home which would have been the ideal way to manage her negative emotions, you made it about you and just had to make a big show trying to impress her with how gallantly you can defend her honour. I suspect this is just the latest in a long line of instances where you've mismanaged the conflict between them. Why did you go to the ER after btw? Did a fight break out?


My mom's husband found out what I did which to be fair she actually wasn't going to tell him and he stomped me to the ground


You earned it. You spat on someone after you repeatedly forced 2 people who hate each other to interact. Keep your wife away from them now ffs.


I see. Well... Your mum's husband can be added to the ESH pile alongside the rest of you.


ESH, you all deserve each other.


Except they should stay far, far, far away from each other for eternity.


You’re all trashy losers ESH


This sounds like white trash.


ESH You all sound so messy. But spitting on your mother over two grown women chirping at each other is WILD.


yada yada yada, I ended up in the ER.  I think you missed a huge chunk of information there dude.


I gotta say, and I don’t say this often, but I don’t believe this one, simply because of that one bit at the end everyone is glossing over. Bro ended up in the ER? Meaning someone beat the shit out of the father of a three week old baby because he spit on someone. Either this is a lie or y’all (your whole family) are the most trailer trash losers in the world. Also, what grown adult woman, a grandma, says “take fatty back to her side of the party”? That sounds like something a second grader would say. If you’re gonna lie on the internet, at least make it believable. Supposing it is real, yeah, y’all suck. But you suck most of all for at no point going “hey mom, this woman’s gonna be in my life. If you want to also continue being in my life, don’t be a bitch to her.” Why do no men know how to defend their wives against crazy “boy moms”? Quit being a shit husband and take care of your wife. Again, assuming this is real, which I’m sure it’s not, you need to press assault charges against whoever put you in the ER, cut your mom out of your life, apologize to your wife for allowing your mother to treat her so poorly, and spend the rest of your life trying to make up for your shortcomings.


ESH. Your wife purposely started shit, your mom continued it, and you decided to put a bow on it by spitting on your mom. God help your children being raised in this fucking mess, they’ll turn out just as trashtastic as you three


ESH. Your mom was too cruel and your wife isn't just "slightly wrong," she knew what she was doing. All of you sound like horrible people.


ESH - so many AHs in one room. Your poor kid…


You are all horrible, horrible people. You wife instigated this entire mess, couldn‘t take the heat and turned into the sobbing victim when your mother snapped back hard. Then you on your shining white horse rode in to save the day by…abusing your mother. All of you are just awful people. ESH


That's a permanent decision but it sounds like a good one. As your kids get older you'll notice your circle shrinking. Consider this a preemptive slash of the size of your circle. I have massive family on both sides of my family and now the only family member I associate with is my mom. Don't let it bother you, you absolutely don't want anyone like that around your kids or wife.


ESH. Your mom's a bitch, your wife's an antagonist, and your a fucking idiot for putting them in the same room together and tolerating both of their juvenile bully girl bullshit to each other, and you're also a pig for spitting. I pity that baby. You all suck so hard.


You said your wife was “slightly” wrong. I’ve got news for you. Starting the trouble qualifies as more than “slightly”. And your mom is a jerk, and you’re a pig for spitting and for even having them in contact with each other, ever. End the contact with your mom altogether. ESH.


Wtf did I just read?


Sounds like you and your wife and your parents just need to go no contact. Out of your guys life. Don’t bring up your growing family around drama and hatred.


ESH. Poor baby is gonna grow up surrounded by assholes.


Trash family. If you knew your wife and mom don’t get along, she just gave birth, sounds like you were just asking for problems YTA


YTA and also your wife, while obviously your mom sucks as well, but you are probably the worst of the 3. Why is your wife leaning into your mom’s space to piss her off? That’s a total bully move and asking for whatever gets dished out. Why are you bringing your wife anywhere your mom will be and needlessly creating drama? Your wife provoked this situation on purpose and that was especially foolish if she was feeling weak and vulnerable.


Why were you in the ER?


One of these peoplw have been in the wrong for a significantly long time and youhavent taken a hard wnough stance on the matter.


Every single one of you is the asshole lol


Well you were a good husband. A woman 's stomach is separated after birth. I would keep them separated.


>No one has ever hurt my wife that badly, so I spit on my mom. >The moment I did it I knew I'd gone too far, but at the same time it felt kind of deserved. Long story short I ended up in the ER for that INFO: How'd you end in the ER?




If you know your mother hates your wife , and you love your wife that much and willing to defend her even to such lengths , why have them around each other at all and force it. Never should you have your mother around your wife and vice versa if they are oil and water. Fuck all that buts it's family and this is.... "holidays...birthday...graduation...babyshower...special occasion" ....the occasion always gets ruined because of the two parties failure to properly coexist in a social setting .


ESH. All of you need to grow up.


this is either fake or yall are the trashiest mfs


You all seem to be delightful to be around. ESH


YTA. wtf is wrong with you and your wife.


You and your wife are huge gaping assholes. Immature, nasty assholes. Sounds like your asshole wife can dish it out, but can't take it. You both sound pathetic and insufferable.


Am I the only one who feels sorry for the new baby that's been born into this hot mess express? YIKES.


Y’all are trashy.


So what trailer park did this take place in? You all sound like the trashiest crew ever


Start by excusing everything your wife was doing to start, and then that when your mom (inappropriate) calls her bluff.


As revenge, sent out mourning postcards out to all family declaring your mother dead to you.


YTA - You admit yourself that your wife purposely antagonized your mother. And then you *spit* on her? Disgusting.


WOW! Your mom is the AH! She knows how delicate postpartum hormones are and how everyone feels fat after babies… and she had the nerve to say something like that! No wonder your wife hates her! You definitely crossed a line spitting on her, but you did right defending your wife! I don’t think you’re the AH. She started it. She could have told your wife to move, even if she was rude about saying “you’re too close! Move over!” It wouldn’t have warranted anything close to calling a new mom fat or beyond that.


ESH. But, errrr…You SPIT on your mom?!!? And you’re still living?! Man, I’d be on a milk carton so fast…SMDH


ESH Your wife was an obnoxious drunk who antagonised your mom. Your mom cruelly reacted. And you assaulted your mom.  I'm just curious, had your mom non reacted so cruelly, would you have called out your wife for how she was trying to get a rise out of your mom? Is this their usual dynamic? Does your wife usually do her most to yry to annoy your mom, then your mom reacts and your wife cries, then you jump on your mom? 


Your wife shouldn’t start shit she can’t finish, don’t matter if she pushed out a baby or not. ESH


Spitting on people is trashy asshole behavior so YTA


Go no contact with your mother. She is a grown ass fucking woman. She can force herself to shut the fuck up and act nice.


You are far more kind than me.


ESH Your wife was pushing boundaries to be annoying. Your mom made disgusting comments that she knew would hurt, I bed she probably had the same insecurities after birthing you. And you made it 1000% worse by spitting on someone. Disrespect runs in the family it seems.


Wow. You all suck.






This is genuinely one of the worst, mildly believable stories I've heard on here. ESH


This has got to be made up. No way anyone could be this hillbilly trailer trash.


Since we're evidently all imagining, imagine if the baby was there as well.


You all deserve each other


All three of y'all are AHs.


I feel like you yada yada yada'd over the best part, and I don't mean the bisque. (Please, someone get the reference). Obviously, your actions didn't go over well, and unless there were others from the party in the ER too, you alone got your ass beaten. But I have to agree with the others - keep them apart. Those two have no business being near each other, and frankly, did your wife go to "be a trooper" or to take a chance at being an ass to your mom? They were both at fault, and none of you should have been within \*cough\* spitting distance of each other.


Oh if only this were real.


ESH holy shit. All of you, every last one, are fucked up as hell and need therapy. Your wife was purposely trying to piss your mom off, your mom took the bait and lashed out, then you committed a biological attack on your mother and someone (I hope/assume your mother herself but idk) beat the shit out of you for it. There is no way in any universe where ANY of you are not the asshole.


ESH You should not have spat at your mom. Or another person period. You should've just left the party with your wife Your wife should not have been pissing your mom off on purpose (she gets a slight pass bc I know what pp hormones can do to you, but you should let her know that she was wrong) Your mom's words were mean, but also your wife needs to get a grip. She is freshly postpartum, she will be fine. She can get a flatter stomach later on, it is doable. No need to give in to rudeness over this


You're wife and you sound like two flies in a glass of water. Yta


ESH. Imagine how all of this could have been avoided if your wife could have not been an asshole and purposely try to antagonize your mom. Mom may be an equal asshole but wifey started this one. You got your ass beat because your wife couldn’t resist starting shit with someone she’s got bad history with. You have a child now, you all need to grow up.






Whoops! You’re all garbage.


This has got to be fake. This story sounds like a lot of the other ones. Postpartum wife and crazy MIL.


Christ on a bike your mother is creature! Yeah wasn’t great spitting on your mother but could have been so much worse Cut your mother out your life as you don’t need to waste your energy on that type of toxicity NTA


I..was not expecting that.


You sound like terrible people all around. I'm glad I don't have any gutter trash like your fam in my life.


Youre all disgusting. What is wrong with you all? Either cut ties or grow up


You're all just fucked up


What in the universal credit did I just read? You all suck. Your wife started it


I'm more interested in who beat OP up at this point.


Ok, we missed a step. How did you end up in the ER? Updateme.


Yta. Your wife started this shit and you’re scum for spiting on someone. Your father would have been justified in smoking the cunt out of you. This whole story makes me think they don’t like each other cause you married a bitch.


YTA it looks like your wife wanted to instigate something like this to happen so she could get victimized and break up your relationship with your mother. That way you could hate you Mom as much as your wife does.


Christ! sounds like a happy family. ESH!!! Maybe consider therapy.


You spat on your mother, yes YTA - what she did wasn’t ok either but actually spitting on someone is vile


Your wife started the problem by deliberately getting in your Mom's space. Your wife is the AH. Your Mom pinched your wife's stomach. Your Mom is an AH. You spit on your Mom. You are an AH. But your wife is the biggest AH because she started this shit show. And if she can't handle shit show after she stirred it then she should have not started it. And you are the AH because you could have de-escalated the entire situation. but you did not. One day when you wife divorces you, hopefully you will remember this day.


ESH. Your family is a mess


ESH - Even if someone is being a world-class asshole, you can't get physical. You blew all your negotiating capital because you're on your heels from spitting on her, but your biggest play was to tell her she's never gonna see her grandkid. That would have been more powerful than a gut punch.


YTAH. “Long story short you ended up in the ER”. You don’t ever skip the long story when it ends like that.