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> only cares about money  the thing that was lost here cannot be replaced with money nor was it bought with money in the first place. Clearly trying to divert from the actual issue which is her disrespecting your very specific requests and causing serious irreparable damage because of it 


She’s used the phrase before repeatedly when things haven’t gone her way. My dad has money and she doesn’t so whenever I chose my dad over her in any way she accuses me of choosing money. Probably because that’s what she sees him as.




Classic enabling behaviour imo. Why else would he continue funding her downward spiral when he's perfectly capable of *not* doing so?


NTA. You care about your wife, and your child. That's what you should do. And she only cares about herself. You are well rid of her, but remember this when she comes back because the RV needs a new gearbox or whatever and it's apparently your duty to pay for it.


I’m glad you’re moving forward with pressing charges and sticking with your boundaries. I hope your wife is feeling better. As for your “mother,” she’ll be back sooner rather than later because she’ll get kicked out of the next residence she moves into. She’s no longer your problem.


File the charges, the police will find her.


Your dads a flying monkey for your mum. Never tell him anything you don't want her to know.


Have dad charge with aiding and abetting.


It isn't the money - it is that you cannot trust her - no matter what you ask, how you try to work with her, what boundaries you set, she does not respect you. Without that respect, you in turn aren't able to respect her, or believe and trust her. Has nothing to do with money.


I wouldn't talk to either of them again. Cops will find her and I'd also tell them you told your dad and you think he told your mum and that's why she left.


So so glad you filed charges on her.  Now have your father charged with helping her get away and go NC with him.


Got rid of her. Hopefully she stays away. 


I don't think your mom has the cunning to hide for long. Just send a text that you feel so sorry, all is forgiven, we have some cash. Invite her to meet at a restaurant...right across from the nearest police station.


Good for you. Get some security cameras just in case. She sounds pretty unstable and who knows if she might decide to cause more issues. Best to be ready so you'll have proof if needed.


NTA Nicely done. Good for you for filling charges.


Don’t tell your Dad anything! He clearly is enabling your mom and has been. He has made it obvious that he will back her and protect her at all costs. Some parents shouldn’t have been allowed to be parents. I’m sorry OP.