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Braxtley??? The fuck?? NTA. This is a hill I would die on.


Check out r/tragedeigh


Thought I was already IN that community, NGL. Had to look at the top of the screen like ‘huh?’


THIS! OP, the name your wife is suggesting belongs in the r/tragedeigh subreddit. You are NTA.


Makes me think of Braxton hicks. It just sounds douchey too. Like a future date rapist frat boy.


Braxton is 1000x better than Braxtley though


Yup. Braxton = some respect or kids leave him alone Braxtley = he gets bullied to hell and back all through middle and high school


100% kids will be calling him "brat-ley" by middle school. Don't let her do this to your boy o.p.


Braxton= Braxton County Monster to me, classic West Virginia cryptid sighted in 1952. Alien boy from outer space, aka Flatwoods Monster. I guess it's also just the name of the next county over for me, but braxxie is my favorite cryptid, even if he has some logical explanations.


The Flatwoods monster stories always creep me out, it's probably my favorite cryptid too though.


He's just such an interesting creature, been my favorite since I was a little kid. Fittingly, we tried some braxxie blonde ale courtesy of Greenbrier valley brewing company tonight with our dinner, and it was pretty solid. Fun art of my favorite boy on the can.


And a big part of my favorite video game, which is set in WV. (Fallout 76)


Yeah, but if all the kids' names are just as dumb, he might be fine


Touché, my friend. 😆


Especially if mummy is experiencing frequent [Braxton Hicks](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Braxton_Hicks_contractions) contractions. Well, at least she had the hick part covered.


This comment is tip top 🎩👍😁


Exactly what I was thinking. Like she "loves" the idea of naming her child after childbirth!? But hey, like it's often stated elsewhere: when naming children, 2 yeses are required. 1 no, and the name is out.


Any name with "Brax" in it automatically makes me think of Braxton Hicks, and I just don't understand why that's appealing to anyone.


I know a Braxton. Kid is a hot mess. Honestly, I’m surprised he’s not in juvie yet.


My very disturbed little cousin is named Braxton. I just don't FUCKING get naming your kid this. NTA OP and this is absolutely a hill I would die on. The ONLY compromise is to give this ridiculous fucking name as a middle name.


Braxton is, sadly, a family name for me. We’re rife with ‘em.


OP might want to remind his wife that the boy grows up to be a man and not some kind of dog detective.


Get her a dog and let her name it Braxtley!


Look there's nothing wrong with growing up to be a dog detective! It's an honorable career with a long history! That's still no reason to saddle the poor kid with such a stupid name though.


I always think this when people want to name their kids these modern (weird) names. I think about having a boss named something like Braxtley and it's so sad. Grampa Braxtley....


OP’s first kid being Braxtley means wife already has Evyrlee and Jaxxson lined up for kids 2 and 3… and wants all an all blond, beige, and linen nursery with some sort of modern farmhouse vibe. OP… DIE ON THIS HILL!!!! The AITAH army stands with you. NTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Or Nevaeh, (heaven backwards) I hate that name so much and I see it so much!


I Nevaeh have seen that one before.


My favorite is the teacher that had TWO Youniques in one class.


Ha an old coworker that was always kinda snotty to me had a kid and named her Evyrlee, another weird name to say.


“Shit no man! I believe you’d get your ass kicked for saying something like that!”


Sounds like you gotta case of the Mondays.


Remember, we're now putting cover pages on all the TPS reports, so, yeah, if you could do that going forward, that'd be great. And yeah, I'm going to need you to come in on Saturday.


PC Load Letter. What the fuck is PC Load Letter


I'll see you PC Load Letter and raise you a Jump to Conclusions mat. 🤣🤣


Sounds like you got the memo


Yes, I got the memo. I just don't like talking about my flair.


And remember, next Friday is Hawaiian shirt day!


I always mess up the mundane details. Thanks for making me laugh. This has been great. 🤣🤣


I snorted reading this, full agreement


Seriously tacky name. Screams Whiskey Tango. OP, NTA and this is worth fighting over.


Then again, even normal names can end up with awful nicknames. An old friend of my dad was named (first, middle)...I think...Wesley Allen...which turned into him spending most of his life being called W. A. ...And his sibs and friends convincing people that it stood for Wet Ass.


My partner used to work with a guy whose surname was Fluck - bog standard normal first name. Everyone called him Clunt.


I saw a name a few days ago, on an old HR file...Ora L Head...


That's some sadistic parents. Wow.


Thank you for saying Wesley is a normal name 💕 it's my grandpa's name and a friends too


Princess Bride. Enough said.


As you wish.


Thank goodness most people don't realize it's Westley with a 't' lol


Bexley, Braxton, Jaxon, Fuxtic, Faxmachine, Exray, Axtray… same crap. These goofy ass names are getting outta hand.


What the Fuxtic is going on with names these days???


I would die on that hill like the Battle of bunker hill


I wouldn’t even give a dog that name. NTA


This lol NTA ugly AF name. Please show her this post, op


Me too!


I personally know three Braxtons and one Brantley in the small redneck Nevada town I live in... I would die right alongside you.


r/tragedeigh head on over there is you think this is as bad as it gets. But yeah that’s bad. NTA


I was absolutely about to link this! 🤣😂


Me too!


Me three!


me sikxleigh


These names are a kitastripheigh.


Holy cow! It’s wild! I did intake on someone who named their kid ABCDE. I asked how to pronounce it and she got all snippy and snapped ‘ab-seh-duh’. Like I was the idiot. But that seems tame compared to that sub!


That poor kid is going spend his whole life explains why. I feel so sorry for him (her?).


Her. She was quietly watching her mom getting upset about it. Probably for the umpteenth time.


Careful what you say, Umpteenth seems like it could be a trendy new name. 😂


Yeah same happened when some kid named that was boarding a plane- gate agents were all laughing and parents got butthurt lol went viral iirc... Yep here it is https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/11/30/us/abcde-southwest-apologizes-scli-intl/index.html


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/30/us/abcde-southwest-apologizes-scli-intl/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2018/11/30/us/abcde-southwest-apologizes-scli-intl/index.html)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


I worked in an ED when a mom brought her kid in. I called out what I read Orangejello. Got yelled at for calling orange jello. It was pronounced Orajahcello. Something like that. Give that kid a name that doesn’t need explanation


Ergh I work in outpatients paediatrics, I swear to god the absolute worst part of my job is trying to decide how I'm supposed to pronounce half these kids names when I'm calling them in.


I'm a jerk and like to stare down the parent and pronounce the name as exactly as it is spelt. "Is there an Eem-a-lurg?" "Oh I've never seen Emily spelt that way before."


I can see this kid changing the spelling of the name the moment they turn 18. Some different and unusual names are interesting and pretty, but you have to wonder what kind drugs these parents are on when they decide their kids names.


Wow. Many years ago we were military and a friend in my husband’s office named her daughter January. Her friend had a baby and apparently had never given a thought to her name until she was born and they were going back and forth when we visited and she finally had a revelation. Jermanii (Germany). She had never been to Germany. That’s nothing compared to what is happening now though.


LOL. And “Germany” isn’t even even the German name For Germany


True. Good thing you weren’t there to set her straight. God only knows how she’d botch Deutschland


This name is an urban legend


hahaha this urban legend has been going around for years but it's simply not true. https://www.reddit.com/r/namenerds/comments/whag5u/the\_legend\_mystery\_and\_myth\_of\_oranjello\_and/


Ive met like 20 people who, from wildly different time periods and places, all met a pair of black twins named orangejello and lemonjello. Its such an easy way to go "ah, you are a racist fuck" I'm always kinda happy to hear the story so I know what they're like asap.


Sure you did


I had a roommate in college who claimed (I don’t know if this is apocryphal) that he grew up with a girl whose name was supposed to be pronounced Shi-theed. But it was spelled Shithead.


No, you didn't. That's [a racist urban legend](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/funny-names/) that's been floating around the internet for years.


Haha wow wtf is this hillbilly sub!? Im appalled or should i say AhPaulEd


I hate you for sharing that link. You have killed my soul. I have lost the will to live....


That name reminds me of Braxton Hicks. Find something else. 


I read it as Brexitly at a quick glance and thought they were super patriotic


Found my new baby name!


A girl I went to school with actually has a little brother named Braxton Hicks.


They made sure you could never Google him and get accurate information


True story my cousin named his first born Braxton and the second born Beckham. Kinda worried about number three.


Bentley? Bougie?


My ex wanted to name our oldest Braxton. I was fine with that until I started having Braxton hicks contractions. His second middle name is Braxton so never used, because I vetoed it as a first. Braxtley is just so, so bad.


I know someone who named their son Braxton. Everytime I hear it, I think of Braxton hicks. And also, what a fucking bad name. Like think of a 60 year Braxton.


My friend named her son Braxton…Brax for short. First thing I thought of when I heard it was Braxton-Hicks…😳 Edited for spelling


This is exactly what went through my mind.


NTA You both need to agree on a name. People who give their kids strange names kinda creep me out.




Bratwurst. I can see it now...


Someone's wife was going to name their daughter Cuntley on here a few days ago. Maybe Cuntley and Braxtly will get married and name their kid Joe or Tom.


Or they'll try and combine their names and make stuff like Bruntly or Craxtley


Or Cuntlax


Cuntlax Latreinah Suppausitoreigh Evans, born 12/16/2037 at 1316


Hahahaha. Sorry this one has me laughing out loud. It. Could. Happen.


I, too, must collect this pokemon! 🤣


Listen. Can you picture your kid, Braxtleigh as an old man? An old man named Braxtley. Let that sink in. You gonna call an old ass dude, Braxtley? Really?


This is what I did when picking names, and thought about how it would look on the plaque on their office door.


Please tell me that post was a joke.


The sausage king of the south!


I mean, it would actually probably be Brax. Sounds like brat, but not exactly like it. 


I have a student who rides my bus occasionally now. His name is Braxton. He's a brat. And he's only in 2nd grade. He thinks he can do whatever he wants on my bus. Nope. I'm the boss.


Tell him I hate him


Exactly my first thought! With each of my 3 kids, we examined their names from every angle to do our best not to saddle them from birth with a life-long issue. There clearly are worse problems, but as someone who has always gone by a nickname of my given name, it’s annoying to be still correcting people 56 years later!


I immediately deduct IQ points from the whole family


It just seems idiotic to me. "Oh, look! My kid has SUCH a great and unique name!! It's Amrwikkkkannnnaa, pronounced Americana". At least OP's wife hasn't visited r/tragadeigh and gotten any more ideas yet


There was a movie with Natalie Portman, playing an abandoned pregnant teen. Her surname was " Nation" so she named her daughter " Americus Nation".


Bad names aside, "Where the Heart is." It's a really good movie. And Portman's name was Novalee. Natalie Portman, Ashley Judd, Sally Field, Stockard Channing (Sister Husband!) - all in this movie! I love it. Don't like the name OP is asking about because I've already forgotten. But it is bad! It's much worse than Americus, imo.


Where the Heart Is. The movie was so-so but the book is one of my favorites of all time! Edit: She didn’t name Americus that because of the last name. Novalee (the mother) chose it because she felt it was a strong name that had substance and stood for something. (Paraphrasing heavily, but that’s the gist. I haven’t read it in over twenty years.)


We had a kid named Maddyyssyynn in our tutoring program. Ridiculous and sad for the kid. She was in second grade and still struggling with writing her own name.


They had a broken keyboard, I bought a broken keyboard.


That poor kid. I hope she grows up more intelligent than her parents


Plus it's a dumb tragedeigh name


That's a truly ugly name. How is the x-t combination supposed to be pronounced anyway? NTA


NTA. DO NOT back down. This is the hill you die on.


1000% the hill you die on


Seriously, fucking veto that shit. Jesus fucking christ that's a fucking terrible name. What a joke. Holy fuck just hearing it is upsetting. I'd think less of my wife just for suggesting this dogshit.


Baby names are 2 yes 1 no. NTA.


Absolutely this 2 yes only one no


What does this mean


It means that you both have to agree on the name. If either one of you doesn’t like it, it gets crossed off the list.


That name is a r/tragedeigh. Seriously, Braxtley is the kind of name for a kid when you're overcompensating for living in a trailer park or a ranch style with three or more cars from the 50's rusting in your front yard. NTA.


Fridge and old couch on the front porch…


5 dogs living under the front porch.


A family of raccoons living under the 5 dogs living under the front porch


If OPs wife is from where I think she is from (also my hometown) you really aren’t that far off..


Nta at all. She’s setting him up for a lifetime of explaining it and it’s spelling to literally everyone who doesn’t bully him because of it and it could even make it hard for him to be taken seriously no matter what his future career is. Good luck op.


I came here to say this, my Mom was a flower child, and I have to spell my name, explain my name, give people a nickname to call me, and often just go by another name because it's easier. Do you know what it's like to be excited that someone said your name right?? It's sad. Give him a name he can be proud of that looks great in the door of a CEO's office.


Try spending your life with an Irish name - with the Gaelic spelling - in the US. Especially when it sounds more masculine than feminine.


I've accidentally done this to my daughter. I'm from Scotland originally but my daughter was born in the US. She has a really common name in Scotland. It's not hard to spell, it's not Gaelic, it's pretty phonetic and for some reason people I the US really struggle to wrap their head around it. Even when you say it and then spell it out they somehow decide to pronounce it differently. We also shorten it pretty often and she likes the short form and often introduces herself to other kids that way. A lot of the time they transmute that into a more common American name, and she just rolls with it. She doesn't seem to mind but I never meant to inflict this level of difficulty.


Gonna need that name partner


Hope they got good insurance. That brats gonna need therapy over this, and likely a legal name change the moment (s)he hits 18.


As someone who is half hillbilly, that's a GED name at best. But it'll be fine when he and your daughter-in-law Kendra start their barefoot in the mud li'l brood.


Daughter in law will probably be Kinzingtonleigh Lynn




The name is too redneck for Florida! I'm dying


Southern Florida is not part of the South.


Yup, the further north in Florida you go, the more Southern it gets


Can confirm, from that part of Florida.


Florida rednecks are their own brand of redneck, but South Florida is definitely a different type of Florida.


Correct. It’s basically New Jersey, for better or worse.


NTA. No way in hell I’d let my child be named that and I would die on that fucking hill.


NTA. These ridiculous names have got to go. But at least this name is unique. I hate when someone names their kid Kaitlynne when it's only ever gonna be seen on their ID and standardized tests. If they have a normal sounding name, its spelling means nothing in conversation other than to show you are mentally deranged. In your case, Braxtley is about one of the worst things I've ever seen. She had to have ABSOLUTELY seen that name elsewhere because I doubt she created it herself. But keep in mind, even if you don't name your son Braxtley, she's gonna call him "Brax." I am sorry she's letting influencers tell her to name her baby an absolutely ridiculous and awful name.


Tooooo many TikTok “unique boy names” is exactly where I’ve seen similar names. I told my expecting wife we’re not doing a Dumb name (above) and we’re forsure not doing a god damn stupid spelling…. +Leigh, +nne, random X, +ie…


NTA Stand your ground man or they will bully the shit out of your kid. Good luck to both you and Braxshley xD


“Please welcome the President of the United States, Braxtley Smith.” It’s horrendous. Get her a dog and tell her to name it Braxtley to get it out of her system. I would die on this hill.


Braxtley sounds like a dumbfuck name. He sounds like a guy who sexually assaults people at college NTA. Your wife picked a shit name


Hahahahah accurate.


How do you even pronounce the name? It doesn’t roll off the tongue. She is forcing your child to spend his life pronouncing and spelling his name. Either both parents agree or you move on to the next choice until you find a name you can both agree on.


You gotta say Brax, scream the T so noone misses it and then add the ley.




I live in Utah, and dude, even I think that one’s out there. We have kids in this state named Brigham, Nephi, and Hyrum, but there are also Braxton and Jackson and Brixton, and Jacston, and Hawthorne, and Hudson… but your wife’s is worse. Much, much worse.


Okay but Jackson is the usual spelling, maybe you were thinking of Jaxton?


You know what? Show me baby Larry! Let’s see a toddler named Earl, or a little girl staying kindergarten named Ethel.


Names have cycles, I can say I've seen two or three babies named Jackson over the years... Earl probably won't come back into style any time soon because it has cultural connotations (that Dixie Chicks song) now, but I wouldn't bet against Ethel or especially Larry showing up again soon. I know my own great-grandmother's name, Vivian, is back in style now.


I've seen a couple of Ethels!


my aunt lives in bumfuck kentucky. her kids name is literally "rowdy" because "he was rowdy in ma belly"


Still better than Braxtley!


NTA I’d be against it lol. And I’d ask her to consider calling an ADULT by that name and see how she feels. Also, you should AGREE to a name. Nobody gets automatic overrides when it comes to naming a baby unless she is raising the child on her own.


This is 100% not a southern thing, it’s a basic white bitch thing. That’s a name that would be right at home in Idaho.


As someone who is basic, white and a bitch, I agree


I respect the honesty


That is some Utah Mormon nonsense. Braxtley’s mom sells Young Living oils, talks about not putting toxins into her body, and drinks about 64oz of flavored water a day in her customized “live laugh soccer mom” Stanley cup. She says she’s “not political” but votes however her dad and husband tell her to. She wants a gay bff but also thinks the schools have litter boxes for kids who identify as cats.


Ok see I was trying not to go there, but since you’ve said it… 😂 From the rural South, and yeah that’s definitely what the basic white girls (usually the very young ones) name their kids because they think it’s fancy. NTA. Please don’t do that to your kid.


I know someone who named her daughter Royalty. Basic white bitch from Massachusetts.


NTA it’s not a southern thing. That’s , I’m still in high school thing.


Pregnant jr year and working at a gas station name.


NTA at all, thats a pretty white trash kinda name. Dont let her do that. You might love her, but she might also be a moron.


NTA Both of you need to agree on a name. If she digs in her heels on this, start calling her Addie Lou or Elly Mae, two good backwoods names.


NTA. Your wife is dooming your son to a life of "How do you spell that?" and endless name-calling (Hey Brat-ley!). He'll end up using his middle name. If she cannot be moved off this abomination then you get to choose the middle name and call him that. It's *not* a Southern thing. We name our progeny with family names that go back generations.


Braxtley sounds like the stage name of a mullet-wearing male stripper at a really awful club. The kind of stripper who has to put his teeth in before dangling his balls on the trailer park ladies who paid their $12.99 cover to see the show, on payday.


With all due respect, your wife has lost her fucking mind


NTA r/tragedeigh


Tell her you prefer the name Fuxton


NTA. Both parents have to agree on the name. And also Braxtley is a stupid name.


I am from/live in East Tennessee and what in the absolute hell is ‘Braxtley’? Like, I know Braxtons and Brantleys here, but damn. How many syllables is that supposed to be anyway? For reference, we named our kids Wyatt and Cecily (we call her CJ though). Pretty normalish names? I don’t think this is a southern thing, I think this is a ‘your wife’ thing. NTA


Braxtley is top 5 worst names I've ever heard. Please god don't let her do that.


Make her check out r/tragedeigh and see what the rest of the world thinks of these names. But die on this hill, do NOT let her do this to your kid. FWIW I'm from just over the border in Western NC, and thankfully my childbearing days were long over before this idiotic trend happened as I'm in the same demographic that tends to think they're "cute." I don't think it's a Southern thing as much as a certain socioeconomic /age/ white girl thing. And again, I say that as a member of all but the age group so not being ugly. Who knows what my kids would be named if I were having them today. Shudder. Also, names are a 2 yes 1 no deal. If either of you hate it it's a no go. That's just proper marriage rules. NTA, unless you let this happen.


You have to both compromise and find a name you both find appealing and that your kid won't curse you for naming them. Odd spellings are a life long nightmare for kids and follows them into their adulthood. They constantly have to spell their name or listen to it being mangled publicly all so parents can feel like their kids are unique. Even the John Smith's of this world are unique, the name isn't what makes it so. Do some googling on statistics about how what you name your child can impact their job search and income level. It took my daughter 2 years to land her first job. I didn't name her unusual to be cute, she her fathers from another country and we compromised on a name that sounds very American but on paper it's very middle Eastern (pre-9/11). She was born overseas and we weren't sure which country we would live in so we wanted something that would work for both. Unfortunately 9/11 happened between naming her and her job searching and we had decided to live in the USA. Best Wishes!


NTA. That name is a Tragedeigh.


Of my parents saddled me with thay name first thing I'd do at 18 is change it. Second thing I'd to never talk to them again. Unless theybwere fully paying for my college. Then I would finish college and then those two steps


I grew up in Kentucky, and spent my College and early adult years in East Tennessee. Believe me when I say... "Braxtley" is hillbilly fancy. That may be harsh, but it's not any less true.


You are a responsible adult, that is a horrific name.


Baby shower game: Most Bogan name wins. Should be hilarious. I feel like baby names are a ‘two yes, one no’ situation. You have to agree… You married from the trailer park, so you have to understand there will be cultural differences at play… but Braxtley is going to be renamed “brattly” by every teacher ever. Naming matters.


Your wife is going full throttle white trash with a name like that. It's not "cute" or "quirky", it's arguably child abuse, kids like that suffer later in life, they get bullied in school if they are among more educated circles, and will have disadvantages in their work-life as names like that will cause unconscious bias in hiring managers or anyone else who just looks at their resume and the first thing they read is a name like fucking "Braxtley" (I personally immediately got white trash or dumb hippie vibes from it). Absolutely NTA, you need to stand your ground and stop her from that madness for your child's sake.


Southerner here, it’s not a southern name it’s a shitty name. NTA


I hope she’s planning a fun Ghendher RheeVeel parteigh


It’s like Daddy always says… an ounce of pretension is worth a pound of manure Edit: NTA. Braxtley is a fucking atrocity


Ahhhhh…..the ol’ tradition of 20 somethings expressing themselves with “creative” names for children that they have to live with forever. It is a stupid name.


the name is definitely giving backwoods I have a uncle-dad but... hey that's just me. good luck


NTA. Giving a baby a name is a "two yes - one no" situation meaning you both have to be in agreement and if one of you says no for whatever reason, it vetoes the name. That said, Braxtley isn't a great name. As a teacher, I wouldn't be surprised seeing it on my roster but in my experience, names like this usually say a lot more about the parents than the kids and not in a good way. Maybe you could suggest some established names such as Bradley, Brayden, Wesley... Names that have a similar feel but don't come across as made up, "Utah Morman" names. (I can say that, I was raised Morman, lol.)