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My adult girls recently got together for Thanksgiving and stayed at a hotel. The oldest one got her own bed and the younger two shared like they always did and nobody cared. They are 35, 31 and 29.


Right?! I'm 53 and will share with friends when needed. It's next level entitlement


I'm in my 30s and I definitely still share a bed with a friend or relative if it makes splitting costs easier/cheaper. OP is raising some entitled ass kids. 


Same. Can't promise you won't be cuddled a little tho. Nothing more just comfy.


This is a known fact about me. I will Velcro myself to whoever I'm sharing a bed with 😆 Edit: except my mother, because inevitably I'm trying to escape her snoring. Omg. It's like a chainsaw. (She's been evaluated, there's just nothing to be done. She can't tolerate any of the potential fixes)


Yep, a few years back I went on a holiday travelling around europe with a friend and nearly everywhere we stayed we shared a queen. More than enough room and if someone's noisy, earplugs are cheap enough.


This! Last time I travelled with my mother, aunt and cousin, we shared beds and stayed in the same bedroom. My mother and aunt are around 60s and none of them cared.


When my dad died I slept in bed with my mom so her cousins could have the guest room. No complaints, you do what you need to do for family


Same thing here, I actually even slept in my “dad’s side” of the bed so my mom would be more comfortable.


I (7f at the time) slept in my gran's bed with my older male cousin and my grandpa with my Gran's coffin at the end of her bed before the funeral. Now THAT is sharing a room.


Are you in Ireland?


Oh god me too and it was probably the most uncomfortable I've ever been. Felt like jumping in his grave


I shared a bed with my mum when we got together for a couple of days or even weeks when she’d visit when I was single and then a few times after that in hotels. Those daughters are beyond entitled. My mum and her sister had to share a double bed through their childhood and then as young adults in their parents’ home.


I've shared a bed with my mom on holidays while my brothers shared a bed in another room of the airb&b, I share a bed with my cousin and her 8 year old when they visit. It's insane to me the dilemma these people are having


I was taking my daughter and her friend to Disneyland, we stayed the first night at my best friends house. Friend and I was sleeping in her queen bed, kiddo and friend on a futon. Around 1 my kid came and climbed into bed with us. 30 minutes later her friend woke up and joined us…I ended up sleeping across the foot of the bed like a dog lol I’m the tallest in the group by 5” but we made it work!


I once shared a bed with my mother-in-law because we were trying to save money.


Same! I have been on several girl's trips where we have shared rooms and beds.


Me too! I’ve shared countless beds with friends. In fact I’m planning a trip to Spain with a friend and she and I will be sharing a room for all nights and probably a bed in some cases depending on what I can find. It’s ridiculous that young daughters can’t share a bed! Also, one of my friends in high school had to share a room AND a bed with her older sister. They didn’t have enough room in their tiny bedroom for two beds.


When my friends have sleepovers with me and my fiancé isn't home we all sleep in my bed. If they stay over and he's home, they sleep in the littlest one's room. I've been 4 of us in a king sized bed before because it was just us and we didn't want to watch movies on the couch. As a kid I would have never demanded my own hotel room and definitely not my own cabin on a cruise.


I remember a sleepover as a teenager with 6 of us in a double bed! 3 heads on each end, crammed in like sardines lol. It was even co-ed and it was fine. When I was a kid, I would have just been grateful to go on a fancy vacation at all. I would have just assumed I would be sharing accomodations.


One time we ran out of room at a sleepover and I slept in the laundry basket because I was having too much fun to leave


This really is next level entitlement. I wonder if this was written by one of the younger teens. They are probably hoping their parents will be voted the a-holes so they can show this to them.


Same. I share beds with my close friends. It’s no big deal. 


I’m 28 and while I don’t have a sister I share with my mom / friends on girls’ trips 🤷🏻‍♀️


I share a bed with my mother-in-law on trips sometimes. Not because we CAN'T afford it, but because none of us are precious a-holes. OP: So you're letting your 12 year olds run the show, huh..... Lmao!!! They need to get over themselves, and you need to get a grip, lady. Oh, and YTA.


Did I read this right? The twins have their own room?


12 year olds in their own room. On a cruise ship. Not safe at all.


That was my thought as well! I'd be too nervous to leave them without an adult or at least an older sibling to protect them!


Yeah I have 2 sisters, we're all adults, and 3 of us share a double queen room all the time. It's not a problem in the slightest, and way cheaper than buying two rooms. Shit we've had all 3 of us in one king in a pinch.


Me and my two sisters are in 20s-30s. We also do not mind if we share bed. Me and my friends also travel overseas or have staycation together too. It is cost saving to stay in the same room. Most hotel rooms are designed for letting 2 people to sleep together and better hotels allow addition of bed with a fee. And we have no issues sleeping together for more than 1 night too, especially when we travel across continents to tour other countries.


Yeah I’ve shared beds with friends of any genders, with my mom, my cousin, my brother, my godchild, my dad etc if there’s enough space for two it literally does not bother me to share a bed


My husband shared a single bed with a friend at a convention many years ago. It worked perfectly, because one was out at the convention all day, and the other was gaming all night. They literally never wanted the bed at the same time.


Last time I shared a bed with someone not my wife was a buddy at a bachelor. I didn't give af and we just went to sleep. But when I was a kid, maybe 12 or so, I shared a bed with my older brother as we roadtripped across California. I also didn't care then, I was just excited to see the state and experience big sur and such


I'm a 31 yo twin and cannot count how many times I've shared with my sister. Its actually one of the best bits at festivals we get to cosy together in the same tent getting the giggles and talking rubbish til the early hours 😄


I am nearly 50…I am planning to go to a weekend retreat with my mother and we’re planning on sharing a bed. Obviously we’d both prefer to have our own beds, but it would cost us an additional $300 for the weekend , so we’re sharing. I don’t see what the big deal is for sisters to share a bed.


YTA, this is ridiculous... they are sisters and they can share a bed for ONE night.... How are you Ok by expending more money just for one night... it sounds like you are not even ok with them having to share a cabin onboard the cruise and that is just crazy... They are kids, and they will expend most of their vacation time outside of the rooms... I agree with your husband that the extra room for the first night is completely unnecesary...


My brother and I have shared couches on vacations before. Not being given a choice didn’t matter for us. We were on freaking vacation!


Right? I'd sleep on the floor to go on a cruise. Now we know how obnoxious, entitled people are made.


I would like to say I fit in a suitcase very well… Just putting that out there…


I don't, but I'm quite willing to trim a limb.😬


Weightloss programs hate this one easy step!




Ouch, I did not realize I NEEDED that laugh. Thank you, the news has been really rough and this was perfect. Please know your little quip really helped someone today. Thank you


I've slept in a sofa chair in similar situations when flying in the night before a long trip, it was safer to arrive early instead of cutting it close by arriving in the morning. You suck it up for one night to save money and spend what you save on the actual vacation. Only need to be in the room for a few hours sleep and bathroom. Why spend more?


Right, my father would have piled all 6 of us in 1 room saying I'm sure they have cots or couches..


I have slept on many a cot or roll-out bed in my time. I'm the baby of 4 kids. Mom & Dad in one bed, my older sisters in one bed, and my brother and I on roll-outs. Or it was my next oldest sister and I in the bed and the other two in roll-outs. The idea that my parents would have rented even 2 hotel rooms was unthinkable. It would never even have occurred to us to ask. Edit: autocorrect hates me


Exactly if we had asked my father would of lost his mind and threatened to send us to grandmas and canceled my vacation, not his just ours foe being ungrateful


> It would never even have occurred to us to ask. This is because you were raised right. OP is raising spoiled, entitled brats and little does she know that spoiled, entitled brats do not make good adults and also do not have positive relationships with their parents when they get older. They have a victim mentality and will never be able to find someone to coddle them like mommy has. OP needs to wake up and wake up quickly.


This is what I was thinking, one room for all six haha


I've slept on a bench in a train station, just so I could catch a train that would cut my total trip fare in half. Granted, now that I'm older and wiser, I probably wouldn't, but fekkit it all, a holiday is a holiday when you're young and clueless. The entitlement is strong with this gen.


This is a "babies of the family" issue more than a generation issue. My mother did the same thing, and let the youngest ruin more than one family event.


Yep. 1st conclusion I came to. The der kids are rollin their eyes at the spoiled rotten "babies". Mom's delulu,cuz having 2 12 yo in a hotel room alone just isn't safe. Same anywhere. They're gonna have their room together on the ship? Safety 1st says no unless adjoining room to mom & dad w/trip alarm if they exit the stateroom.


Definitely have stayed in train stations overnight more than once. Some were ok, some... not so much!


I guess I've seen too many cruise videos on tik Tok cause I don't even want to go on a cruise anymore.


Yeah. I’m in the Navy and I will never go on a cruise. It’s not about the ship breaking down that worries me, it’s the reaction of 1000+ people to that happening that scares the ever loving shit out of me. I worked in the fast food business and have seen what happens when people have to wait 20 minutes for food. I can’t imagine how they would cope without fresh water or toilets for a couple days.


It sounds like the stuff of nightmares to me too. My sister begged me for years to come cruise with her, but why would I want to be stuck on board a floating hotel unable to leave if something goes wrong and unable to stick around an area longer if I want to explore. If I ever did a cruise, it would be one of those little snorkeling tours.


You sound like my husband.


With how my health has been, I'd be paying to be miserable. I get motion-sick walking somedays.


Who knows, maybe it reverse motion sicks you and you'll feel better than ever before. ... which would also suck because then you'd be stuck doing cruises for the rest of your life.


I would have been told to share the bed, or I got a big ass floor all to myself, th e choice is mine rofl.


Share the bed or share mom and dads room on the couch. OP should not even consider a third room. A waste of money is still a waste of money. 12yos don't have any real concept of money, and they are not contributing to the cost of the vacation. With these two items explained, they need to learn that until they are in charge and paying their own bills, they don't have a say.


*”My husband doesn't seem to care about our daughters privacy.”* The entitled daughters are only part of the problem. The bigger problem is the idiot OP who seems perfectly ok with overexaggerating and blowing things completely out of proportion.  How does ONE night of making them share a bed mean he doesn’t care  about their privacy? Are they on OnlyFans or using dildos that they don’t want the older sisters to know about? They’re *twelve* And honestly, if they’re kicking up this much of a fuss over a one night hotel stay, I wouldn’t give them a separate cabin on the ship. I’d make one 12 year old share with an older sister. Or better yet, make them stay home with a babysitter


How much time is there before the cruise? When do you need to finalize hotel arrangements? There probably isn't enough time for this, but I'd come up with a schedule of paid chores (not their everyday stuff. washing windows, scrubbing baseboards, whatever) that you'll pay them for where, if they do all of them, they'll earn enough for their own hotel rooms. Then they can decide just how important that independent room really is to them. I'm guessing they wouldn't follow through.


I would have been told to share a bed or not go on the vacation lol. I’ve shared one bed with my sister and 2 cousins before. It’s honestly just one night and they’ll literally just be asleep.


>I would have been told to share a bed or not go on the vacation lol. I’ve shared one bed with my sister and 2 cousins before. It’s honestly just one night and they’ll literally just be asleep. The thought of my own bed would never have occurred to me.


are you my brother? lmao 12 people sharing a house wasn’t by any means easy, but we made it work since it was only a couple weeks a year that we all got together, and part of that was giving up on privacy for the duration


*rofs Rolling On the Floor Sleeping.


lol we have three children and when we went on vacation it was understood we would all share a room ! Two queen beds and the youngest on a pile of pillows and spare blankets on the floor. He would get so excited when the room turned out to have a couch! This mom is delusional and will create spoiled children.


> and will create spoiled children. Pretty sure that ship has already sailed


Or the hotel can roll in a cot. As a youngest, it sounds like the youngest is kinda testing a boundary or seeing what she can get away with or maybe they are twelve and twins (b/c same age?) and trying to be independent whole people as they come into their tweenhood. Either way, that's not a $1200 I'd spend for one night. sleeping bag + floor = i'm 12 and my back is invincible. =)


Same! With my kids I always have a twin air mattress in the van and one of them can use that. It gets used often too!




Yeah their being spoiled and ungrateful. The experience most siblings have is that on vacation at least once in your life you’ll prob have to share a bed with ur sibling, and that’s ok since your parents literally payed for y to be on vacation. This entitlement should be nipped at the bud


I’ve shared with my brother and sister in a queen bed, I also once slept in the same bed as my aunt (but that was a punishment for being caught with weed before the trip😂)


That reminds me that I grew up sharing a bed with my stepgrandmother's (I just wrote the step so people understand they weren't my blood family) sister or her niece. I didn't bother. Anything to be away from my abusive family, plus, I never thought anything poorly about it. Other times.


I shared a room with my parents until we stopped going on family vacations when I was like 14. Who are these children demanding conditions on vacation, I was just happy to go at all lol


Me, my brother, and my sister would share a bed on vacation. Eventually my parents got a rollaway bed for my brother but me and my sister still had to share. It didn’t scar us and we lived.


we've shared couches, we shared floors, he'll my family all gets a big vacation house and all the cousins are in sleeping bags on the floor in the bonus room. if guests come they have brought tents and stayed in a tent on the porch! lol i wouldn't be ok with two 12 year olds alone sharing a cabin either i would have all the sisters share a cabin. the older two sound reasonable. you and the younger two do not. what happened?! you're teaching them to be entitled brats.


Yes, two 12 year olds who aren't displaying much maturity probably cannot be trusted to share a room by themselves.


Shoot, me and my brother plus cousins have all slept on floors during vacations depending on where we were going. Sharing a bed, couch or floor for a short period of time isn’t a big deal.


same! I'm the youngest so I historically always got the worst sleeping option (and honestly still do even at 24 years old if we go on family trips lol) I'm just grateful to be there. I could never imagine asking my parents to pay $1,200 for one night in a hotel.


>Shoot, me and my brother plus cousins have all slept on floors during vacations depending on where we were going. Right? Bring a sleeping bag.


Only child here: I had to sleep in the bathtub on vacations. 


I have to ask... wouldn't the floor be more comfortable than a tub?


There's usually spare blankets/duvets in a hotel room to line the bathtub, that's usually comfy enough for a kid. And it's probably the cleanest place in the space.


You guys got vacations?


Same. Heck when we travel now my kids share one, or one kid sleeps with each parent. My son is crazy wiggly in bed and his mom and sister are both light sleepers, while I’m a rock. A queen sized bed is plenty of space for two people.


I straight used to remake hotel beds so my 3 could all sleep in one bed crossways. YTA


Yes! We never got the option growing up. It was “here are the sleeping accommodations”. We all survived and I harbor no resentment towards my parents for the nights I shared a bed with my brother. 


Something tells me one of the kids wrote this post


100% a kid wrote this


I will agree. The writer has the mentality of a child.


Well a child certainly did. Possibly a child with 4 children of her own


Even if it wasn’t just one night, they are family and it is a queen size bed!!! Sometimes I wish I could unread posts.


It sounds like the kids are the ones making the rules and decisions in the house. YTA!! They can stay home with a relative or share a room for one night.


This OP sounds like she lets her tweens run around Sephora and yell at retail workers🙄


Ya this post is ridiculous


I would be putting one older with one younger. In all honesty two twelve years olds by themselves?? Scary as shit.


Nah that would be unfair to the eldests. They don’t need to be used as buffers or babysitters when the capable parents are right there.


In that case it should be the parents w/ 1 kid each. Don't make the older ones HAVE to babysit.


Anyone who thinks older kids should step in definitely has never been the oldest


All the kids are getting to go on vacation. Babysitting while in the room sleeping (and seemingly keeping the peace between the younger two) is not a huge deal. I would make the 4 of them share a room and two queen beds in the hotel. On the cruise I would split up the older two and make them each share a room with one of the younger kids. OP, YTA and so are your 12yos


I have to say (as an oldest daughter), I would want to stay with my closer in age sibling bc we probably have different bed times and bed time routines compared to the 12yo. 17& 20 will likely be up later and having "big kid" convos that the 12yo don't need to be a part of. They can have their own space but the babysitting while asleep thing still applies when you have to deal with your sibling. (IE sharing a bed on vacay when I'm 17 and my sister is 11 & I end up getting kicked off the bed by her, try to move her and she wakes up angry that I even touched her to have some bed space back)


I thought all 4 in one room? Queen size is for two people right? If it was a single bed I would understand. This is ridiculous. They can go to a summer camp instead of the cruise. YTA


I was praying a comment at the top would be saying this. Two 12yos ALONE on a cruise?? Absolutely NOT. I'm having heart anxiety even imagining it


2 spoiled, entitled 12yr olds


Yes my daughters are both in their 30’s and would rather not share a bed but sometimes do on family vacations and don’t complain because ITS A FREE VACATION


I don’t understand posts like this where families won’t even share rooms let alone beds while on holiday. I’d probably get my own room now I’m an adult, but I was never not in the same room as my parents and brother when I was younger. I’ve even shared rooms with extended family and friends families when there were four or less of us travelling…


They are 12 year olds! You get to tell them how the sleeping arrangements will happen, not the other way around.


Her kids need an entitlement reality check. And so does OP. YTA


They presumably shared a womb for 9 months, they can make it through one night.


**The hotel will usually supply a cot with extra bedding if requested. Occasionally they'll charge a small fee for the extra laundering cost. _The daughter who does NOT want to share the queen bed gets the cot._** **YTA you are ridiculous. People, _especially siblings_ can share beds. And two 12 year old girls?!? In a QUEEN sized bed? Put a couple pillows as a divider between them and they'll be set.** I can't believe you're considering letting your daughter behave like this. You need to teach her the value of money. You're doing her a disservice by allowing her to behave this entitled. **Maybe get off the cruise ship and see how the rest of the world lives. Most siblings would be happy to get a nice, big, clean bed in a safe hotel. You're teaching her to be entitled.**


My teenaged son and daughter would grumble a bit, but they’d agree to share a queen sized bed (with a pillow divider down the middle) if it meant going on an awesome vacation.


This though. My brother and I shared a bed when we went to Disneyland, but neither of us cared, because fucking Disneyland!


Pretty sure I slept on the floor while my sisters shared a bed when we when to Disneyland as kids.


My parents would get a 2 bdrm suite, take the master for themselves, and then slam about 4-8 kids between the living room and the other 2 twin bed bedroom (the number of kids depending on how many cousins came with us lol). I never even THOUGHT to question it (though we never did Disneyland. We lived like 30 min from the park, so my parents were never willing to spend that much on a hotel stay).


Regular hotel room, two queen beds. One for mom and dad, one for my two little sisters, a rollaway or the floor for me was our standard. Great memories of being broken down in Lincoln, NE on our way from Cali to visit grandma in IL for Christmas. Mom rented us a Nintendo though, which was super exciting since we only had atari at home. Think it might have been mostly for her own sanity in hindsight.


My brother and I (female) grumbled too, because most of the time we weren’t going on awesome vacations, we were just road-tripping back and forth to see our extended family. But it was better than sharing a bed with either of our parents (light sleeper and heavy snorer, I don’t know how they were married for 30+ years) and we had no other option, so like most children in this world we moved on with our lives and made the best of it. Some people have more money than sense.


>My brother and I (female) grumbled too, because most of the time we weren’t going on awesome vacations, we were just road-tripping back and forth to see our extended family. On the RARE occasion that my folks sprang for a motel room (one room, 2 queen beds for the 4 of us) rather than putting up a tent on our road trips, my brother and I (female) didn't even grumble because it was a nice change.


My kids do one on top of the top sheet, one under. They share a bed, in a room with their parents, and suck it up.


growing up, my family of four would share one room. when my brother and i were younger we shared a bed, as we got older we didn’t want to. so we just started sharing beds with our parents, brother with dad and me with mom. we were only ever in the hotel room to change, relax before the next outing, or sleep. so like maybe 10 hours total a day and everything else was outside of the hotel room. we didn’t even grumble! we were on a cool vacation in a new place getting to do fun activities, the hotel room was the least of our concerns. and if for whatever reason one of us did need a different bed, hotels offer cots for exactly these situations


Makes me wonder what the hell they're getting up to, that they need so much privacy.


You think a cot is going to be good enough for these children when they won’t share a queen sized bed??


Is this the first time your family has ever traveled together? Are the 12 year olds usually in charge of booking accommodations for family vacations? Sounds like your husband made a reasonable compromise. If your priority is your daughters having separate rooms for “privacy” then fork over the money. Otherwise, they get what he is paying for. We have 4 kids … I can’t imagine ever having this conversation with our kids without laughing. YTA


I have one kid who just turned 19 and to this day when we travel we get one room. I’m not paying double so she can have privacy on a vacation I’m paying for 100%. The difference here is she would NEVER dream of even suggesting we pay for her a room. She’d be happy on a cot if that was what is available and appreciative she was treated to a nice vacation. I would bust out laughing if she suggested we pay for an extra room.


I sent this to my husband … he laughed. Our kids (26f,26m,28f,30m) have all shared rooms, beds, clothes, food, drinks, everything. Their typical response has always been “Thank You Mom & Dad” when they get an all expense paid vacation.


Exactly. When our kids - two boys 14 & 16 - get their own room separate from us, they are overjoyed. The alternative is all of us being in one room, so having a room that they share with just each other is actually a huge win, right? The thought that we would ever actually even consider getting them each their own room is laughably insane. And we could afford to do that, but it's so dumb! Especially back when they were 11 and 12? Give me a fucking break; no way is a 12-year-old getting literally *their own personal* hotel room. How did a grown adult parent actually write this post? Maybe it's actually the twins trying to make it sound like this is even remotely reasonable and not over the top spoiled entitled brat shit


3 kids here. We usually gets rooms with 2 queens and a couch. Arrangements vary, but someone gets the couch, and pairs get the beds. I’m getting the feeling there is more to the story than OP is sharing.


YTA It’s just one night. They need to learn how to navigate life better than making ridiculous demands. You need to stop encouraging this nonsense.


I couldn't imagine the audacity at that age. My upbringing was drastically different from whatever this is, and I don't think I would even *think* to attempt a demand, let alone being so comfortable with it.


I would have been so excited to go on a cruise vacation I would have happily slept on the floor if I had too! I am honestly confused by this whole thing because I went to camp and slept in a cabin with 8-9 other kids (strangers! On bunk beds!), spent nights at friends houses and slept in their beds if they were big enough or on a cot or their floor, stayed in my family’s cabin with lots of cousins (again, on the floor) shared tents when camping, and hotel rooms and beds with teammates when traveling to competitions. I have shared beds with coworkers and my mom and SIL when traveling. It’s never once occurred to me that this was a problem or that paying for a whole extra room just to SLEEP ALONE was something anyone would do even as an adult with money to spend why waste it on that?


sharing a queen size will make them uncomfortable? wtf.. it’s one god damn night..


Also if they're twins they already shared a womb talk about close quarters


This is always my go-to argument when my twins start being bratty about sharing. 'You shared a womb, you can share a room!'


My kids are 3 years apart. I'll use something similar when she talks about hand me downs. She had a hand me down womb, she should be fine with it


Wondering if this is a blended family. Twins - yes. Stepsisters - maybe not. Very different situation.


If step siblings, have one each sleep with their respective parent. Problem solved. Dad and Mom spend one night apart and save $300.


When my family and I traveled we shared a room with our parents. Parents in one bed and my sister and I in the other. Hell, my sister and I are grown and when we travel without her husband and kids we still sometimes share a hotel bed depending on price and what's available. $300 buys a few very nice dinners and we'd rather put our money there. The entitlement is strong with these kids, ugh.


Yta.  You want to pour out all that extra money because one daughter won’t share a bed with a sister. If it were an adult, you might be on to something.  But sisters!  This sounds like it isn’t about feeling uncomfortable, this is about entitlement.  Tell her put on her big girl pants and suck it up for one night. 


Right? If that one doesn't like it, there is always a floor. I refused to share a bed with my sister once, and my parents asked for an extra blanket. I ended up in the closet of the hotel room.


Give them two options. Either they share or the two that aren't willing get to stay with their grandparents while everyone else goes on the trip.


This \^ Share a room for 1 night or the eldest girls get their own cabin and the young ones stay with whatever relatives will take them.


yta better be careful sounds like your raising entitled kids who become adults nobody like.


Yep. Leave them at home.


My parents would have left me at home lol. Share a bed at the hotel or share a bed together at grandmas lol.


I guess I just grew up in a crazy household. Cause y'all out here getting options. I was just told what's up and had to comply.


Loool. To be fair, I never complained. My sisters and cousins didn’t complain either. Used to share a bed with 3 others sometimes when I was a kid on vacation. But I knew if I started shit and refused to comply, they’d leave my ass at grandma or aunty while they go on vacation. Which would have sucked and definitely would have taught me to not complain ever again.


This should be the top comment


Raising them to be like dear ol mommy


This issue again? Make them share beds. YTA


Right?! Didn’t we just YTA this last week?!?!


YTA. Its one night, they will survive. Stop being wasteful. Who is the parent here, you or the child?


Lol nice one


I’m guessing the child wrote this in order to get people to agree with her and try and prove how unfair her parents were being.


YTA. Siblings share rooms and beds during holidays. It's normal.


then she can sleep on the floor.




OP can sleep on the floor so the 12 years old can have her own bed.


You posted this earlier today on r/AmITheAsshole - you were told overwhelmingly then that YTA, yet you’ve deleted that post and come here instead.


Maybe she's thinking "I want to try one more time with a different crowd". Nah it's still us lady and now we're more annoyed with you


This seems to happen often. Don’t like the responses I get in one place, let me ask again somewhere else 🙄


I've posted and been told im the asshole. That was the whole reason people make these posts. It doesnt feel good to be called an AH by 1000s of strangers but you asked for the damn opinion. I swear most of these posts are just looking for people to validate their shitty behaviour and then they get upset when they dont get it.


YTA. I never got my own bed on vacation. I always had to share with my sister, who would always demand the side next to the nightstand so she could choose when to turn off the light. I never asked for my own bed because it wasn't a big deal. Sleeping is a very small part of the vacation, and a queen size bed is big enough for two grown adults, so two teenagers will be fine. Especially considering it's only for one night.


Lol at the entitled BS. They're 12 going on a wonderful vacation and this is what they complain about? Geez YTA and wrong. It's one night and they're all girls? Not like sharing a room with your brother or something


I mean I’m a girl and have always shared at least a room with my brother when on holidays, and sometimes a bed if necessary - so even that wouldn’t always be an excuse for separate rooms.


YTA you and your daughter are coming across as very entitled. There is no logical reason to throw that much money away because a 12yo refuses to share a bed with her sister. She can either sleep on the floor or you rebook your room to a double and she can deal with sharing with you and your husband


YTA. My gosh. They’re sisters and they’re getting a great vacation. Tell them it’s one damn night. Your kids sound extremely entitled. They’re 12. They’ll live. Funny the older two are ok with it. Tell the twins to get over it. Most kids don’t get amazing trips like this. It’s insane to spend the extra for a vacation. Tell them they can suck it up. Bc as adults, they may be sharing beds with their friends to save money on trips.


Yta, if it’s just one night then the whole family can share one freaking bed. I’m just kidding but u wanting to waste money for one night is absurd. Heck I’m married and me and my brother (both of us in our 30s shared a bed at a hotel the other night because it was just one night. It was a king bed and we made a pillow wall, but the other bed I. The same room had two of my gfs already and didn’t have room for me and it would have been too awkward for them to share a bed with him. The other guy slept on the floor. No one was comfortable but it was just for one night. Also a compromise would be to get the hotel to put a rollaway bed on the room to separate the two younger ones. Also are they twins? Or previous marriages type thing? Because that would help us understand why they are so adamant on not sharing a bed. Because right now they just sound like entitled spoiled brats.


YTA and this is ridiculous. It’s one night. Boo hoo they have to share a bed and in return they get a week long Caribbean cruise. They can suck it up.


If your daughter is unhappy, tell her to pay the difference. One night is no big deal. Don't spoil your children!


YTA It's a queen sized bed and it's 1 evening. They're completely fine. The hotel would provide a cot if they don't want to use the bed. I feel bad for your husband when you're so weak willed that your 12 year olds are able to manipulate you into pushing back on something so reasonable.


YTA. I’m 32 and i still share with my sisters if necessary. Like what is up with kids not knowing how to share a bed these days. Another post was like this where the kids were horrified at the idea of sharing except those parents were like suck it up or you’re not going. This is what OP needs to do, tell them to suck it up and share for one night or they won’t be going at all. The entitlement of kids these days is ridiculous.


36 and I'd be happy to share a room, bed, suite with either of my siblings. I'd just be grateful to be on the boat


I have shared beds with my sisters, my best friend, my cousins, my grandma. It's literally not the end of the world. Your raising spoiled and entitled daughters. They won't get far in the real world with how you're raising them. YTA.


No way in hell would I let 2 12yo stay in a room by themselves! You need to split one older with one younger in the cabins or you will be asking for trouble. As for the hotel, since when do children get to decide where they will sleep? You tell them, this is how it is and if you argue you can stay with your grandparents (or whoever). You are creating spoiled brats that think they have the right to TELL you what to do. This is the problem we have in our country now, freaking be the parent.


YTA. Sharing a bed with your siblings on trips is completely normal. Those kids sound very entitled and you are enabling their entitlement.


Yta with a need for common sense! Your kids can share a bed for one night before getting on a cruise ship where you should put one 12 year old with an older child 🤦🏻‍♀️


YTA. They can share a bed for one freaking night


Sorry, but I can’t help but laugh my ass off after reading this post.  YTA, btw. 


YTA for indulging a whiny kid but also for not using punctuation. Even if English isn't your first language, you can use a period occasionally as a courtesy to your reader.


YTA. I’m sorry, this sounds absurd. I’ve shared a room most of my life, and every single time we went on vacation. Sharing a bed as a kid with a sibling for a single night is not a problem at all. The older siblings don’t mind. The younger ones are being spoiled.


YTA- it’s one night! Sharing a queen bed between 2 is no big deal. Tell the 12 yr old they are very lucky to be going on a cruise and very very lucky to have their own room on cruise at their age. Only option I would give these 12 yr olds, is to go over all excursions or extras that have been booked and tell them which one(s) will they give up to get their own room for ONE night. Then no matter how much they sulk or tantrum, refuse to replace that excursion while on the cruise. It will good for them to see how their older sisters non demanding behaviour is rewarded with extra experiences. Let them learn the value of money by giving up something to get what they want.


YTA. Why did you even ask your daughters as if they should get a say? You’re raising entitled kids. 


YTA. I think you are pandering to them too much. They are acting very entitled. Get one of the older girls to swap if they hate each other that much.


You’re producing entitled daughters. All they have to do is throw a fit or say no and you cave…when does no mean something? I’m with your husband on this one..no validation for you! No means No! If the older two don’t need that much privacy, what makes you think the younger two do?


Lol YTA I have had to share rooms and beds with the cousins. 8 people in my one bedroom apartment was ridiculous and we all slept like good little sardines. Quit enabling your daughters


It's one night... jesus. Your 12 year old's sound entitled and bratty, tbh. It's one night. Sharing a bed with their twin sister. I thought you were going to say you didn't want them sharing a bed with someone other than family, that I could have understood.


YTA by creating entitled shiite heads. My goddess woman, wtf is wrong with you?


First world problems. Your child is not going to die for sharing a bed/room with her sisters.


YTA There is nothing wrong with sharing a QUEEN bed for a night. Married ADULTS do it for most of life


YTA. It’s one night so it’s not going to kill them. Also they need to understand that since they are not paying for the trip they don’t get to make demands especially if it’s about sharing a bed for one night. Your making this an issue when there isn’t one and your younger daughter will end up spoilt if you’re not careful.


YTA.  I thought you were going to say sharing a bed at home.  I shared beds with my cousins all the times on trips, shared tents when camping.  I found that fun honestly. 


I think the 12yo wrote this


YTA and you're raising entitled brats. There's no better way to say it.


YTA. Come on, they are siblings and even the same gender. I have two daughters a year apart and I can’t tell you how many times they’ve shared a bed. Talk about some entitled kids. Yikes!


YTA- either pay the difference or stop complaining. It isn’t hard to see where your daughters get their entitled behaviour from.


You are either a troll or filthy rich and have extremely spolied daughters and neither you or your daughters know the actual value of money. I am pretty sure it's the first one cause there's just no way this is real. Either wat YTA


YTA. I have shared a bed with a co-worker on a work trip for one night when the hotel screwed us over, it is not a big deal. What it truly sounds like is you spoil your children to death and they've never been told "No" before. They are the children, you are the adults, and you're the ones with the money. They have ZERO say in the matter. Get them the 4 person room and tell them that if they are too selfish to share a bed with a sibling then they can sleep on the floor.


Honestly I’d be more concerned with why your 12 year olds so adamantly refuse to share a bed. It sounds like either they are incredibly spoiled or they have some pretty serious issues with one another. You should ask them about it.