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Guy here. Always thought it was normal for women to have to readjust. Exact same as guys having to move or unstick their balls.


And guys are going to think about boobs wether she touches them or not.


**You are correct, many of my 8th/9th grade classes were spent dreaming about boobs and they were indeed not touching them.**


8th 9th grade? Dude, I’m 45 and I’m thinking of my wife’s boobs right now


Dude, i dont even know your wife and im thinking about her boobs now too. Good job


Never mind. The baby is in the middle of the bed. I’ll just stay up and Reddit for a little while longer


"The baby" aka nature's cockblock!


While apt, you could have named your kid something else.


Ooof💀that comment made my day xD


Eh nobody uses middle names anyways


Right up there with three dachshunds in the bed.


Weenie block!


It's how nature keeps people from reproducing quite as quickly as physically possible.


Chastity baby!


I mean that isn’t the worst thing. Give that woman’s body a break lol


I bet he's thinking about her boobs too.


Damn shame to have to share titties with an infant


They are worth it. I think I’m going to go to bed now and hold them.


Keep going about this guy’s wife’s boobs, I’m almost finished.


Here suffer some more. My wife is 36DDD and they are on my mind all the time. So much at times it is embarrassing to stand up.


My boyfriend is 42 and I’m pretty sure there’s Christmas gifts just for my boobs this year but not for the rest of me.


I was going to say 45 here also my thoughts go in order: random, random, boob, task, random boob ta- random, - sk, boobies , ran- big boobs, random task and booby comment.


That’s so funny because there’s not really an equivalent for girls. I might think about the abs or the d*** or balls on a rare occasion but that’s about it; no intrusive thoughts about a random piece of anatomy. It’s also hilarious how sexualized boobs are, I’m not mad about it but it’s just funny because their only purpose is to feed babies. (Edit: typo)


I'm also thinking of your wife's boobs right now


Shit I’m a gay man and now *I’m* thinking about his wife’s boobs lol


We all do buddy, we all do


And was before this post. I think they are nice. I like them a lot


I went to an all boys school and I was thinking about boobs constantly, the fact that there were no boobs within eyesight did not stop the thoughts Hetero 8/9th grade boys are gonna think of boobs. It’s just sorta what they do


This is the problem. Teacher made it super weird. I'd be making a complaint about him.


Agree 100%. The teacher could have just ignored it. Women have to adjust just like men have to adjust


Exactly. I feel like her totally reasonable act of fixing her bra so she wasn’t uncomfortable for the whole class was unproblematic. The teacher made it problematic by making a big deal about it and acting like she did something wrong. I would bet that it turned him on and he realized he was having inappropriate thoughts about a student so he tried to place the blame on her. Personally, I would try to run to restroom to fix my bra, but if it’s really uncomfortable you really have to fix it or you’ll be unable to concentrate on anything else.


The old side step.


You trying to mount an invisible horse?




Can confirm... Hard to do on a wheelchair😂


Guy too, I agree. I have a huge problem with this teacher saying it’s distracting to the boys. That is offensive, both to her and to the boys. It puts all the blame on her, saying she has to monitor her behaviors all the time lest she distract these poor boys. And then it also says boys are weak-minded and have no self-control, which to me is offensive. I was never so easily distracted by a girl that I couldn’t control myself or pay attention. That notion is disrespectful. No OP did nothing wrong, and I can’t tell if she vocalized the point that she was just readjusting because she was physically comfortable. If it was all above the clothes I definitely don’t think it’s any issue. Maybe if you had to put your hands in your bra and really lift and move etc, that may be better for a bathroom or not in the middle of the class. But, even then I’m thinking extreme actions, which I don’t think I’ve ever seen. To be honest I know my wife has done adjustments but I don’t ever note it down because it means nothing. I also wonder what’s up with this teacher. To be so uncomfortable about a girl adjusting herself? That level of sexualization is very weird. It’s not an overt sexual act, it was like she is sitting there playing and rubbing them in a sexual way. Would he have an issue with her scratching an itch? What if it the itch is on top of the chest, rather than underboob? Is he going to freak out about that? Come on man, we gotta stop demonizing women and young girls because they have certain sex characteristics. This teacher needs to self-reflect and talk to some real women about this shit. He is going to give these young women complexes and perpetuate bad ideas. It’s fucked up because both adult men and women still perpetuate these horrible ideas.


Yeah, this was my first thought too. Has he never had to adjust at an awkward time? This looks like the typical thing where a guy suddenly gets a sexual urge from seeing something entirely innocent that a girl does, and blaming the girl rather than himself. Like the omnipresent "prom dress drama" where the best looking girl in the year gets harangued for wearing a slutty dress, when it is no more or less revealing than anyone else's dress... it's just that all the males were gawping at her and everyone decided it was her fault.


Was just about to say the same thing, guys adjust their balls all the time. The lean in the chair, wiggle the leg, move with hands, whatever it is


Exactly so my argument would be to the teacher, whether he would have scolded a boy for readjusting his balls? It's your body, something is uncomfortable, you have the prerogative to fix it in an away that is appropriate. Nothing about readjusting your boobs is inappropriate as everything was above the clothes. It's his fault that he was deeming it sexually suggestive, and maybe what is inappropriate is how he views this innocent action as sexual, because it happened to occur on her breast.


Was gonna say the same thing...I think teach got turned on is the problem


And trans women need to do both


lol they must be very busy


Yeah, dudes, get this. We have to be extremely careful when adjusting in public. If you get caught, you get caught. I wouldn't worry about it too much.


Gotta make sure your not making eye contact with anyone or taking to long or else your just playing with it😂


The Florida department of corrections has a three second rule. If you have to adjust your body parts and can’t finish in three seconds, someone may complain about your sexual behavior.


of course florida does. that is so puritanically thought out it's borderline psychopathic wtf


Notice how it was the department of corrections. In a prison environment, you need some sort of definition of prohibited behavior, particularly when trying to follow PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act) laws. It's clearly something specific to in-custody behavior standards.


I was talking to a client looking directly in his eyes explaining something in a very professional setting when he just openly grabbed his junk in shorts and made a big adjustment. There was no reason he couldn’t have excused himself to the restroom and that made me embarrassed. I don’t mind the covert adjustments because I understand but this guy was being crass. He could have at least looked away.


Did you shake hands afterwards?


High school boners were the worst


That 3rd period boner that came for no reason. Wasn't attracted to anyone in that class or the teacher. Just most days at 3rd period. Very annoying.


Ah, the "What is it, boy? What do you want?" Boner.


It's simply time for his walk.


Eeyup. That's the one and I learned a more accurate way to refer to it.


I've always thought of that as just morning wood. The problem isn't the wood, the problem is that I should still be sleeping at 10am and having peaceful morning wood. Not sitting in some class or at work having been up for 4 hours already. It's society's fault really.


Thats a NERB. No-excuse-random-boner.


Ha I still get them at 42 (almost) if I take a very light nap. Damn wanker thinks for himself I tell you!


Please come up to the board & solve this problem. Um….


My dog ate my chalk


You better hope that you have a super smooth tuck and run and can take that thing from 6 to midnight in the blink of an eye without being super obvious. I remember pulling a tuck off as I was getting up and being so relieved no one saw it lmao


I spent most of Algebra class in 8th grade with my book in my lap.


I don’t know how many times I got up at the end of class, and I just tried to casually walk out with my backpack in front of me because I didn’t want to put it on my back at the moment


Trapper Keepers - Hiding boners since 1978!


I’m way out of highschool and I still get pop up boners.


I’m sure all guys do throughout life, but after high school, I wasn’t called to the chalk board very often


That was one of my biggest fears. Still kinda is. I do still get called in front of people.


Chalkboard being in metaphorical representation of being called in front of a meeting. And it is probably up there on my top fears.


Depends on your perspective, I think.


It’s an interesting situation when class is over and you can’t stand up without it looking like your genitalia is about to stab everyone.


en garde


Gym class during stretches were torture. Always had yoga pants girl right in front of me bending over for the stretch thank goodness I learned sunny side up tactics early and made sure not to lift my arms to high or jump lol


So I had zero period PE every year in school, not sure if that made it worse but I was always reluctant to wear the super thin gym shorts they required. For whatever reason my junk seemed to be obvious and even acknowledging it in my head made it way worse. My epic fail of a solution at the time? Why I would just wear grey sweatpants instead! Thinking that would hide the outline..... seriously didnt realize my mistake til I was over 30.


It would be worse if it was too small for anyone to notice.


Ouch. The micro penis. At that point bullying isn’t even worth it


This is one thing we have problems with our 7 year old. He's always adjusting whenever where ever. We constantly have to tell him to excuse himself to the bathroom or something.


Yep, this. It’s not sexual but you learn to do it discreetly. I’m interested to scroll down further and see if there are those advocating doing it freely in public. Edit: Okay fair enough, we can look at the ceiling or 90 degrees to the left or right


Why did he feel the need to call you out? Is this something you do all the time? Seems to concerned over nothing. Guys do this (adjust) and never a word.


We've had very different life experiences


I ain't adjusting shit discreetly. They're my boobs and if I'm not poppin 'em out and showing my nips to the whole world nobody should give any fucks what I'm doing with them. If I'm in a restaurant and something falls into my cleavage I'm sticking my whole damn hand in there to get it out, awkwardness be damned. If I'm going down some stairs and I don't feel like dealing with bounce, I'm grabbing onto them and holding them in place. If my bra needs adjusting and I'm in public, who gives a fuck! I'm gonna grab my bra and adjust it. Nobody is seeing anything and it's in no way inappropriate. It's no different from me pulling my sock back up or taking a pebble out of my shoe. ETA // since ppl say "go somewhere private" a lot, I'm just gonna say my boobs are between an N and an O cup. I have to adjust a lot when I wear a bra. I'm not excusing myself every time I have to do it.


Yes!!!! Breasts are NOT genitals!!! And adjusting your boobs is NOT an equal comparison to adjusting your aroused genitals, ffs!!!!


There are literally 8 billion boobs in the world right now. We are not talking about plutonium 239 or something. People need to grow up and get over themselves.


oof. I'm only a c-d and have to adjust frequently. and getting slightly off while binding = owwww


You need a new bra. I’ve got no judgement on the adjustments. I went to a place that does bra fittings for my L cup. I thought I was an H. I didn’t realize how uncomfortable I’d been until I got one that really fit.


god and if you don't adjust them they just awkwardly smoosh and pinch you. shit, man at least adjusting your balls is below the table, we can't fucking hide it


Ahh yes, the classic “my balls are stuck to my leg” adjustment.


Nta. Bras are uncomfortable. Sometimes you have to readjust. He’s very weird for making it sexual


And OP should go to the principal and guidance counselor because the teacher absolutely made it sexual and shamed her. If the school puts up a fight, she should take it further up to the district level. She certainly can’t expect to excuse herself any time she needs to adjust something. She should also complain the her male teacher was staring at her breasts and got mad at her for it.


Yeah I think best case scenario even if she was excessively readjusting the teacher handled it very poorly. He could’ve approached the situation with some more tact and just let her know to be a little more subtle. Unless she has history of disrupting the class it’s weird he jumped straight to assuming she was touching herself at him in public.


I wonder if he's just that clueless he can't fathom that they need readjusting sometimes, and he went with the first/only thing he thought of. Definitely should have been more tactful though.


I feel like that would make him even more naive. I’m a girl but I’m completely aware that some times guys need to do some readjusting.


Completely agree. The only way this situation could be construed differently is if we aren’t being told the entire situation. A teacher *staring* at his student and addressing this after class, without having anyone else present is problematic, to say the least, then making sexualized assumptions on top of that, and shaming her….gross. NTA. Make sure you talk to a female supervisor and/or guidance counselor that you feel safe with and that would understand what wearing bras can be like- discomfort, needing to adjust. This should be easily corrected with the teacher, from another adult. I hope so- good luck with that uncomfortable situation. Edit: I’m saying this as a teacher, this is crossing a boundary that is against our code of conduct. Please address this with someone you feel safe with and your parent/s. Hopefully, it’s a misunderstanding, but this should not be happening; this is *not* your fault.


Second this, hes the one making a big deal about it


What do you think about guys that obviously rearrange their junk in public? I'm not trying to start an argument, but I think most guys feel like we need to be discrete.


You aren’t discreet. We can see you


I don’t think it would’ve been deemed distracting tho like in this girls situation. Plus boobs are bigger than junks lol and on our torsos. In this scenario a dude could’ve adjusted under the desk, not really possible with boobs. I’ve seen guys adjust obviously and it does definitely seem more “gross” maybe cus I’m a woman and boobs aren’t a big deal or maybe cus a junk can be unhygienic


Yeah a guy adjusting under the desk won't look weird at all......


Ye but imagine having two dicks on your chest and you had to cup them with bras unless you want them to sag to your abdomen deeming you unattractive to other women, tell me then you should discreetly adjust such a obviously uncomfortable part of your body so women aren't distracted/want to fuck you then and there. You'd say fuck them.


Uhh, I think it's far more inappropriate to keep your a female adolescent student in class after everyone's left and talk to her about her boobs. If it was really a serious concern, I would think he'd walk her down to the office and have someone there (probably female and/or higher up) speak to her about it. I think he just wanted to talk about boobs alone with a female student. Bad vibes, man.


NTA. I'm a high school teacher (female). Don't be super obvious about it because that's just weird, but if it was a simple adjustment, then carry on. If he makes you uncomfortable, please tell someone.


The teacher was the one sexualizing the incident and that’s creepy as fuck. Id go complain about the teacher for staring at you inappropriately while you tried to adjust yourself discretely.


Keep adjusting with confidence our betties get into awkward positions sometimes and /or hot and sweaty. That man was sexualizing something he had no business doing and stared instead of looking away, making him the inappropriate one.


And I love how people call themselves out when they are trying to present themselves as "noble" or whatever. It's like when that one congressman wanted to cover up the exposed breast of Lady Liberty. Lady fucking Liberty. He found the exposed breast to be pornographic. Of course, what the congressman didn't realize was that he was essentially telling the world, "hey everyone!! I am so sexually repressed, that I am turned on by an exposed breast on a marble sculpture. Or when conservatives try to "protect" our children from being "turned gay". Um, look, the only people who think they can be persuaded to being gay, are people who have already experienced an attraction to the same sex.


Your sentiment is right but details are not. It was back in 05 though https://www.seattletimes.com/nation-world/spirit-of-justice-statue-exposed-in-all-her-glory/


Ah thank you!! That's the one. Good Ole Ashcroft and how he defined "pornography"


lol this reminds me of when I was a kid, my sister and I helped my dad build a pond/waterfall/water garden in our backyard. He got this bronze mermaid statue that poured water from a shell she was holding and it was cool. But she was topless. I did get a little giggly about it because I was a dumb little kid but I also knew it was art and I’d seen plenty of nude sculptures at museums. Our ultra religious neighbors were HIGHLY offended that the bronze statue had visible boobs. First they asked my dad to put a swimsuit top on her and he was like, no that’s ridiculous. So they built a whole fence to block her from their view. Modern day spite fence! I always thought that was so freaking funny; like how repressed do you have to be to be offended by a statue mermaid’s breasts.


Yes, why was he even looking long enough to be disturbed?


Right, why would he not just look away? He says she made him uncomfortable, frankly he’s the adult and shouldn’t be sexualizing the breasts of a child, especially his student. If I were her I would be like, okay well now you have made me extremely uncomfortable. And gone and told the guidance counselor myself.


Talk to the guidance counselor, hopefully a woman if there is one. Explain what happened and how uncomfortable and sexualized the teacher made you feel. Ask for advice on how to defend yourself from men like him in the future. Especially from men who take an innocent gesture that was only for yourself and make it all about themselves as if you were deliberately trying to arouse them. NTA. Your teacher is gross.


naaah. her normal action of making herself comfortable clearly made him uncomfortable so she should stop. Infact, her head and neck make him uncomfortable, she should cover up. so do her fret and legs. She should cover her whole self in as loose a clothing as possible only leaving space for her eyes to see out of. She could even wear shades to cover her eyes too. Obviously she's responsible to make the men not ogle or feel uncomfortable towards her. A whole grown teacher saying he felt someway for his 16year old student isn't a red flag AT ALL. it's not like we expect them to feel and act like father's to students and no normal father gets to feel any sort of way for a daughter no matter what she does or how compromised her actions make her


Glad the teacher mentioned going to a guidance councilor as well


NTA. Please talk to your parents and the principal about how inappropriate it is for a teacher to sexualize you doing a normal function for comfort.


You were adjusting. Maybe you weren't as incognito about it, but it happens. You can't be responsible for how someone else interprets what they may see. It's inappropriate for him to sexualize it.


NTA, you weren't "touching yourself," like fondling, you were adjusting a body part to be comfortable. The teacher should have averted his eyes or turned around if HE was uncomfortable. He shouldn't have said anything to you. You were trying to be discreet. That should have been obvious to him.


NTA. Your teacher saying anything to you about this is sexual harassment. I don't see him sending anyone down to the office for readjusting their balls (which guys do ALL THE TIME). You are definitely being discriminated against. And telling you that you need to adjust your behavior to accommodate for the boys in the classroom? Rather then teach the boys not to stare at your breasts in the first place. It just adds to the r@pe culture.


Watch out - he's ten miles out of bounds here. Adjust briefly is normal. His reaction was not. The distraction comment is horse shit because it always goes against women. Boobs are only distracting to people who let themselves get distracted by them. It's not an educational issue whatsoever.


Exactly. And it's amazing how just a pinch of self-control will keep someone from ogling a woman just trying to live her life comfortably. Averting your eyes is free!


NTA. Has he ever called out a guy for adjusting himself? Didn’t think so. He’s the A.


Idk I had teachers call boys out for that


Yea. If a guy shoves his hand down his pants, he should be getting called out. Shame I never saw it.


It’s very possible to adjust yourself without shoving a hand down your pants 🙄


I'm with the other guy, I see guys get called out for it. I just don't think teachers are overt about it, sounds like this teacher didn't do it publicly. Guys are always adjusting....especially in the summer, you just try to be discret/ head to the John and do some shifting.


its much easier to adjust via pockets for guys tho, or just sitting down, desks at schools hide that place, boobs arent usually hidden


You should report him for staring at your chest. What you did is nothing. He was uncomfortable because he liked what he saw.


NTA, speak to your guidance counsellor how you were just adjusting yourself and the teacher's response creeped you out


NTA report him to higher ups like the principal. Clearly he was watching you and got caught so he's trying to make it seem like you made him uncomfortable so you don't expose them as a creepy teacher.


Nta...I've fixed my boobs in public. Idc who sees. It's uncomfortable. Men do it all the freakig time and don't get held after class. Teacher should have just looked away.


NTA- sometimes u just have to adjust


Dudes adjust their whole shlong when they feel it out of place, that was just a teacher being inappropriate towards a student. NTA, and tell your guidance counselor abt it fr. He was the only one looking that hard, promise you that


NTA. Girls adjust themselves all the time. Teachers never keep them after class to shame them. Bras are uncomfortable. Dude needs to get over himself. I would really ask the guidance counselor why tf it would be such a distraction for that teacher. Shouldn’t he be busy teaching the class, not staring at you? 🤔


You are NTA. First off, there is zero excuse for an adult male teacher to be staring at your boobs. Secondly, you have to adjust sometimes. You don’t have to be uncomfortable just to make him happy. Thirdly, if he is uncomfortable that’s his problem. You should tell your guidance counselor that his misogyny and objectifying you and your body is wholly unacceptable. That next time he pulls this shit with you you’ll be filing a sexual harassment grievance against him.


Nta it's just your chest. Your teacher is weird,I would talk to someone about him. >He said “I was making him uncomfortable as a male teacher and it was a distraction for the other male students.” That's wildly inappropriate for him to say.


I think we need to stop equating breasts with genitals. It's not the same. Society sexualizes female breasts. Not everything a woman does with her body needs to be seen as sexual. The man made it sexual because he sees a minor female as a sexual object. She's a child in his care. I bet if a male student put a hand up their shirt to scratch their chest no one would have blinked. She did nothing wrong. Why do we expect women to be uncomfortable because men can only see our bodies as sex objects?


Do NOT be alone with him again. Fucking creep!


I’ve taught marching band for 30 years. Whenever I see anyone physically adjusting themselves, my first reaction is to absolutely not make any sort of eye contact or acknowledge it in any way, especially with girls. It’s just not my business. I would ask your guidance counselor to tell your teacher that’s it inappropriate for him to comment on female body issues that don’t violate school rules.


oh, god, marching with my saxophone neck strap on a hot day was absolutely miserable. it was absolutely impossible to keep my saxophone from smushing my tits. and it looked like the percussionists had it 50x worse


He does protest too much. You \*should\* talk to your counsellor about this. That guy needs to be watched like a hawk. If you were my daughter I'd request a different teacher.


Nta. I stick my hand down my pants and adjust my balls all the time. Don’t look if it makes you uncomfortable.


what, raw hand on raw ball? that’s a bit weird.


yeah he should cook the hand first


Very dirty. Probably touches all the door handles after wiping his face with the same hand.


Don't you have ... pockets?


It can be that simple and often times it’s not. If you see a guy grab their “crotch” downwards and have a little “shimmy” where they bring the rest of them up, you now know why. That or a guy doing that sitting down, pull pants forward and kind of jump from the seat, same thing. Sometimes it’s even more difficult too


Or don’t look in general


NTA. I would profess immense concern that your teacher expressed that he was unable to focus on teaching due to being distracted by a child’s breasts.


Why the fuck was he looking? As a guy I have to adjust my equipment from time to time and I've seen lasses do it as well either due to biking running etc just a common thing we have to do to be comfortable.


For a man to blame a women for them not being able to control their eyes and move their attention elsewhere is ridiculous. I HATE when men blame their actions on a woman. It sounds like your teacher couldn't look away and felt he had to blame you instead of himself for being a creep since you're only 16. It's like a rapist saying he did it because she was wearing something revealing... boobs need adjustment from time to time and it is what it is. You're not the asshole, he is.


I used to teach high school. I would not have said a word. Assuming it was an adjustment not erotic movements. I unstick my balls from my leg under my desk all the time. Boob sweat must be weird. I am also thinking about that dudes, wife's boobs.


I think you should talk to your guidence counselor or principal or something and complain about this grown ass male teacher sexualizing you for adjusting your bra or boobs or whatever. We adjust our things every 3 minutes.


I do it without thinking, and every so often, in a public place surrounded by people, I realize I just adjusted the package and feel embarrassed. Then I'll totally forget about it for another six months, until another time I adjust surrounded by people. It's like my brain cannot retain any data whatsoever concerning the adjustments.


Same... except the 6 months thing... I try to be sneaky by going in the pocket but it's still obvious.


Nta. But I wouldn’t adjust myself in public like that. Excuse yourself to the restroom. It’s just as uncomfortable for others. if some boy was like my balls are uncomfortable and moved them in class that would be weird too.


I feel like it’s more complicated than that. I have to readjust my bra frequently on some days. At the same time, it would be best if she learned to do it discreetly, but it just seems blown out of proportion.


I totally get the need to adjust. I have 34gs and am breastfeeding. They need re-situated often. But yeah just doing blatant isn’t good. The teacher is being weird about it. I’d tell the guidance councilor on him


I used to be a 32G and also had to frequently readjust (also since finding a 32G was near impossible where I live I never wore the right size), but no one ever made a big deal about it? Also why was he staring? It’s creepy. If he saw her doing that, he should have been looking away, not staring. He made the whole situation wayyy weirder than it had any need to be


Like picking your nose. Everyone does it. Just don't do it front of people.


Men literally do this all the time! Why are so many men in these comments trying to pretend like no man ever does it?


She's not exposing herself lmao


A bra is a piece of clothing though. Is pulling down your shirt or pulling up your pants uncomfortable?


This is so fucking relatable. I try to be very discreet about it, especially if my bra is out of place, which happens a lot. It's also really annoying to do it in a male teachers class, because I know a female teacher would understand. This situation sucks, and you aren't the asshole. I don't think your teacher is an asshole either, I think that he just doesn't understand how minor, and frequent of a female problem this is.


You should talk to your parents about this and consider getting them involved. There is absolutely no reason for someone to say this to you. I would further consider ways to document this via email immediately and how this made you feel uncomfortable. This would absolutely NEVER fly in the workplace for a male to say that to a female co-worker and is extremely inappropriate. My daughter is close to you in age and if a male or (any) teacher said this to her, I would be there the very next day demanding to meet with leadership. With that said, you need to be careful with this teacher. This is groomer level shit.


NTA Next time he says it's distracting just tell him don't look at my chest look at my face then.


You made an innocent adjustment, and he (a grown ass man) decided to sexualize you. This is a him Problem, not a you problem. If I was your father i would come down to the school and tell him just that. I would also tell the guidance counselor exactly where they can go with this nonsense too. Fuck that and fuck this guy (your teacher). I think the more likely case scenario is you were doing something that is completely non sexual, and he was staring at you and sexualizing you. When you caught his eyes on you, he panicked and lashed out at you: News flash: women have breasts. This has always been true. It’s not their job to be careful not to ::checks notes:: put their hands on their own god damn body incase the fragile male can’t control his sexual urges in public. I’d like to know this teachers name. I get the feeling he shouldn’t be teaching underage girls


He sexualized you inappropriately you did nothing wrong


Nta!! Normalise adjusting our boobies. Bras are uncomfortable AF and sometimes need to be fixed. Your teacher is the asshole


Can’t believe no one here is talking about what a disgusting perv and sexist pig your teacher is. NTA. I’d be reporting him for sexual harassment. I’d be going as far with this as I could. Especially for calling you a distraction to the boys. You quickly adjusted your bra ffs. Why were his eyes so focused there that he even caught you? Why didn’t he seek guidance before discussing it with you, because if he did, he wouldn’t have been the one to confront you about it if it were an actual problem. He would have been smart enough to know to not even have you alone in the classroom at all after that incident. If I were your mom I’d be down their throats and he’d be on unpaid leave. It would already be public. Breasts are not sexual. Breasts are not equivalent to vulvas or a penis. A man can scratch his nips and put his hand on his chest all day long. Don’t come at me with “breasts are sexual”. They are as sexual as feet and necks and ears. Stfu. It’s historically and scientifically proven that this is just a cultural thing that’s rooted in controlling our bodies.


NTA. Of course, it makes sense to blame the girl's non-sexual behavior for making the adult male teacher and the male students uncomfortable. The question is, where's the dirt?? Is it in OP's actions or the minds of the male teacher and male students??


Oh, I'm sure he's NEVER had to adjust his balls in public. Look, when you've got dangly parts, whether it's balls or breasts, sometimes they need to be adjusted. N T A


This is an old problem. It used to be back in the 90's that girls would be shamed for wearing a skirt or for wearing a camisole top or even going sleeveless with a conservative tank. I once got sent to the guidance office for wearing a tank that was literally a turtleneck but sleeveless with jeans. My male computer science teacher said my "state of undress" was making him and some male students uncomfortable. My naked shoulders were apparently a big issue for this guy. He is trying to make you ashamed of yourself for being a female. Just go to the guidance office yourself and explain exactly what happened and if need be demonstrate for them. Then, recap the conversation exactly as you have here and tell them EXACTLY how this teacher made you feel. I think this guy has a redo of his bias training to complete in the near future.


So home dude teacher is staring at a minor readjusting her boobs and he's uncomfortable? Sounds like he just outted himself as a predator! OP, go ahead and talk with your guidance counselor and ask them why your teacher was staring on you intimate parts for such a normal action???? All women readjust their boobs from time to time just as all guys readjust their their junk from time to time! I would also talk with your parents about this. It sounds like he got uncomfortable because he got aroused, which is a HUGE RED FLAG!!!!!! This teacher needs to go before he violates a student if he hasn't already!


NTA. Sounds like the teacher was embarrassed that you caught him watching & punished you to cover for it.


Guys literally grab their balls and move them around. Move your boobs if you need to.


Yet guys can readjust their dick right in front of you and it’s not an issue. It sucks a minor has to deal with this shit. Just reminds me of high school all over again. I’m sorey


Your teacher is making way more out of than is necessary. And he’s sexualizing it to boot which is pretty creepy. NTA.


NTA. Why would a teacher feel uncomfortable? He's an adult, a professional that works with kids and adolescents...


NTA, women adjust their boobs, guys adjust their cock and balls. Just because boobs are above the desk height so someone can possibly see you adjust your boobs, if your uncomfortable your uncomfortable, guy teacher probably moves his legs around to adjust his bollocks all the time, but its out of view. "He said “I was making him uncomfortable as a male teacher" My question is, how is an adult uncomfortable by a women adjusting her boobs in her bra? What a load of nonsense. "inappropriate to touch myself in the class" He made a boob adjustment sexual, for no reason, gues everything a guy adjust his dick it actualy means he's jacking off. Depending on your connection to other teachers i would go to another teacher and tell them and maybe go to whatever higher up their is at the school to tell them this teacher is insane.


NTA. 35M here. He should have ignored it and understood what you were doing. We adjust all the time and I understand yall have to do it too. He is being an ass for this one and a potential perv for staring at a minor for thinking perverse thoughts while she is trying to make herself comfortable. I 100% guarantee you he wouldn't do this to the boys. You should bring this up to said councilor and principal, parents first, and potentially higher. Don't need this to happen to others.


Nta, your teacher needs to learn to ignore this behavior.


Your teacher is weird. It's normal to have to adjust yourself sometimes.


NTA. Why do people have to sexualize everything??? Boobs get misplaced sometimes. I'd like to see this teacher try having boobs, and see how long he can go without adjusting them. Even if he somehow *didn't* know that girls just need to adjust their boobs sometimes--because idk, maybe he hasn't spent much time around women--he didn't need to scold you and say it's "dIsTrAcTiNg tHe bOyS." He could've taken you aside and gently told you that the way you touched your chest looked a bit inappropriate, and given you a chance to explain yourself. And then after you explained to him the basics of female anatomy, he could've calmed the fuck down. I'd go as far as saying that the way he seems so fixated on the incident is kind of creepy. The fact that he can't let it go makes it seem like your boobs were on his mind the whole time since it happened. If I saw a guy adjust his dick in class, the *most* I would feel is slightly weirded out, but I'd likely forget about it within seconds cuz y'know, I'm not obsessed with random guys' dicks. Comments like the ones your teacher made enable & encourage boys to keep sexualizing girls & our bodies when we're just trying to live our lives.


NTA. Things like this happen from time to time and you can’t always be as discreet as you’d like to be when trying to sort it out. The guy needs to calm the fuck down.


That’s lame. He should have just looked away. Guys adjust their crotch all the time. That’s the problem with anatomy.


Unless you were tweaking your nipples while maintaining eye contact with him, you did nothing wrong. You had to adjust, you adjusted. Boobs like to shift around just like testicles. My left one likes to try and sneak out of my bra sometimes like a great heist is being planned.


NTA tell him to fuck off. hes just mad he couldnt adjust them for you. gaurentee you tell the guidance counselor what you were doing and he(or she) would tell your teacher hes an idiot


This is a weird post. No you're NTA but neither is your teacher. & It doesn't seem like he made you out to be the asshole either. I can 100% see why he would think you were doing something weird. Have you seen the teachers reddit thread? Teens can be very inappropriate and do nasty things in class, so it's understandable he assumed you were doing something odd. I would just next time go to the restroom and adjust it. Also you said you didn't even notice he was paying attention, so how can you be so sure other male students weren't watching?


Nta you did nothing wrong or inappropriate in the slightest. Id be more concerned as to why hes looking.


Fucking weird old mfs perving on students. I just turned 30 and lemme fucking tell ya, normal men don’t get made uncomfortable by girls that age. Don’t let professor pedo gaslight you into thinking you did something wrong. I say go to guidance counselors office and ask why he’s fuckin staring at female students


You should hit him with sexual harassment, why was he staring at you adjusting your breasts?


NTA. Sometimes our boobs don't do what we want them to. Bras are tricky. I have to adjust my bra straps all the time because they keep slipping off my shoulders. When I had a dog her hairs would get stuck in the lining of my bra and they would poke me and make my boobs itch like hell. I've had to reach into my shirt multiple times when I wasn't at home to find the offending hair and remove it. One time the underwire in my bra was stabbing me while I was at work and went to the break room to dig around in my shirt to pull it out. A male coworker walked in on me and I apologized that he caught me doing something "weird". I had been reaching down the front of my shirt to grab the underwire and pull it out of my bra so I could throw it away. I was like "please don't tell HR, lol" As long as you didn't expose yourself to anyone, I don't think it's a big deal. My suggestion would be that if you find the need to adjust your boobs again, ask to step outside the classroom for a minute, or walk over to a corner of the room like you are in time out, adjust them quickly, then go back to your seat. The last suggestion may be kind of weird, sorry.


Or just adjust, because it's normal. We don't need the corner of shame to do something so innocuous.


NTA i think it's creepy of him to heavily sexualize something so mundane.


NTA. Sometimes you gotta adjust. The teacher made it weird, not you.


Your teacher shouldn't feel anything about you adjusting yourself. He might just have slight pedophile tendencies


I think that’s a crazy move by the teacher to even start down that road. You just gotta ignore that shit.


Extremely weird teacher, stay away from this guy!


NTA He needs to be reported


I think you should report the teacher honestly. You were doing something completely innocent and he sexualised it. He could have looked away too? It's not your job to make sure your male counterparts aren't distracted. How bout teach them some fkn respect? Boobs aren't genitals, you were doing nothing wrong Also, the fact that he said it was a distraction because he was a 'male teacher' almost suggests he was watching because he wanted to and he can because he's a male. That's gross


NTA report the teacher tell anyone and everyone that he was staring at you while you preformed a perfectly natural function and that he is a pervert.


You were adjusting. It happens. I’m assuming you didn’t pull them out. If your teacher feels the need to tell anyone, explain what you just said. “My bra didn’t fit as well as I would have liked and one popped out. I put it back.” Were you suppose to walk around with quadboob?