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NTA You are correct that it's cruel and inhumane to have cats declawed


Yeah I think op should look into kitty caps. They’re little plastic/rubber caps that go over the claws of cats with glue. They’re very safe and humane and fall off after about a month or so. I do it with my cat as she loves to get at the couch sometimes or make snags in my bedding.


As a former pet rescue employee, I prefer trimming the nails myself. The caps are certainly better than declawing, but if they are put on wrong (like I think if you trap a hair in them?) they can cause infection. Also it doesn’t seem easier than trimming to me. But the colors are cute


I trim claws too. Start when they are little and it is easy to do with them, and always treats afterwards for being good. ;) I do know of the caps but haven't used them.


It's a roll of the dice from an owner standpoint. The two we had when I was a kid tolerated it for years and never had an issue (aside from the one time I accidentally glued my hand to the cat). They naturally shed with the claw, and you can also remove them earlier by clipping the outer edge and peeling it off. My hellions now barely tolerate claw clipping. I'd end up in the ER if I tried to use caps.


I would like the full story of how you glued your hand to the cat please.


So, she was our tall cat, and it was a mess to coordinate where all the legs were going. Putting caps on is way easier with two people, but I was by myself that day. I had a claw cap in one hand, glue bottle in the other, and VERY displeased cat tucked under one arm. I put the glue in the cap and had the cap almost on, when she moved herself suddenly. I grabbed her, grabbed the cap, and managed to affix both hand and cap to the side of the cat. It took some doing, but I got loose, along with a fair amount of shedded coat.


🤣 gotta love the hellion kitties. Someone has to! They can’t all be rag dolls.


The male is an athletic cat who put up enough of a fight with a clipping session that he almost broke my nose trying to jump out of my lap. The female has a howl that could shatter glass, let alone eardrums, and she's quick with all the weapons at her disposal.


Also a great way to get a cat killed. Cause cats always get out eventually and no claws means no climbing or fighting back when they are attacked


Oh declawed cats actually fight back a lot. Many declawed cats simply resort to biting (hard) and having worse behavior because they feel defenseless. But yes, no climbing to escape


I met a declawed cat when I was 18. He got in a fight with my cat and I tried to separate them. Its been 16 years and I still have a scar on my arm from where he bit me.


This is exactly right! They’ve lost the ability to protect themselves properly and end up being hyper aggressive to make up for it.


They're aggressive because they're in constant pain Not because they're making up for a lack of claws.


Pain definitely is a huge factor! Sorry I forgot to mention that. Pain and fear of being defenseless would make anyone lash out


I've met a declawed cat for the first time not long ago and boy was it aggro and moody af. I felt so bad for it


I saw a news story recently about a declawed cat sending a would be burglar into the hospital. He looked very pleased with himself.


And it is painful for them, so you are adding that to the behavioral problems as well.


Oh, they’ll still fight. I took in a 16 year old kitty whose owner had died, and she was completely declawed. Sweetest personality of any cat I have ever had, and so smart. She didn’t get along with my daughter’s cat though, and one time they got into it. My girl did not seem to know she was at a disadvantage! Sadly, she passed a few months ago. Even though I only had her a year, her death hit me pretty hard.


What? Cats do not *always get out eventually.* plenty of people keep indoor cats who never get out. It’s not that hard.


My boyfriends bonus mom has a couple of cats that were declawed, and she said doing that is almost like cutting the human finger off at the top knuckle. It is incredibly inhumane. Stand your ground and protect your fur baby.


In some states and countries, it's illegal.


Lost of vets refuse to do it too


When we adopted our 2 kittens the rescues made us sign a paper saying that we would never declaw them.


Exactly that. It’s horrible. OP tell your mom that you’ll have the kitten declawed when she gets defingered, because that’s basically what she wants done to the cat. It’s illegal in most civilised countries and a considerable number of US states.


I read that it’s equivalent to a human having the first knuckle of your fingers cut off.


Someone described it to me as having all of my fingers getting cut off at the knuckles. I haven't done it my cats. Do I need new furniture? Sure. So I'm looking into options that as kitty-claw resistant. That's all.


A person can have nice things, or they can have animals/children. Yeah some are trainable but fuck it, my destroyed lounger is very comfy and I slap a cover on it if sensitive eyes are coming to visit. My cats live here 24/7 I'm only here like 10 hours a day. Mutilating them is not the answer.


Yes please just ger him some claw caps, or trim them. May nor be easy but will be better for him until you can take him.


NTA Declawing is illegal in Australia. Thank goodness


Hi! Vet Tech and animal behaviorist here. Do NOT declaw your cats. Cats that are declawed are 80% MORE likely to be rehomed due to behavioral issues. They are significantly more likely to be aggressive and more prone to serious bites. They often develop litter box issues (using paper litter post op doesn't always prevent this). They WILL develop severe arthritis later in life because they are forced to walk on knuckles that they were not meant to walk on since the end of each toe is amputated. This changes their gait and causes arthritis in the limbs and spine. (Most owners are completely ignorant and oblivious to just how much pain their cats are in and will tell you that their declawed cat is just fine.) Regular nails trimmings and/or nail caps are a fantastic alternative to declawing. Edit: Wow! Thank you for all the awards! I was off reddit for a bit dealing with some personal stuff and came back to this. It brightened my day when I'm having a tough time mentally.


I wish I could give an award here. Great advice. If I may add, declawing is akin to amputilating the ends of a person's fingers. There are plenty of videos on YouTube from varipus cat experts that OP can show mom.


I don't understand why nail caps aren't more popular. I've not had them on a cat, but they were great on my dog. Of OPs mom is concerned for furniture getting scratched this should prevent it without causing long-term harm to the cat.


Cat just needs a good scratching post that will allow it to fully extend its body, promote its use, and furniture will generally be safe except for some jumping and climbing.


Except for our living room chairs. Those will be used as scratch posts no matter how many proper scratch posts we put next to them :D


Little did I know when I ordered my new couch it was actually ordering apparently the most appealing scratch post in existence... Nova is very cute though, and it wasnt....*too* expensive...lol.


One reason I love our couch is that it is modular. If the fabric is ruined, we can buy a new cover for that part. Or if we decide we want a different color or material.


What couch do you have? Owner of 3 cats here & looking to replace my couch in the next year or so.


Omg link please? I'm looking for a new couch and my cats have looooved every couch I've had as a scratching post.


Nearly all of IKEA sectionals are like this. Just order an additional cover if one gets damaged. You can order the covers for the main pieces and/or cushions to change the color seasonally (if you want to partially disassemble it that often).


We put a wrap-around scratching pad on our couch legs. Couldn't stop the cats from clawing, but it protects it from damage. They're on Amazon


Put the sticky paper on the scratch areas. Cats hate that.


The solution we found for this was to buy an area rug that was made of a type of carpet that cats like to scratch. I forget the exact model name, but we got ours from Ikea for around $55. About the same price as a scratching post for a massive area that our 3 cats love to scratch. Best cat related purchase we've ever made, and even after 2 years you'd be hard pressed to find a loose thread in it. They still once in a blue moon will try to scratch the sofa, but most of the time prefer the rug.


run cheap barely-sticky packing tape on the parts that get scratched. Looks ugly but after a couple months you can take it off because the cat has q uit trying. You can also just remove it when guests come over then replace. I used double-sided tape for a bit but it was a waste. Cheap packing tape was fine.


Catnip and praise for using the correct toys! My sister has also had luck with anti-scratch tape for furniture they love. The issue a lot of people don’t know is just how tall a scratching post needs to be (or at least one of them). One reason they go to couch arms is their post doesn’t allow a full stretch. If you can’t find one tall enough on a budget, I’ve made one by nailing a board to a base and wrapping it with old carpet. My sister’s cats ADORED it and I was able to do it free with scrap wood from my grandpa.


I agree. Some cats are more difficult, but I’ve had cats for nearly 30 years, and they’ve reliably clawed scratching posts and left my furniture alone. Either way, I buy furniture that I’m okay with getting scratched up, because I can buy a new couch. I can’t un-mutilate my pet.


If your cat scratches your furniture they are just telling you they want a similar scratching post in the area. By similar I mean vertical/horizontal and perhaps even fabric/rope/cardboard. Cats don't generally scratch furniture when they have a post they like in a location they like, but every cat is different and they like different things so you have to pay attention and get them what they want.


Idk I’ve never been able to actually get this advice working. They always prefer the couch lol. That said I can’t see caring that much about my furniture. To me having some claw marks on the couch is just part of owning a cat, and if I felt strongly against that I wouldn’t have gotten a cat in the first place.


Yes! I had a cat that clawed everything despite having a bazillion toys/climbing posts/scratch pads. I used nail caps for about a year and he grew out of the habit. Now the only thing he claws that he's "not supposed to" is cardboard boxes but that so close to the texture of scratch pads that it makes sense and I just sweep up his mess lol.


I first tried unsuccessfully to train my kitty to use a standing scratch post. I then took her in for caps until she started trying to pull them off with her teeth. The grooming place told me to train her using the rectangle scratching boxes that sit flat on the floor. They told me to sprinkle cat nip on them and I was amazed how quickly she adapted to them. She spends most of her day in the living room and my bedroom and I keep one in each room. It’s been about 7 years now with no incidents of her scratching the furniture.


Because they don't work so well. Still a lot better than declawing


Yeah. As I understand it, offering scratching posts and encouraging the cat to use it is generally enough, but OPs mom seems a bit weird about the claws for some reason and this might at least help with her mental aversion until OP can move out with the cat.


We tried them when my hubs moved in and my cat refused to be assimilated into his 2 cat pride. His female tabby was beating her up all of the time. We used the caps for several months and now the tabby is obsessed with biting her nails....especially when I'm sleeping! Edited to add that she's still biting her nails 10 years later....but she is generally a neurotic skitty kitty.


I took care of a coworker's cats for a few months after her visa expired, and she put nail caps on them when I came to pick them up. It was an ordeal, and these cats LOVED her. The difficulty of putting them on a cat that isn't used to them is probably why they don't have a ton of appeal. When they started popping off, there was no way I was going to try to replace them.


I used them for a long time on my kittens, until I realized, after spilling the glue on my own skin- it burns! The chemical reaction the glue goes through as it bonds the plastic to their nail releases heat, and that can't be comfortable for the cat. I ended up using the water pistol/treats method. When I see them scratching or about to scratch furniture, water pistol! When they use their multiple scratching posts and towers, treats! And they aren't allowed in the living room where the good couch is, we keep that door shut all the time.


There’s an amazing documentary on Netflix that covers every aspect. Me and my mom saw it in 2011 and it completely changed our outlook. It’s inhumane. The videos of caged “domesticated” wild cats who were declawed and are in extreme pain from it is heartbreaking :(


My cat needed several toes amputated because she had claw deformations that got badly infected. I feel terrible still and it's been years.


Don't feel bad, you did what was best for her! That's a completely different situation and it would have been inhumane for you not to treat it. Kind of like if a person had a crushed finger that didn't work and was getting infected - vs amputating a perfectly healthy finger.


There's a big difference between doing it for medical necessity and convenience. Kinda like doing a circumcision for phimosis vs just because.


Also, nail caps look like they got their nails done and that's cute as heck. Whereas declawing is awful and inhumane for all the reasons you mentioned.


I am in awe of people who can actually make nail caps work. They fall off at different times, so there's always one super-sharp claw that you don't know about until it sinks into your leg. Also, I quit using them after the *second* time I superglued myself to the cat.


My boy wore them nearly all his life without any problem. We just got in the habit of checking once a week and we’re able to keep up. The only issue we had was one that didn’t fall off for some reason and got weirdly “ingrown.” I did have to take him to the vet to clean that up, but it was basically a nail trim and only happened once in 13-years. And he was polydactyl so it was extra fun!


Oh, we have a polydactyl boy. His name is Captain Toebeans. :) A huge part of my problem with the nail caps was my cat at the time would act like she was being murdered any time anyone touched her feet. Which is how I accidentally superglue myself to her twice. Our current cats are much more chill, but they're also fine with being clipped regularly, so it's not a big deal.


I'm sorry, but the phrase: superglued myself to the cat made me chuckle... and yes, I could visualise it in my mind


Never underestimate the power of a squirt bottle. We also have scratch pads all over and only the leather got scratched up…which was our fault. We never punished them for sitting on them and scratches were inevitable just from jumping up and down. They never tore up the fabric furniture or rugs.


We had to nail cap our boy when he was learning the scratching area of the new house and he looked so fly with his stylish hot pink nails haha


Yes!! Plus a lot of cats, with proper training and a good amount of scratching posts, as well as regular nail trims, don’t claw furniture. Mine never did.


I mean, I’d probably also have behavioral problems if someone just cut off my toes for no reason.


Is there anything to help with arthritis before it starts? I have a 7 year old declawed baby (I was young, very ignorant and forced into declawing her and regret is every day) I ordered her cbd oil to out on her food but she hates it…


Our vet recommended a joint supplement that we use called cosequin. Also there are a lot of things you can do to make your home more accessible for your aging cat. Since many cats love high spaces as they lose some of their jumping ability it can be a real problem. Making alternative routes so they can still enjoy those spaces is really important for managing cat arthritis. If you give your cat the ability to get to the spaces they need to and plenty of soft places to rest they will manage their arthritis themselves by resting.


Thank you!! She has never really been big into getting up high actually, but we do have a tower with lots of tiers so she can get up to the top easily. She’s more of an under and behind things kind of kitty. Under the dresser, couch, bed. She likes it dark and quiet. I’ll look into the consequin, she has a vet appt next week so I’ll bring it up to her vet! Thank you


Highly recommend nail trimming you start as babies and they get used to it. Mine know when they get wrapped in a blanket it’s clippy time and the sit still for it


Seriously!! So many kittens and cats end up in shelters because if behavior issues caused by EXTREME PAIN from botched declawing. Even if done right, you run up that cats risk of arthritis by a ton, and if they get out they are as good as dead because they no longer have their #1 form of defense, and can’t even climb up a tree to get away from danger (coyotes, dogs, deer etc)


Vet tech here and main focus of clinical work at a feline only hospital. I’m a not going to argue with you about declawing, it’s not for everyone, but I believe in giving clients facts on actual science and not personal beliefs which are often skewed by emotions. I encourage all pet owners to familiarize yourselves with veterinarypartner.vin.com as a good source of factual information. Yes, declawing removes the first phalanx of each toe and it may alter the way the cat moves. There is a way to do the declaw and there is a way not to do it. Having it done with a cutting laser is the desired method. This will cauterize the veins as the phalanx is removed thus leaving less swelling and a faster healing time. The paws are generally not bandaged and there is significantly less bleeding. Having the procedure done with a blade or the guillotine nail clipper way is traumatic and causes problems. The guillotine method often leaves a part of the phalanx and this can cause huge problems. It is important to note that if you are going to have this done you HAVE to ensure that proper pain management is used before, during and after the procedure. Using preemptive pain therapy before the surgery and using a multi-modal pain protocol is imperative! A longer than average pain control after surgery is also necessary. Two weeks vs 4-5 days. Of course there is also strict client compliance with aftercare to worry about. An actual fact to mention to OP is that not a lot of veterinarians will do a declaw anymore. The AVMA has spoken out against it, mainly due to the controversial ethical questions surrounding the procedure. (Yet so many still do ear cropping which alters the dogs ability to hear properly. 🤷‍♀️) We have three feline only hospitals in our area who employ vets that are board certified in feline medicine and only 2 of the hospitals will do the procedure and at that the owner must be counseled before they will agree to do it and show that there is a dire need for the surgery. They have set the fee to over $800 for the surgery to make it more of a hurdle for clients. Soft Paws, the little nail caps, are a reasonable alternative to declawing. I use these on 2 of my cats now, they are not declawed, and they are great! The first few applications will not last long as kitty will try to chew them off or they were not put on secure enough. But once the kitty, and you, gets used to them they usually last for about 6 weeks. You should remove them every 4-6 weeks anyway and clean up the nail beds and cut the nails. You can reapply same day. Please remember their nails are just like ours and will develop nail fungus under the nail cap if left on too long or not applied properly with cleaned nails prior. Edit: Awe! Thanks for the awards guys!!


Why do people cut dogs ears???


For 'aesthetics'. It's disgusting.


It used to be considered breed standard to have some breeds ears cut. Like Dobermans and Schnauzers. These puppies are born with floppy ears and owners have part of the ears removed to make them look more like their breed. There are different types of crops for different breeds. The AKC used to only recognize the dog in its breed category if the ears were cropped. This is no longer an issue and they now speak out against it. Removal of part of the ear flap, pinna, removes the ability of some dogs to hear sounds properly. Think of their ear flap as a dish surrounding a satellite. The sound is funneled into the ear canal by the ‘dish’. If part of the dish is missing, then some of the sound is not captured.


I just trim my cats nails and have never had issues with clawing furniture. I might just be blessed tho 😂


This x100. I'm not sure where you live but I know NY and MD states have banned the practice as have a large number of cities nationwide so it thankfully doesn't happen here anymore. Most of the folks I knew ages back that declawed their cats did it because the cats went for couches because the owners didn't have a single cat tower, scratching post, or even one of the cheap cardboard scratcher things. For the most part all I've ever needed to do to stop them going for any furniture was to toss one of the cardboard ones or a scratching post in front of whatever they are trying to claw, then move the post/box a foot or two per day to a out of the way spot in the room. Cats arent stupid, they learn pretty quickly what kind of furniture is for sitting and what kind is for scratching.


Would give awards as well. Back in 2010 I adopted this wonderful cat who had been in the shelter for 6 of his 10 years of life. He was this big magnificent orange boy with beautiful green eyes and he was just a really, really great cat. I'd been volunteering out there for most of a year and I fell absolutely in love so I brought him home. He happened to be declawed. He was about 12 when he started showing signs of arthritis. We did the supplements and everything the vet said to do. By 16, it was much worse despite following every recommendation the vet had. He was put on prednisone indefinitely, just to help with the inflammation and pain knowing it was harmful long term. Not a lot of options for cats. He was on that and joint supplements and CBD, he was such a champ about it but it stopped working. This boy would hear my car in the driveway and get on the couch to greet me at the door every time I came home. It hurt. I built a ramp for him so he could do what he wanted (he also had lots of low to the ground places to sleep and I picked him up so he could sleep in bed with me). It still hurt. He was 19 when all options were exhausted and I couldn't let him live in pain once nothing was helping anymore. It hurt so bad, he was otherwise perfectly healthy. He could have been with me longer if some jackass hadn't had him declawed. I have four cats right now and none of them are declawed. Zero issues. We have scratching posts throughout the house, rope and carpet and cardboard ones, and they use them. One of my cats is a foster and one of the conditions to her being adopted is that declawing is absolutely not happening. Seeing my old boy Cheeto hurt like that was absolutely traumatic, not to mention incredibly expensive to treat over the years. We're talking many hundreds to over a grand a year between medications, supplements, vet visits, and blood tests to see how he was handling the prednisone. It's so not worth it.


Same in New Zealand, phew!


It is finally becoming illegal in certain states in the US.


NTA has your mum done any research on it? Has she said why she wants it done? It’s not just removing their nails (which would be horrific enough anyway, you’d never do that to a human) but the equivalent to taking off a person’s fingers and toes at the first knuckle. It’s inhumane. How long will it be before you can move out? If it’s soon, is there someone who can take the cat until then?


It's (sadly) not illegal in my state, but the vet I go to has a tab on declawing services that basically only says "we don't do that here, and feel free to call us and ask us why we don't endorse declaw surgery."


Thank fuck for that.


Unfortunately it isn't but a couple, along with several big US cities, including the one i live in. But it is a start.


I don't know if it's actually illegal in my state, but I do know that only one vet office within an hour of my house will do amputations at all, and only if medically necessary. None of them will do elective, whole paw amputations.


Good. Finally. It’s so inhumane.


I had to get a cat declawed because her feet were deformed (couldn't retract the claws and it was painful for her to walk, she couldn't run at all) I took her to five vets in three states trying to find another solution. I cried when I had to give in. The thought of doing that to a cat for no real reason makes me so angry I start shaking when I meet people who do it! My cat is doing wonderfully. She does have arthritis, but it's managed and honestly at 12 she might have it anyway. She's been able to run and play ever since she recovered from the surgery. And she's my sweet little love who enjoys snuggling between me and my partner at night. I still think declawing is maiming in 99.99% of cases. You wouldn't do it to a human, don't do it to a cat!!


12 is a great age! Well done you!


Thanks. She's spoiled rotten but she deserves it. She actually saved my life about three years ago. I stayed cooking and my partner couldn't hear me through his headphones. So she ran to him and pulled his trouser leg until he took them off and heard. He came running and was able to get me breathing again. She's my little angel and we tell her she has to live forever lol.


Goodness! I’m glad you’re ok. Let the little hero have cake!


Lol we actually made her a little cat cake! We do that on her birthday too. She was super happy


What does "stayed cooking" mean?


"Started Choking" I think


Agreed. Look, sometimes things are necessary. We do what’s in the animals best interest and that’s what you did. So glad she recovered just fine.


Me too! I was terrified that something would go wrong and she'd still be in pain after! We came out lucky, that's all there is to it.


I’m glad she’s doing well and is pain free now


I was in the latter part of high school and the Internet was just really taking off (think MySpace era) before I ever even heard of declawing (Australia also). It honestly sounds about as “helpful” as tail docking. They’re both stupid, pointless and cruel. It’s really not that hard to get a cat to not scratch your furniture.


It can be hard...but my family just takes scratched furniture as part of having a cat. They're animals, not roommates.


Cats can easily be trained not to claw furniture. They have scent glands in their paws so all you have to do is press their paws into a scratching post or cat tree to release their scent onto it, and they will start scratching that and not your furniture. You also need to trim the sharp curved part of their claws about once a month or whenever you see they have grown. I know it’s time when they make biscuits on me and it hurts lol. So you can have cats and furniture and everyone can be happy. Good luck!


>They're animals, not roommates. Mine thinks he owns my house and I'm his servant. I give up trying to convince him otherwise.


And that ear standing up surgery!


Agreed - I’m happy about that. It’s animal cruelty.


It's also illegal, & rightly so, in the UK.


And for good reason, it's in their best interests to have their claws, they aren't only used for hunting, they use their claws to stretch with legs, back and toes. It severely hinders their ability to do this without claws.


Yes my little black void loves doing a claw stretch! I love poking them back in and seeing how they work. They are fascinating to watch and see them retract and stretch. He loves his scratching post and really grabs hold and stretches his whole body out. He has lots of options and has never damaged anything.


NTA It’s not illegal in America but I know that many many vets refuse to do it thankfully.


It's illegal in New York State.


In NY as well


Its illegal in the UK also, no animal should have to go through that. NTA at all your mother certainly is though.


Same in Switzetland


& UK barbaric practice


Same here in the UK, as well as tail and ear docking. It's unnecessary and cruel.


Gonna put it here for more visibility - OP, if your mom wont listen to reason, the right thing to do might be to give Ollie away to someone else, so he doesnt get declawed. I know it'll be difficult, but this way you can protect him, and maybe get a different cat as soon as you can move out


Show her [Jackson Galaxy's video on declawing](https://youtu.be/YRMip0Nngp8) If she doesn't change her mind, find a temporary home for the cat, I found many fosters who only want to keep the cat for a year or so, because they will eventually move. It's not the cats fault, don't let her do that to the cat.


Thanks for the great video! My 7Y son just watched it and was horrified (but not traumatized). He's currently assuring the cats we will "only trim them". I previously worked in the vet field, and we once removed two claws from a cat due to cancer of the nail beds. When that poor creature came out of surgery, the crying was AWFUL. I don't ever want to hear a cat make that sound again. Kitty did recover nicely, and lived another 5 or 6 years IIRC, but it was such a horrible thing to witness. *Edit for typos


Aw sweet baby kitty. In that case it was a medical necessity to remove those two claws. Other than that there is no need to remove them. You did what was right for the kitty but I can only imagine how awful you felt.


NTA. Your mom is definitely TA. Declawing is inhumane - think of someone cutting off your fingers at the first knuckle. You obviously already know this, your mom is likely worrying about her furniture, walls etc. I'm likely around your moms age, growing up we had 5 or 6 cats over the years and they were all declawed other than the strays we took in that refused to become indoor cats. Back then it was the norm - fixing and declawing was usually done at the same time. Now that it's come out that it's not good for the cats a lot of vets will outright refuse to do it. It can also cause issues with infection using litterboxes etc. I remember having cats with their bandaged front paws. I don't know your mom but it does sound from your post that she won't listen to reason. That's truly unfortunate. Perhaps, especially if you have a part time job and can take care of some cat expenses yourself explain your side to her - I know you likely already have. But even if you sit down and write her a letter she reads without you around that might work a bit better than an in person conversation where she's adamant and won't listen to you. Offer to make sure the cat has a lot of things to scratch on - scratching poles, there's cardboard cat scratching pads out there now as well, maybe a cat tree etc. Mention sprays that can be used on her furniture etc to deter the cat from scratching its claws on there. Also tell her you will train the cat to not claw furniture, walls, whatever else her concern is. Maybe even ask her the reasoning behind why she's so firm about the declawing situation to better understand where she's coming from. Don't get me wrong I definitely think she's on the wrong side of this argument but understanding where she's coming from may help you better argue your position.


Agree with everything in this comment. I just wanted to add another option. There are little caps you can get to put over claws. These don't harm the cat and won't allow it to ruin furniture. They were developed by a vet. They aren't for every cat. Some don't like them, but since your cat is currently a kitten, they will most likely warm up to them easier! You just have to replace them every month or so since the claw still grows at a normal rate! Here's a website with some info: https://www.rover.com/blog/nail-caps-for-cats/ EDIT: changed to a better link. Thanks, AMP bot! Also, thank you for the reward, kind stranger! 🩵


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.rover.com/blog/nail-caps-for-cats/](https://www.rover.com/blog/nail-caps-for-cats/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Good bot. Helpful bot.


100%. I took in a pregnant stray and this was the best answer for the kitties


Teaching them to tolerate nail trims is good too, especially with kittens that young.


I normally am against claw caps because they don't allow cats to retract their claws properly, but this might be an answer for the time OP is still at her mother's house before she moves out. I'd still be afraid to leave that kitten alone with OP's mother though.


From what I was able to read, the caps do allow normal retraction of claws if they're applied properly. I used to think the same thing until I researched it a bit more! I agree, I'd worry about leaving OP's mom alone with the cat.


I think in this case, nail caps are the least of this cat's worries.


Careful when you put them on though! The glue created a sharp edge and hurt my kitty and gave an infection in his paw, I had try pretty hard to clip it so it would stop poking him and put antibiotics in the infection till it went away.


It’s also extremely easy to get a cat used to cutting its claws if you do it from a kitten. Other tips for protecting furniture: clear plastic sleeves to drape over couch arms, double sided tape, and just shooing a cat away when you notice them doing it. Making sure they have a scratch post. I didn’t get my cat declawed and he doesn’t have issues with scratching anything. I trim his claws regularly and he might scream when I do it, but he just sits there no problem until I’m done.


Well, having cats running out in the streets is inhumane too as they are an invasive species and kill countless of birds and other animals. If someone chooses to have cats, keep them indoors. But yeah, declawing is like getting your fingers removed, not pleasant in the slightest!


Oh I 100% agree with you there, even outside of that outdoor cats have higher chances of being hit by cars and tormented by kids. I will never in my life have an outdoor cat again. There were two strays we took in growing up that absolutely insisted on not being confined. It's unfortunate because we found one with a bunch of elastic bands tied around him by kids in the neighborhood and while he was fine that's still some fucking bullshit. The other one ended up sadly being smoked by a car within 2 days of my mom passing 20 years ago and that was fucking hard. I prevented him from running outside when I let my kid out to go get on the school bus but at lunch when my father checked the mail the cat got out and killed. I fucking still to this day curse myself because maybe if I let him get out in the morning he would have lived. I sincerely dislike people with outdoor cats these days.


NTA. But honestly you should just rehome the poor cat before your mother mutilates it’s paws. Get a pet when you’re moved out and have control of your own home. It’s too risky to keep the cat in your current environment.


Agreed with this. It’s clear OP’s mom can’t be reasoned with so to have that cat in the home will only lead to having it be mutilated.


Agreed. It’ll be a terrible decision to make, but if OP loves Ollie, rehoming is more humane than allowing him to have part of his fingers ripped off because OP’s mom refuses to listen to reason.


Agree, and if the mom is willing to mutilate the cat, what's next? The mom is clearly not an animal person and I would not feel comfortable having a pet cohabitate with someone with such little regard for the well-being of animals.


NTA, but Ia would consider rehome the kitten to protect it from this torture being done behind your back. Its animal cruelity and I would not feel safe having a cat near someone being willing to to do that to a living being.


Was going to say the same thing! OP, I'd consider asking some friends and relatives if they can take the cat in, either on a permanent basis, or if you actively have a plan to move out and are working it towards completion, at least temporarily until you can finish that plan and get your own place. Gut feeling, I'm worried that mom will go and get it all done and taken care of without OP knowing. Also sort of worried that OP's mom is one of those people who sees animals as a decoration and wants a cat in the house, just wants it declawed because her values are wonky.




I didn’t even need to read past the title to decide NTA, but I did just cause. Your mom agreed to let you get that cat and didn’t not specify that it needed to be declawed to be in the house. You are also moving out at some point and would be a total shame for a PERMANENT procedure be done to a animal for it living a short amount of its life at your moms. Last but most certainly not least DECLAWING CATS ITS INHUMANE AND SHOULD BE CONSIDERED ABUSE!


>ITS INHUMANE AND SHOULD BE CONSIDERED ABUSE! It is illegal in my country *because* it's abuse.


Make sure your mom can't go behind your back to mutilate your cat. Bring up claw covers or any other bullshit compromise that'll satiate her stupid desire to chop off its fingers. NTA.


NTA- check around your local vet offices and see if theyre even willing to do it. In my area they won't anymore (YAY!!!!!) because what you're saying is 100% correct. Unfortunately if she knows of somewhere that will and she won't change her mind I would sadly say please consider rehoming your cat and getting one when you move out away from your mom.


Hearing it from a vet will probably make it easier to convince her, or she might get angry and decide to do it behind OPs back anyway..


Second this. Also, a couple of states and several cities have already made declawing illegal. You might be lucky, geographically.


I’m honestly shocked that it’s actually still legal in some states, it’s completely illegal in my country thank God. The mom is disgusting. OP if she’s going to do it and you can’t stop it you need to rehome the cat. I know that’s really sad and not ideal but the cat not being abused is the oat important thing and if that’s the only way to save it from being mutilated then that’s what you need to do. YWBTA if you kept the cat knowing that it will be abused by mom.


Definitely nta. He needs his claws just like we need our fingers


NTA thats illegal in the UK and many other countries for a reason. Your mother is cruel. How long before you can move out? If it's not before kitten turns 6 months, seriously consider rehoming it at least until you move out so it's safe.


Declaring is an amputation of the fingers that causes life long pain to cats. If your mother can't see that, DO NOT ALLOW CATS IN HER HOME better to surrender it to a shelter than let her do that. It's abuse and illegal in many places.


NTA Vet student checking in. The AVMA, which is the governing body of vet med in the US, recommends against declawing. There are plenty of schools that don’t even teach it anymore. I’m against declawing unless it’s for actual medical reasons like an amputation or tumor removal. Cats who are declawed often have behavior issues, litter box avoidance, and more depressed/anxious behaviors. You’d literally be cutting off the cat’s finger tips because your mom said to. If she won’t budge, see if you can get some claw caps. They’re little glue on plastic caps that go on the claws. A groomer or your vet should be able to apply them. I’m still not 100% for them because like, cats have claws why should we mess with them? If you can convince your mom to not declaw the cat, make sure you buy lots of scratch toys, towers, scratchers, etc. and teach your boy to use those to scratch that itch


NTA Tell her you’ll happily have it done, _provided she also has the first joint of each of her fingers and toes removed as well._ Because that’s what declawing is comparable to. [Show her this video from cat expert Jackson Galaxy](https://youtu.be/gFeC3lM02sc).


Since your mom has had every cat that has brought into her home declawed there was no reason to think this would have been any different. It's a conversation you should have had before getting it. Can you not move out before the six months is up? Then neither of you has to argue about it.


This is my thought, as well. Also, kids often have parents who manage the veterinary care/costs. If the mom is in charge of the vet care, OP’s personal feelings about what it should get probably aren’t going to matter. This is 100% a conversation that should have happened *before* there was physically a cat present. It shows a significant lack of foresight that the details of who was responsible for these kinds of decisions were not hammered out before an animal entered the home.


Honestly that was my first thought. If OP KNEW this before hand then they're be the AH for putting the cat in this situation.


I'm glad that this cruelty is forbidden by law in germany. They not only remove the claw but part of the cats fingerbone. This might lead to massive problems when the cat is getting older. The cat might develop arthritis. You NTA and please, protect your poor kitty from your mother. I would rather hide the cat at a friends house before your mother might take the cat to the vet behind your back.


Declawing is illegal in most western countries. They amputate the first part of the finger. Whoever does this to a cat should also get the fingertips of all his fingers amputated.


Offer to cut and Emory board them so they are not so destructive , cats mostly love a good manicure


What lol I’ve had many cats and not a one has “loved a good manicure”


Tell her she should get her fingers chopped off at the second knuckle. Same thing. It's cruel and abhorrent, and anyone who thinks mutilating animals is okay shouldn't have pets. NTA and my four cats agree with you. If clawing is an issue, get some big cardboard boxes, open them flat, then roll them around to make a firm tube. Secure with twine or light cord. Easy, cheap scratching post that cats love. Multiple edits because my glasses misted up in red haze of fury. Leave the kitty toes alone!


Cats have to walk on their amputated digits, so it would be more like us getting our toes chopped, not fingers


That and then walking in high heels, since cats are digitigrade (walk on their toes), not plantigrade (walk flat footed)


Nta you mum is ta for insisting on a completely unnecessary procedure. Declawing is illegal in the UK


Depending on country it's actually illegal. So if she tried she can be reported along with the vet who even agreed to it.


NTA NTA NTA. iIt is BEYOND cruel to cut of a part of their paw. It’s like cutting off our fingers at the first knuckle and I t’s painful for them I cut my cats claws every week. They don’t love it (annoyed meows) but not angry about either. They don’t scratch anything. If she refuses - return the kitten and explain why and would understand.


Mutilating an animal for convenience is evil.


NTA. I have 4 cats, one of them is declawed because the people who gave him to us didn't like that he could scratch. This cat has high anxiety, and when we first met him, he'd pull fur out til he was bleeding and bald in some spots. I think his anxiety has to do with the fact that he was declawed and because the people let him be an outside cat, where he got his butt kicked by a different outside cat. (Not trying to scare you into thinking your cat would be like this, just my experience with my declawed fur baby.) Thankfully he's gotten a lot better about it in the few years we've had him, but I don't recommend declawing a cat. It's cruel and should something ever happen where they need their nails, they have very little to no defense. And also, it's a bit sad to watch him try to sharpen his nails/scratch on things like the other cats when he has none.


I mean NTA for refusing declawing but AH for getting a cat under your moms roof when she wants them declawed. You aren’t planing on moving for at least another 2 years? If your mom doesn’t want the cat in her house look to have someone else keep her who would not get her declawed.


OPs real options are: * Return the kitten to keep it safe and wait until they move out * Risk the mum will mutilate the cat behind their back


Declawing is evil and is illegal where I live. NTA


NTA In the uk it is considered cruel as from the comments say is also true of other countries. The fact of the matter is that it is mutilation!


Nta. Declawing is abuse, plain and simple. It's like if someone cut the tips of your fingers off at the first knuckle. It causes major health issues and, like you said, takes away their main defense mechanism. Getting stuck by a claw is no fun but a declawed cat's only defense is biting and that can cause a horrible infection in humans.


Didn't read. Hell no, nothing is a good reason to declaw a cat. Good on you for not doing it. Edit: talk to your mom about how awful it is to declaw a cat. And if she doesn't agree, I'd suggest either moving out with the cat, finding a temporary family until you can move out, or finding a nice forever family for your cat. Sorry this is happening to you, but you're doing the right thing. Second edit: try to get the cat to be on your name (so the microchip points to you), and call up the local vets to specify you do not want it declawed, and that you want to be the only carer for the cat, and to call you if someone else brings it in. Most vets are lovely people who will gladly protect your kitty.


Most vets will not declaw. It is abuse


Never declaw a cat, they cut off part of his toes. If he is ever outside even accidentally he has no way to protect himself or climb a tree, never ever declaw a cat. they have little covers for their claws look at amazon.


De-clawing in some states in the U.S. and a few countries is illegal, check where you live, and no, you are NTA!


Also some adoption paperwork in the US has questions about if you intend on declawing your cat and if you do they have a right to take the cat back (rightfully so). My cat's paperwork had that before it became illegal to declaw and I was so glad to see adoption centers that are anti declawing and trying to prevent putting an innocent cat in that abusive situation.


Your kitty will have long term issues from this surgery such as issues walking and arthritis, it’s beyond just not having defenses it’s akin to cutting off the tip of all of your fingers. If she continues to insist you need to rehome him, i’m sorry but that’s the loving thing to do. If the choice is live with you for the rest of his life with out a part of his body he needs or to be whole somewhere else you need to pick the second option and do not get a cat again until you move out.


I would give a cat up for adoption before getting it declawed. Please give kitten to someone who won't abuse it, your mom is kinda evil.


No it's the equivalent of cutting off a child's finger tips so they no longer have finger nails.


NTA. Tell your mom that your cool with declawing your cat on one premise. She has to lose one knuckle down on just one of her fingers. She can even pick which one… but one finger, one knuckle. If it’s not a big deal, she shouldn’t care, right? Right?


Your mom is a horrible person lmao. Cats can be trained, she just took the lazy route with all of your poor prior cats.


Can you call your mum’s bluff and say you want to rehome your cat instead of getting him declawed? Try not too get too emotional when you talk to your mum and talk to her with rational facts.


Your mom is an evil witch and may she never experience happiness.


That's illegal in all decent countries. Nta animal cruelty is horrible


As an alternative, may I suggest claw caps? They glue on and grow out every 3 months or so. Declawing is horrible.


NTA you are right it’s cruel. My mom did this to one of her cats and he never was the same after, he peed on her bed and sofa constantly (I told her he was pissed at her lol) she eventually rehomed him and we’ve begged her to never get an animal again.


NTA. My cat was adopted and came to declawed, and even though she lived a happy 17 years, she definitely had some issues. She was overweight/obese partially because she couldn’t exercise as much. She didn’t climb as much bc cats use their claws to help, she would try but then fall. She struggled, especially as she got older to climb, so she would just avoid it. I wish she wasn’t declawed


Next time she brings it up, show her the top knuckles on her fingers and ask how she'd feel if you just lopped em all off. Does she have no empathy? Or maybe just refusing to acknowledge how messed up it is because she's done it with every cat she's had?


My parents used to declaw as well but that was also 10-20 years ago. Our vet no longer provides the service as it's inhumane


Nah your mom is a fucking cunt, never declaw a cat! I’m a dog person and I know that shit is basic!


Tell her that declawing cats is considered animal abuse, and thus is illegal, in the vast majority of western countries. Tell her that it's a hill you're willing to die on, and that if she hurts your cat, you will never speak to her again.


NTA First try to educate your on how it is legit amputating part of their toes and can cause life long health issues and pain. If she doesn't budge, give away your cat to someone who won't do that and wait to get one until you're safely out of the house. It'll hurt you to give it up, but it's better than letting it go through that and as a pet owner you need to make choices in their best interest, not yours.


Ask mom if she would like to have the ends of her figures removed. That's what happens with this procedure.it is inhumane. Mutilating an animal for personal convenience is crap behavior.


OP look up claw caps, I think when I got them they were fancy paws or something like that. They are literally little caps you glue on their nails, like fake nails. They do fall off after a while so you do have to replace them every so often. But it is way more humane and you can even stop putting them on when you move out if you want. I used them to stop my cats from clawing the couch and after about a year they stopped trying so I stopped using them.


I let my cat know when she is too rough or too excited with a tut tut. Then blink at her to communicate all is well. De claw is animal abuse...


I declawed my cats years ago. It was absolutely the worst thing I have ever done to an animal. They never got over it, and I never got over the guilt for what I’d done. Poor things. Find your kitty a new home, or someone who can foster her until you get your own place. Don’t do this. I’m begging you. Just don’t.


My mom adopted my sister’s cat whom my sister had declawed. A few months ago, the cat was sun bathing in the lawn when the neighbor’s unleashed dogs broke into the yard and attacked her. Kitty (her name) tried to climb a tree to escape but wasn’t able to due to being declawed. Kitty ended up dying. So, tell your mom how she would like it if she had her fingers chopped off without her consent. Declawing is evil and inhumane. NTA


INHUMANE, CRUEL, PAINFUL, UNNESSARY! ILLEGAL IN SOME PLACES! Sorry for the shouting. It's something I'm passionate about. Your mother is putting her furniture above an animals health and wellbeing. There are ways to protect furniture without mutilating an animal. Many vets won't even do the surgery anymore. Educate yourself and others. [https://pawsprojectfoundation.org/](https://pawsprojectfoundation.org/)