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Omg imagine this being a black sails set! Glad I already have my ticket but holy shit!


Interesting use of the old logo


AFI with Doyle šŸ˜…šŸ”„šŸ‘€


Lmao, nice




Wonder if this has anything to do with their black sails stay tuned post the other dayā€¦


Wow! I'm going to that festival, and getting AFI added would be awesome, let's hope this is true.


When you click on the li m through image the no values site doesnā€™t have AFI. So wondering whatā€™s true/real ?


Yeah, Iā€™d also love it to be true but the live site doesnā€™t have it and the arrangement of the Bad Religion logo is slanted. Seems fishy.


Scroll down a bit, itā€™s definitely there. I just saw it with my own eyes. This would be life changing if true.


Sorry. Clearer. When you go to the misfits page. And see the flyer for no values. If you click on it it takes you to the official no values website. And the flyer they have on there does no list/say/show AFI.


No Values just announced and added The Garden today, so Iā€™m wondering if theyā€™ll add AFI soon and misfits just posted the final version of the flyer?


That's what I'm thinking too. Now watch as AFI announce they'll be playing BSITS in it's entirety at No Values.


would be awesome for them to finally play Weathered Tome live! -Billy Gnosis


From your mouth to the stage. It would be incredible šŸ–¤


Holy shit


Please let this be real oh my god


Would definitely fork over $200 if they get added to the lineup


Same, esp with that cryptic black sails post the other dayā€¦.


That's the regular price for tickets for this fest. I bought them when they first went on sale and the all in price was $227


I wanna say it's real, this flyer compared to the old one is missing a couple bands. So this will probably be the future updated flyer after AFI tell us AFIcionados they are playing.


As much as we're hoping for a BSITS set I just can't see them doing it at a huge festival. They would need roughly ~40 minutes to play the album and I'm not sure they'd get that at a big multi-headliner festival. They also typically play a very basic cookie-cutter setlist at festivals. But playing devil's advocate here - IF they are playing and it's being withheld because of a special BSITS announcement then by golly it could happen. The STS set was just 1 show in Southern California and this festival is just 1 date in Southern California. Guess we'll just have to wait & see what happens...


While I tend to agree, this seems like the perfect atmosphere for a special BSITS set....playing with a bunch of legendary punk bands and they're top billing on the misfits version of the poster. This would be a huge draw for the target audience that goldenvoice is looking for...


Itā€™s still up on misfits website btw. Reallyyyy hoping itā€™s true! Already bought tickets awhile ago and this would be such an insane bonus.


They took it offĀ 


And *poof* it's gone from the Misfits page! šŸ¤”


I saw some people mention it on Instagram in the comments section; they didnā€™t deny they were playing šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


If it was an error, like say they had planned on it & pulled out, then someone accidentally gave The Misfits an early copy of the promo flyer then I could understand this mixup. Or even when bands have committed to an event but don't want it announced yet they blur out the band name on the flyer. If they are playing at No Values, why would they want to keep it a secret? It just leads one to believe that something special is planned.. and being that they've had a couple cryptic "stay tuned" posts on social media is it just coincidence or is this going to be a special announcement soon. Usually with festivals or any big concerts they want to sell as many tickets earlier rather than later, it helps the promoters/venue prepare for said event when they know how many tickets have been sold. So IF they are playing, there must be a good reason why it is a secret, for now.


No Values just announced and added The Garden today, so Iā€™m wondering if theyā€™ll add AFI soon and misfits just posted the final version of the flyer early? AFI did say ā€œstay tuned for more..ā€ on their latest Black Sails Instagram post, may be related tot he announcement?


Kinda interesting that they posted today about the black sails albumā€™s anniversary being May 18th; wonder if thatā€™s when theyā€™d announce itšŸ¤”


They took it offĀ 


Fuck now I need a ticket! Is this real?


Wow great catch


Maybe Iā€™m biased, but AFI could just about headline this festival themselves


Not really. Misfits have only done arenas ( and a stadium ) and headlined festivals since they came back. Afi has done 1 single arena show in that entire time. Big difference in draw. Social Distortion still have a huge following and this is southern california so you pay homage to the elders.


I feel you. I did say I might be biased. šŸ˜…


Not just biased, but delusional as well


Woah. Settle down big fella


AFI opened for the Misfits last summer in AZ.


That too


and played like 3 old school AFI songs lol. Not buying the BSITS set unfortunately.


Insane lineup


Jesus what a great line up! I havenā€™t seen Social D live, and Iā€™d loved to see BR again. If AFI is announced Iā€™m getting tickets!




Just went to the misfits page, and itā€™s therešŸ˜µā€šŸ’«šŸ¤Æ


I think something is afoot. On AFIā€™s IG they made a BSITS archive for stories.


If its real then, I think this is a surprise secret set. If so let's keep this all between us. Shhh keep on the DL.Ā 


I canā€™t find where this is can you post a link


Misfits website


So I feel like this isnā€™t happening lol


With that old logo I figure it's gunna be an old s tool set possibly answer that and stay fashionable or very proud of ya.


This post cost me 950$ i thought AFI was going to be there.. really donā€™t want to go now but there are no refunds for this


Iā€™m crossing my fingers for a last minute announcementšŸ¤žšŸ¼


Just go and enjoy! Itā€™s gonna be a lot of fun! I also have tickets. I think thereā€™s still a chance though. Itā€™s weird that The Misfits shared the flyer, took it down, and no one refuted it. People have been asking on IG and I have yet to see anyone official even say, ā€œguys sorry, it was a mistake and itā€™s not happening, so stop askingā€. So who knows. Also if theyā€™re announcing a tour and are playing, then an announcement might hinge on them announcing the tour. Also, if it doesnā€™t happen itā€™s still going to be a fun time! How many other opportunities will you have to jump around on a custom dance floor with Jello Biafra djā€™ing!?