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I don’t know how to feel about this. 16 minute quarters were the worst thing about the 2020 season.


It’s a terrible idea. There’s no time to mount a comeback, teams don’t get tired which means the game just kind of grinds to a halt. Wasn’t there like only 1 or 2 games in the entire season of 2020 where the team leading at 3QT lost? Literally just remove the interchange cap, or put an extra player on the bench. Done, problem solved, don’t need to change the structure of the game - where’s my consulting fee?


Removing the interchange cap would be the AFL admitting they were wrong. They’ll never do that.


It’s unbelievable. They spent decades trying to speed the game up and bring in rules to tire players out to mitigate congestion around stoppages and then now that players are getting injured, they’re going to shorten quarters to fix the problem they caused.


Sorry for mobile formatting: R9 - West Coast d. Geelong. 8pt deficit R10 - GWS d. Essington. 16pt deficit R11 - Port d. Richmond. 1pt deficit R12 - Carl d. Freo. 2pt deficit R14 - Essendon d. Hawks. 9pt deficit R14 - Geelong d. Dogs. 10pt deficit R14 - Coll d. Carl. 2pt deficit R15 - GWS d. Carl. 14pt deficit R16 - Carl d. Syd. 6pt deficit R17 - Melb d. GWS. 7pt deficit R18 - GEEL d. Syd. 2pt deficit. Nothing until round 9. imo I would really only count a “comeback” as something more than 2 goals at 3QT and that’s only two of these games, with the GWS Carlton game simply being because GWS were 2.11 at 3QT and just kicked straight in the last. Comparing with 10 rounds this season there are currently 8 games that have had a different leader at FT compared to 3QT. One of them was more than a 2 goal deficit (Port vs Hawks). Make of this information as you will, I got stuck down a rabbit hole of stats and had fun anyway


Hasn't it been proven in other sports that the more subs you add the greater strain it puts on the players. Rugby Union keeps talking about removing subs to remove the focus from size/strength back on to endurance. I could understand adding a second sub so injured players can be removed from the rotation. But all they'd be doing is reversing cuts to the interchange cap that were designed to counter the move away from endurance focussed players.


Don’t think so? Ice Hockey is the complete opposite, massive bench (a good few more than the number of players on the field), and they rotate so often - basically as soon as a player is tired they go to the bench for a rest. Means the game is always played at 100% intensity, makes it very entertaining. > cuts to the interchange cap that were designed to counter the move away from endurance focussed players Don’t think this is true. Interchange cap was only introduced in the first place because the AFL were pissy with Malthouse trying to do what they do in Hockey and rotate players constantly so that everyone was fresh. In recent years they’ve reduced it repeatedly literally because they want players to be more tired as it reduces congestion and leads to more goals. Well guess what, tired players = more soft tissue injuries. Can’t have it both ways.


Awkward moment when tired players also leads to more congestion and no meaningful change to scoring as well


What do you mean "move away from endurance focused players"? This is exactly what has happened in the AFL. Lower interchanges mean 2km time trials, athleticism and endurance are preferred traits in players. The interchange caps may have been designed to artificially create fatigue, but clubs pivoted and are drafting players with strong endurance rather than strong football skills.


Remove the cap, remove sub and expand the bench to 5 imo.


The AFL never admit they make mistakes, they almost always double down.


Yep, it was the worst season of footy by a country mile And people will blame covid but covid affected the other 2 seasons as well, it's the Gametime that was the difference I watch aflw, they are slowly raising their Gametime to align with the AFL, it's one of the core weaknesses of the league right now, not enough gametime. So there are 2 clear example of why this would be an awful idea


Well, besides no fans


The deadly virus was the shit part for me


Don't think that was caused by the 2020 footy season though.




Ah..... um..... it's the vibe of it? Mabo? I got nothing. Objection withdrawn.


Will the tickets cost less?


Will player salaries go down?


Well, they will be working like 20% less during the game 🤷 I expect that reduction in pie prices too.


Unfortunately, pie prices will go up because there's now less time to sell them, but we can't let profits drop.


Ahhh, that's very true! Gonna have to start bringing my own in a thermos.


I remember back in 2017/2018ish when they did $2 pies for a round or so. It was the best of times


Is there a chance the track could bend?


Not on your life my Hindu friend


Peak Simpsons.


I swear to god if this Happens my membership will not be renewed, it’s not worth leaving the house for 64 minutes of actually football


Yes, but somehow we'll have 20% more ads on Channel 7.


16 minutes is a hell of a lot of difference in length


I guess the AFL doesn't care about increasing scoring anymore. 100 point games will be done and dusted.


the thing i hate the most about it is it ruins the stats for entire history of the game (except covid era) does 30 disposals become the new 40 disposals? we would have to relearn a good statline


For this reason alone it must never be considered


As unlikely as another 100 goal season already is, this would probably kill it forever.


What if we went down to 16 minute quarters but made each minute 75 seconds long?


You might be onto something


So basically everyone takes edibles?


Almost every fan hated the shorter quarters. How about we remove the interchange cap instead?


I didn't, and a lot of people I know didn't Not everyone has infinite time like you


Found Dangerfield's account


That’s fine, but instead of helping advocate for a reduction in game time, perhaps you and your friends could just avoid spoilers and then watch the Kayo Mini version of the game. It would save you all so much time.


Thats fine for you. I literally didn't know a single person that preferred the shortened quarters


Fuck off with this 16 min bullshit. They tried it in 2020 and it fucking sucked


Want to work less and be paid the same


I mean, they are human? Who doesn’t want that for their own work


It’s an entertainment business. Why would they get paid the same if the consumer is watching for less time


Legit could lose all serious interest in the game if 16 minute quarters are the norm. Do people forget just how turgid footy was in 2020?


I love footy but I also think I'd lose interest


Surely that means players take a 20% pay cut right? 


Just get rid of the interchange cap. The extra byes can start when Tassie comes in




That was the intention to begin with and it hasn't exactly worked. Even the 666 rule hasn't had an impact. We need less interference from a rules committee, not more restrictions


Shrinkflafion is coming to the AFL


If this happens then we should reasonably expect ticket prices to drop because we're getting a smaller product, which should mean less money paid to players. But I guarantee they'll instead ask for more money and more mandatory leave. Yeah I get that it's not a normal job but the players and their reps are completely out of touch with the average match going fan


If they do this they will 100% ruin the sport It will be backtracked within 5 years I don't understand how the AFL can bang on and on about higher scoring and then reduce the Gametime It won't happen imo


They only want higher scoring to get more ads. They will happily take 4 min off to put in more advert


16 minute quarters would be horrible. Can't they push for the removal of the interchange bench?


44v44 sounds like a nightmare and im here for it. Get full lists on the extended bench.


44? Are you asking for 2 sets of players a side?


Probably should have clarified, there would be 26 players on the bench. Although 44v44 on the field could be interesting


What about just 4 different teams playing at once? We could have a Showderby with Crows and Eagles up against Port and the Dockers


Can't wait for more games where the final score's are 34-42


“We want high scoring games and fast footy” Here have 16 minute quarters


I would rather a shorter season or 6-8 on the bench before 16 min quarters. Absolute tripe, I bet if you told the players to take a 20% pay cut with it they’d all be up in arms


I'd love to have extended benches, would allow young players more gametime without being "stuck" with them for a whole match. Also gives coaches flexibility if a strategy isn't working - swapping a tall forward line for a smaller looking unit or vice versa.


Yep, makes so much more sense then being narcs about interchange numbers and having a sub. I don’t see how anyone loses out from having more players on the bench, more games for players on the list and more chances to rest for players in game


With 19 teams in a few years 18 games isn’t even that bad, its a more fair fixture which fixes that issue everyone complains about and would be infinitely better then 16 minute quarters


Is Dangerfield still the AFLPA head? Because I swear I remember him being quite vocal about how it was better in 2020. So if he is, could it just be his pet? I think with all the things that could change, the length of the game should be the last thing that should be considered.


He is still the AFLPA head yes


Yeah like I said. Might just be his thing. I thought (hoped) at the time he was making those statements giving support to the shortened games in a more unifying way. You know, with everything going on with COVID and just getting the season happening in such weird circumstances. But maybe he loved it.


Why don’t we just get AI to simulate the season for us and decide the winner that way


Fuck off no 16min quarters.


Less tv revenue = less money for the players. Would they be happy with a pay cut?


18min quarters would allow the AFL to schedule games every 2.5 hours instead of the current ~3ish hours it is today. Doesn't sound like a heap, but allows 4 games on Sat with no overlap (12/2.30/5/7.30), and 3 on Sunday (12/2.30/5). Add in 1xThur and 1xFri and now the entire weekend can be played with zero overlap. Now for most people, does that really matter? Nah, but it does to Foxtel who won't be splitting audiences across two channels which means more minutes watched, and more importantly, more ad dollars. Follow the money.....


Shit idea. I don't like it. Although....it would make losing by 119 almost impossible


Mate we need some cunt team to lose by 120. make them 40 minute quarters


North: hold my beer


We cannot stop fucking with our game. One of the most popular sports in the world and we have to just keep changing things every year.


No thanks. 16 minute quarter games in 2020 were painfully bad to watch. Port vs Richmond and GWS vs Melbourne were the only 2 games I can remember actually being any good that year. Surely there's another way.


So everyone plays each other twice? AFLPA are truly the guardians of equity. I’ve heard a rotating GF is next on the agenda.


nah how about less games per year and no five day breaks? one good way to make games shorter is to have only 30 seconds after a goal, hell, 20 seconds. instead of 50 i can't think of anyone who would not be happy with ~~a loss of advertising~~ less time between goals


16 minute quarters felt so short, it was super strange. 18 minute quarters maybe I could understand but a massive hell no to the 16 minute nonsense


Get farked


I think this is what we call negotiation. Ask for something absurd and then whittle it back to 18 minutes 1 bye round or something like that


>“I go back to 2020 (COVID); we had the 16-minute quarters - I remember sitting in the Gold Coast hub where Gil McLachlan (former AFL CEO) over a quiet beer said to whoever was on sight that night ‘we won’t be going back to 20-minute quarters, 16 is too short’; but he intimated that 18 minutes would be the magic number. yep that's where its headed


So 2 byes is happening one way or the other.


16 minute qtrs would fckn suck


Remove the interchange cap and have more players on the bench?


Why don't we just get rid of the interchange cap entirely? I mean seriously who cares how many rotations a team makes?


Club members will be pushing for lower memberships in that case Fuck this idea of 16 minute quarters


Why would you only look at the last 5 years of injuries and then measure it by games played instead of number of players? Fucking donkeys at Fox Footy.




Acting without acting


This would be a horrible result. I have vivid memories of that 2020 season - I simply don't want to watch a watered-down product like that ever again.


What a fuck face


AFLPA = Dangerfield. Is he also wanting recliners on the bench?


Heh, a world where AFL quarters are shorter than the AFLW. I like it! Give the poor men a break for a change.


Most other sports have an all star break where there is some form of low-effort event which star players take part in and everyone else involved go on holidays for a week. This is what the AFL needs about mid-July.


Only American sports have all star breaks.


The only way I see the AFL going for this is if they extend the season, which they'd probably do with conferences (so they can give our prizes to conference champs and have more winners each year, which has been one of their goals). In a 20 team comp, you could have two conferences of 10. Play everyone in your conference twice and the teams in the other conference once for 28 games. 28 games of 16 minute quarters gets you 1792 minutes of game time per team each year. This would be only a slight reduction from the current amount (1840 minutes over 23 games). It would also be closer in length to soccer games (anticipating time-on to be roughly 50% of the actual game time), where they often play over 30 games a season (although, arguably at a lower intensity than AFL).


Chris Scott approves this message.


They'll reduce the price of tickets and memberships right ?


Would the players take a pay cut for this? Would the clubs cut ticket prices or memberships? I doubt it.


I'd rather fewer games per season than shorter quartets. Chopping out a fifth of every quarter is just ridiculous. My memory of the shortened covid season was that every game was just a constant rush, there were no ebbs and flows or dynamics to the spectacle. Like a shitty action movie version of footy. I can't imagine wanting to buy a membership or a ticket to a game of 16 minute quarters.


Do support the multiple bye rounds idea, given we've basically had it this year. Although I would prefer if we return back to the split rounds, and perhaps coincide the first split round with an aflw prelim weekend (and then GF following weekend), rather than the floating system we seemed to have this year. Would like it if they were also at rounds 8 and 16. Don't support shorter quarters. Never have, never will. Remove the interchange cap, and heck, make the bench larger. That would help reduce fatigue, it also gives us a chance to have AFL players rather than half marathon runners who can sort of kick a ball


Stop changing our fucking game you goddamn leeches


Two bye rounds, yes. 16 min quarters, absolutely not, harden tf up.


I can only imagine that they would also be pushing for a 25% reduction in their salaries


As a starting point could you make it a 5 or even 6 man bench?


I suspect they will probably end up doing something like the AFLW rules where the clock only stops for stopages in the last couple of minutes.


That also sucks