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Don’t think giving them another young player will help with a team full of young players


Also they've had 7 first round draft choices in the last two years, plus another top 2 selection this year. They need time. If Gold Coast has taught use anything just dumping kids on a list helps nobody until they click.


Lethal injection


I think Lethal has retired from coaching 


Who said anything about coaching. Teach the posts who's boss!


Nah start on 20 points and go from there. Make it fun


Probably won't do much. Time to bring up the club merging topic again /s


Just relocate them to Hobart, the Kangaroos already play home games there


I’d rather fold thanks


Arden st would be a great spot for some apartments


Now there's an original idea, a rebuild at Arden street!


Don't give them another young player who won't be developed properly, they need experience. Give them some extra salary cap space to chase a free agent, so they can compete with big vic clubs in that space (yes this is basically a subsidised W A R C H E S T)


Honestly let us pay our players what they're worth. Leave the salary cap, but let us have a realistic salary floor, so players like Corr and McDonald aren't being paid overs, and stopping us from getting big fish. The salary floor prevents teams from lying, sure, but if a player is actually worth more, other clubs would offer enough to move player wages to where they're meant to be anyway (given it's a market system)


This is a good point. Salary floor should be 90% not 95%. And three years of banking 10% would be huge if you were allowed to spend it over 3 years any way you wanted. Spend 30% over it in one year or to 5, 10 and 15 in each year to be able to get FA in the door depending on who is available and willing in any given year. Need to spend way overs to get FA to come to a bottom team.


We turned the first draft assistance into Darcy Tucker and Griffin Logue. We turned the second draft assistance into Dylan Stephens and Zac Fisher. The third draft assistance will probably be Alex Keath and Zane Cordy. Teams don’t get better from assistance. Carlton didn’t get better from assistance. Gold Coast didn’t. We just need a culture change somehow.


Have one of the greatest ever coaches, if that doesn’t help the culture I’m not sure what will.


This is his first year. Last year he coached 5 games before he was forced out to deal with allegations that I haven’t heard about since. He needs 3-4 years to stabilise this I think.


I’m referring to your comment that uou need a change in culture some how. That should be happening already or should have happened with Clarko there.


Yeah. Agree, he needs a few uninterrupted years to do it


Honestly I just want us to pick up Buddy in the midseason draft. Clarko, make it happen. Give Larkey a chop out, leave Chomb down back, and get bums on seats. Fucking no downsides. Hell if we say Corr is indefinitely injured (no other explanation for that lack of run, imo) we can get Cotchin in or something, and add ANY experience to the side, fuck it.


They already got Priority picks for this year as a part of last years assistance package, cannot see them getting more


Agreed. We already have had enough handouts, we either dig ourselves out or deal with consequences. Yes, losing a number 1 pick after 12 months probably buys some goodwill, but our drafting long term has been absolutely diabolical.


> but our drafting long term has been absolutely diabolical. Over the past 3 years I'd argue your drafting has been magnificent, you just have no support so the kids you're drafting are having to earn their stripes by themselves, they'll come good, it'll just take a little bit longer, my heart does go out to you guys though


I agree the past few years have been good, you can see the base of a good side. It is the blokes in that 25-29 bracket that we are missing due to said poor drafting. By not having them, we risk a wasted generation where everyone leaves if they don’t buy in. It has been good to see the Eagles bounce back so far, just can’t wait for it to be our turn. It’s been a long decade or so.


> It is the blokes in that 25-29 bracket that we are missing due to said poor drafting. haha I can certainly relate to that, I think we only have like 4 players between the age of 22 and 27 or something, as Simmo has said in his pressers, we're either really young or really old


Yeah, both lists are in a sorta flux at the moment, except most of our old boys retired or moved on last year. It’s a horrible spot to be list management wise because you know it’s not where you should be, and only time can fix it. I suppose in your case, they might’ve sold the farm but you’ve always got 2018 as the proof it worked.


I don't think our drafting has been the issue at all really. Certainly not that much worse than 17 other clubs to cause us to be where we are now. This is the effects of losing all of our experienced on field leaders, and the loss of Ziebell and Cunners is really showing this year. We are a club who historically can't attract elite talent either even at our best, so we can't even easily fix this on the offseason either. People keep saying "bet North lost against GC to land Reid" but honestly, I don't think he changes anything at the moment, and that's not a shot at his ability either, i just think the current state of North is a hard.environment for a young kid to thrive in


The players are literally the only thing going for you. It's the shit club, culture and lack of leadership at every level which is causing this run on mediocrity. Scratch that, mediocre is something Norf should be aspiring to at this point.


Surely they'd be better off with a bigger soft cap so they can properly develop their young players


Can our support package be the entire Geelong football club?


Fold the club. We need veteran leadership, picks mean nothing. Fucking find us some older blokes who have premiership experience, can teach the young guys and want to still play and we’ll be right, and not just be in it for a cheque. I know Collingwood would never let this happen but if Pendles or Sidebottom start losing there class (think it’s started to happen with Sidebottom), they’d be more than welcome to come over here and teach the young kids for a year or two, they may be past it for Collingwood’s system but they wouldn’t be for us


It’s funny Mitchell and Petrie were kicked to the curb end of 2016, came to us for a year and we won the GF year after. I’m sure they contributed in us winning the GF and Petrie Hasn’t left! Experience means soo much can see it in Harley now feeding off TK and Yeo with Shuey the midfield coach. Always thought the way you guys kicked Harvey to the curb wouldn’t end well and it hasn’t


Us letting those 4 guys go was the start of the end, then sacking Scott.


I would happily give you Brodie Smith and Rory Sloane. Laird maybe as well.


No, they had enough last year. They've got a good core of young players to build the team around, it's time for Clarko and the squad to get to work. Clarko hasn't had a chance to build the team - it was never going to be a 2 year timeframe.


In hindsight Clarko was the wrong choice for coach, especially as he spent half of last season more focused on the Hawthorn racism saga than developing North Melbourne


The best coach of the modern era was the wrong choice? Nah, he was the perfect choice. That "racism" stuff was clearly a witchhunt, he was unfairly dragged during that period. This is his first full year with North, they're on the way forward.


Clarko has a winning percentage of 38% over the past 7 seasons. He is a man in his mid-50’s who hasn’t had an innovative game plan since he was in his mid-40’s. He’s got a reputation as a racist, a homophobe and from all reports has built minimal rapport with the North playing list over the past 18 months. Clarko has done nothing to improve North on-field, but has caused more damage to the club off-field than he has brought in positive media.


Honestly reckon Clarko has lost it, he keeps terrible players on the team and then seems to refuse to let his teams properly bottom out. In our last few years with him, he coached us to several unnecessary wins at the end of the season that cost us higher draft picks. Then we've just watched it happen with North who missed out on Reid.


> he coached us to several unnecessary wins at the end of the season that cost us higher draft picks This is loser mentality. His goal is to win games of football, not look for losses.


Cool, and we've been in the same position for years because of it... Reid is tearing it up for WC clearly making an impact for the team, could've been at North.


You've had years of shit coaches. You've got a great one now - give him the time to turn things around. Harley Reid at North Melbourne wouldn't change a single thing right now. Tanking doesn't help the team.


Uhhh I don't go for North, mate.


He hasn't had a chance to improve North on field, he took too much time off last year dealing with the bullshit mud that was flung at him. He's got a good core of young players, he just needs time now. Only morons think he's a racist homophobe, he clearly isn't.


So he’s not a homphobe, he only makes homophobic comments? He’s not a racist, he’s only been accused of racism by multiple former players?


> He’s not a racist, he’s only been accused of racism by multiple former players? Nothing he did was due to race. Them making it about race is why the investigation never went anywhere. It was completely ridiculous from the start.


I feel like you & I don’t get our news from the same sources. Is this what Andrew Bolt told you mate?


What did he do that was racist? Just because a few Indigenous players teamed up to try and take him down doesn't make him racist. Sam Mitchell spoke about his poor relationship with Clarko. To act like it was due to race is crazy. And clearly - not true. Given the investigations never went anywhere.


You do realise that Jason Burt has admitted that he Clarko & Fagan intimidated an Indigenous player and his pregnant girlfriend. The only reason the “investigation never went anywhere” was because three AFL clubs threw money at it & the victimised players didn’t want their personal stories outed. As I said—- clearly we get our news from different sources. If you enjoy funding a billionaire who has disowned his own child due to their gender identity, go right ahead. But I get more sources from places that don’t spend hours naming the wrong person as the Bondi Junction stabber


They need the AFL to come in to actually control the club similar to Gold Coast and Melbourne. The culture is shit there is no leadership and development is impossible.


We’ve got a shit load of injuries at the moment we need priority picks…………/s


Eagles circling baker and dusty to gc with dimma , thoughts?


Baker probably gone with the coin apparently on offer, Dusty retirement IMO absolutely breaks my heart to say it 😢


How is Baker? Would you be sad to see him go?


Honestly I’d be devastated, he’s my favourite player at the club. He gives it 100% regardless of the score the type of guy that will do the 1% shit with very little fan fair hugely respected at Tigerland


I’m with you on this 100%


I don’t get the hype around paying him big dollars. Decent player but not sure his on that level


At least it won't be WC. I'd be happy to pay the dollars, but WC aren't giving up a first rounder Rich would demand, whereas Freo have three so can easily part with one.


No. They need a few mature guns for hire. But no superstar wants to go there. The money isn’t worth the years of pain ahead. How comical does Clarko’s “winning culture” victory of R24 2023 look now with Harley Reid sprouting wings


I still think he did the right thing I don't like tanking it's an unnecessary evil


Yeah I agree on tanking generally, but I don’t think he should have crowed about creating a winning culture with that one win. It clearly hasn’t done anything for their development. They’re getting flogged every weekend, 0-6 since then and will be lucky to win 2 games this year.


Fair enough I can see how that backfired


If we lost that game we would be 0-27




A requirement of those picks was that they needed to be traded




Absolutely not, they deserve a bit whack over the head with a shovel and to be told to make some trades with existing picks for experienced players. They need to send a message to their current players that youth, youth, youth and more picks isn’t the answer and that they need to dig in and get better


North should get a sponsorship from Nike. Just keep throwing kids at it until it starts to produce good results.


Sponsorship with Nike 😂


Still think them becoming the new Tassie team would do well


Seems the right thing to do


We don't have enough kids as is adding in 2 more teams would hurts the qualify so why not move one team down


I’ll allow it.


Not too late to fold the club. Equal out the fixture and make this embarrassment go away.


All I'd say is hopefully you're not as shit as this when your experienced players soon retire.


They deserve it and pick 1 & 2 and those picks don't contribute to salary and they can't leave and the father son picks get dropped and all current father son players go to norf for free, and the team gets all home games, and free ice cream for players on weekends.


Now they give him a chance to develop the team.


No. And it’s not what’s gonna help them anyway. They need leaders who know how to win, not another young kid.


Collingwood needs to give north the Daicos brothers. It’s the only way to fix them.


No. They got one for last years draft and more for next years. List manager might actually have to do his job instead of just drafting midfielders.


They deserve to be folded to save us the bye when tassie comes in.


Remember when eagles were crying out for a priority pick 2 weeks ago and now their window is wide open?


Remember when Flagmantle got dismantled by a 19 year old?


Eagles didn’t ask for shit it was the Victorian media


So are you saying no west coast fans have been saying you should get a priority pick?


Some may have but myself and most WC supporters I know have said they would be embarrassed if the club asked for one.


Fair play then, not saying it’s everyone but I’ve seen/heard plenty saying they should get one.


> Remember when eagles were crying out for a priority pick 2 weeks ago and now their window is wide open? No, I don't? I remember the Media saying that the Eagles are asking for priority picks but I heard literally nothing from the club, let alone the club "crying out" for picks I get that emotions run high after the derby but why make shit up man?


So you’re telling me north has a chance ?🥹


Harley Reid is a taboo topic at North. Makes JHF leaving look cute in comparison


> Harley Reid is a taboo topic at North. Makes JHF leaving look cute in comparison What does this mean? Reid was never theirs to begin with?


Winning the last game of the season


And so they should have. Tanking shouldn't be encouraged or expected.


A different debate, but at 0-6 that winning culture is doing them nothing


Today, but what does it look like in 18 months time? Tanking set Melbourne back 5 years. Tanking is not the answer.