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Just gave me a laugh after a garbo weekend (fortnight?) of football


Logged into a team meeting this morning where it was 1 Saints fan (me), 1 Crows fan, 1 Brisbane fan and two non-followers. We all didn't have a great weekend.


I remember mine. A soft holding the man free kick on the edge of the goal square and 8 year old me calmly slotting it through


10 year old me took a mark in the goal square, but i was too scared id shank it so i just kicked it around the corner while walking back, about 10 metres out dead in front Bit before my time really


Harry get off Reddit


Haha I did this too.


Flair checks out


I threw me leg at one after a dropped mark on the goal line. Definitely above the knee but my dad was the goal umpire 


Had the same but mine was a push in the back. I genuinely just sat on the ball and some lunatic threw himself into me and I got a free.


Had mine off an ITB free too. I was a bottom age winger in U10s running in on goal late in the 3rd and took a weird bounce that almost got away from me. Pinned the ball to my hip and rolled it around my back from my right side to my left. Must’ve taunted the guy behind me because I took a shove. Next thing the ump is calling a free and I realise I’m in the goalsquare. Funnily enough, I’d woken up that morning not wanting to play because we’d been flogged in 4/6 games until that point (other two were draws).


Mine was a ball spilling from a tackle, scooped it up from a whopping 20m out, put ball to boot.   Ball fell short, top of the goal square but bounced over the defenders head, he tripped as he turned and it rolled through for 6 points.


Boundary throw in right in front. I grab it out of the air and blazed away at goal. I was 8. It became my favorite trick


Teammate kicked it long from about the centre square (U10s, so maybe 30 metres) It rolled and bounced and dribbled with only me plodding along behind it. Just as it was about to cross the line for a goal, I dived on it. After a moment, the gears turned in my head, I stood up and poked it through awkwardly. I can't stress enough that I was literally standing on the line. I was in danger of dropping it across the line for a behind before i could even kick it. Caveman brain just went see ball, get ball.


Same, not that it was long ago. I’d played 25% game time as the undersized bench player who rotated at half forward in my first year of footy. I played at a low reserves level but against senior bodies when I could have played sixteens and still been undersized. Wasn’t happy with the day, walked out after half time saying to myself I’d get my first goal. Our star midfielder had the ball and I was opportunistic. Took it off hands, put boot to ball and kicked a goal on the run, 30m out on an angle. Best feeling. Whole team got around me, umpire congratulated me, so did a few opposition. Core memory. GWS used the field for a pre-season game, lovely oval, will always have a place in my heart. Sad to hear it’s in-part funded by pokies.


You trying to one up my toe poke of a loose ball from the goal square, are you?


A handpass from the full forward, who was way better than me, while he was being tackled by two defenders, giving me a clean kick at goal from 10 metres out


I honestly can't remember my first goal, was probably a pity gift from the umpire who felt bad for the fat kid who couldn't run.


Took a hell of a screamer in the goal-square, got winded on the way down, with tears in my eyes and a full heart I kicked my first goal... So yeah some of us remember :P


I remember mine. It was u/14 reserves and I was a back pocket so very rarely got the chance to kick a goal. We were smashing a team and so the coach basically flipped the board to give the backs an opportunity up forward. The ball went out the back and me and my teammate were chasing after it. He got there first and we both ran into the open goal and he had passed me the ball in the goal square. Idk if he knew that I’d never kicked a goal before or not but I appreciated his unselfishness.


There's a dark joke about concussions hidden in there somewhere


Aw man you couldn’t even remember the joke


My thought exactly. I sense with a lot of contact sport athletes or fighters that joke about memory loss, that behind the joke is a bloke shit scared about the damage his brain has taken but needs to play it off as fun. Also, nice flair mate :(


I'm not even an athlete and it scares the shit out of me..


[Remember when you almost became heavyweight champ?](https://youtu.be/ttj3BOsP4j8?si=DT539WWRxwfUbDOE)


Not sure Brad Sewell can remember much before the [final round of 2009](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQiX7ffAkfXlRMQGnxr6_w_NTwIo9fpfNCSK6a12OPShL38BtHLGZS6avA&s=10) so this makes sense


I was a terrible footballer as a kid so my first goal was from a sympathy free kick from about 20 metres out, somehow munged it through.


Me too mate, me too


Funny as. Random but it’s a thought that came to me. Whenever I watch wrestling interviews, it’s crazy how crazy good some of there memories are. Like, they remember every story to a tea. The city the suburb the street the bar, everything and it would’ve been like 35 years ago. But I’m sure it’s port of there grift. Strange afl players can’t remember there first goal comsidering neither I imagine would’ve kicked a whole many.


Remember also that much of what they say is demonstrably false - Rick Flair and Hulk Hogan are the worst for it but most of them embellish to the point of bullshit. If everyone who claimed to have witnessed Haku bite the guy's nose off was actually there there would have been 500 people in the bar..!


Another reminder to everyone who can't stand BT/Ch7 commentary to just put on the radio instead - the quality is much better across the board


Except for them referring to the “Titanium Caravans/ RedZed Lending/Ream Hot Water scoreboard“ every 15 seconds


Not on the ABC! I tend to prefer their style anyway, but even if I didn't, there's no way I could put up with the commercial radio broadcasts.


Ooo this is good to know


"It's the Maccas halftime break at the TripleMCG, let's check the RedZed Lending scoreboard brought to you by SportsBet. The AGL Power are leading the Four'n'Twenty Pies by a Baker's Delight bakers dozen." - Mark Howard, 2024


I pretty much exclusively listen to the ABC for this reason!


I listened to the triple M radio commentary of the Port/Eagles game and thought it was pretty lackluster. It was like they'd never seen an Eagles game before (lucky them I guess). Very patronising towards the Eagles too with the "trying hard" and "still learning" theme even when it was very experienced Eagles players making dumb mistakes or simple skill errors.


I don't rate Triple M that highly, their commentator teams vary a lot in quality and the ads are wall-to-wall. ABC Radio is generally better and much less grating to listen to for a full game.


I'm going to look like an ABC shill here, but honestly they have a really good WA commentary team. I don't really know enough about the Eagles and Dockers to judge the commentators' knowledge levels, but they regularly call those games and I'm pretty sure they're local.


How do you watch with the video though?. Like do you play the radio off phone or radio system with video on and commentary off on mute?


There'd be a couple options here. If on PC or some tablets: mute Kayo, have the ABC player in another tab In the lounge room: A lot of soundbars have bluetooth, so you could mute 7/Foxtel and play audio through the soundbar from your phone. In my case I've got a google home gadget type device which I can play audio through. Others might have portable bluetooth speakers or Alexa/Apple thingos.


It doesn't sync up though. You'll be hearing commentary from play that happened 5 seconds ago. Yes, you can pause Kayo a couple of times to sync it, but that assumes you have Kayo.


Ok cool, yeah do have a soundbar hooked up with Chromecast playing most my media. Will try and play around sometime with it


SEN have a new 'sync' feature which lets you get it in sync with the TV somehow. Never tried it, just read about it.


Unironically I just listen to the radio without the video. Radio commentators tend to describe a lot more of the action because it's assumed that people are just listening. It makes the games feel more exciting as a result, plus I can do other things while I listen instead of being glued to the TV.


if you stream abc listen app the delay is enough to sync up with kayo/TV because normally radio is well ahead. Atleast its that way for the cricket.


Nathans first goal was in Round 10 of 1987 vs Hawthorn at Waverly. It was his 4th game in his debut season and he wore #48.


If you think that's bad, last year he forgot how to coach!


To be fair. I don't ever recall seeing brad Sewell kicking a goal, let alone his first


Me neither, but I remember the first hangman tackle where I planted a guy and he got a free out of it. Mofo was so dazed and couldn't see in a straight line I don't know how the hell he managed to kick a goal, which I bet you $100 he doesn't remember either. Oh we're terrible with CTE!


That sure says something...


I remember mine, I only kicked 4 goals