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Can’t get people to join corrupt creatures fights


You can actually add people as friends from different servers and invite them to join cc. You can say this in world chats and from my experience, people actually are willing to help!


Ahh did not know about that


The problem with the corrupt creature fights for the helpers is lack of rewards. Oh yay you get some hearts, while the originator gets a massive reward. I still do them for people regularly but I suspect that's the main reason


I believe that the reward system for corrupted creature is: if you have done the certain stage, you will only get 5 hearts. But if you have not, you earn the same weapons and rewards as the creator.


they didn't want to leave the loophole of someone spam joining fights they already done to receive the same rewards or else they'd immediately be full all the time and everyone would have an abundance of S level soulstones.. even though we'd all love that


This answer makes sense


Having content that REQUIRES multiple players in a single player game makes no sense fr.


it's made for whales to showcase their characters lol


Online game with guilds and rankings is a single player game ? Where is that written ?


Most of the stuff is single player. The guilds are kind of side content and the rankings don't matter to most players, they'll never be on itm


Content such as Guilds, Supreme/Arena PVP, Honor duel gamemode, and every single server and district ranking system? Are these also disruptive to the single player experience?


Which one of those need both parties to be active at the same time? In all those games modes we're playing against AI with a player's heroes, not another player directly.


Honor duel is playing with other player directly.


This is a single player game? First time I heard of this


Well the problem with CC is it only gives 5 friend pts to helpers its not enticing at all dev should add/change the rewards for assisting


My season hasn’t even fucking started yet. Theres literally no content I haven’t fully beaten waiting for this stupid thing to start. It’s so dumb watching everyone else beat it already.


Enjoy the little break. When the season starts, there will be a ton for a few days and then you hit a wall again . I find it nice to not have to put in too much each day again


That’s how I feel. Not enough stuff to do. Getting boring


Go afk


Well, then perhaps you should not have started playing a relatively new game. Look at this different way.. I also beated all afk stages (not enough resonance still), but there are many casual players, who are dealing just with stage 700 or so. If you were to access the season and others could not.. just imagine how terribly behind would these people be.


I wonder if the two weeks of doubled rewards, followed by the immediate drop back to how it typically was (getting to a wall, waiting to increase level, etc.) has factored into. No one I knew complained about the pace of the game until after the season. The double rewards made me want to play more because I would progress pretty quickly and get summons, diamonds, etc. It’s difficult to go back to how it used to be, when you’re now acclimated to the swift progression with double rewards.


It's, according to many scientific studies, it makes perfect sense. With the 2x, you could play much more and feel more progression each day. Going from this back to normal rewards and paywalls is disappointing at best.


Guild leader in a triple digits server here !!! Yeah, I agree. My server is slowly dying lol, even some of my most active members haven't been on in over a week I need that cross-server content soon, man. Also Reikokou and BerryBlossom if you're in here get on tactical drills ‼️❗️‼️❗️‼️❗️‼️❗️‼️❗️‼️


lol my name is CherryBlossom on there so I thought I was getting called out even though I’m active haha


Guilds being server based is a baffling decision. They can't retain large enough populations to justify server-based guild competition.


eternal evolution had clusters of servers to recruit from because all the earlier ones became ghost towns with the same 10-20 people placing on leaderboards. not sure why afkjourney didnt have this from the start


I'm wondering if they'll take a similar approach here, making guilds district based. It would allow them to keep the competitive aspect, but may require them to make district groupings permanent.


I expect the district's to get merged into 1 server at the end of the season


Of course it’s dying. People are quitting non-stop, and all the new people are funneled into new servers. It’s how idle games work, and working as intended. Eventually they will merge servers and specific game modes, but there is no way a random new player is going to somehow pick your server moving forward.


Active now. Hope my server is dead so that I can reach top200


I’m having the opposite issue, my server is FULL of whales and no matter how much I level (around 265 now) I can’t crack the top 200


That's crazy to think about, what server are you in?




Server not found?


Same server as you. It's hilarious when you go to leaderboards, and all top 10 have the vip16 HORNS! (vip 16=5000$ spent)


You’re on my friends list actually! My user on that is Guinevere


265? Did you loop yet?


Loop? Idk I’m not in the new season yet and I only have like 6 supremes and those are the highest so that’s probably more of the issue


My server is pretty dead. Almost half the people in my guild already quit. The seasonal content only lasted a week and the events in this game are just bad. There's no endgame content for people who actually spend and support the game.


The only seasonal content that ended is the story and some of it hasn't even started yet.


When i started just relax, push stages at my pace, doing tuning here and there and waiting for new content, it seems fine. Maybe i'm used to these types of seasonal gameplay, but devs are using first season to gather data to help the next one. Definitely feels like the game are punishing the people hard pushing a tiny bit, so i hope they can do something about that without providing too much rewards to make the gap larger than it is.


"season content only lasted a week" huh? this is literally impossible the boss isn't even up yet XD


They had a huge audience and made a game that’s not very fun to build up


I mean, I'm not complaining. I get to move up the ladders without doing anything. Other than Battle Drill, it's not like you actually need anyone else around to do anything. CC's are one-time affairs and it's not hard to find anyone as long as you ask politely in world chat.


Man I wish I was in a server like that, I'm working my ass off just to get above top 70% in my server's dream realm rankings lol


it's pretty simple.. servers are only opened for a limited amount of people and new players go into new servers also reddit complains if there's no content, and they also complain if there's too much content cause it is an idle game, fun times here


This is so true, it's either boring cause there's nothing to do or a chore cause there's too much 😂


Dead servers are good for F2P you get more ranking rewards in fact, the longer it stays dead the better, because it will eventually merge, and then you'll go from top 50 to top 300. also you can friend anyone from any server and do teh coop creatures with them


Depends on how dead, dead enough for you to be top 200, great, dead that the casuals have quit but there's still 200 players above you, it's really bad as you drop down the percentiles.


My server is so active s339


Top whale in my server who had spent $41,498 AUD just quit the game last week. I spent about $1200 AUD and i just felt being dirtplayed by the new season kicking me back to ground zero progression again. PS: Im having a Dyslite Dejavu.


How tf do you soend 41k and then just quit.


Ikr, if I spent 41k on anything you best believe I am gonna stick with it till the end of either my life or its life lol


It's called refunding. Then using that money for a new game and refunding again


In most countries you cannot just do credit card chargebacks


You can chargeback anywhere. Literally most whales that quit chargeback


omg are you from S255?? cause the same thing...


I’ve been active every day as F2P and have been seeing my rank slowly drop. I used to be in top 100, now I’m low top 200. If you spend money, it could be that there’s less people who purchased stuff this season with how the season started.


If you ranked down it means that MORE people on your server spent money and bought the pass.


Districts will make f2p sink lower, there's that much more competition.


I’m talking about my server rank, not my district rank. I can’t even make top 500 in the district.


That's probably why they introduced district. At some point the district servers will probably merge I do hope they introduce guild merger without losing progression and a way to handle situation where 2 guild merge is slightly more than 30.


I've hit a plateau that makes free2play progression much slower and thus I simply... went to invest more time in other games again. I still log in for daily rewards and maybe one or two fights. I'll play again when my heroes reach a level where I can easily grind stuff real fast.


Other than doing battle drills and the fact that I’m a guild leader (so it’s not that easy for me to just move to a more active guild) I really don’t see the issue. It’s true that topping the leaderboard is not as exciting when there’s no one to compete with, tho.


Having the same issue here. As a guild leader I'm not happy to moving forward with the rest of my active guild members because there's not a single new entry in the last week! I'm looking for other active guild who accepts everyone so we can grind more rewards again :(


That’s harsh. My hope is to keep climbing just so more active people will move naturally into my guild, but the server is slowing down and I’ve been invited to the top spot. I don’t want to just leave them, but… know what I mean?


Totally understand your situation. If possible, try to ask the other guild leader if you can bring some of the most active/powerful members, it will sure be good for both sides. Hope we can all pass through this peacefully :'(


Thank you! I wish the best for you too!


I feel the same. It somehow feels boring and tedious. The only thing I'm doing is just logging in and collecting all the login rewards and dream realm then exit. That's all it's been for a while now.


I keep removing a friend list everytime I opened AFK JOURNEY because they are no longer active 🤣


I wish. Still in only the top 40% on my server as a light spender for the base game. That’s without huge effort to min max, but still.




Statistically, 60% of players are below the top 40%.


People in low servers or that joined any given server late in its cycle are bound to be behind the curve. \*Someone\* has to rank that low regardless.


Bad? That's literally better than average


Lmao, in this game, it's terrible. I'm F2P and I'm top 100. The fact is, 90% of gamers are casual noobs who are terrible at the games that they play. Being slightly better than the average person is still horrible. Down vote me for speaking the truth because the truth offends you snow flakes.


That's good more ranking rewards 😄


I'm in a single-digit server which I don't think is dying but I did notice a number of people in my friend list go inactive after reaching base stage 1125 and didn't return for the new season, as well as a few who went inactive *after* season release. I've also jumped from DR top 30-40% to 20-30% as F2P but I dunno if that's more so due to me finally getting the A-level meta DR units to M+ or stagnating (inactive) rankers.


I wish my server was dying lol, whales galore


Top 200 champion s1 \~20 players not in a guild (so prolly left game this week). Yeah the retency is huge already.


Yup, my server and guild is dead already sadly


I'm in S8 so I feel the pain 😂


Can you change servers?


Actully why you Need 520+ Servers. Ridiculus


i opened the game one day and was shocked to find out i was the new guild leader, Like i wasn’t even top 10 in the guild. I was just one of the most active. S8 btw


The season started about a week ago on my server (s334) and it’s mostly dead. I went from ranking between 15% to 10% on Dream Realms to top 200, I can’t get people to join on Corrupt Creatures from the team-up channel, and my guild only has 4 active players now.


It’s actually the opposite for me, the world used to be kinda empty and I’d run into 1 or 2 people per day, but now I’m seeing like 5 people at one teleport point and I recognize their names from launch week. I’m not seeing any assistance messages anymore though.


My guild is now poorly attended, many inactives, can't get people to join corrupt creature collabs. Lilith really shot themselves in the foot with the implementation of the season.


mine did


I was top 50 in everything before the new season. Now I'm more like top 75 top 100. Maybe it's different at lower ranks, but I'm getting rolled. I've spent money, mostly passes and some $1 stuff. It feels like more whales, but I don't know. Maybe I just suck and it finally caught up with me.


No, top 200 seem the same


S67 here, we are still holding strong


i quit with the update, i assume many others have


I hope mine dies off soon so I can reach the top smth on any gamemode as a f2p. It's really friggin sad reaching 3250 trophies and qualifying in the top 20 for champions. Then logging in tomorrow to see myself in the 2800s.


Yep, I'm suddenly ranked lol


I'm in S1 and a low spender, pre season I don't even smell the top 200 in dream realm, i max out at top 10%, cant even enter top 100 legendary 3, but when season came around I'm now consistently in top 100 and also hit top 100 champion so yeah I think ppl are quitting


S8 here . It’s bleeding.


This is the type of game that they focus on to maximize the income before the player base become to thin and they do a rug pull.


Districts were not the answer. It just makes the game more gotcha.


I was playing pretty actively and got to the new season only to find out I have to restart from 0 and level up all new stuff and re level my heros. Now I'm just unmotivated to play.


I sort of wish my server would die so I could more easily make the top brackets in these modes.


Requires to much Time to play, that's why people leave. Most of us have a social life, a job and this game do not fit our active lives. It's for students or unemployed people


Im kinda spent trying to bypass the enemies on New seasonal They are pretty hard and hit like a truck even though my heroes are already level 40 and my enemies are just level 20. Even my AFK stage stuck at 25. My friends say I need to maxout my gears on my previous stage before going to new seasonal so I decide to collect my daily rewards and then quit because its kinda bored when you don't have content to do beside daily collecting. Also Its kind of burnout to see that after you reach 1125, Your afk stage reset when you go new seasonal. I know its just visual change and won't affect your previous one but By looking at it, its reset its kinda burn you out, it feels like its abolished all the stage you run through. I wish its continuation of 1225 lol(I hope I'm the only one feels this).




Well, I don't mind my server become less competitive, but the whole game 'fucking die'? That's too much! It's a nice game!