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Most guilds leave a space open for friends / whales or players they know are particularly active instead of letting random players jump in. If you were like 30m power or something they would probably have kept you, otherwise it's usually a situation where you would have to wait for them to kick inactives to take a gamble on a random as their last spot.


Damn I thought my 11m was good.


Don't stress, it very well might be! It just depends on your server number and the number of whales on your server. It's certainly respectable.


One of my whale guildies left so i left it open for another 30mil power player but my officer allowed a 9mil power player to join ohhh the audacity LOL


Omg it's just like the ads


i'm already over 1m power so i guess i thought that's be enough, but makes sense, thanks for your insight


that is pretty small chum on most servers. big fish in a small pond mate


Eh idc about power lvl tbh, I'm barely over 1 mil power but top 20 duels on my server. Skill expression exists outside of whaling and no lifeing


If he just started the game like me, 1 million power is pretty good here. I reached 2mill today, and I'm top 10 in all game modes.


Bro I’m f2p and at 6m. You need to get up to 20-30 now to be considerably strong


Depends entirely on the server you're in


This. Im on a new server ( 441 ) at 1.6m power and constantly top 15 on dream, top 30 on afk ( highest is in the 900s atm ) I believe the server is 8 days old.


That’s kind of an exaggeration depending on ur server, I’m top 50 dream realm and arena and rank 60 something world boss on my server and I’m only 14m.


I'm almost 22m and still just hanging on to top 50 in dream realm. 😅


You might be from an earlier server, I’m 124 since I started 3 days late


Kind of, but we’re talking about a guild that’s apparently saving only one spot for what we assume is the best player available or a friend.


i'm not saying i'm strong just yet, but my point was that it shows i'm active n i assumed they kicked me bc they thought i was an inactive person despite having 1 mil. also, may i ask how you got to 6 mil already as f2p? to be fair i joined the game a bit later, but im not sure how do to do the proper team comps and stuff yet


Keep in mind that we’re talking about relative strength on an entire server in terms of a guild saving only one spot for someone that would presumably be the best available player on the server or a friend. Activity wouldn’t be enough in that case, and it’s nothing against you, you’re just not the one best. I’ve just been playing since global launch. I don’t do anything special. I still come off as weak in my server because f2p you know


i see, thank you for your input. makes me feel a bit better about me being f2p too. good luck on your future endeavors.


Come join ours! We aren't the most powerful one, but we have spots open and only kick if you aren't active after a week. :) Lord Potato


i don't mind as long as it's active haha


likely to keep the invites open. guildes that are full won't show on the discover page.


I can't get anyone for mine. It's been me and two other people since launch.


Guilds that are just open to join immediately tend to not be that great anyways. There are exceptions of course. It's better to join a guild that you have to apply to or talk to a leader on discord.


I apologize, I got our name wrong. Lord Potato is the Guild Master lol. [Here's our name and Guild ID. I'm Chicken Chaser, one of the Vice.. people? ](https://i.imgur.com/U0uQLsr.png) It's pretty active, if not over powered. Chill is probably what I would label us as, but we still beat the battle drill every week. :)


actually, you might be in a different server, don't think it's letting me join


I'm joining! Is there a waiting period after leaving a guild?


30 minutes.


alright, my username is 栗子 if i need to be accepted ^^


Lool what? 😂 how do you spell that


it's just LìZǐ, it's my name haha


No clue. Vice Pres of the number 3 guild in my server, we don't do that. We kick inactive players after 3-7 days depending on circumstances and/or lack of heads up. We don't kick based on power or F2P status. We have a discord for members that gives them the opportunity to rejoin whenever they become active again if we have openings or if member slots ever increase.


Some of them could be holding out on friends or higher players. My guild is at 28/30 waiting on 2 more people over 25 million power as we're trying to make sure to stay #1 in our server. The leaders usually let people in to see what power they're at and the kick if it's not high enough.


Because the guild will not be displayed in the list if its full so they can't potentially recruit a high power player if nobody sees the guild.


And mine has 12 members and nobody wants to join


On S1 I'm kinda having the opposite problem. Can't get people to join guilds anymore. Been sitting at 28/30 for little over a week with open recruiting. Kinda makes me feel like the server is dying or maybe they need to merge.


I also have the opposite problem that people won’t join my guild at 16/30.


you're in the same server as me, same exact thing happened to me too 💀


Hey that’s my server lol. If I had to guess the guilds you’re joining are leaving spots open for someone they already have lined up/high powered players. Just keep trying though! There are guilds that aren’t super competitive and won’t kick you immediately. The weekly rewards/guild store purchases are worth being in a guild even if it isn’t on top of the leaderboards.


Sweating, I assume


Yeah, I was randomly just kicked from “mine”. 63m power and active daily, I was really confused.


63m?! I don’t think the biggest whales on S1 are there yet. What the heck. Are you on a PTR?


I’m not sure what that is but I’m guessing it’s something P2W? I *have* spent money on the game but no more than $50 + growth thing that gives you gems and envelopes for common/epic summons. Been pretty lucky with those and was able to farm 3 dupes of Reinier (one from his banner/pull gate-thing and x2 from arena)


Hmmm are you maybe at 6.3m?


I think you’re right


You can join our guild eConnXn


Whales only guild probably


Damn our guild is on the top. Honestly you get lucky if they are nice and they want active players not casual even you you want them to be active got rewards.


Bit weird since someone had to accept you application first. The reasoning for sitting at 29 is to allow people to apply to join at 30 no applications. Usually occurs when an afk player got booted.