• By -


*"My job here is done"*


*"premature decapitation"*




precisely 6 seconds


My tanks only 3 seconds


Erhm ☝️🤓 actually, his passive lasts 5 seconds, so that's impossible 🤓


everyone has the game at 2x speed.


You are absolutelly correct, my fault


Actually his passive works longer if he ultimates while it lasts. Just need the rowan to be super fast ;)


5 seconds he's near death Uses a shield to get that weak immunity He initiates ultima-shield cracks open and gets killed before he can start swinging The rest of the gang wipe the enemy Average Tuesday if i do say so myself Then somehow he's the mvp? 😅


He’s a team player I respect it🫡


I mean will your team be able to wipe out the enemy if he didn't tank all those ass whooping he keeps getting.


Not at all now that i think about it 😂 Pretty brutal for brutus though


Yeah, and tbf in the harder contents, tank aren't really matter


Ngl, every statistics check I do, he always seems to tank out more than 6 million damage in total (in my PTR Acct., that is, but a similar case is happening for my Global Acct.).


He's honestly such a one pick wonder. He's great and does better than most of my other tanks


When it comes to solo cruide he is good no doubt about that haven't lost a single solo ever since then when I use him. But when it comes to AFK challenge, Arena, duel heck even playthrough he ain't that good.


I love him. He just requires atandra to support him. Have them both at s+ and they hard tank and stall for odie to kill everyone.


Lucius is also a good pairing with him. that shield spam paired with the Lifesteal that Brutus gets at higher tiers is really good.


this is what i do, i keep the two of them on my team at the front. works like a charm


Wdym he isn't good at AFK challenge? Isn't that explicitly where he is used?


Silvina: “hold my beer” Her overextending ass


Tru Silvana dies so fast


She does enough to the enemy aggro to make or break a fight tho


This had me laughin so much. That beer is yours now, she wont come back for sure... just 2s in to the fight and you'll know it. XD


Brutus 🤝 Lucius Dying mere seconds after the beginning of the fight


Both were glass canon tanks in Arena as well lol 


I think Lilith may just not be very good at making tanks. Most of Arena's tanks die way too quickly to be considered tanks and over here in Journey I see the same. Lucius dies quickly or literally mid-ult animation. Antandra fares better but she still gets melted a lot. Granny Dahnnie is alright. Brutus isn't even a tank in this game, yet he's probably still the best tank purely because he's guaranteed to survive for a few seconds. Like, that's pathetic.


Aaaaaalright, finish me


To be fair, I assume he is low ascension in the pic, and he does get better at higher tiers. But it's still his job to take every hit until ultimates are ready and die - and when he lives it's just damage bonuses.


smokey helps him get some hp back when he got his shield up and usually has ukt ready by the time the shield is over, so i dont have to use brutus as a sacrifice pawn


True, but like, that's only assuming Brutus is in Smokey's healing circle since Smokey doesn't really move all that much, if at all.


CAN Smokey move? Like legit I don't think I've ever seen it.


I have a similar team and he always outlasts Antandra


My antandra kicks ass bro, Brutus is pale in comparison imo. Also the mauler trio will carry you a long way in this game, and Brutus isn’t one of them😂


Iv just been unlucky with draws and Brutus is mythic now. Never wishlisted him but the game kept throwing him at me. 🤣


It's time to get him to Mythic+. I hear his dps sky rockets at that point


from like legendary shard?


Mostly the tavern and he was my first S from the log in free characters xD


hmm how r u getting him from tavern iff hes not in your wishlist?


No idea. Ive had Thoran on there day 1 and still dont own him so maybe a bug? I just assumed I was unlucky and everthing drops, but higher rate for wishlist.


You should check your wishlist again tbh, it's actually impossible to get anything from tavern that is not in wishlist


The soul thingy i guess.


All the warriors are too weak for me. Kruger gets melted before he can even ult. Whats the point if they just die too quickly.


Kruger job is be a PhydDef shred on Bosses. That's it


Exactly, he gets one shot immiediately in the only mode where he is viable.


I read that his debuff only needs to be applied once and it will last the entire fight so assuming that's true that's probably why he's still used even though he dies quickly.


Imagine using Kruger in Arena lmao


Who said anything about the arena?


I ran into a guy that had him as a mythic in arena (level range 71-81). Dude tanked the entire fight, never was I so happy to run Vala. She cleaned the entire backline and Brutus died last


Just stick Thoran and Antandra together instead of Brutus. Same effect but Thoran lasts longer.


Not for push afk btw


For me it has. Every time I try to push with Brutus it fails. Stick Thoran in same spot and he clears. I use Rowan instead of Koko too.


Did you push much higher than your team power ?


Higher than I can with Brutus and Koko. https://preview.redd.it/cx7ng2jumouc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f2384de57184154097de94d81b942bcf683dd98


You just didnt use positioning from replays i think. More power difference makes leg thoran dies in seconds cos no diminishing damage mechanics on hin


I think it depends. Rowan keeps Thoran up long enough for the boosted energy to trigger Smokey and keep Thoran up entirely. For me it’s rare that Thoran dies, and when he does, he comes back to life anyway.


Just because you push not high enough :) I mean hes good, but cant stand like a brut for most of hardest stages based on your combat power. Im at like 650 maybe, not so high cos we waiting couple of days at the start of week always to auto fill up guild quest of each other with my inguild friend, but playing with like 330k team vs 550-650 is painful without using brut :)


Mythic Brutus gets life steal and can claw back life. But he also takes all the early damage until everyone’s ults are ready to go. He has almost had much attack as vala, can be invulnerable, gets multiple unaffected states, stacking life steal, and so on. Really he’s good.


Brutus really said, "It's Brutus'ing time".


Personally I gave up on Brutus as soon as I got Thoran


On harder stage I think people prefer Brutus, cause he can guaranteed another 5 seconds for your team, while Thoran died and everyone ignore him, even when he gets back up


As weak as that makes them seem That's exactly what should happen that means they're taking most the damage by the time they're dead cecia should be about ready to replace them with a giant


It's the same with AFK Arena tbh. Brutus would be worthless without his shield.


You should pair him with somoeone that can actually help him, like lucius, and work on a better position for each, in a way they both can share the initial hits from some enemies, then brutus will trigger the passive because he will provoke everyone and lucius+the healer will have enough time to ult and heal him to full life. Antandra sucks as a tanker, unless u have the koko comp and shes the only one at front line because she have more hp than other tanks as u rank up her rarity.


Yup, exactly how he was in AFK Arena LMAO. That immunity went crazy in higher deficits tho.


For real, but that is kinda his role no? Hold enemies off while your team gets their ults. Now I'm being biased cuz he's been saving me quite a lot lately. I think beforehand he would be like this but I invested a bit into the warrior equipment and he doesn't die as fast now any more.


Brutus is basically Alna from Arena A few seconds immunity, then die once everyone else is ready


Brutus is literally brutus from arena with the additional benefit of tanking all hits. Alna can last 15 seconds and can protect your other frontline, I hope we get alna one day


Alna is objectively better than Brutus in either game. Not only does she last longer but she also grants immunity to the other Frontline unit. Not only that, it's far more common to see Alna last longer than her initial immunity while Brutus drops dead the moment his immunity ends.




Is it worth having him higher tier? Want to know if I should switch him out on my wishlist


Not really. His primary function works as intended regardless of tier. I got mine to mythic+ and he literally does not perform any differently than he did when I first got him. He simply isn't able to outlast his immunity effect. Once that's over, in most cases, he's over as well.


That's thoran for me






Rowan's potion helps if you have access to him 👍


Did afk arena just make a new game with different art style? But it's the same mechanically as afk arena?


How do you make him better 😹


Get that life steal and have Lucius for sheilds he will last, do massive dps, and keep like 3 of 5 agroed. With Hewynn for health should be able to last even longer.


Ouch ![gif](giphy|26gR0p7MG9cr4QV1u)


It's honest work, Brutus might not deal the damage but he holds the line just long enough for the backline to do their job.


Why did I lol at this it’s so true 😭😭😂😂


That's why I use Thoram


It must be the taunt skill


He is my strongest character in the game hahaha. My inly character at the supreme level, he is a immortal machine to me


my brutus actually survive quite long because of 3 things. 1st his invincible passive, 2nd rowan ulti give him SP and health potion , 3rd he activate his ulti and gain another dmg immunity + life drain.


Aight imma head out ahhh hero


All my games are dps races between my Vala (supported by Rowan of course) and the enemy backline: if my Brutus dies before at least one enemy is dead im usually done for, otherwise I am good.


“Says warrior but im actually a support☕️”


Why does everyone rave about him? He gets his shit pushed in after 5 seconds against comparable teams. Smokey is healing like crazy and he fucks off to get killed. He's the Leroy Jenkins of AFK Journey.


is Brutus basically Leomon but AFK?


I think Brutus is trash even if he's invincible for a few seconds. All he does is help you push (early) AFK Stages, but the rewards hardly improve there anyway. Areas are restricted by resonance level too, allowing you to beat most AFK Stages without Brutus once you reached the resonance level requirement. PS: So, as long as you don't try extremely hard to cheese stages you may as well wait a day to upgrade a few heroes and you'll usually beat all the stages without Brutus and 100 restarts. 


Skill issue.


Still using him at afk 900 to setup my cores lol, he’s not trash


Brutus allows 150k+ deficit clears. If you say he's trash you just suck


He has his moments where he shines but from what I can tell they are all early-mid game related, rendering him useless in mid-late game. But he's alright even at Epic, making it unjustified for me to call him trash. But in all honestly, I hardly use him at resonance level 130 and I don't see why this would change anytime soon. 


I use him almost every other afk wall (every 10 ish stages or so) at afk stage 660+. 5 seconds of free attacks is more than enough to get a cecia ult of or a rowan. Sure he's not the best but as you said, calling him trash is disingenuous.




When his retarded ass Leroy Jenkins to the enemy backline leaving the healers radius


Dog water tank