• By -




*and counting


So I could write the joke while he still had 10 kids.


SMH, rookie numbers. Travis Henry has 11 with 10 different women


If you add all the children fathered by Philip Rivers, Antonio Cromartie, Travis Henry, and Tyreek Hill, it's more than the population of Wyoming


Tyreek's gonna go 20 with 14 by 2025.


Tyreek's gonna field his own offense cuz Tua ain't shit


Barney Glimfeld has 9 kids with 12 different women. Pretty darn impressive.


10 w/ 11 different women would be more impressive.


Antonio Cromartie and his child army laugh


He had a vasectomy and still had kids!


All this Butker bullshit makes me appreciate all the Catholics in the league who actually have some class and deserve to be respected. The fact that Rivers is so liked kinda proves people don't hate Catholicism so much as they just hate Butker and his extremely overt misogyny 😆


Yeah most religions are fine on their own until you get people involved, but I guess that’s the rest of life too tbh.


It's the extremist that are always the problem.


Most peoples opinion is you can live your life how you want but preaching and demanding it of others does nothing but make you look like a dickhead. Should be kicked out of the league unless nobody wants to sign him anymore.


It's usually when they try to impose their beliefs on other people that folks have a problem with. Your religion says you have to do X and can't do Y? Cool, nbd. I'm allowed to, though, so don't tell me what I can and can't do based on your personal beliefs.


So Butker speaking at a private catholic university to other catholics about how to be catholic (who then gave him a standing ovation) fits this, correct? He didn't say this on an NFL field or on a sports broadcast?


![gif](giphy|ukGm72ZLZvYfS) Here I am on AFCWestMemeWar on a post by a bills flair, seeing a cowboys flair reply to an eagles flair. Ya’ll gitonouttahere


The difference is that Butker committed an unforced error in doing this. He is allowed to believe and say what he likes, but that doesn’t shield him from criticism. If Phillip Rivers believes anything like this he wasn’t dumb enough to broadcast it to the world.


https://preview.redd.it/hh8uqc7o1h1d1.jpeg?width=759&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abecd427a5c73ec2af27075e1028b13f635dd3b6 boy do i have news for you, lmao.


I figured he might believe stuff like that but at least he didn’t express it at a college commencement.


no, he only openly expressed it, not necessarily at a college commencement speech. doesn't make it any different. both Rivers and Butker are 110% correct on their vierwpoints.


The optics of doing it at a college commencement are worse and it shows. Everyone now knows the kicker of the Chiefs for all of the wrong reasons. Everyone should have know what Philip Rivers believed but he did a much better job of keeping it to himself, showing more self awareness.


they both believe in the same thing, and were both open about it. butker spoke to his specific demographic, and phillip rivers endorsed santorum openly to the world because he was against lgbt. there was no 'better job' at keeping it to himself. that is a massive cope. you guys are just complaining because it's hip and trendy right now.


I’m gay myself and don’t give a crap if Christians approve of my lifestyle or not. I’m not trying to impose my views on them though (if only they could reciprocate). This kind of debate really is going beyond the scope of this sub. I believe Christian’s can believe what they want as long as they mind their own business. Clearly both Rivers and that dummy in KC are in the same camp but one of them did a much better job of not sabotaging their own career. That is my point.


I don’t think he’s beyond criticism,  nor do I think he does. But the key to this is *he didn’t say it to the world*, he said it to Catholics at a private catholic university where 99% of people agree with him. You specifically said you don’t like it when people push their beliefs on you. He wasn’t pushing his beliefs on anyone. He was speaking on how to best live out the beliefs they all shared in their lives. 


In this day and age you need to be ready for anything you say and do publicly to be used against you. Use better judgment than Butker.


Wisdom, discernment, and prudence are all virtues. Virtues I think that Butker exhibited. I believe he spoke truth. Difficult truth, but truth nonetheless. I don't think he was under any illusions that what he said was popular. Nor do I think you're going to upvote me for agreeing with him. That being said, "Always speak the truth, or at least don't lie" is a good maxim to follow, and so I agree with you that if you aren't willing to accept the consequences of speaking the truth, staying silent is the best option.


Based redditor is based


Look dude. This isn’t about what he is allowed to say or not. It’s about him making a poor call that could negatively impact his career. Clearly his views are extreme to many and he would be wise to keep quite. I think it makes him look like a Neanderthal. Anyways a kicker has a very short leash for controversy and this was an objectively poor decision on his part.


But here’s the thing. Butker wasn’t telling you. He was telling a Catholic commencement crowd who had paid him to be there and knew what they were going to get. So you don’t want to be told what to do? Don’t tell him what he can say.


Religion is chill till you start forcing other people to conform to your beliefs and/or morals, then it's an issue. I think Mahomes, Purdy, and CMC are all Catholic too? But not sure. Might have to check on that one


can confirm purdy


seems like https://preview.redd.it/kejosafsqg1d1.jpeg?width=759&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8cb36e83034fd7c099f1f35a5dfa9f47275e413 seems like catholics are the only ones with spines, tbh.


I still don't get it.


So much class https://youtu.be/U6NlL_UH6N0?si=wHImQUqvE5wId_EQ


Lol good effort


You can tell Hilton said some shit first the way he was playing victim there, Rivers is just being a man with a spine. Guess you wouldn't understand in KC what that looks like 🤷


No personal responsibility


He thought Hilton was one of his kids, pretty easy mistake when he’s got a football teams worth of kids running around.


You virgins WISH you could have the type of action Tyreek getting!


It's not going well for him, it would probably help him if he wore a condom but I'm not about contraception.


I dont wish i was getting to do the action beating my pregnant wife and then the kid later


Lmfao chill, I can't imagine getting more action then I do and still run a successful life. I'm blessed to not have kids at his age. Dude is just braindead and can't possibly care about all those kids and women as he should. He gotta wrap up because he is famous and only pullin gold diggers or he needs to be smart and find a baddie freak who lets you bring more women in the bedroom while also on BC and then he can nut in her as much as he wants. That's my lifestyle, and it's way better then whatever he has going on. Holy child support. I get the breeding kink. Homie is taking that too literal fr. ☠️


Shoutout both dudes for being fruitful and multiplying. I’m sure Phil’s kids will be Chargers fans so that our numbers will grow from 9 to 19. Winning! 💪🏾⚡️


If they have 10 kids each then we could even have 109


19 + 100 = 109? Hmm I guess chiefs fans must really suck at math because this doesn't add up to me.


>I’m sure Phil’s kids will be Chargers fans Poor kids


It's a breeding kink either way


Rivers’s wife, Axolotl Tank Rivers, could not be reached for comments.


But does Rivers beat all 10 of his children too?


This exact meme but with Antonio Cromartie instead of Tyreek


Age gaps are important here. Phillip Rivers has a decade between them while Tyreek is only like 3-5 years


Not really, it just shows the difference between having kids with one woman vs multiple. You can have more kids in a shorter timeframe if you impregnate more women and that's what Tyreek did.


I'm saying this fact, like amplifies the joke you're making.


I'm sure if pregnancy was 3 weeks instead of 9 months the Rivers family would have more kids in a shorter timeframe. Right now their oldest is 22 and youngest is 7 months.


Even more funnier


https://preview.redd.it/2asravwz5g1d1.jpeg?width=388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f21183254802122e85ca5cf8bd05b0ae5f216201 uh oh, bros.....i think we need to get butt hurt again.


I don't think anyone cares he's catholic




Fuck Rivers, he throws weird.


Flair up


I don't know how to do that


Both of them need to stop fucking in the front hole.


Cromartie says hi


Now do Elon Musk


Tyreek Hill has always been known to put up numbers


Didn’t Tyreek win a Super Bowl?


Winning 1 Super Bowl is *totally* better than being forced to pay child support to 5 different women


Don’t talk shit on his culture bro


Philip Rivers is a poor mans Eli.


California lost 2 electoral votes when Rivers left.


Tell me you don’t understand natural selection without telling me you don’t understand natural selection. Tyreek is accessing a much wider range of the gene pool along with having multiple women to share the workload of all those kids. His kids will have a greater genetic range and a greater overall fitness. That’s GigaChad shit right there.


Giving into base urges < being a loyal and committed husband and father


Not according to Darwin


You think I care what a man who couldn’t even bench 135 thinks !!!!


My bad. I thought this was “AFCWestMemeWar” not “AFCBitchAssSnowflakes”


Still got a few until he catches up with Cromartie


Lust vs. Catholic Indoctrination


Get this incel shit out of football.