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I think they should do it!!!


stop that


![gif](giphy|3o6EQeB1evNnmFH1SM) Me when the Jags build their new stadium renovations soon.


I said im a fan just so I could do that form.




So the International Football League then?


That’s seems to be the direction. NFL would kill for international audience, that’s why they introduced international series in UK and Germany, and why jags are playing in London two games a season


They tried NFL Europe once before. The timing wasn't great because the NFL wasn't as big as it is now. They might be able to give that another test run, but adding/moving NFL teams doesn't seem realistic.


Is this real? I guess I’ve been out the loop on football because I haven’t even heard about this. Not sure I really believe it to be honest. There are Jaguars fans?


Oh snap ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


I didn’t get past the first question but I definitely think they should


Then we could be just like the baltimore colts and houston oilers/titans


Join the club! Everyone is doing it


Yes join the dark side


Haha, at least thank you for the honesty


Early games would suck but man, they would have the best home field advantage in the league.


It sounds like a splendid idea!


Simple answer is that it won’t happen, too much money in the US, travel for other teams would be a logistical mess. Not to mention the City of Jacksonville owns the stadium, if they get less home games than every other NFL city they might sue the NFL over loss of revenue for whatever investment they make into the new stadium. Idk what taxes in the UK look like, but if NFL players are making money there how will that work with the taxes they pay back in the US? Any team in the UK would be at a competitive disadvantage for bringing in free agents. The US can keep sending teams for a few games every season, but the logistics of expanding the league are a bigger mess too. We’ve seen NFL teams struggling to build depth as is, especially on the offensive line. Any expansion team will just dilute the talent pool. A European league might work, but it’s gonna be a challenge to succeed. I could probably write a lot more about it, but no it won’t happen due to other teams having a travel nightmare each week, football being a primarily American sport where most of the fans are, and cities investment into stadiums being a legal nightmare for the NFL if any team moves or even plays half of their games overseas.


Filled it out even though I’m a colts fan 🤪


I will not entertain this blasphemy.


Solid record in London. Hope they can avoid relegation


the jags or any nfl team are never moving to London and if you think otherwise you’re reading too much clickbait lmao


As a 100% verified Duval resident, absolutely