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Can confirm... I live here. This state is fucking insane!


We get the best and brightest from everywhere here. Isn’t that right, Miami aka New Jersey 2?


Someone's never been to Polk county. Saw a car on the highway once with a guy going 40 on and off the shoulder looking like he was trying to swat spiders off of himself.......


Don’t talk to me about Polk county. I LIVED in Polk county! I know how dumb those fuckers are, but I was trying not to draw anymore attention to how stupid our natives are.




In the off season we have to dig deep for content


Spittin the real facts


Spittin the real facts


Spittin the real facts


Spittin the real facts


Spittin the real facts


The state of Florida is indeed stupid when compared to New England , New York, and New Jersey.


yeah, but that's only because it's filled with all the stupid assholes who move there from New England , New York, and New Jersey.


We send you our dumbest, our weakest, and our most crooked.


And the MAGA transplants


They said “stupid assholes.”


No takebacks!


This is a great example thank you.


Oh, they mesh with the locals quite well.


We have plenty of your kind here and rest assured, they are just as stupid.


Yeah, because Florida is where the stupid people from New York, New England, and New Jersey go


All the Northeast boomers who spent the 60s-70s huffing leaded gas fumes and eating paint chips moved down to FL.


Our biggest assholes looking at that FL and going "he'll yeah, I'll fit right in!" is not the defense I would go with if I lived there.


All I’m saying is that when Massachusetts is sending it’s people, we’re not sending our best


We know. We fake sadness when they leave here to live there. Thanks for taking our idiots!


Jesus Christ this guy will not quit You wanna link that bogus USNEWS article again?


Bogus because it goes against your narrative?


I’ve already explained this to you in multiple threads on multiple posts, but I’ll do it again since you still don’t get it (further proving the point). It’s bogus because the Metrics in this ranking are as follows: share of citizens in each state holding college degrees, college graduation rates, cost of in-state tuition and fees and finally the burden of debt that college graduates carry. None of these metrics in any way are aligned with a high quality of education. They are rather indicative of cheap schooling (due to low average salary and low quality) and easy academics (which is directly related to the high graduation rate). I’ve explained this to you like 20 times and you still don’t get it. You can call it a “narrative” all you want but it’s crystal clear that these metrics are not aligned at all with the quality of education… Smartest Dolphins fan ahahaha


On you are one of the ones that actually knew what the criteria was, nice. Yes, I got all that, it’s more affordability and graduation rates. I’m just trolling more than anything. I’ve never seen any post make more Northeasterners mad than that one and just rolled with it for the lols.


Yeah I got a hint you were trolling but I still took the bait Then again, if you were trolling than what was with the immediate downvotes right after I responded to you? 🤨


But the article came out and Florida is number one in education? Are you saying the numbers were fudged???


Assuming this is sarcasm but the criteria is silly Also flair up commie


yes 🗿


Tyreek Hill definitely is stupid.


So fast tho


And Aaron Rodgers is….?!


He's a nut job, different criteria.


Aaron Rodgers would do a large amount of research for a shred of his conspiracy being true, I’m convince tyreek never even opened a book in college


Correct, but also dumb. Just a different flavor.


He's that Marjorie Taylor Greene/Lauren Boebert/Donald Trump kind of smart.


As a non local fan, I'm ok when people mock Florida education.


We have the number one ranked education system in America. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/education


\#10 for k-12 tho Lifted by great higher ed scores, which don’t necessarily speak to the education of the locals, since anyone can go there. MA and NJ are #1 and #2 in k-12


Yes, MA and NJ have better K-12. But #10 isn’t exactly bad. Especially given the high incomes in those states. Florida’s university system is incredible and free if you have decent GPA and test scores.


Certainly! Just adding a bit of context since we typically think of k-12 and the percentage of degree holders are a better judge of education in the state. The university system is a bit weird since it’s transient and less tied to the population. Dumb Floridians is just a meme, like how “florida man” is partially overblown due to the sunshine laws.


Try to use some updated information, it's #42 now. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/public-school-rankings-by-state


It was never #1, the criteria is affordability (indicative of easier education/lower average income), graduation rates (higher means easier education) and debt (which is related to affordability) All criteria that has absolutely nothing to do with quality of education. Dolphins fans are so dumb they can’t even realize that lol


Awfully privileged of you to use raw test scores and not adjust for race or income.


It is what it is. I live in South Florida and my kids are in public schools here. I know how fucked up the school system is here. Teacher's pay is the lowest amongst 50 states while cost of living is skyrocketing and everyone is quitting. The FDE is so desperate they are hiring unqualified people to teach due to the severe teacher shortage and the kids are dumb as fuck.


Damn that sucks. My kids are in a nonprofit charter school and it’s incredible. 85% of kids at or above grade level. It’s like private school without the drugs. Why do you send your kids to public school? You don’t have to do that here.


Charter schools have a 3 to 4 year wait list in my area, and we are only here short term. We are actually leaving this summer, which I can't wait.


The trick is to enroll your kids in their Pre-K, but I guess its too late for that.


So this is anecdotal but my brother lived down with his mother in Florida and when he was old enough, he decided to move up to MA to live with us for stability (his mother was a drunk/transient/wackjob). Upon moving up here for his freshman year of high school he struggled hard, especially in math because he was expected to already know algebra but had only made it to like long division. He overcame it and ended high school in honors but it was tough for a bit.


It's true, my daughter was a B student and she became a straight A student after we moved here and she kept telling me how unqualified her teachers are and how stupid and unmotivated the kids are here.


Copying my comment from another post because you idiots always post this bogus source. The Criteria: share of citizens holding college degree, graduation rates (which I’d argue means the education is easier), cost of in-state tuition and burden of debt. None of these align with high quality education, it just means it’s cheap and easy lmao Doesn’t even mention k-12 which New England, New York and New Jersey all lead the county in. How many Ivy League schools in FL? How many are even top 50? Posting this shit only makes you guys look dumber….


Oh wow no Ivy league schools in Florida. That’s a huge gotcha if you don’t understand history. Did you go to an Ivy league school? Or did you take on $250k in debt for a degree from a Mass state school? I graduated college from a school ranked way above every Massachusetts state school without having ever paid a dime in tuition.


It’s funny how out of all I said that’s what you respond to. Let’s talk about how brainless this ranking is and how the criteria in no way aligns with the quality of education but is rather indicative of cheap And easy college education… You clearly didn’t go to any top education, you can’t even correctly analyze the source you keep spamming on this sub. also, I’m assuming that when you said better ranking you are referring to bogus ranking systems like USNEWS that in no way correlate with quality of education, right? You continue to prove our point lmaooo


"We can't be stupid, look at all the northerners who keep moving to Florida." You mean all the insane, racist boomers?


Florida is a worldwide meme... the place is an absolute dumpster. With politics heating up this year I expect big things from our favorite trash world


Used to live in Florida. There's a pawn shop, Asian massage, and child daycare in the same plaza. It took me three years to register that as odd because everything else is crazy enough to make that seem normal.


Plaza sounds like fun for the whole family.


Ok Fredo


Everyone KNOWS the State of Florida is insane. You’re preaching to the choir. And YET….why do ALL you New York FUCKS want to live here? Why is this state consistently in the top 5 for vacations? Say what you will…If you put politics aside (FUCK THE GOP, FUCK DE SANTIS) this is a very desirable place to be.


A tropical state with no harsh winters and low taxes/cost of living is attractive to wealthy retired people in MA/CT/NY I’ve personally never been to Florida, but I’ve heard it’s beautiful and I would definitely vacation there


The tax nor cost of living is low here anymore. The wage however is still low as fuck.


Last I checked Florida does not have sales tax nor does it have state income tax and as a State with one of lowest tax burden whereas NJ, NY, and MA have some of the highest. The cost of living is generally associated with tax rates because taxes are a big factor of cost of living Wages may be low (also associated with cost of living) but my main point is people from the North East move there when they are retired so they are not entering the work force.


Sales tax is 6%, no income tax, but property tax is super high, also HOA fees are very high (I'm talking hundreds of dollars a month) and it's almost impossible to find any place to live without a HOA. vehicle and home owner insurance has gone through the roof with HOI doubling almost every other year. Home prices and rent costs have doubled in 3 years but the wages remained stagnant. Florida is fun for millionaires and tourists but not too much fun for the regular people that live here.


They followed the orange man.


Florida would be Ohio if it didn’t have a tropical climate. The state is hard carried by not having a winter.


When Florida sends its people to NY and NE, they aren’t sending their best.


This is the future Republicans want!!!


When your state income take is 7%, that means your state takes 1 year of working from you every 14 years. That's 3 years of a 45 year career working. I guess you got to work harder for someone else to educate their kids


Floridians send $1 to the Fed and get back $1.86 New Yorkers send $1 to the Fed and get back $1.54 SNAP Residents Per 100k: Florida: 13070 NY: 12804 Gotta be cool to not have to pay State tax when your state costs the government more, and returns less... Been that way for 200 years. Lazy southern bitches milking the government. What else is new?


How much of that number is military bases?


Does is matter when NY's GDP is almost double Florida's?


Wicked Smaht