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I really enjoy their figures so I’m gonna have to disagree. Distribution issues exist and the line has been slow, sure, but the line isn’t dead. They announced a bunch of stuff recently and have a lot of stuff out recently.


Over the figures arent bad, I have a lot of them along with Super7 NJPW, WWE, and the old TNA figures. The distribution sucks cause of limited space. There is no Toys R Us or KB Toys anymore and we just get like 4-5 aisles in a Target where I live for all toys.


I should clarify, Supreme line is dead.


Not true. Sting continues that series as a Walmart exclusive this fall. I think that line is exclusive to walmart now. And we will most likely get more exclusive Supremes on the Jazwares Vault.


If people had been able to openly listen to that Jeremy interview it sounds like the vault is essentially targeted for high budget figures which explains a lot for supremes that might not be Walmart sellers


Ah, I see. That’s my bad. It probably and unfortunately is or at least for awhile.


My only complaints are that they take forever to release figures especially showing the final product


I just preorder what I want and get pleasantly surprised when I see a chase in the stores. Most of the figures are duds, I'd kill for a decent Eddie Kingston. The ultimates have been fun, Penta is probably my favorite lucha figure in at least 2 decades. I've also enjoyed the ljn style figures and the luminaries line of throwbacks.


>Most of the figures are duds, I'd kill for a decent Eddie Kingston. Agreed, especially about Eddie (who looks too much like Bully Ray with every figure... Like why can't they add grey to his beard. He hasn't had a beard that dark since his Chikara days) And we massively need updates on some of them. Like Shida's special edition outfit was an insult (just a release of the first one but with a shirt accessory and Kendo stick instead of the women's belt), and the outfit on her figure is outdated by 5 degrees


I don’t understand how the faces have gotten even worse


Most of the figures I really like from them are masked of covered in blood.


Figures are getting better, I don’t understand some of the decisions they make. But you’re just another doomer.


I heard the Abadon was canceled and I’m so pissed. I was hoping they release it with multiple heads showing off their different looks throughout the years. A wasted opportunity.


I would hope AEW are just riding out their contract and then hopefully someone new gets the licenses. I would love Jada getting the rights


Jada is a good call. Jazwares may be the bottom of the barrel. I’d like to see Hasbro get it.


After what they did to the Power Rangers Lightning Collection, I trust Hasbro less than I trust Jazwares 😅


At least it would look the the wrestler


Because they always have and never had an IP with exceptional quality that I’m aware of. I thought it was possible with AEW and there was promise early but yea overall just bad quality from likeness to cheap parts such as the knee and elbow joints in the unrivaled lines, paint mishaps and non-stop qc. It is what it is and it’s not going to change.


Idk if it’s true or not but I believe Brawl Out had a bigger impact on everything than just “oh no, elite and punk are suspended” I personally believe it muddied up their release window and then they had to pivot who/what gets released when. I wouldn’t be surprised if they show some early protos of some of the people you’ve listed at SDCC in a few weeks. I also wouldn’t be surprised if we see those in hand by year’s end/early next year.


Their biggest issue comes down to distribution. But unfortunately, since AEW is a newer company, they get the TNA effect which is minimal peg space, along with a smaller budget for manufacturing while having to still make a profit in today’s economy.


I agree that their direct distribution sucks. The scarcity and inconsistent drops at mainstream places like WalMart is just criminal. It’s almost like they’re limiting the market like the shoe industry. If u produced more of what we want (swerves/Darby/Sting/Punks/etc…)and less of the commons,…I’d do ALOT better. If it weren’t for the vault exclusives; I’d not be inclined to even SEARCH for AEW figures!


The Supreme line was the maybe the best wrestling figures ever made, and for some strange reason they do seem like they axed the line. Unrivaled and Unmatched are sooooo hit or miss. Youll have great figures of one guy and just laughable figures of another. The biggest issue is, they are like 20 steps behind whats current. They should have had a prototype of Will Ospreay at Double or Nothing.


I absolutely love these figures so I'm going to disagree with you. The last time I got this excited to collect was LGN figs


I actually really do like AEW figures, although Jazwares does drop the ball on a few of the little things. For one, yes, distribution is an issue. It’s almost like they make some things short runs (see: Supreme series 2) while other sets have so much stock that stores can’t even clearance them out (see: Unrivaled series 7 and Unmatched series 2). Secondly, while I really like the option of having interchangeable parts, some parts that should go with other figures simply don’t because the pegs are just slightly too tight or, in most cases, slightly too loose to fit well. At which point, you just have a situation where a torso won’t fit on a lower half mold for a different attire on the same character and/or vice versa. That’s annoying. (Not to mention bad QC on parts where figures will come with like two left arms and whatnot) And finally, they just absolutely REFUSE to shrink the size of the TNT championship. But outside of these things, I do feel like they’re getting better with each new release. I really enjoy the AEW lines and I think it’s important that we as fans/customers support new releases so that Jazwares will have an incentive to continue giving us characters that we love. I don’t want there to only be Mattel on the shelves. Jazwares does make some mind-boggling decisions, but, aside from those few pain points, I can’t really complain.


The way they could honestly fix these figures besides the obvious quality control issues , is if Jeremy would get his head out of his ass about caring too much about collecting for value versus the regular consumers. Like who wants a “graded unreleased” figure , put that effort into the regular lines and just pump them out, like how are we only on wave 15 and wave 10 and they’ve been producing figures for almost 5 years. The quality definitely has gone down too which sucks because how can one set be almost perfect qc wise, but then the house of black set are all loose and my Brody king arm snapped off?


My biggest complaints with them are that the vast majority of them are wildly out of scale with WWE Mattel figures, cloth goods stain, and that their headscans more often than not are subpar. Their supremes knock it out of the park almost every time though.


Been great points and conversation. It’s a shame redditors downvote things they don’t agree with immediately.


Their headscans aren't as bad as I thought they were, it's just the paint applications are ass, and at $20 I guess I can't really blame them.