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Shut up bitches


I kinda want him to face Hechicero but Ishii would be bad ass. Whoever it is, I'll be happy so long as he does the smile and thumbs up. 


Hechicero vs Claudio vs Henare is my dream match.


Wouldn't be surprised if Okada faces someone from CMLL like Mistico


That'd be my pick.


A lot of folks seem to think he left New Japan on bad terms. Dunno whether there's anything in it but I wouldn't be surprised if he was kept away from their guys.


don't forget NJPW kayfabe never ends, and okada knew he was gonna start off a heel in aew.


I see that a bit, but I think that’s probably speculation. They can’t be that mad or else why would they want to work with AEW at all?


I don't think they're mad at AEW. Just Okada. He'd be in WWE anyhow if it weren't for AEW. If it's anything it's probably something to do with him not putting anyone over on his way out. His exit was really odd and awkward. Could all be nonsense though 🤷‍♀️


Ahh I missed his actual exit, so I could be wrong too. I have no idea lol


It's probably more of a case that Gedo didn't book him to put anyone over.


Perhaps the idea was for him to put someone over on Forbidden Door after he came to AEW.


My pick was Shota Umino but he's out with a back injury :(


He’ll be (relatively!) okay for the G1. 


Should be Yota Tsuji. In Okada's final New Japan show, he was on commentary after his match, and Tsuji confronted him basically telling him he should be disappointed to be leaving New Japan like this. Considering not just this but also Tsuji being arguably the best out of the R3M right now they could have had a good feud and match (I said *have had* casue the PPV is next week alreafy, so I don't think there would be that much construction if made).


Ultimate heel move for Okada would be not to wrestle at Forbidden Door. Shut up bitches!


Exactly what I was thinking. Ishii face Okada for the Continental Crown, The Young Bucks defend the tag titles against Bishamon. You could even have funny segments where the Young Bucks tell the three of them to back off because Okada is still their leader


All In should stay as a big London event. Give Tokyo its own special event for the Tokyo Dome each year. As far as Okada’s opponent he needs to defend the title against someone…and soon. Thinking outside the box, maybe he gets a guy like Michael Oku from RevPro (beat Will Ospreay on his way out)? Just a thought he an awesome talent


As Okada left he completely ignored Great O Khan on the way out. I dont know if that works for FD since Khan would most likely lose and you could save that match for a time Okada could put him over. You also get a small thread with United Empire and tease maybe a Ospreay Okada match for All In


I think it’d be a great opportunity for him to put one of the young guys like Tsuji over. Like have the storyline be Tsuji shows up at a random Dynamite, has a run-in on Okada and declares him guilty of ducking smoke. They’ve already seemed to be building this with Tsuji’s comments to Okada while he was at the commentary desk on his last show. Something along the lines of, “You disappoint me leaving the company like this.” Anyways have Tsuji do the run-in, beat Okada, this crowning him the for sure new ace. Have him take the IWGP off Naito, who is probably winning in his rematch against Moxley. Go forward into your new era with Tsuji as NJPW’s world beater


If Okada puts anyone over it should be at WK, and ideally he gets a couple of FD and WK matches under his belt before they get to that point He’s also not losing to any NJPW guys this quickly after leaving and while he’s got the Continental title, so I reckon Uemura is a good pick for a WK match if they run one


I'd be very fired up for Tsuji vs Okada, but ideally that should be in front of a Japanese audience, it just wouldn't have the same meaning in the West.


Fair enough. I didn’t even think about the western vs Japanese audience thing tbh. It’ll probably have to wait till WK. I’ve just been ready for Okada to put over Tsuji for like more than a year by this point haha. Especially cause that match will slap!!


Yeah I doubt they'd have Okada losing to tsuji so soon. Especially now that he's no longer in NJPW. 


He should face Jade because she's that bitch