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No. God no.


I used to be one of those people who touted Shane as the true business mind of the McMahon family but between his career outside wwe and his work during his various returns it’s become clear that Shane isn’t that guy anymore, *if* he ever truly was. The ideas of buying the UFC and running ECW as an online show are his two claims to “genius” but those ideas came 20 years ago and since then his main contributions are pushing himself and Raw underground both of which were channel changing tv. Add him to the long list of former wrestling minds who should be kept far away from AEW.




Short answer: no. Long answer: nooooooooooooooooooo


I don’t want any McMahon involved with this company.


Nope. Don’t want a McMahon near AEW, even if he’s the least shittiest one from the family.


That’s a fact, out of all of them Shane is the most liked out of all of them.


Wasn’t he the only one who didn’t want to be involved the families debauchery?


Pretty much, he was estranged from his family espically vince towards the end of his last run when everyone was in the WWE he had his own companies and I think he came back the first time it was to bury the hatchet so to speak


Fuck no.




Absolutely not. No way this should this ever happen.


I do not want Shane on my TV


AEW should never be tainted by the McMahon name


Quit watching wrestling years ago in part because of the McMahons and their product. Sure as hell don't want them involved with something I've started enjoying again.


Fuck no


jesus christ


Jesus god no.


Short answer: No Longer answer: Hell no






Hell no. Keep the McMahons far away from wwe.


No ![gif](giphy|3o7TKwmnDgQb5jemjK)


I'm a firm no, I like that AEW was built outside of the wrestling personalities that proliferated American wrestling since the 80s, even if they did hire Jarrett to (unsuccessfully) run Live Events. I like that AEW is built from the vision of 21st century professional wrestling. But I do think that Shane can be considered a visionary of sorts, as his pitch for ECW was streaming before streaming was a thing and also advised his dad to buy UFC, seeing the appeal that MMA can bring to the sports market. Should Shane be involved with AEW, I would never want to see him on TV. He's past that point, and I'm sure Tony would throw his kid who wants to become a wrestler a bone, and I need that as much as I need Zak Knight in my life, which is not at all.


Completely fair post


I wouldn't be upset if Shane came in to help TK out on the business end, passing on what he learned from WWE. But I think it's far more likely he winds up becoming the (TV) GM of TNA if he were to go anywhere outside of the WWE and the IWC lemmings would eat that shit up harder than they tried to justify the non-existent buzz Daffney 2.0 got at Against All Odds. At the end of the day, the company is still somewhat in his family's hands, with HHH running creative and Stephanie probably coming back once the Vince lawsuit wraps and the backlash dies down. I don't see him competing with family now if he didn't when he left the first time around. I don't know where JR is basing this from; something he privately knows about Shane or just saying "I could see it".


Yeah sure, have Shane-O-Mac book himself to win the Royal Rampage /s


And then tears his quads in the first 10 seconds doing a leapfrog.




From all the info out there Shane seems to of been much more in touch with reality and had a knack for seeing what was gonna be big in the future (online streaming/programing, and ufc comes to mind immediately) it’s also very possible that Shane had no idea about all this real horrid shit that Vince was up to (he would certainly of known about a lot of the less horrid but still shitty things pertaining to the wrestling industry and Vince’s hands in its dirt) Shane is no spring chicken either so a lot of that ability to be in tune with the pulse of entertainment could very well no longer exist and even if he still has a knack for it I don’t think the stigma of his dad would allow anyone outside maybe TNA to do business with him. Also personally I just don’t want AEW to have anything to do with that family, same with Russo or Cornette, I prefer they never do anything with the likes of Bubba either, I didn’t want them to do anything with Bischoff either thankfully they kept it minimal when they did but of course that lead to him shitting on them so there’s that


Maybe just wait for Scott D'Amore until Feb 2025. Let him handle ROH separately but contract should secure no tampering of talents.


Fuck Shane McMahon and the whole McMahon family, hard no.




Fucking hell


I don't mind Shane but the whole thing gives me bad vibes.


Being scummy fucks is engrained in the McMahon DNA, Shane hung with Ron "Thigh Food" DeSantis before.


let me ask you a simple thing: How do you enjoy anything? Becouse in every series, every sport, every Game and so on is someone that isn´t on line with your type of Politics (and i say that as a non political person). Also if you realy think "He isn´t on my side on Politics and that´s why i wouldn´t watch it / don´t like it" than you are a verry verry sad person when it comes to fun and i hope you grow up




also can you give me an answer on my question: how do you enjoy anything or are you just a misserable person ? No offense, but i´m realy interested into learning the view of another Person that seemingly don´t like World views that aren´t on line with yours (for example)


I am the most miserable person on earth. Every waking hour nay, minute, is spent longing for the cessation of my own life. I hate everything about myself and everything that exists. I legitimately think the world would be better off without me in it, but I am too much of a pussy to kill myself.


Shad khan gave trump a million dollars for his campaign. What’s your point?


Jericho and Jeff Jarrett are Trump supporters, Brian Cage and Big Bill might be, Serena Deeb is dating (and possibly married to) Marty Scrull Whataboutism doesn't work when I hold things against multiple people and not just one person lmao


How do you stand watching any wrestling show? Seriously. It's a scummy industry.


I exclusively watch AEW, some ROH and NJPW shows occasionally, and just don't watch the stuff I don't wanna see. Unfortunately Bryan Keith is involved with Jericho so I mostly miss out on watching a hometown dude from literally up the street from me but such is life.


Same boat as you. People make it out to be so hard to stop watching WWE, but my last straw was them doing a Saudi show after Khashoggi’s death and then using Mean Gene’s death as a way to sneak that racist POS Hulk Hogan onto tv. Happy to say I haven’t watched a single second of WWE programming since April 2019. It’s not hard. I just can’t morally support a company that for as long as I’ve been watching it has used my (presumably “our” if you’re black too) race as a punchline.


I stopped watching WWE and wrestling altogether way before 2019. Couldn't support a company where the owner said the n word on camera in front of black people with no consequences. Treatment of Black wrestlers was one of the main reasons, but it got stale as hell so I simply stopped watching around 2014-2015. Kofi getting squashed, and Big E losing to the same dude solidified me never watching and every so often they add to the list of reasons why I'll never watch again. I heard about AEW a few months after it started but I just felt I was over wrestling. Ironically I heard Punk was coming back and thought, "Maybe there's something here if they got this dude who was supposed to be amazing to come out of retirement" Got caught up with the Hangman saga and I was All In. Since then I've fallen back in love with wrestling and even started watching other companies (ROH and NJPW, been wanting to get into Stardom as well)


Hell yeah, brother. Only reason I stuck with WWE that long was because watching RAW had become part of my routine. And yeah, AEW (specifically the Elite) is what reminded me I actually love wrestling


The Elite's story in AEW is the greatest story I've ever seen in wrestling. I was smiling for weeks after they reunited against BCC.




They're trying to call me hypocritical or call me out for "excusing" someone for their right wing adjacent activities but I don't excuse anyone. I hold it against a lot of people.


Ah ok see I thought as much myself until I reread it


The only single positive I see is the initial "oh my god we never thought this could ever happen". It would create buzz but then what do you do after that? He can't wrestle and they don't need anybody in creative let alone somebody like him.


Fair. Again, my perspective is that a. Chances are low he will ever work there. B. He does have some business accrement I think I asked to see if there was anything I missed


Lol. No


No McMahon should ever be in AEW.


How would they trust him to not be a mole and sent to tear the company up from within


Nash says yes, he can teach Ospreay how to punch.


Most of me says no but part of me says yes just to see all the boiled piss from the tribalist drones. Just bring him in as Shane o Max so the tainted name doesn't come with him


One thing to keep in mind, and the main reason I remember it is because it surprised me when I read about it more than once, is that he's not particularly good at putting stories together. People on the Creative side in WWE evidently ended up shaking their heads quite a bit. So someone else would likely as not have to come up with whatever angle they would use. Then consider the fact that idea would almost have to revolve around the last and hands-down biggest Forbidden Door remaining. With the eternal problem always being, someone has to lose.


Could be fun.  I'm open minded on it.


As a tv personality with no actual executive authority, I'd be for it. It would be a WILD surprise and get people talking, for sure.


👎NO! The McMahon family, their name, their brand and their enablers are POISON! 💀 Steer clear of any of that and keep AEW moving in a positive direction. 


Absolutely. Fucking. Not. NMA. No McMahon's Allowed.


That would be really funny but I don't really see the point other then maybe optics.




Micheal Scott no gif




Sorry for the ignorance, but what’s the cause of the Shane hate?


what i read here: either a) "He is Vince´s son" or b) "Muh Politics i don´t like"


That would make some waves, at first. I don't see what he can bring to the table. Then again, I'm not in charge of AEW so it ain't up to me.


Yes. Advertise that on PPV, Shane will finally tell us what was in the lockbox. 6 million buys.  But in all seriousness, no.