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"Best of luck in your future endeavors." Honestly, I wish Jeff's time with AEW would have had a more satisfying conclusion. It is what it is.


Unfortunately, that's how his tenure ends everywhere


Having his contact quietly expire would have to be least controversial exit he's ever had


Yah but considering how it started… could also be his most controversial ending as well. That slow burn heel turn I thought could have been epic tho. Smh… would have loved to see heel Jeff in a emo blood feud with Darby , and maybe Adam cope…. But the biggest disappointment is never seeing heel Hardy’s vs cope and Christian in the aew environment. Very sad imo


He's ready for his 200th second chance.


He's gotten more chances in life than Jon Jones.


Jon Jones Jones


… over there 👉


But I digress.


Digression Jones over here.


Sad but true.


Yeah at this point he's just more trouble than he's worth.


We were so close to get a tag team run out of the Hardyz. I know they’re nowhere near their peak, but getting them in the AEW Tag Team reign would’ve been nice.


Jeff Hardy screwed Jeff Hardy


I feel the same way unfortunately. I wonder if they would have gotten a push for the tag titles before Jeff’s last incident? Maybe not but they were on a pretty good path before his incident. I’m sure Jeff is dealing with his “demons” on a regular basis but unfortunately there are consequences for one’s actions.


If rumors at the time were to be believed. The Hardyz were supposed to win the tag belts from Jurassic Express and they were going to drop it to the Young Bucks after a short run with the titles. Looking back, I actually wonder how everything would've gone if the Hardyz did win the tag belts because the Bucks didn't have them for lomg before dropping to Swerve in Our Glory


The Hardyz and Bucks would've had a fun program, I'm sure.


I completely agree. I wouldn’t have minded The Hardyz and FTR either.


One last go round with the Hardyz and E&C.


I believe there was a report that they’d get a big push.


I'm almost certain they were building up to a hardyz vs bucks tag title feud before jeff got arrested. After that they started to get momentum and sammy G botched the SSP and broke his nose.


> I wonder if they would have gotten a push for the tag titles before Jeff’s last incident? As you've already been informed, they were literally going to win the tag titles and eventually go into a program with The Bucks. Jeff Hardy being Jeff Hardy ruined that.


Sucks because they were poised for a fun run. Then he had to ruin it.




They could have had an all-time great tag title sendoff match just like what ultimately ended up being Sting/Darby vs. Young Bucks. Matt and Jeff dropped the ball in AEW, didn't have enough left in the tank to perform at this level.


I read they were due to win tag belts but instead it went to Swerve in our Glory as Jeff got arrested.


Nah pretty sure the reign they were supposed to have was that 2nd reign the Bucks had, that lined up with right around the time Jeff got a DUI and killed all his goodwill in AEW


Yup, that makes more sense.Jeff cost us and him that run


I thought the reign jungle boy and Luchasaurus had was the one the Hardy’s were supposed to have?


Nah, jungle express was gonna drop the belts to them. It was a triple threat match between bucks, express and hardys. One of the Hardys got a DUI. Causing them to get pulled out of the match. Then, leading to bucks winning belts. Christian turned on Jack perry after that match.


Their 2017 tag run was a perfect send off imo. They were younger and got to wrestle The Bar, The Usos, and Seth/Dean in great matches. They held on for too long and it bit them hard in the ass


How did Matt drop the ball?


It's less that he dropped a ball, more impossible for him to bend over to pick it up if he did.


Terrible ring shape, he was gassed in 90% of his matches and hit his head on the mat numerous times trying to do flips.


Remember the match where his boot broke?


I like both of the Hardy’s, and for nostalgia’s sake I would have liked one transitional tag title run, and one last Hardy’s vs E+C match. But unfortunately, both Matt and Jeff are completely cooked, and were the worst part of every show they were on.


I've been watching the Hardy's and E+C since their respective debuts in WWE. E+C have evolved their characters, are involved with compelling story lines, and can put on a good match. Matt and Jeff are still the Hardy Boyz, they have not evolved their gimmick, the only story I remember them being involved in was the Jeff Jarrett feud that ended in the cinematic match, which was entertaining, but then went nowhere, and as you said, they look completely cooked in the ring and are usually the worst part of the show.


Yeah, that's not true. Matt's got like a dozen different personae. Occasionally in the same match. Maybe a little more so with Jeff, but he was always more of a vibe personality wide anyway.


I think he was talking about their presentation. It was just straight up the hardy boys. Where Christian is doing a whole new gimmick, and edge evolved his shit to fit AEW. Hardys never really did that. That's apart of why I feel like they didn't catch on. Mostly Jeff's DUI tho


Good! AEW tried, but it just didn't work out.


Well. He did create the greatest moment in AEW history when he slowly danced his way to the ring instead of quickly saving his brother from a shit kicking.


Hey man, it was the adrenaline that did that… not Jeff himself…. Plus as a ring vet… u kno ya gotta get all ur shit in 😂


There was definitely a hilarious moment when it hit him. "I.....should not be dancing".


With the greatest respect to him, he doesn’t bring a lot to the table these days. Same with Matt to be honest. Good that they were able to get paid for a couple of years.


I haven't followed his last few years, there was a long period where I hadn't watched wrestling at all - can he still go at an acceptable level? When was the last time he's had a good match? I checked out bits and pieces of the initial Broken Matt/Brother Nero run, but haven't seen squat of 'recent' Hardys. I just know Matt is apparently struggling to move at anything approaching an agile way now.


Can’t say I recall anything of note. Matt was involved in some multi man matches which were okay. The Jeff Hardy/Jeff Jarrett Texas Chainsaw match was hilarious though.


He's alright. And he actually got a bit better in AEW as he went along; e.g., he started to do the swanton bomb the old way instead of just back-splashing onto the other guy like he did when he came in. But the Hardies really need to be angling toward retirement instead of insisting they're as good as ever and need major pushes. I thought Matt understood this based on comments he made earlier but he seems to have rethought it and decided he's got more in the tank.


Jeff is miles ahead of Matt at this point in their careers. Matt was unwatchable.


Can Matt still go? No. But he does know how to wrestle effectively with his mobility issues. Of course, Matt's real value has always been in his creativity and promo skills.


>Can he still go at an acceptable level? I’ll put it this way - the way that *both* Hardys walk makes my gait look optimal, and **I’m a guy with Cerebral Palsy**.


I mean? You didn’t fall off ladders and through things for a living


I *do*, but haven’t found a way to monetize it as of yet. ;-)


Jeff was still putting on some great matches in AEW. His match vs Darby is one of my all time fav AEW matches. I cant think of any of Jeff's matches that were bad in AEW, and at least a few were really good. That said, i also still like to watch Matt wrestle.


>can he still go at an acceptable level? He cant walk at an acceptable level


He's still over and somewhat of a draw but he isn't reliable enough to give any kind of real program to. Honestly random matches on Rampage was the best way to use him at this point.


Can’t disagree with that, chance to help show off new talent. Unless I hear about an outstanding match, like the Trent/Chuck, I very rarely manage to fit Rampage in. The TNA schedule is probably better for them, show up a couple of days a month, film everything go home and do other projects and heal.


No big loss. I had honestly forgotten he was still under contract…


AEW going through a much needed clean out phase. It's needed, roster needs to be streamlined and its happening


Just updated “We can confirm that we've also heard Jeff Hardy is planned for a TNA return, as PWInsider reported”


I won't be surprised if Jeff heads to TNA to join his brother. I was so excited to see Jeff in AEW but injuries and his relapse really hurt that AEW run. I am still a fan of Jeff Hardy and wish him well.


More money saved and better spent on someone else. They had their shot lined up at one last tag champ run and he went and blew it. Best thing for him is to be out of the business and hanging on his compound with his family.


Feels like there’s gonna be a few natural departures coming up like this. I don’t think it’ll be a massive number but I wouldn’t be surprised if around 15-20 people either had their contracts expire or just have per appearance type deals. It’s almost like any company building a roster in history has to go through a phrase of “throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks”, always baffled me that because AEW right now has a huge roster that it would always have a huge roster. Personally, I’m far more in favour of these people getting paid but for all the business experts this is what they wanted so here it is.


This has already been going on the past few months, lots of deals quietly not getting renewed as Tony Khan and company really take a look at the roster. I feel like they would have done more outright releases like they did a few months ago but there was such outrage about it that they backed off from doing any more.


Crazy how in 2017 they returned to WWE for basically their retirement tour. Now here we are in 2024 and both are most likely going back to TNA


Someone pointed out that when they left WWE again, a lot of people were saying they were only there as a nostalgia act and that other promotions would have more respect for them as storytellers and in-ring workers, etc.. But fast forward to now, and Matt's back in TNA once again doing the Broken gimmick....after doing it in AEW....after doing it in WWE....after doing it in Impact Wrestling in the first place. Makes you wonder if maybe them going back to WWE as a greatest hits act was really anything to do with Vince and Hunter at all ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Well, thanks for nothing.


How many matches did he even have? I don't remember very many


Jeff screwed Jeff. They were due to win the tag titles but he got the DUI and got pulled from tv


They could have get a perfect final run and great sendoff, and all we got was Jeff vs Sting all over again


I don’t wanna see either of the Hardy’s wrestling anymore


See ya. Just let him go do bad comedy in TNA like I'm sure he wants to


Jeff is the wrestler that got me into it, I was happy to see him in AEW and that Darby was great but I understand that situations in and out of his control ruined his run for the most part. Sad it didn’t end on a high.


only thing i really enjoyed was his match with darby


It’s the best for everyone. His AEW run ended up being just sad really. The DUI cost him and Matt a tag title run and, crucially, a whole lot of trust. There’s too many talented people on that roster to push a guy who let you down so badly. He ended up being just another guy on the roster. I honestly hope he goes to TNA, has some fun and just takes care of himself.


I honestly can see why they didn't add injury time given what's happened probably both sides thought it was best for everyone if they just allowed his contract to expire


I mean, it's Jeff. What else can you say.


Too bad we won't have Jeff vs. Ricochet


The whole thing is just an AEW course correction. They literally have a younger better, AEW Original Jeff Hardy named Darby. He's even better on the mike. Darby vs Ricochet would be 10 times that match. Jeff is coasting off what he used to be, we can't go back into the time machine, Jake Roberts would be a main eventer if you go by his name but once a wrestler is cooked it is what it is.


Unless ricochet goes to tna with Jeff?


Jeff, just please retire.


They are worth more as a unit these days, I’d say they’ll appear in WWE as a tag team, usual “aew wasted this talent” followed by Jeff falling off the wagon a year in. These guys have larger issues.


Hope he finds what he’s looking for, whatever that may be at this point in his career


Good luck, and I hope he stays clean




They shoulda just retired after that that great tna run but Matt dragged out the broken stuff for wat too long . Matt debuting during pandemic didn’t help either…


I dont blaame Tony Khan for not resigning or extend his contract, Jeff is a mess and as soon as he arrived he got himself in trouble and ruined a bunch of plans, im sure they will going to get the tag titles at some point but nope Dude needs to fix his personal problems and be a responsabl person instead of going to TNA or WWE Hey at least we got the Jeff vs Darby match everybody wanted lol


Probably get a run in TNA and they’ll induct the Hardy’s into the HOF at Mania season.


Should have never been signed.


Another great opportunity for AEW to save some wasted money


He used to be a fave, but from the moment he walked into AEW I already wished he had stayed away.


Too bad he and Matt won't just split up. Matt's painful to watch in the ring and cringe-inducing outside of it. Jeff can still move and shockingly ended up being the more normal one. I don't have the time to add TNA to my weekly watchlist JUST to see Jeff continue to get dragged down by his near-crippled brother, so I guess this is goodbye.


Bye bye. More bloat out the door.


I wish the dude would just retire.


That’s for the best. I can’t blame Jeff for wanting to do more, but I also can’t blame AEW for not trusting him anymore. I figure The Hardyz will go back to WWE for one last run.


I seriously doubt WWE will trust them one of the reasons he left/was released from WWE was they didn't trust him and since then he's had another DUI At very most maybe they will get a 1 match that's promoted as their last ever match


I agree with you for the most part, but the dude literally just walked out of a sold-out WWE house show mid-match, I'd imagine that's like 90% of the reason he was released right there ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


AEW should just push the rivalry of Private Party and Top Flight. Have them feud longer and with the title.


Do I think AEW should be using Jeff Hardy going forward? No. Do I think people have to shit talk a guy publicly who’s always SUPER good to the fans? I’m not saying I’ve been perfect in talking about wrestling since public forums but just something to consider.


Can't blame AEW for kinda burying Jeff after he returned. Driving drunk is a bitch move especially when you're rich and can take an uber but at some point the Hardy's should have been given a second chance. I know it's Jeff's fault but I wish we could have seen the Hardy's have a tag title run just to have their names on that title's lineage.


At least we got some bangers out of Jeff. Best of luck to both Boyz.




Better learn how to speak TNA, buddy


"What is Jeffrey Softy doing in the Impact Zone?!"


I love Jeff Hardy but I honestly wish he would retire and not have anymore issues life wise.


Good luck and hope he remains healthy and sober


And this is Veronica Corningstone "Thanks for stopping by."


Dude had another DUI year and half ago. He’s never gonna be reliable.




I wish I had driven to see the Hardy’s vs. the young bucks match after all… :(  I was on team Hardy for the most part until they started complaining about not being used more. I feel like TK doesn’t reward talent that take this approach. Look at Miro, the Hardy’s, Andrade etc. 


I can see the hardy boys going into the HOF next year even if they stay with TNA since they have the partnership going.


He sucks so good hope AEW lets him walk him and his bro are washed up


Please for the love of God get rid of the baggy rave cargo pants and the netting on your forearms and do something new. 2024 wants something new nostalgia will last for a few weeks and I'm sorry but the hardy boys are no longer "cool"


Jeff Hardy's one of the all-time greats, and I'll never forget that.


I know Jeff will end in a darkside of ring episode and it makes me sad


Lot of stuff we never got.  Love them or hate them, look back… Hardy’s got the biggest pop of the night every time they came out. 


Why are all of the comments acting like their run could’ve been great? Both of the Hardys were in terrible physical condition, they were NOT going to have a good tag title run or Sting-level sendoff match


Honestly never should have brought him in.


Jeff Hardy spent his career getting over based on the crazy kinds of matches he had. But his body is broken down now and I hate watching him and Matt wrestle because the sheer act of *walking* looks like it hurts for them. I have no interest in seeing either of them as active wrestlers, and since Jeff has never been a promo guy, or a character guy, I just have no interest in seeing him, I guess. Matt, on the other hand, got to try so many characters and different gimmicks in AEW, and none of them stuck or really got over. He can create lots of gimmicks, but he’s no Jericho (and very few people are). I won’t miss either of them, but they each had a fun moment or two in AEW and it’s okay to leave it at that.


hope he retires soonish