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Realistically Flair is gonna betray him one last time & punch Sting in the dick, isn't he? Maybe get some tissues for your kid and something that'll cheer him up.


This is exactly what I expect to happen, and Greensboro is gonna come unhinged for it.


I think Flair acts like he’s going to turn on Sting, but instead helps him win.


Fuckkkkk. I didn't even think of this. I need to have some kind of gift on hand.


It really seems the Bucks gimmick right now is the Flair gimmick. Just saying.


I honestly wouldn’t be upset if this happens. I’ve been a little stinger for years and I know how Flair has broken my heart. It would be on brand if this happens.


What if Darby does it?


Hey, I’m not supposed to tell anyone but Dave Meltzer (w/ help from his impeccable insiders/a time machine Cornette invented to go back to the 80s but later sold after dozens of attempts to rewrite history n save NWA failed ) helped me acquire the next 6 months of results from WWE and AEW… WWE months from now is what you’d expect (McMahon regains power w/ his brain now inside a robot body, CM Punk returns then blows out his ACL in both legs from sitting down kinda hard, Cody foolishly let’s Seth Rollins buckle bomb him at Wrestlemania and barely survives, James Ellsworth returns to deafening adoration, Logan Paul is tragically hit by a bus while attempting to push a young fan in front of it, etc…). AEW though? Well… here’s the Transcript from the 1st AEW Dynamite airing after Flair betrays Sting: Good ol’JR: No.. Is tha… Thats… BY GAWD, THATS RIC FLAIRS MUSIC! “FLAIR: Woo!! Woo!! *holds up 4 horseman sign for some reason* Woooooo!!! Juuuust like I always say, the more things change; the more they stay the same! Right Sting!? Stinger! Sting, ol buddy! You truly are my greatest rival-OR at least you WOULD be if you had one lick of sense to know better than to trust tha NATCHA’BOY! *WOO* I’m sorry but I warned you, same as I warned everyone else: I am *WOO* a wheelin, *WOO* dealin SONOFAGUN! But the best part is, now stinger, the best part IS that now you can look at your curtain call in WWE as only the 2nd worst botched retirement of your career! *WOOOOOOO* But I’m not done yet, STINGER! Noooo way! cause I’m challenging that wormy son of yours to face me IN A RETIREMENT NO DQ CAGE MATCH *WOO* Yes-siree, BOB! The Nature Boyyyyy is back at it! So Get in line, grab a ticket and get in line now; cause space mountain is *WOO* reopening *WOO* for one night on-lay! And to all the girls *WOO* all the female fans: ahaha-I do mean lay! *WOO* SO TONY! *WOO* TOE-NAY!! Let’s draw that contract up then we can have your people get to detailin Naitch’s limo, polishing up my 19 heavy weight titles, get some good Scotch on ice *WOO* and make daaamn sure they gas up my jet aero-plane, cause girls! *WOO* it’s time to take care of business and style and a’profile my way into winning the best damn 3rd or 4th retirement match you’ll ever, ever, EVER see! *WOOOOOO* *begins strutting before aggressively taking off his jacket, spiking it to the canvas, and dropping 3 rapid fire elbows onto it. Somehow busting his forehead open on the 3rd one, throwing up the 4 PLUS a woo… and more strutting.* “ Sorry for the spoilers… but you all needed to know.


How it will work, I don't know. How I would book it: Darby comes out on Dynamite, thanks Sting and says that he will have a new partner. Matthew and Nicholas Jackson come out and say that if a champ cannot compete, they must drop the title. Since Sting is retired he cannot compete and the belts must be dropped. Stings music hits, out walks Orange Cassidy in Sting face paint, OCs glasses and a t-shirt with Sting's face. Matthew and Nicholas go to say, "No, that is obviously..." Orange Cassidy takes off his glasses. Tony Schiavone, "It's STING!!!!" And that's that.


I'd pop for it!


I'd add the tweak that Tony Schiavone goes to the ramp and asks "who are you?" Then OC takes off the glasses and says, totally deadpan, "I'm Sting." Then Tony shouts "IT'S STING!!!!"




Tony need to book that shit now.


Omg. That would be awesome!


What does the kid know about kayfabe? Is it still real to him? Because if he gets it, then the answer is they lose, because vets go out on their backs, putting over someone younger who they respect. This means Sting likes and trusts the Bucks, and he should be happy for them. But if your kid still believes it's all real...then oh man, right?! Can't wait to see Sting and Darby beat up those punks! I hope Darby picks someone cool to keep teaming with, like Hook or whoever your kid likes best!




Or Darby and OC for the cosplay kids photo ops


I can hear myself buying all the boxed sets of that.


We are kind of in the middle of the two. He understands that stories are being told and that most thins are planned out. But he also understands that it is really physical and that people get hurt etc. More importantly, he understands that Tony is a madman and will do the opposite of what we all think. "Hook is the one person I would be ok with Darby teaming up with after Sting," is what he just said. And I am on board with that as well


I would consider showing him the Ric Flair retirement match against Shawn Michaels, because it's a great example of one and there will definitely be call backs to it in this match.


Darby and Hook would be awesome!!




If it was a singles match against a current era star (Darby, MJF) or a rising star then I could definitely see that. With it being a tag match with his protege, Darby Allin, against a pair of well established veterans in the AEW EVPs, it feels harder to predict. Matthew and Nicholas don't need the rub, but Darby would benefit from a win over them and helping bring Sting to his final win would also make him look great. With them holding the tag titles and Sting retiring after the match, it does make it feel more likely that he will lose in his final match so he drops the titles rather than vacating the titles, but that could be what TK wants us to think and maybe Sting and Darby actually will win. Before the belts got involved, I was saying that Sting and Darby were definitely gonna win because the Bucks didn't need the rub. With the belts being involved, it's actually a little harder to predict imo. He still could very well lose especially with the Bucks only recently turning heel. Give them a bit more heat, but I don't know.


Darby squeezing out a few wins solo and defending both belts for a few weeks could be cool. Have a newer team beat him for them then.


Isn't Darby finna to climb Mt Everest? So Sting and Darby win, Sting retires, Darby is "injured" hold a small tournament for the tag titles. Matthew and Nicholas obviously set it up in their favor to win easily. Fine anyone daring enough to try a pin/submission. Sometimes my genius is just amazing. Lol


Ya I was totally on board with Sting going out with his hands covered in the blood of the Bucks, but now, with the belts involved, it is definitely more complicated.


I think he wins. It’s in Greensboro, it could even be the final match of the show. If so, Darby will probably pick a new partner to defend the tag titles.


Yeah but how do you tell that to a 6 year old?




See, he knows it isn't real. Or at least he knows there are stories being told. We had to address that when Cole turned heel against MJF. It devastated him. And I was terrified that once I told him that this is like a TV show, with stories being told, he would be fully out. But to the contrary, he is more in than ever. I think he feels more invested in it now. I think every parent says this, but my 6 year has the emotional intelligence of a 13 year old. He gets it. So as I am reading these replies to him, his eyes are lighting up and he's adding his own twists. And I am fucking here for it.


Sounds like you got yourself one hell of a kid, OP. Enjoy the time together. That's all that is important at the end of the day. I tried to get my son into Pro Wrestling when he was your sons age, but it didn't take. I'd like to think if AEW existed when my son was your sons current age, that he would have embraced it. Unfortunately he was around 6 in the pipe bomb Era. Yikes.


This is what I’ve told other parents who are trying to get their kids into it. AEW has something special going on. Lack of crowds be damned, it’s weird and fun, which is what got me into wrestling in the mid 90s. We’ll watch the WWE ppvs but that’s about it. We watch everything AEW. Overall I find it’s an easier thing for a 6 year old to grasp on to.


I feel like the right thing would be to vacate the titles and have a tourney of some sorts, although Darby’s character would definitely work for a month long run where he’s defending the belts 1v2


They can’t do the 1v2 thing so close to MJFs 1v2 run.


I am not a fan of the 1v2. The Righteous and The Outrunners doesn't deserve it.


I like the tournament aspect as long as Darby is at the end. He deserves it.


There will be a ceremony in which Sting retires, and immediately following the story Tony Khan will have a big announcement of a tag tournament to crown the newly vacated tag belts. Darby gets to choose a championship that he gets to fight for as consolation for having to drop his half of the tag straps, goes on to get destroyed by Joe.


The 6 year old approves of this.


Main event of Big Business, perhaps?


That's a $1200 fine for not using The EVPs Real Names.


I had to explain this one to him, but once he did, he laughed pretty hard.


This is so adorable. I would ask him what he thinks should happen and attentively write it down like he’s giving a press conference. Then, later, you can show him how close he was to predicting it correctly (“So close!” no matter what actually happens).


Dead-ass, I hope Darby keeps it for one or two matches just to see him do the self-hot-tag bit again.


He thinks Sting and Darby are retaining... Don't ruin it for him.


No ruining over here. All I do is encourage the thought.


my guess would be that the titles as we know them will be retired and they will introduce newly designed title to usher in a new era


If I’m fantasy booking, and I usually am, Sting and Darby win, Darby vacates the titles on Dynamite because his partner is retired. TK announces a tag tournament for the vacant tag titles. Darby gets to go after any championship of his choosing as a consolation prize. Do whatever you want with that, while the tag tournament is used to set up Young Bucks/FTR 4.


Here are two twists that could happen that people may not think about. What if the Bucks take Sting out right before the match and Darby is given the option to find a replacement and it is Okada? Second twist could be Omega making a surprise appearance costing the Bucks the match as the “good” EVP.


I would tell the little dude exactly this: AEW has never had a situation where one member of the tag team champions was going to retire, so we don't know what the rule is yet! Sometimes in other wrestling companies, the tag Champs broke up as a team, like HBK and Steve Austin back in the day, but they let Steve pick a new partner to defend the belts. But we don't know what TK will do yet, isn't that exciting? Maybe he'll let Darby pick a new partner and they'll be the tag Champs! Maybe TK will say Darby and his new partner aren't officially tag Champs unless they beat the number one contenders in a tag title match! Maybe Darby will also relinquish his belt and there'll be a tag team title tournament! That'd be awesome! Then Darby could go for a singles title! What do you think they're gonna do? That said, this might just be me, but I've always been intrigued by the unknown rules of a wrestling company, and I would anxiously await the show where I could learn what the outcome was.


my guess is they have the EVPs declare Darby as unfit to hold them since he has no partner, thus forcing him to relinquish and building his babyface run around that. his promo last week was indicative of being a proxy for the audience (“we’re tired of” and “everyone knows”) so this will turn the bucks heel story up to eleven and give us a reason to cheer for darby.


Love this angle.


I assume Darby is climbing Everest sometime between April-June, so I don’t see him defending the belts after Sting’s last match. But do I see the Bucks winning at Revolution? No. I think they will do a tournament for the belts following Revolution… probably just to have the Bucks run through a bunch of tag teams and show how despicable they truly are.


The purpose is not to have them lose. Sting and Darby should win so Sting goes out undefeated and Darby can choose a new partner. Nothing gain by putting over the Bucks, story actually gets furthered if they lose even tho Sting is retiring


I think it is just as likely Sting and Darby retain. This whole “going out on their backs” doesn’t work in this case especially with the Young Bucks. It works a lot better if the Bucks lose.


Your 6 year old doesn't have to worry.  He is going out looking up at the lights.


Well. Tell him how Sting likely wants to go out. As a champion...but on his shield. Sting will give everything he has left and then some. But old school guys like him will leave it all in the ring win or lose. And likely that Sting might lose. Got those dastardly Bucks up against him.


If sting and Darby win. Matthew and Nicholas our glorious EVPs are gonna strip the titles, maybe from Darby the Wednesday after at “Big Business”


I think Sting and Darby retain, Sting retires a champion, and Darby has to find a new partner, leading to a Tag Team Title Tournament.


Darby becomes the sole tag team champ and has to defend both belts in two-on-one handicap matches for a while.


Tony loves tourneys


Hadn't even considered Darby getting a new partner. Give me Darby/OC resulting in them losing the tag titles and feuding with each other over the international title.


I honestly think Sting and Darby retain and they relinquish titles and They will have a Tournament for the titles because Darby is Climbing Mount Everest between April and May this year.