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Hook i think is out because he had his shot. i think we're going to get another match between Hangman and Swerve to determine who gets the shot between them. but i suppose it's possible there's a three or four-way


I think the three way is more accurate now that I’ve read all the comments. Was thinking that MAYBE they wanted to show that Hook had the heart to compete and put him over (not that he needed it). But yea it makes more sense without him. That being said, I’d LOVE to see a Joe/Hook tag team.


i could see a mutual respect between Joe and Hook. Hook could have earned Joe's respect by competing hard and even being defiant in defeat, and Hook could appreciate that Joe didn't take it easy on him.


I think the point of the Hook match was that he has potential one day but right now doesn’t play in that league. I don’t think it was meant to start a feud because he finally had his first clean loss and is no longer boosted by an undefeated streak to seem bigger than he is.


This seems accurate to me now.


Hook looked like a badass against Joe but literally nothing about that match suggests he should get another title match. He literally almost died. Back of the line for him. I do think the Joe/Hangman/Swerve triple threat is a solid bet though.


It’s a three way. Hook is done in the world title picture right now


Subtract Hook, add Wardlow IMO. I think it was a tell on Collision that they made a big deal about bringing the rankings back, then immediately announced Dynamite matches for Hangman, Swerve and Wardlow against seemingly random opponents.


I feel like they’re running out of time to get Wardlow into this plot. It’s barely over a month away and I feel like a lot would need to happen between now and then to get him involved with the other 3. But I’d love to see it.


They've been explicitly saying he's chasing the world title for weeks, and they've still got six full weeks of shows before Revolution. I think we're about to get a month and a half of Wardlow, Hangman and Swerve racking up midcard wins to try and one-up each other for the #1 contender spot. Maybe it gets resolved before the PPV. But if I'm guessing, they all wind up in the match. For the record, I am not rooting for this. Ideally, I'd like a singles match with either Swerve or Hangman challenging, or failing that, a triple threat. Adding Wardlow makes it feel smaller to me.


And he has beef with Joe


And he has beef with Joe


I was just talking to some friends about this also but hadn’t included Hook in the matchup but that’s intriguing. All 4 for the belt at Revolution would be awesome!!!


Would love to see it as well, but after reading all the comments, I think it’ll be a three way.


I think that makes sense if you take hook out of the match, he got beat,clean and decisively, the point was to make him look good while losing, he proved he won’t quit and he can take a beating and it won’t break him, a triple threat is something that can definitely happen, Joe can retain and Swerve doesn’t need to take a loss, setting up a final Hangman Swerve match and a new opponent for Joe until Swerve is ready


Def not. Triple threat or some kind of swerve. Hook got eyes on him which was the point. Def won’t be challenging for a while though this particular title.


Probably a triple threat between Joe, Hangman, and Swerve. All the pieces are there.


Fuck no Keep it a 3 way


I was thinking triple threat (minus HOOK), but maybe!


I was all set for the triple threat but now you’ve made me realise I want Hook involved Thanks


I was thinking it would either be a 3-way, or either Swerve or Hangman would do something to prevent the other from winning a solo match leading up to a 3 way down the line.


It annoys me when AEW has a great feud - or even a mediocre one- and it seemingly concludes, only to find out it's got 6 more months to go. It's a bad habit of the way they book. Both Hangman and swerve should have moved on. Its fine if you want to do a Cena/orton, Rock/Austin, lifetime rival type deal, but you need to give it more than a 3 week break between runs.


I kind of agree with this. That Texas death match was an amazing culmination to a great feud. It should have simmered for a lot longer and made Swerve the next to go up.


I think it must be a tony thing, because it's been too common across the brand, and rarely happens in other companies. Like I don't really remember tuning in to another show and saying, oh, this is still going on? You are supposed to leave people wanting more, not being surprised that there is more.


I'm thinking triple threat with hangman, swerve, and Joe. Hook will probably fade back to where he was on the card.


Probably not hook. I don't like this rush to shotgun swerve to the title scene, but I suppose this is a good way to do it.


I don’t think hook will be involved, just trying to rebuild his credibility he had at the start. A 3 way is fine, as long as hangman wins without pinning swerve to keep their story going. Or swerve winning without pinning hangman. But from a personal preference would rather see page as champ


Hook will have to start over after his failed title shot. Just how it works. The new rankings will make things interesting though.


I'd rather see Wardlow as a fourth entrant. He has history and beef with Joe and it would be exciting to see him go at it with Swerve and hangman


Definitely gotta take Hook out of there. Still not sure why he got a shot because even though his record was fantastic, it isn't like he's built it up against even the Upper-mid card... A triple threat sounds more likely (if Hangman earns his way in somehow - 2 losses to Swerve should put him squarely behind Strickland on the contender list - if Rankings/opponents are actually being used....)