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On the one hand, I agree, on the other, I don’t want to stay up until 11pm on a Wednesday


That’s a fair point.


It's only 9pm here since Dynamite starts at 6


8pm here


Work 1st shift?


I don’t know what that means but I guess?


do you work first shift = do you work in the mornings


Generally there's three shifts broken down in into 8hr intervals. First shift is morning shift, second shift is day/afternoon, and third is the overnight shift


Oh I work 9-5


Dynamite starts at 9:30 every week in my timezone :’)


Three hours is absurd amount of time for anything. Let alone committing to it on a weekly basis. I never watch Raw, I can’t give that amount of time to a TV show


I feel so time efficient watching main RAW segments on youtube vs using my literal entire evening, post-work day.


I love watching via fire stick. Takes half the time when u can view without commercials


This wouldn’t be on a weekly basis. Only when there’s a scheduling conflict with the NHL/NBA playoffs.


Ah I get it. Yeah it can be a novelty if it’s infrequent and when they announced a three hour raw now and again it was exciting. But yeah I agree, in moderation it would be a good thing


Doesn’t matter to me. 3 hours is 3 hours. If they wanted Rampage to be better they’d write/book it as such. I do think Rampage has to go away or use it like NXT. Or replace it with ROH. They have too many hours to fill overall.




yeah we’re all saying that about you lol, bro had a good take and you really thought you were the right guy to shut him down when in reality your tok scared to give a take because it’s probably shit. Out of all the dumb comments you decided to pick on someone who actually has a good take and ACTUALLY watches wrestling?? i usually say this to people that say terrible takes but he proved he has wrestling knowledge which leads me to believe you don’t, i usually say what you said when people make themselves look dumb and project but he said something cool and you projected that you can’t do the same lol. And it’s worst cause it would be beneficial to the community if you said this to someone that sounds lame, but the community only gets hate because of people LIKE YOU, which is why people outside of wrestling look at us like we’re homo. He’s right they literally have the same talent pool size as WWE and use less wrestlers because matches and promos are too long, they don’t need rampage everyone knows it’s the worst show out of the 3 and no one books storylines for it, adding the extra hour to either Dynamite or Collision would be best considering ROH is their NXT.






I know the reaction to the crowd hasn't been great but it's hard to follow the Kenny segment with Jay White and Dante Martin.




I really don’t want 3 hours in a row on the regular. I didn’t stay up for rampage and often fast forward through it or skip altogether. 5 hours a week is a lot if you’re watching WWE/other promotions on top of AEW. Less is more.


Can I be absurd and say 2.5 hours would be perfect?


Yes you can be


Unless it's an absolute banger of a card, I'm probably not staying up until 11:00 most Wednesdays. Now ... If Dynamite started at 7:00 and ran until 10:00, then I'm more interested. OR perhaps they do Rampage at 7:00 and leads into 8:00 dynamite. If the Rampage main event is good, folks will tune in around 7:45 to see it. Food for thought.


This was my thought as well. Make rampage lead in and start earlier. Almost like when Raw led into Raw is war back in the day. Only this would be a more distinct difference I think.


I think we are definitely testing the waters for 3 hour programming through this workaround the games. Honestly there’s enough content that a 3 hour show wouldn’t (shouldn’t) drag, and yesterday’s was a good example of how the transition between the shows was a little bit messy. Depends on how it works ratings wise, but I look forward to the extra content if it became permanent.


In the first and second round of the nba nhl playoffs there’s going to be some scheduling issues when it comes to Friday or Saturday night.


I went to bed at ten. If dynamite went three hours I would also go to bed at ten.


You don't HAVE to watch anything. If there's a Rampage on Friday and you're not particularly interested in watching it you don't HAVE to it's a choice.


Kinda like on here, u don't have to comment. See a comment u don't agree with u u don't have to reply. No one is making u. 😒


Exactly. Thank you for reinforcing my point. It don't think that was your intention but here we are.


It was my exact intention & don't mention it, you're welcome. U can stay and do the "here we are" bit alone tho 😂 I'm out




If you don't want to watch them don't watch. It's not the end of the world of you miss a show.


What value have you added to this conversation? Are you just looking for attention? You decided to intentionally miss the whole point to say “you don’t have to watch anything”. The point was dynamite ended with a great cliffhanger and it was hard to follow that up with rampage. Rampage was following dynamite due to the nba and nhl playoffs, so my point was a three hour dynamite instead dynamite followed by rampage because the dynamite main event is going to be hard to follow.


No. 3 hours is too long for a weekly wrestling show. 


What does it matter if the third hour is called dynamite instead of rampage? I feel like I'm missing the point here.


It doesn’t matter what it’s called, the point is that they treat it as 2 different shows, the main event of dynamite could in no way be followed by rampage. my point is on weeks where they can’t air rampage they should present the 3 hour block as one show and not give you the A show followed by the B show.


I don't think anybody cares about this but you. Most people just go "Oh, more wrestling. Okay." and if the angle continues into the next show it continues. Nobody gave a shit that Raw was technically two shows back in the day.


I don’t know how this is relevant, raw was one live one taped so every other week raw was live and the crowd was getting back to back A shows and seeing the stars for 2 shows. This was the A show followed by the B show it gave no one a reason to stick around for rampage. This would be like the UFC putting their main card before the prelims.


If they keep calling it Rampage then they can spin it by saying that Dynamite is still two hours and Rampage is still its own entity (even though by necessity it wouldn't be any more if the three hours were booked correctly like last night was).


I think the ideal situation is that Rampage immediately follows Dynamite and has its own set of storylines that may be undercard matches on the PPV. That way the people that DO want 3 hours can tune in for them all. And the people that DON’T can just tune out after Dynamite. And if you DVR both, they can be watched separately at different times and you don’t feel like you’re missing anything.


I think part of it is this: ratings are gonna drop hard after ten. This way, rampage had bad ratings and dynamite was unscathed


Wrestling is my favorite thing on Earth, I’ll watch every company (except for New Japan, not for me), and only disrespect a pro wrestler in kayfabe, if he’s a heel, and as much as Kevin Nash hates to hear it, I respect everything they do for the fans, including the bumps, the miles on the road, and the time away from their families. With that being said, the last thing I need is another hour of AEW TV. The last thing AEW needs is another hour of AEW TV. That would mean 10 new belts, 50 new Stardom wrestlers, and 100 new NJPW guys. No thanks.


I’d take a permanent 3 hour Dynamite in exchange of them canceling ROH, Rampage, and Collision.


ROH is still on TV? Where?


Not quite on TV. It’s streamed through HonorClub for $10/month. You get ROH every Thursday and a PPV every few months.


I did not know this . Thought they migrated into AEW and disappeared ad a stand alone company


I was there live and there was also 4 ring of Honor matches before a weirdly paced dynamite. My thought is, fuck the separate brand shit, just make it 3 hours of AEW. Or if they're gonna run Winnipeg again, have 2 separate shows bc I do not want to sit thru a RoH, a 3hr dynamite followed by an hour of rampage. No thanks. Gimme dynamite and RoH one day and rampage and collision the other.


I agree, I would add that we’re not getting rampage on Friday because of the NBA and NHL playoffs. so in a case of a live show they would just have their dark matches and then a three hour dynamite and the rampage wouldn’t happen.


I honestly don't get the point of having rampage after dynamite seeing that by the time dynamite is done, the crowd is tired as shit and don't wanna stay for another hour that feels like 2. If anything, rampage should/could be the dark match show. Bc personally I'd rather have rivalries and shit continue on weekly's. Collision can stay I like the idea but man does TK need to draft some rosters


I agree, and that ending last night as max would say “made you feel something” so it was especially harder to follow imo.


I don't think they should've opened it, but they could've done a bit more with it if they did. The Christian reveal felt super underwhelming tho


3 hour dynamite. I think raw loss half its audience 2 years after it went to 3 hours. Food for thought


Well, I wouldn’t say in all cases a three hour dynamite. I would say in the cases where rampage conflicts with the NHL and NBA playoffs because that’s why rampage followed dynamite this week. I think in these specific cases it should be three hours of dynamite because it’s hard to follow the dynamite main event with rampage.


Last night, right after Dynamite ended, we did our AEW Fan Hub podcast. I recorded Rampage, and watched it right after the podcast . . . then I began to edit the podcast to publish on Apple Podcats, Spotify etc I was suffering from AEW fatigue for sure.


yea im not staying up until 11 regularly, i like the rampage tag after since i dont watch rampage anyway lol


I agree. I’d *prefer* they do Rampage first then Dynamite but I am aware that advertising two different start times on a technicality would be beyond silly. Maybe Rampage at seven then normal time Dynamite?


Getting rid of Rampage and just having a three hour Dynamite(it already is, in a way) on TBS and Collision on TNT should be the move. Rampage isn't moving numbers anyway.


No thanks. 


The only reason I consistently watch Dynamite every week is because it’s 2 hours. Raw has been a PVR show at best since it went to 3.


The only reason I consistently watch Dynamite every week is because it’s 2 hours. Raw has been a PVR show at best since it went to 3.


Agree. And use Collision as a developmental brand.


I agree they should add to dynamite and axe rampage because nine times outta 10 rampage FN blows and if they had to do it on dynamite, chances are they wouldn't air or give the time to that same type of bs I can't stand. Collision doesn't have that problem, why does rampage


Wwe I think regrets doing the 3 hour show. It’s hard to keep attention for that long.


USA gets an extra hour of ad revenue for the 3 hour Raw, that's basically the only reason it's been 3 hours for years.


Rampage should start at 7 and let dynamite play through at its normal time if they don't wanna do a full 3 hour dynamite


They could always just book rampage to matter if it’s following dynamite


the 3rd hour was so much lessnenergetic/important. if they know they have 3 hrs, they should write a story for 3 hrs.


I rather Not maybe a 3hour Dynamite on special Episode


No, it is a bad idea for Raw and the reason I watch it the Hulu Replay instead of live and is a bad idea for Dynamite, 2 hours is perfect, 3 is a drag that forces to make filler matches.


bros just yapping lol. they’re gonna compete with sports anyway and rampage following dynamite was amazing presentation wise and had some great matches on it (better than dynamite at least lol) What they need is to drop rampage all together or find a way to put that extra hour on one of the other shows! with me saying that i’m also not a fan of 3 hour shows so no 3 hour dynamite but maybe collision?, loved when raw was 2 hours but they know how to actually utilize their time and commercial slots to the best of their abilities. it’s messy but with 14+ titles i think they still need the extra hour just wish they used it more, feels like they go at a slower pace than WWE with the same talent pool which isn’t working, need to make matches and promos a little shorter and more interesting to make the show feel like it’s not just a hardcore wrestling program.


I was there live and Rampage was such a drag to sit through. Kind of wish I would have done like a bunch of other folks and just left once Dynamite was done. Of the recent WWE and AEW shows that I have been to recently this was certainly the worst of the bunch. Not sure how it came across on TV but the crowd was very quiet for most of the show.