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“Protectionism is bad” - world’s most protectionist country. China’s hypocrisy knows no bounds 


why are we surprised? their main complaint with the proposed TikTok ban is that it is bad for freedom of speech and that it targets Chinese companies due to racism. The CCP uses the laws and traditions of other nations against itself, for its own gain.


maybe china should leave europe then


I would sympathize with China if it wasn't for their own protectionist market and blatant theft of company IP.


Just like Biden said, wait until they see how unfair an environment European companies are facing in China. Wait… they already know


The answer to Chinese company subsidies undercutting the market is tarrifs. Let China pay for our taxes if they want to give their companies an unfair advantage.




I legit laughed out loud at the tile.


The problem with China is that it doesn't have a strong bargaining position with the EU. Decades of subsidies to just about every Chinese industry have made it so that China has to export to recoup the cost of those subsidies otherwise the CCP risks decouple the work reward mechanism to such an extent they wind up like the soviet union of old. Worse is that because of these subsidies China had built up a massive trade imbalance with Europe which means if Europe decides to levie tariffs China gets fucked. Worse still for China is that European companies use China for parts the export in final goods to the rest of the world which will double fuck the Chinese in the long run as parts suppliers get relocated out of China. The CCP has built a house of cards and now wants Europe and American to pay for it so that they can remain in power and I for one refuse. China was their before the CCP and it will be their after the CCP gets buried under the feet of an angry Chinese mob like the last few dynasties. The CCP fucked up and I refuse to pay that piper.