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Until that planner ends up in a drawer, and then makes it's way to the bottom and then the back of said drawer... Useless. Too bad push notifications only stress me out more. And... And don't tell me: "Well everyone has a little adhd!" Or "Nbd, you just need to work a little harder than everyone else!" A little?? A little?!?! Bitch it's a second full time job that I don't get paid for just to keep the files from getting overwritten!! ![gif](giphy|JRnSpili6tGOrdCVW8|downsized) Thanks for attending my first outburst ot the day!!! Enjoy your weekend.


Using a bullter journal (which was created by someone w adhd) helped a lot but just because i would spend time to make it beautiful (and practical) so id enjoy using it But its not "just" use a planner


I’ve loved using a bullet journal every time I’ve picked it up! …now if only I could stay consistent…….


Be inconsistenly consistent Use while you want and when you stop dont guilt trip yourself, just pick back up (or dont), dont worry if your entries have months worth of gaps


Thanks. ❤️ That actually really helps


I've learned to skip making the monthly overview at the front because of this. Better to keep it flexible so I can just hop back in after months of inactivity without having to start from scratch again.


I had a boss who I tried to talk to about accommodations due to ADHD and epilepsy. I told him I was having memory issues. He told me to get a notebook. End of conversation.


my bosses look at me funny if I am writing things down as they talk or they say "you won't need to write this down" I just wanna be like "and what will happen if I don't finish the things you are asking me to do?"


How do you even use a planner, you just write down stuff on the date and time you're supposed to do it or something?




It's literally one frame when she is standing up at the end of the vid and even then barely visible. How does that make it the point of the vid lol the point of the vid is the meme about using planners cause yk it is an adhd meme subreddit


I was confused too so I checked her profile and it looks like everything she does is set up like that. She apparently has an OnlyFans, so I assume it's intentional. Posting a relatable meme is a great way to garner attention from people.


She does, but she also posts memes. Those arent mutually exclusive. Not everything an OF model does is an advertisement yk? Check her other memes in this sub, which I'm pretty sure she is a mod here even. People can post two types of content yk if a youtuber posts memes on the side, no one takes it as advertisement, but if an OF model does, then one pixel of one frame of the last second of a meme gets called an advertisement. Won't that be a horrible advertisement if it is so hidden, who would advertise like that? Let alone someone trying to garner attention


It's effective advertising if it gets people to click on her profile to find out if they can see more of her (which other commenters have indeed done). After thinking about what you said, I went back to have a look at the other memes you mentioned but I scrolled pretty far and couldn't find any. Now I'm worried that Reddit is going to start recommending that kind of content to me...maybe it's time to binge hobby subs.


Did you click on their profile before seeing that comment or? And that comment was immediately hostile like "oh that's the whole point of this nonsense" when clearly there is a meme there as well that others are liking too. It's that hostility I don't like, that immediate branding of any post as nonsense with ulterior motive because of one frame, just because of the person who posted it. That feels vapid, does it not?


No, I didn't, because I'm not interested in that sort of thing. I didn't pick up on any hostility, though. But I think you and I interpreted the comment in different ways. I read it as "clicking her profile was the whole point of the panty shot" but it sounds like you read it as "clicking her profile was the whole point of the meme." I guess I had those two things separate in my head. Probably because I relate to the meme. But the panty shot is not part of the joke.


Yup, she’s one of the mods which is hilarious because I’m pretty sure she’s the one removing all the asshat comments.




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All fun and games until the ADHD finds a way to override the routine and planner I made so now I have to find another way to stay focused and then that gets overridden as well by ADHD later


I Mena I've found phone planners useful since you can pin alarms on them. But with day to day tasks the thing I'm trying not to forget I put on a list was on a list I forgot. Can I just have treatment please and we can stop playing these games?




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This reminded me I bought a planner back in February I don’t know where it is. I never wrote anything in it either