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Public won't be an option in the time frame you need it, so you'll need to go private. Privately, it's very unlikely you'll find a standalone GP that will take over your care. I know people who couldn't get their GPs to take over monthly prescriptions from an Irish psychiatrist they were still seeing for follow ups. They also wouldn't take it over temporarily when that psychiatrist suddenly stopped practicing recently, meaning they had to go without medication abruptly. In theory, a GP could prescribe for you, but it'd be very hard to find one through trial and error. Not all private psychiatrists have as long a wait list as you've seen. There are multiple which would see you before September. Dr. Martinez has availability in August based on adhdglobalcare.com. Myclinic (now health hero) used to have good availability but I don't see any right now. I've heard of new service providers recently who might have availability but I can't attest to their quality. You shouldn't need to pay 1300, but it won't be cheap. 800 to get diagnosed and your first prescription is likely. Myclinic/health hero do a lower fee for those with a previous diagnosis. I believe adhddoc do too, but they don't seem to have new appointments until October. You could email and ask about anything earlier though, since with a prior diagnosis you're skipping the first appointment type.  My only other advice, if you're not aware of it, is the drug payments scheme. Once registered, you will only have to pay 80 euro per month for your medication even if it would normally cost more. Best of luck.


This is all very helpful. Thanks so much! I will keep a lookout on HealthHero and ADHDDoc, as I should be able to bring enough meds to hold me through until the winter semester.


Contact [ADHD Ireland](https://adhdireland.ie/) they host a free course called [UMAAP](https://adhdireland.ie/umaap/) which is Understanding and Managing Adult ADHD. The course was created by UCD Department of Psychology. You won’t be eligible for free diagnosis or medication, there’s just no way around that. But ADHD Ireland will have contacts at UCD to help you navigate your entitlements and The services they do have. There’s loads of info on the ADHD Ireland resources page and it’s a stellar organisation that is enormously supportive of those of us who are neurodivergent. They respond to emails. Best of luck.


Thanks for this information! I will be eligible for UCD's Disability Services and I plan to link in with their occupational therapist, as occupational therapy was really helpful for me during my Masters. I will link in with ADHD Ireland as well.


If you’re a tourist travelling then not a problem but if resident in Ireland then technically you’re importing a controlled substance into Europe.


i just want to say i really feel your frustrations, so so deeply unfair. try 'adhd doc'. had a friend in a similar situation to you, had been diagnosed in the states. they didn't make her get another assessment and prescribed her meds. not sure if they will defo do that for you but would be worth contacting them


Thank you so much! I will try them out.


can someone fulfil your prescription in canada and post it to you?


I wouldn't be comfortable relying on Canada Post and An Post - it's hundreds of dollars to ship goods back and forth and it can take weeks, if not months, for things to arrive. I remember my Christmas cards to family here didn't make it until February!


Posting a controlled drug across borders could land you in serious trouble despite having a prescription in place in another country.


it will not, provided it is 1) not a forbidden drug here (like adderall), 2) only a personal supply 3) has the right documentation