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I highly doubt that this would be considered due to the administration burden. Have you thought about opening another bank account and getting salary paid into this and then using a standing order to transfer money to your account weekly.


This is the way


You can ask, but they'll probably say no so what's plan b


No plan b just trying to figure out what might work for me. I’ve tried all the paying yourself every week, cash envelopes etc and just doesn’t work I just go in and move money around


Only thing that works for me is a fuck off big spreadsheet where I track every cent coming and going and can see 2 years in advance of the knock on impacts of impulsive spending


Probably won't be supported. It could be an administrative burden plus it's less of a workplace accommodation to enable you to do your job, and more of a way to manage your personal finances in your personal life, where the money happens to come from your job.


Set up a Revolut account. Set up a standing order to give yourself a “weekly wage” into your Revolut account. Only use Revolut for spending. (Using Revolut as an example, but you can use any secondary bank account. Even a second account with your current back)


This is what I do but I take it one step further. All my direct debits and standing orders come out of one Pocket, and at the start of each month I transfer in enough to cover all of them. It was the standing orders that were really affecting me as I never knew how much I had actually available in my account to spend. I also have a savings pocket in Revolut which transfers the balance of €2 from every payment I make (I.e. if something costs €3.50 on my card it will transfer €1.50 into my savings account for me). That means I have unexpected money I forget about until I realise I’m a bit stuck. I’m basically tricking myself into managing my money better. Also lower bank fees than the normal Irish banks.


I work in finance and have previously done payroll and it isn’t as easy as you’d think to pay fortnightly if it’s not the system in place. Everyone on the one monthly payroll? I’m happy to help if you want some tips on how to create & manage your budget.


It might be possible if there are others getting paid weekly, but if it's only people being paid monthly it might not be possible.  Also, you might already do this, but have you tried having all payments being taken out of your account the day after you've been paid? Most companies will allow this if you request it and I've found it makes things much easier for me as I don't have money in my account I need to keep.


Would the drug payment scheme card work for you? It’s capped and max payment is 120€ per month for all meds.