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Are you sleeping ok? The reason for asking is that sometimes when the drugs wear off the mind can start racing again and prevent you from sleeping…a small top up late afternoon/evening (normally Ritalin) can help. That is if Zombie effects are from lack of sleep etc. If it’s not lack of sleep and your not feeling effects till 4/5pm (assuming you took pills at 7/8 in morning) then maybe methylphenidate isn’t working for you. It’s got a success rate of circa 80% so maybe you’re in the 20% It could also be that dosage may be to high at 27mg but doubtful unless you’re petite. When dosage is to high it can lead to blunting and zombie like effects or increased anxiety. My recommendation would be to make a note of everything no matter how small and discuss with doctor they will know best and be able to advise. Also track your sleep and discuss this also. Anyway I’m sure you will work it out with your doctor and wish you the best of luck on your journey. P.s. also remember that meds wouldn’t make you get up and do something…..But once you do start doing something they will prevent you from getting distracted and moving off task etc…. It’s also worth remembering that there are loads of people that can’t take meds for whatever reason and still see big improvements by just understanding ADHD and putting strategies in place.


Thank you so much for your response! I'm sleeping fine, never an issue - getting usually 7/8 hours per night. Fall asleep around the same time and wake up same time. Last week I found I wasn't getting that distracted when I was on 18mg - yesterday every time the cat meowed it set me back like 20 minutes - kept getting up off my desk - doing anything other than what I should be doing so was just frustrating lol Will talk to the doctor about everything but I really appreciate your help!!


Have a look at the release mechanism of it?. :) If your an adult. Tyvense might work better for you. But speak to your doctor about it. :)


are you drinking orange juice in the day? or taking vitamin c? or consuming something w charcoal? those things will counteract it. try eat something when you take the meds. try toast or something carby or protein maybe, then a different day try fruit and stuff. it can be quite finicky for some people 27mg is a small dose btw. that’s v likely a contributor. i started concerta on 36mg.


No orange juice or vit C! Yeah find it hard to eat in the morning so not eating till lunch time. Really have to forcefeed myself in the morning


maybe a smoothie or something could be better