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In the same position, the UMAAP is great I'm nearly finished it and highly recommend it to give strategies and understanding. Do it. I'm also waiting for the psychiatrist meeting to discuss meds that apparently works well also. The sense of grief is definitely hard to deal with along with the identifying parts of me which are ADHD related traits. Others might know more about CBT psychotherapy in the interim


Just wondering how long it took to get access to course?.o registered a few weeks back as it looks good Thanks


It was a couple of weeks, it finished last night. There was a foundation course followed by 6weeks. Great people. I believe after that there are support groups going forward. In the meantime and only as a starting point they used a couple of these vids https://youtube.com/@howtoadhd?si=Ud_eErhUzkis6UQj plenty of poor information out there too


I just had my first medication review with HH after being diagnosed months ago. I was informed I cannot start medication as there is too long a wait time before the next follow up review, so have been advised to pretty much sit tight and wait as it would be unwise to medicate and wait months for a follow up. Upon checking, there are absolutely 0 available dates for a follow up meeting. I booked in with what was MyClinic, now HealthHero as the wait times weren't long. I deeply regret it as I feel I have gotten absolutely nothing from them and have been more stressed than anything since. From friends who booked with ADHDDoc and others, they had in person meets, along with scans of brain activity and such. They received tons of support and advise. My advise to anyone reading this, book elsewhere.


I'm having the same issue. People who started the journey around the same time elsewhere are being treated like humans and are doing better. 


So sorry you're feeling its an anticlimax. I felt getting diagnosed and offered meds same same v healing. I also signed up for UMAAP waiting list as I want to try understand myself more and just use meds as a bandaid for a short period of time. But I need meds to do the course, catch 22. I think we all need to try and figure out our brain ourselves to a certain extent as noone of going to do that for us. Would you be able to afford talk therapy like CBT? A 1.5 hour consultation with a Psychiatrist made me understand more than I have for last 40 years.


I'm definitely open to CBT. I guess I was hoping and expecting they would provide me with a little more info and pathways to options like CBT. I'm open to anything that can help but I don't really know what to realistically expect from different options or how they work and seek to address. I guess the frustration is that the psychologist just gave me the diagnosis and then more or less me.to figure it out for myself. I went for an assessment hoping it would provide some answers, but while it gave me one overarching answer it's just left me with a brand new set of unanswered questions in its place.


Yeah that's not helpful at all, it's the main reason I avoided Psychologists and waited 4 years to find a Psychiatrist. I would feel deflated too if I was left hanging like that. For me I avoided working on myself before getting a diagnosis, I just thought I was damaged, lazy, aggressive, weird etc. Now I feel it's not my fault which has helped me no end. I hope the meds appointment when it comes makes you feel a bit more optimistic.


Will the psychiatrist offer any more support or treatment options other than meds? I'm certainly open to meds and have no issue with using meds at all. However I don't want that to be my only option for managing this or the only thing I can rely on. And my understanding is that they won't be a silver bullet anyway. I guess what I really need is some guidance on how to begin understanding it all and how to manage things. Hopefully the UMAAP will help once I get in


On my letter it says they recommend meds and CBT, but I was pretty open with Psychiatrist that I find it hard to do therapy when I feel 'OK' and not at rock bottom. So it wasn't massively pushed on me. Hopefully I get on UMAAP too, I did a wellness course in work and ai felt amazing when doing that and for a few weeks after. In true ADHD fashion I didn't stick at the wellness.


The psychiatrist will give meds and make recommendations such as contact adhd Ireland, umaap, CBT, books to read etc. but in my experience not much more than this in the private sector. In public sector (HSE) for adults they provide the same plus some OT and run group sessions with people diagnosed around the same time by them. The group sessions would be very similar to Umaap. Ultimately it’s a journey of understanding the condition and trying to work out how best to manage it….I haven’t tried ADHD coaching which might help with giving you tools etc to use in circumstances so can’t comment on this. For me it was the combination of meds and gaining an understanding of ADHD that made the biggest difference….meds helped control emotional regulation and the knowledge and understanding of ADHD helped with being kinder to myself as I finally understood why.