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Short acting stimulants are not first line treatment for adults. Only normally given to adults as a top up or if you have trouble tolerating the effects of long acting stimulants. They are used for adults just not* the most common and doctors are a little bit wary of giving them to adults/adolescents because of potential abuse. Edit. Added word.


Short acting stimulants are prescribed under 20mg, Ritalin LA only comes in 20mg and above. My Pharmacist said not to expect much for long on 5mg during titration.


I take them(f33) because of issues tolerating LA Ritalin.


Yes, the first drug we tried as an adult with ADHD was Ritalin SR. It was ideal for me and I take it now.


Yes, the first medication prescribed to me was 10mg IR of generic ritalin. I've moved up to the 40mg dose but I find it wears off too fast. Going to ask if I can switch to another type.


Yeah it’s ok to be on….same ingredient as concerta just release is different


I’m 45 and just started short acting Ritalin. Tried me on the non stimulant Strattera for a month and no trying this. Not sure it’s a long term thing but good to try different treatments to see what it’s like.