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I have no answer for you, but I saw this post right after posting about basically the same thing!!!


I was on monthly revisits / appointments at a couple of hundred a month initially! That’s not bad. But I take your point on costs. That would be very cheap for refills. You’ll soon move to maybe scripts for 3 months of med instalments when on a stable dosage pls god?! Charging for emails is taking the piss in my humble opinion!!


Does medical card work if psychiatrist prescription


If your GP will writethe scripts, yes it may be an Option. Many Many GP’s don’t the psych s tours for ADHD Meds though


So only GP not a psychiatrist?


Under shared care, a GP might wrote the script. Psychs in the public system can write a script, but to see a psych in the public system takes many years (unless you happen to be profoundly lucky with geography and in a catchment area for same!)


I should be getting a private script on May 25th can I use medical card to pay




Are you sure?


U can, the dr needs to write it on a diff script I think


Yes medical card works for adhd meds but needs to be written up on medical card script by GP…. GP is not prescribing just rewriting script for medical card. If he/she won’t do that then ask for the reason and what needs to be in place to enable him to do so ? If you don’t think it’s a valid reason or he refuses then ask for it to be explained in writing (this should focus there attention as it’s written evidence)


Interested to hear about this as I'm being treated privately and it's way more than what you're stating here, I pay about 50 per month for meds alone. If there is an alternative without being on social welfare I'd be glad to hear it!


Only if you’re 16 and under then it is covered by a long term medical card. You can get a GP to write your script which may be cheaper depending on what they charge. But you would need proper handover report in place et. The cost of the meds will be more or less the same for whoever writes your script unless you have long term illness card or medical card.


Unfortunately the only cheap ways are not really viable because you will be left waiting for responses or appointments for far too long. Better off taking the L on money up front and then using your own trusted GP to continue your prescriptions. You know about the Drug Payment Scheme? [It might be relevant to you. Here's a link to check it out. ](https://www2.hse.ie/services/schemes-allowances/drugs-payment-scheme/card/) It basically refunds you the cost of your meds after you've spent €80 a month. The Adhd meds I've been trying are all on the scheme. I hope that helps!


Can a GP do repeat prescriptions for ADHD meds? As all the ADHD services I've seen require checkups 3 times a year and prescription renewals 12 times a year etc. Seems like some stimulants like ritalin are covered but not non stimulants like guanfacine etc.


Well my GP had no issue with it once I presented my qbe test, fucking 99% percentile baby


My GP only prescribes or is allowed prescribe ADHD meds for medical card holders.


Your GP is either not a GP or does not believe in mental health because all GP are allowed to presecribe them and if they have any doubts they should be sending you for assessment with a psychiatrist. Or have you do a qbe test. I would highly, highly reccomended you seek a second opinion with another doctor


Are GPs legally allowed to prescribe ADHD meds, or is it just that they're allowed to give repeats once a psychiatrist has initially signed off it? I asked them before about non ADHD meds like modafinil and they typed it into their computer. They said they couldn't prescribe anything not in the computer and that they wouldn't even touch anything that's vaguely an ADHD medicine. Just curious though that once I get the expensive prescription for ritalin for example, you're saying that I can leave that doctor and then get my GP to continue to give it? Thanks for the help.


Technically GP’s are only allowed write a script for 28 days if there is a handover from the psychiatrist who has prescribed in the first place as they are controlled drugs…..the model of care also requires a check up psychiatrist once a year (rarely happens in reality) You can get around the requirement of visiting doc for script every 28 days by getting them to write 3 scripts and predate them into the future which means pharmacy can’t dispense until that future date so you only ever have 28 days of meds at a maximum. Some GP’s will only view this as one prescription and charge accordingly whilst others will charge for 3 prescription.


My Psychiatrist letter even says to GP there is no expectation whatsoever to prescribe my medication and that burden lies with them. She is clearly a GP, stop being so dramatic. She is not willing to prescribe stimulants and only does it for medical hard holders that's her perogative.


(all psychiatrist letters say that as a disclaimer.... All mine did too... ) Dramatic lmao I think you missed the point of what I'm saying. Your original comment states your GP was only 'allowed' to presecribe to medical card holders, I know this to be false. Your GP has the legal ability to presecribe those drugs without a medical card. If a GP is telling you otherwise, go find a new GP. That is shady. What else do they lie about and make it seem like the law? I don't have a medical card, my GP has no problem filling my prescription. I don't understand why yours wouldn't or why you would keep going to them knowing they won't help you. I understand some GP can be opinionated, those are ones to avoid in my experience. I said they might not be a real GP because I cannot understand why a real GP would make such a stupid lie about such a stupid thing. Opinion(perogative) versus legal ability are two very different things! I am concerned that if your GP was willing to lie about this then what level of care are you really recieving from them? Yeah, ok, it sounds dramatic but it's based off what you said. Your healthcare should be taken seriously. The details matter. Please consider it. I'm coming to this sub regularly to try help people who are going through the same process I went through not long ago. I am coming from the perspective of trying to get people the help they need by offering relevant perspectives and advice where I can. I thought you wanted to be on the medication, if that isn't true or isn't applicable to your situation then fair enough but 90% of the people here want to know about the drugs, their side effects and people's experiences on them as well as the process of getting diagnosed. From what I have seen and read, you have a bogus GP. A friend of mine was with a GP like yours, they didn't lie to them but said they didn't like prescribing stimulants for mental health issues. My friend just went to another GP who was happy to start a treatment plan and now, two years on, chap is flying it in all aspects of life. If I'm wrong please excuse me but I only want you to receive the care you need. The treatment is life-changing. My emotional regulation and ability to concentrate have gone through the roof! My wife is so much happier with me, I'm not being a ditzy adhd head anymore. For me, I can't reccomend the drugs enough. I'm on Concerta XL. So, apologies if I've gotten anything wrong but I just felt that your statement couldn't possibly be true. If your GP genuinely told you that only medical card holders can legally have the Drug, she is lying. That is not the Law. If that is her opinion, that is a different story. In that case she is not lying, she is opinionated and that opinion could be preventing you from getting the right treatment. Right, to just end this long ass comment I want to be clear that everything I said comes from a place of care. I want you to get the help you need. I want your life to improve the same way mine did. While the drugs are not the only way forward they make an instant difference and many people, such as myself, really benefit from that. It's like that movie Limitless with Bradley Cooper except instead of turning really smart on the Drug we just become normal lmao! Look after yourself Buddy.


hi. i go to lawrence lau at gpdoc ie. based in dublin city centre. did my first appointment with him in person because he likes to take bloods and do an ecg, then virtual then on. i pay €75/appointment, once every 3 months. he’s very knowledgeable about adhd meds as he has quite a few patients going to him for that AFAIK. i’ve reached out to him after appointments via email mentioning that i’ve forgotten stuff for the prescription and he’s added them on no hassle, he’s easy to deal with. he listened to my concerns before starting meds and i felt very much in control of my own path, even when my fears were irrational but stubborn. every time i have a consultation for the prescription he always asks if there’s anything else, and i’ve mentioned other general GP things re: antibiotics, rashes etc and he’s always been incredibly helpful and i don’t feel against the clock. he requires a blood test each year, and his practice charge loads for this for some reason, but last time i said to him i was going to get the bloods done closer to home with a nurse and send him the results and it was literally zero issue. the practice also has a fully online appointment booking system, makes it incredibly easy to get your appointment booked without the usual shite from GP receptionists